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[Music] hello good morning and welcome to today's video my name is emma make sure you stick around for vlogs and we always on all sorts of fun chat we've been doing loads of autumn stuff we've got christmas stuff coming up around the corner i'm looking out the window it's a little bit chilly it's been unreasonably warm and unseasonably warm for england a little bit of a nip in the air and i am so excited because today there's going to be a portion sponsored by cricket yep you know i've been talking about it for ages they reached out and they said they wanted to work with me and i'm so excited because you know i love stationery and loads of you have actually mentioned in comments over the past few months so i can't wait to show you that so today is going to be like a super homey vlog organization um all sorts of bits and pieces a nice chatty vlog for you all but i actually set the qriket up um kind of a couple of weeks ago did a bit so i'm going to show you how easy it is to set up and also i'm going to do a little project for the kiddos here she is my qriket joy water thing of beauty really nice and small easy to keep on my table easy to kind of like store away you can do personalization on here in 15 minutes or less just my cup of tea and qriket joy's cook its smallest smart cutting machine ever looks fab on a counter i think we can agree looks fab on a desk um you can use all sorts of materials um and also because of its design qriket joy uses qriket smart materials which are different from other vinyl and paper and these materials are designed to work without a cutting mat so less to buy and transport i love it let's talk about the project i'm going to do today seriously i cannot begin to express to you how excited i am so the project i'm going to be working on today i'm going to make is some labels some like name stuff to go on the animals cages that's my plan for today so we've got pretzel and churro and we've got nas and i'm going to make them some labels to go on the outside not labels like um letters to go on the outside of their cages some people walk in the room they can go pretzel and churro live there it's going to throw my kids i've got the qriket app on my phone so i'm going to do it by my phone and i cannot wait to present the small mammals in my house with these beautiful name labels here we go i did it on my phone i typed in nasi i asked um ethan what color he wanted and he chose this color and i just loaded it in and it's cut it so exciting i'm not sure if you can see it i think you can it says nazi and then on my phone it's got all the instructions here of how i can transfer it onto the cage so let's get going so i've just used this little tool that they sent me to get out the middle of the a and now i'm going to use some transfer tape which will allow me to transfer this onto the cage this is also really good for like water bottles if you need to label them for your kids at school or just you know some nice fun old labeling boxes or i could do like a big christmas one from a christmas box right let's get the transfer tape on it i feel like a professional put my transfer tape on and i'm going to go down and then transfer this to the outside of the cage i'm thrilled so simple i just love it i love it all the opportunities yay [Music] i've applied yes nazi ah how does that look do you love it ethan did you get to get your approval yeah yeah i need to make them for pretzel and shiro now but that is perfecto so quick so easy and now we all know who which little hamster lives in this lovely little cage i'm so excited that was so good that was so simple and for all those people that recommended getting a quick it you guys are right it's perfect nice and compact for my office if i want to go and do crafting somewhere else i could take it to my mom's because we often do um christmasy stuff together so that's really nice i just really like it that whole thing took me less than 15 minutes to do um so i will definitely go and do the rats cage upstairs and also do you know what i'll probably just be doing boxes all afternoon perfect for projects for water bottles um anything like that that needs to be labeled also and the quick it can make cards it can do all sorts of different things i just thought i'd start off with a nice easy project ease myself in right now on with the rest of the vlog oh and by the way of course if you want to find out anything about qriket look in the description box below i will leave a link and thanks so much guys and for sponsoring this part of the video which has been an absolute dream right now on with the rest of the vlog hello beautiful friends so today we're doing something creaky door in the background and today we're doing something which i love doing we are swapping over the kiddos stuff in their wardrobes from um spring summer to autumn winter yes one of my fave little activities to do don't know why just love it would love to know if you do that in your house um does somebody else do it do the kids do it themselves mine is still a little bit too little so that's what i'm gonna do today um you won't have seen it yet but it's coming up soon i've done like a haul of autumn bits that i've got that will also go over till winter for both the kiddos got them some really nice bits and pieces you will see erin's going for like a harris styles would she say vibe possibly aesthetic lots of pastels ethan's going for don't care mum just put me what you want a stashy which is my kind of aesthetic so i'm looking around at erin's room it's a bit of a mess i'm going to tidy that up a little bit and then i'll show you a wardrobe oh i wish stephen was here because i really want the wardrobe to be moved around um i won't be able to do that today because i considered it for a second and i knew i knew it would be a really bad idea so i'm going to tidy the little just tied up her room up a little bit um i'm in the room with the rats and as we know if you follow me on instagram we're still debating if i am allergic to the rats or not i've had an antihistamine today and i will put these glasses on um to kind of shield my eyes a little bit but they're so cute so i'm hoping it's not the rats are i'll tidy up and i'll come back to you we are currently in the full the full throes of a squishmallow um love uh i did accidentally buy her a fake one so we've currently got these ones this one you would have seen oh you might not have seen but this one was we got in costco they bought it with their pocket money that they had saved and that was an easter one and then that's the one that we um she took on her little trip that she went to recently that's cute and that's just like a little halloween one so this is the squishy mallow collection so over here is erin's wardrobe i would like to turn it around one day maybe that will happen and what we're dealing with is we have clothes at the top i did actually go through a sort through when did i do that hmm i can't remember but i donated i don't know if i did it on here i donated quite a bit of stuff to charity um these drawers we've got dance we've got trousers we've got summer we've got bubbles we've got headbands we've got some shoes uh so i'm going to sort all this out i'm going to first of all put on the bed intersections um what she can keep for autumn and what needs to kind of be packed away uh with the summer stuff you know when you start something and then you're like i don't want to do this anymore so we've got jumpers and i'm going to sort this out into like stripe tops and playing tops and then woolly jumpers and then we've got t-shirts at the back that can be used for layering so under cardigans we've got stuff that needs to be put away with summer stuff and then over here i need to go through these little kind of mixture of trousers summer stuff and then dance stuff or sports stuff if she's doing you know sporty kind of things so i'm going to put the summer stuff in here but i'm also going to go through here because she has got some little tops that could be layered with like dungarees so for example that could go into dungarees or under a cardigan um so i am going to take a few of these out and hang them up as well that's the plan and then go through these i had i had gone through these so i do know all these fitter and um as you can see like those trousers stuck in the the dance thing and it's it's a lot so that's the plan guys i know that i should perhaps roll all the trousers but i think we have to embrace that it's not like she's a little kid that i'm getting the clothes out and then tidy them up she's more likely to be able to put stuff back if it's just folded off i don't think she can achieve the role um the facts are just watching me guys chill your boots so i'm just putting the black trousers in she's got plenty of black trousers don't need any more of them guys come on i know me doing um tiding clothes is super exciting but it's a bit much right do they will these fitter 11 great they're really nice she can have them and also she's got a couple of pair of green trousers or like combative kind of trousers um they're really nice i think she's got two were actually watching she's got two pairs of jeans so um she's got these and i bought some jeggings so she's sorted for trousers all in that drawer we've got summer clothes i'm just gonna pop those couple of things up there to be safe for next year a lot of the stuff i bought for airing this year is 11 to 12. so she should be able to wear it next summer we've got dance stuff when she does any like of her dance activities going on a bike doing anything sporting and then trousers but what i think you're going to do the trousers are a bit out of control i think i'm actually going to hang some of the kind of nice ones up also it's always handy to have a few pairs of leggings in because they're great for layering and then i took out some of her favorite like summer t-shirts that i thought would be really fun to layer for the autumn she's not kind of like into autumn colors at the moment it's more bright colors so you know that's what she likes that's what i've got out [Music] give me love give me all your love all cause i want you no one else makes me feel this way don't know what you do hold my hand hooray we have coats some of those probably should go they'll go next year gonna see if we can get another winter out of them i think the leisure the jackass is very small then we kind of have like jumpers you will see she's kind of into these colors we've got some autumn stuff that was from last year so some stripes and planes then some t-shirts that i thought would be really fun for layering with like we've got this big cardi here and also under dungarees i have hung up some of her kind of smarter trousers we've got some combats some dungarees we've got some really nice like paper bag jeans which are gorgeous and some new gray ones and also some really lovely like tie-dye like smart tracksuit bottoms and then we've got some kind of like outfits if she was going to any parties she could probably do with a few of those um we've just got her shoes down there we've got bubbles and her headbands that she doesn't really wear that much we've got a whole of the tub with her headbands school there's the summer stuff we don't need you for a bit and then we've got trousers and underneath his dance look let's be honest she's ten it's unlikely to stay that neat but it's easy for her to grab stuff she knows where everything is she can put stuff on she actually now puts away her own washing so just leave it in her bedroom and she can hang it up and she can kind of work out where to hang it up it's fine sometimes you gotta let go and at some point in the next few years i'm sure this room will be an absolute tip all the time and i'll be walking in shouting at her but we will cross that teenage bridge when we come to it okay so erin's is done i probably need her to get her to try on her black boots but i think we bought those at the beginning of the year so i'm hoping they still fit she's got a couple of pair of trainers she's got kind of um some fake converse so i think she's all right she's got some nice wellies however they did get a bit wrecked on her holiday so next time i go to an outlet i think i'll look for some um some of the jewels wellies because they're the best ones but they are quite expensive so i'm gonna have some lunch and then i'm gonna come back and tackle ethan's wardrobe well i've just had a thrilling 45 minutes because i went to have my lunch oh i'll pop hey you on um which is where i get on morality tv and vanderpump rules is back oh what a day was so thrilling i was so excited oh it was so good my hair just got worse during the course of this video it was so good so vanderpump rules is a great reality tv show it's um cheesy you can start from the beginning you can start now and you'll be able to catch up i loved it so right we're in ethan's room he has got not a great wardrobe it just is huge but yet has no room because it's full of toys so i'll show you what we're working with again i actually went through his wardrobe during summer and put bits and bobs away um what i will say is so many t-shirts all these fit so they just need tidying and there's a few summer shirts but i will say that ethan if he's got like a birthday party or something to get it he loves a jazzy shirt anyway so i'll i'll probably keep those out and not store them so i'm going to tidy all through this we usually have um swimming trunks at the bottom and then we have school uniform and again we're trying to encourage him to get his own bits and pieces out so we have like shirts trousers jumpers and then we have like stripe t-shirts we have kind of sporty t-shirts casual shorts in fact i am going to put some of the that's what i'm going to do i'm going to put the shorts away i think i'll keep like shorts where he can go and like play football in the garden i'll go to the park but kind of these shorts i am gonna i'm gonna store store those away which will give some room where i can put some other stuff so that's that oh these are the clothes here we have drawers with like underwear we've got pajamas again check them so they'll fit him we have um socks and then we have trousers in the trousers the trousers is the one that's the rubbish and i'm gonna have this for tracksuit bottoms and then i'm gonna put smarter smarter trousers up there maybe hang a couple but as you can see there's not much room and also guys i'm very sad to say do you remember the giant hamster these plugs the giant hamster um that ethan has has had well ethan popped it and now he's just living in a plastic bag and ethan has fashioned it into a fancy dress outfit maybe you'll see that day one learning stories but yeah he cut holes out and now wears it as an outfit right let's tackle you okay my love so got some room to put some new clothes in where is all his school jumpers that's what i'm just saying to you i'm putting it out there where is school jumpers i did a video about school uniform there's no school jumpers where have they gone i'm wondering if he's taking them to school and then just leaving them at school and then just replenishing himself with a new school jumper we'll never know again that goes for shirts as well so we've got trousers we've got uh trunks trousers shirts that'll be jumpers we've got two little spots here so i'm gonna put um a some smarter trousers in there i will say that whilst he gets his school uniform i tend to get his outfits out unless he's just throwing something on to to like rush out to swimming or whatnot so i can kind of keep this fairly smart because if you say grab a t-shirt they'll all be pulled out i'm telling you now they'll all be pulled out so eventually i would love we need to get him a desk but i'm gonna go tackle tackle this now uh i found one pair of chairs i didn't even know i had i've got a pile to put in the um cases upstairs which is where i'm going to keep all the summer stuff which should fit in next year hopefully um so this pair of trousers is very nice i'm going to hang some of the trousers up hurray i'm so pleased we've got hoodies and jumpers we've got um cozy snowy autumny shirts we've got going out shirts we've got like smart trousers jeans combats we've got like this snuggly thing which i found hanging on his door sports clothes striped t-shirts because you know i love the layering we've got plain t-shirts we've got two holders for nothing we've got his peak we've got shirts we've got trousers where are the jumpers answers on a postcard please because i don't know where they are and in there we've got socks and everything like i said earlier and me and ethan actually sat down and went through his socks what a fun activity for him and also all his pajamas and everything and here i've just folded all his track seat bottoms nicely so he can just grab a pair out and shove him on um he's got quite a few different pairs different colors and dark colors are always good for kiddos because of parks and combat ones are great great great trousers and i've put all his some stuff away upstairs hurray i thought the last little bit of the video i could um show you you remember the the saga of stephen's shed it arrived and when it it's not really a i'd say it's more of a storage thing but you may have seen on instagram you'd be like is it this no is it this yes so he got this really i mean he said he showed it anyway it's storage isn't it he um so we now can have he put his bike in and he can get his bike out of here without any kind of when it was i think it was in there before it was all like all scrunched up so we can have the kids um the kids bikes and steve it's all locked up i don't know what's in here and he's got a lot of shed action going on and of course the goal that he bought even though i bought one and he said it was too small and bought a big one i don't know what oh i just moved that because that stopped lucy escaping but maybe i'll end up on um kind of like mentioning lucy again thanks so much um i did leave a comment on my uh the description of my last video thanks so much again for your love about lucy i'll sit down over here well i love about lucy there's so many messages i couldn't i couldn't like across all my social media there's thousands of messages about her um we are doing much better i actually went for a walk today i can't remember if i mentioned i went for a walk this morning around the woods without a dog which was weird uh because like a dog gives you a purpose for a walk doesn't it when you're not got a dog so i was just stroking strangers dogs that's what i was doing if a friendly dog came me near me one with the saint bernard oh my god it was the biggest dog i think i've ever seen and it was so snuggly it had like a nekker chief on it excuse me and i thought oh and she was like oh you know she just loves having a cuddle and i thought oh what a lovely dog to have a cuddle with and then i thought if i came home with this and bernard stephen would not be very happy so yeah we still have our moments of sadness the kids are doing much much better now and um i've started to tentatively think about another dog but i don't think it will be until next year probably i don't know i don't i don't think so but then when i went around the park i did the waters do you think oh it'd be nice to have like i don't know it's weird it's just things like when you come home isn't it when you come home and you're used to seeing something always here i thought when i had cats as well you used to come home like if any of you remember babson pete gosh you really are old school viewers you'd come home and you'd like go straight the cat or see the dog and like then i was like you just think about them sorry let's keep yawning um you just think about them don't you and it's just like this is weird wait especially suppose because i'm on my own a lot in the house and i used to talk to her quite a lot now i just talk to you why talk to myself my daughter do both of the things so anyway thanks so much for watching this video you know i love it best when you come along and help me do something and organize something and we've got a few good videos coming up there is a really big boot tour also we've got that primark haul coming up as well with some um ideas for both the boy and the girl um i've not really bought any autumn clothes as yet when i do i'll definitely pop it up here and pop it pop it up here pop it up on here so i will see you in the comments have a really lovely day and yeah thanks guys bye [Music] no one else makes me feel this way don't know what you do hold my hand could you hold my hand look me in the eyes
Channel: brummymummyof2
Views: 12,638
Rating: 4.8530884 out of 5
Keywords: vlogger, vlog mom, vloggery, blogger, vlogging, vlog life, vlogs, brummymummyof2, emma conway, UK, Birmingham, mummy vlogger, mummy blogger, family vlogger, mommy vlogger, mommy blogger, vlogs 2021, 2021, mommy bloggers, mummy vloggers uk, mummy blogger uk, cricut, cricut joy, cricut joy projects, cricut projects
Id: DSEmaGD7Df8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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