Exciting 14 Mins Video Conversation with my English Tutor from UK at Cambly

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hi hi I'm Chris my name's ed hello my name is Alena nice to meet you Alena where are you calling from I'm from India yes is this your first time on Camberley yeah actually this is my second time on candy okay and I'd like to take your consent about something janek's please use this video as a part of my youtube video will that be okay with you okay yeah sure thank you very much thank you yeah it's also where are you from and where are you right now because most of the teachers although they were from you keep it by either sitting in Thailand or an information so yes I'm from England but I'm in Thailand okay you do so many people from UK are in Thailand right now I mean that's quite surprising for me I think for people who wanted to to teach English is a foreign language okay often they start in in Thailand there's a there's a lot of work here and it's kind of central up in Southeast Asia and I think a lot of teachers then try other countries maybe they go to Vietnam or China and a lot of the time I think they end up coming back here to stay in your camera yep clarity is very good I mean it's much better than most of the other conversations that I have my regular laptop camera it's very very nice and also you know about Thailand I would say I've been to Thailand and I agree - you agree with you on this that there was a problem of English that I faced not many people were speaking in English right taking rides in the cabs and it was very difficult to communicate nobody really understood English okay we used to use sign language on the road okay so when did you visit I think that was two years ago I visited with my siblings three on which which cities or which places did you visit here I went to and I went to Fifi two places oh my god for a day yeah okay did you enjoy it did you have it was one of the best trips I ever took in my life it was amazing I'm sure most of you must be liking staying there too sure my life I'm still here so if it's sitting are you in in Tyler I mean Bangkok okay Bangkok is really nice I really like the city okay it seems to be one of those places people who either love it or they hate it who know I loved it I loved it I've been to a mall though it was very congested but I'm not on the mall I loved everything about Bangkok this drawing the shopping was amazing you to cambly your your English already seems very good thank you help others understand how things work on kamle I shot one video before this one that went really well it has more than a hundred thousand views on it Wow and I uploaded it I think just seven or eight days ago so that one is doing well yes are you a famous youtuber in India not really famous yeah you have more than 120 thousand subscribers on YouTube okay good and what's the most of your YouTube videos about what do you like to make videos I mostly make content on create earning online making money online and support taking students with their English speaking skills and communication skills how to be more attractive and to their personality development and stuff like that is is youtubing your only right now yeah I I otherwise I'm a certified public accountant that is called that is called a chartered accountant in India I'm a chartered accountant I do have my own finance firm but I am NOT sitting there these days because of Karuna other things are not really working over there but I am making YouTube videos from home and it is going well so I really plan on sticking to you it you I love working on YouTube making videos because it's very interactive the way people engage with you they ask you for favors I mean they ask you for things like you know ma'am you want to see this from you we want to see content this particular topic that dogged they've sent hundreds of ideas almost regularly and then I'll pick one of those ideas and I make a video on it it's easy it's like how long have you been doing it I've been doing it for close to two years now yeah tell me something about yourself I'd love to know so I'm originally I'm from England but I moved to Thailand about 18 years ago Oh 18 years ago okay all right everyone so do you travel to England quite often usually about once every year and a half on average okay so do you miss England because England is so beautiful it's one of the most beautiful countries of the world yeah I guess friends and family most I don't really miss the weather I don't like I don't like cold weather yes Victor where they write always raining yes sure it's unpredictable the summer the summers can be very nice in the summer easily I don't know the World Cup that happened in England just a few months ago is raining all the cancer yes I prefer sunshine in Mumbai Oh Alan saves me much better have you have you able come to India what it's on my it's on my list of probably the top three places I'd like to visit I can propose a few names you should visit if you come to India right um link you must go to Kerala definitely okay Carol is 7 India yes southern India peninsular India it's amazing then you must go to Kashmir if you come to India and you don't go to Kashmir I don't know it's got to be a huge mistake if I mean it's one of the most beautiful places in our country it's just like it resembles all the pictures if you will search fishmeal on internet whatever pictures you will see you will see you will feel like you're sitting in Switzerland right they're equally beautiful or maybe Kashmir is more beautiful yes sorry is it safe you're asking yes I have been to Kashmir and I and face nothing no problem at all yes of course it's always risky out there mm-hmm but but then it's worth the risk it's laughs that is you have to go to Kashmir and when you come into mean you are not going to Kashmir would be a disaster they don't person that I think these are two places I would highly recommend mm-hmm but apart from that entire India is very pretty just pick a few more cities and you sit them in spell it seems like somewhere you need a few months - we call it a minimum of one month is required if you really want to see you India to Delhi is going to scare you Delhi is highly congested okay it makes Bangkok look like a village and you do travel a lot you said you've been to Thailand you I do I travel a lot I used to travel a lot now Kuro I mean I've never I haven't left my home in three months right before Corona I used to travel every month now I'm home where Esther yes and where where have you traveled the other place in Asia or Europe America and not really to Europe I haven't been your opiate I haven't been to America but running with trip to Canada this year but then suddenly things changed you into go to Calgary and Toronto my sister living there so we did the trip but then it got all canceled apart from that I've been to Bhutan I've been to Indonesia I've been to Thailand and Malaysia thrice and I think I'm forgetting one or two places I don't remember but in India I've been to a lot of places and one place that is not very much there on the map I you wouldn't be able to know about it if you searched otherwise a shoki shoki is that in the north yes it is in him I like near Tibet it's it's one of my favorite places I've been there quite many times it's really secluded not many people but it's very beautiful yeah it sounds great I don't know if it's there but I remember seeing somewhere that's close to Tibet and very you see the architecture and the people and you could yes you could imagine you're in and how is Bhutan because that's somewhere I'd be interested in visiting you should it's yeah I think it's beautiful Bhutan is very pretty special here there is this trek by the name of Tiger's Nest right it's a it's a trick and it's very steep extremely I'm not a trekking person at all tricks I can't so much I cannot climb mountains but then I had to do it because everyone else was doing it yeah I I regretted climbing those mountains that I had almost five six hours of that day but you reach there it is so beautiful it's it's a small temple on the side of a huge mountain okay it's a very small temple and so many people go there in everybody who travels to Bhutan take me that always so you must go there if you if you get a chance to and food in food is very it's like a village Tim foo mm-hmm that is also very pretty in turn the pool a couple of times have you been that can you repeat that case the pool no I don't think I've heard of that name ah maybe maybe the pronunciation is different from I'm sure you know India oh yeah we call it mia poly Nepal okay I've been to Nepal Nepal actually I wasn't actually planning to go to Nepal it was a rover for flight I was coming back from somewhere else and the meet me over for five or six hours and then we decided to step out of the airport and see a little bit and come back so we did go out yes and time when Nepal was struck by a very massive earthquake okay remember young I remember seeing all those buildings I mean the debris demolish by the earthquake yes and then there were policemen from Australia and other countries who were helping with the what do you call it risky no rescue yeah the last amount that's not the best time to visit come read one the best time to visit but I still like the simplicity of the place yeah very simple place very simple people were very simple and the language was nice the market were very humble not a very rich country obviously it's which country you will get that feel when you are there right and you will like it the Serfaty of the place is going to charm to you here what do you do in to to relax or have fun then we were not logged down we used to watch a lot of movies one of the most favorite things to do was trying new restaurants because you know I mean food in his very famous right yeah so Abby used to travel all types of we used to travel to these restaurants and try different cuisines one of my favourite cuisines as Malaysian yeah it's very tasty so then thigh is also quite appreciated in India but I am not really a fan of Thai food it's slightly sweet for me the curry part is slightly sweet yeah Indian people love Indian curries yes your time is running out I guess yes it looks like it well it was very interesting too alline thank you it was lovely speaking with you thank you very much
Channel: Aleena Rais Live
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Keywords: english learning app, cambly conversation, cambly app, cambly india, cambly review, cambly app review, cambly english conversation, best english learning app 2020, english learning apps for android, how to learn english, spoken english, english learning apps 2020, cambly app english, #cambly, cambly app conversation, #englishconversation, cambly english language, cambly app kaise use kare, cambly app how to use, cambly app tutors, is cambly good, is cambly app good or not
Id: OhES57yf3xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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