Doskonały smak❗️ Może go przygotować każdy, kto ma w domu mąkę i ser.

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220 ml of warm milk. 20 grams of sugar. 9 grams of dry yeast. Stir until the sugar and yeast dissolve. 1 egg. 30 grams of melted butter. Please tell me from which country or city you are watching my video, I am very interested. Sift 360 grams of wheat flour. 8 grams of salt. Today we will prepare a very tasty cheese bread. Cover with a lid and set the dough aside in a warm place for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, knead a smooth dough. Cover the dough and set aside in a warm place for 40 minutes until the dough doubles in volume. Form one ball from the dough. Cover with a cup and set aside for 10 minutes. We work with flour. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 centimeter. Cover with a kitchen towel and leave for 10 minutes. Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil. This bread will delight you and your loved ones. Sprinkle with your favorite cheese. If you liked this video, please share it with your friends. This will be a huge support for me. Let's give the bread a pattern. Place the bread in the pan. Leave the bread in a warm place for 20 minutes. Brush with milk. Bake in an oven preheated to 200°C for 35 minutes. Cheese bread is the perfect addition to any lunch! Bake this delicious bread for yourself and your loved ones! Thank you for watching and your time! Prepare and surprise your loved ones!
Channel: Piekarnia Lesi
Views: 9,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piekarnia Lesi, przepisy, chleb, przepis, doskonały smak, może go przygotować każdy, kto ma w domu mąkę i ser, nowy sposób na pieczenie chleba, chleb przepis, chleb szybki, chleb bez mleka, chleb bez jajek, chleb na wodzie, chleb domowy, bialy chleb, po prostu pyszne, latwe przepis na chleb, najbardziej praktyczny i pyszny, piekarnia lesi, chleb z serem, ciasto na chleb, miękki chleb, praktyczny chleb, jak upiec chleb, pyszny chleb, prosty przepis na chleb, zwykły chleb
Id: BX5_4_dzXmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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