Exclusive Laurene Powell Jobs Interview (HD 720P)

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green powell jobs she and her husband were married over 20 years and raised three children before the interview she made it very clear to us she would not discuss her husband's death she says she will never discuss her husband's death because it's a private family matter but she would talk about all that he left us with for reasons that are your own and you are of course entitled to for the rest of your life there are subjects you don't want to discuss and I'm not going to ask them I'm going to ask you one question and that is about legacy is there anything you would correct about your husband's legacy as it's been laid before us well I think Steve has a public legacy in a private legacy in the public we see the products that he created that he cared so deeply about that changed all of our lives the way that we function and communicate what he wanted to do in his life was create tools that allowed people to work at the highest levels and I think he did that in and so that legacy is beautiful for me to live with his private legacy with me and the kids is that of husband and father and we miss him every day and having the kind of the body of work surrounding us is actually a really beautiful reminder and I find it touching and inspiring for me to make sure that I continue to do what I'm most passionate about and I hope my kids feel the same way that's another way of saying we're left with a world of really cool stuff I always wanted to know what it was like to be a Kennedy and drive to Kennedy Airport and what it's like to be you at a light and watch ten people cross and the only thing they have in common are white earbuds what's that like it's pretty cool it's pretty cool I mean that changed our world yeah to do what you want to do to leave a mark in a way that you think is important and lasting there's that's a life well lived pretty finite list of people who get to say that
Channel: TDN Solutions Technology
Views: 406,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First, Interview, Interviews, Exclusive, Footage, Interview Part, Interview (magazine), Quality, Rare, Definition, 720p, Exclusive (EP), Documentary, Unseen, Talks, Laurene Powell Jobs, Steve Jobs, (HD 720P), Iphone, Ipod, Apple, Touch, Legacy, Ugrind Productions Inc, Magazine (Award Discipline)
Id: ubas2JJ9Z80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 22sec (142 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2013
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