Excellent 2 years exp DevOps Cloud Engineer Interview #devopsengineer #devopsinterview #interview

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hi sisha welcome to the interview now now this interview might be recorded and posted on YouTube media if if you agree with it but now this regarding the doops engineer position so tell tell me about your experience that you have so far what sort of positions are you looking in and also tell about the projects that You' have done yeah when coming to the myself is Shar I completed my graduation in bran Institute of Technology after that I started career from DX May 2022 May 2022 when coming to the skills I have experience on G genin JRA Docker kubernetes and anible and basic idea of terraform and when coming to the AWS I created ac2 instances and some I am roles and jir I have experience on that one and security groups under Roe 53 VPC like that when coming to the my project my Project G Security application it's Insurance domain and coming to the skills whenever developer push the code into G we pull the code after pulling the code we deploy uh we build the application using Jenkins pipeline it with scripted and after building the code uh we test the code using Sonar Cube after testing the code we create a doer image using doer tool after doer tool we deploy the application into the kubernetes servers with the help of fible and I did monitoring work on devop tool whether the devop tools are working fine or not in every day if it is not goes well we restart the container after that we weekend activities is there in scale up and scale down the process of replica sets Okay s yeah so I see that you you worked a little bit on Docker and also on kubernetes yes s so can you tell me why why kubernetes is important in terms of using Docker what does kubernetes do kubernetes is a container orchestration Soul it is Auto scal and auto healing process is there and some Enterprise additions also there in kubernetes so that's why we are most using kubernetes server okay and do you know what are the different components and cetes yeah different components means uh like uh controllers are there mhm yeah and have you heard about Cube CTL Cube schedule yeah Cube CTL and schedulers and Q adms for installing purpose we are using yeah okay so can you tell me about which project have you used kubernets and what was your role in the project it's a g application it's a different different module is there and uh we created yml Ro okay yl file in that one yeah okay yeah in kubernetes you have got deployments DOL and service. EML can you tell me the difference between both yeah um deployment we are using for deploy the applications and services different different services are there like notep cluster IP and load balancer server so cluster IP we are using within the local within the computer and when coming to the not Port within the organization we can access the application for external world we are using balancer Ser yeah in not Port Limited port number is like 30,000 to 32,767 something is there s yeah okay now in terms of cloud Technologies you have worked on AWS right yes yes sir okay so can you tell me about few of the services that you have worked with yeah in E2 I worked on in E2 and as3 buckets and um load balancer on Route 53 okay yes sir yeah can you can you tell me why would you use route 53 Road Road 53 we are using for routing the traffic between the different servers we are using inside DNS we are using in that one and some route policies is there like um multi route policies is there single route policies is there and failover policies is there yeah different different is regarding our application we can perform that one mhm okay yes have you worked down alerting and monitoring Cloud watch we are using for alerting monit and Elk tool and little bit of idea of Pras and okay can you tell me about what what does elk do what's the basic functions basic functions uh uh it's a full form of elastic loog and kibana is there kibana we are using for UA monitoring purpose and loog we can uh filter the locks and Elk using elk we can display play like uh whether the uh files are working fine or not and uh that that's the purpose we are using S okay have you heard of a word called Auto healing yeah Auto healing we are replica set we are using that One MH and how about if you if you are supposed to Auto heal the based on any monitoring and alerting parameters can you think of an instance where you have done that for auto scaling we are for that one scaling okay yeah we can check the health check off whether the like instances are working fine or not Target groups is there mhm okay now have you had any experience in infrastructure as code infr no I have idea of terraform yep so tell me about terraform so where have you used yeah terraform we are using for infrastructure as a code like in AWS prois ER and providers we are using for that one and for creating a Services we are using terraform so yeah now I see that you have also worked on anible too can you tell of the basic differences between anible and terone anible we are using for configuration management tool it's a inside uh servers we are using for we deploy the application into different different servers without to manual process so that's why we are using anible and terap is a infrastructure as a code we create a service for we are using that one okay tell me tell me something about devops what do you understand by devops Dev secops means um it's a security purposes like application security and system Securities we are using for like in De in doer file we are give some reducing the aties of that one we are using some scans purpose and in kubernetes we are using rback for security purpose and in AWS we are am roles and user policies here we are using for that one yeah so let's say if you have got a three tier application the consist of web layer logic layer and database how so you are given this application just as a raw application and your team lead has asked you to do all the security that you can so what are the different measures that you will take to secure such type of application okay security purpose we have web application like um security groups yeah yeah we can give security inbound outbound rules some network access uh network access for subnets and we can private and public subnets is there uh we can store in our app with high security purpose we are using that one so we can put in a private subnet connect to the public to private we are using some jum servers in that one and some uh encryption process for DB and in a etcd we can store some important data for that one we can encrypt and decryption process we are using for that one after [Music] that uh some secrets the configuration management tools we are using for that one s okay and how would you how would you secure your database secure your database means um we can store in private Subnet in that one yeah okay uh anything about web application firewalls you would like to say WF we are using for that one not much like um some internet gateways I know that one and internet getways and VPN something is there yeah yeah that one I know yeah how how about encryption encryption uh encryption we are not much in idea of that are you aware of encryption at rest and Transit using different types of trans transient Gateway something no no encryption at Transit but that's all right I think you you mentioned some of the key points so I'm I'm okay with that yeah encryption or decryption we are using for decrypting the code like that in some secrets and passwords we store in secret places yeah okay in cuber can you tell me why would you use a Nat Gateway in AWS what's the use of it Nat Gateway we are um um in private subnet we are using n gway s we can download any files and packages we are using n get B okay cool yeah now in terms of your cicd you mentioned that your have done some cicd as well can you tell me the fundamental difference between CI and CD first yeah CI c means full form of continuous integration and continuous delivery and deployment is there in continuous integration um we build the code after building the code we test the application that is the continuous integration and continuous deployment means we can deploy the application into the servers without manual process when coming to the continuous delivery we can deploy the application into the servers using some manual process uh without yeah with manual processes there in that one okay yeah now in terms of deployments there are multiple ways in which you can do so can you think of what are the different ways in which you can do the deployments deployments like kuet we are using for all right all right let me give you the terminology yeah do you do you know the differences between cry deployment rolling deployment blue green deployment yeah blue green deployment we are using for that one for like we updated some versions We are using blue green deployment and whether the like servers are V1 like version one vers 2 servers are there we can um passing some routers to the version 2 we uh Ser we down the servers in version one so so that's a blue green deployment for laty and we can give more more access into the user yeah Okay cool so s the next round that we'll be having there will be more of an experienced Focus rather than just the technology so this in this round so I'll be asking you different type of scenarios that you have handled and what has your experience been can you tell me the most challenging project that you have done what were the challenges and how did you resolve it yeah in um I in the time I have presses I have no experience on devops tools like whenever that um we we fa some issue on in like we we restart the devops containers using devops restart container something and after that we are using for some uh Tools in Mar and tools we mixing in the genkins um uh configuration tool configurations so inside that one we put some um we um it's missing like that it is showing some errors in scripted pipeline so that's why we recheck that one and uh see the whether the where we can miss the uh miss the uh stage and uh we recheck that one and in anible some scripted right basic scripted written inside that one for connecting purpose we are using host and IP addresses so we ping that IP address it's not g so I recheck that one also so okay and so so how did you resolve it eventually inventory file inside inventory file I written some um like IP addresses and server name okay yeah all right now tell me Tell Me In your experience what is the most complex task that you have done so it might be writing around the most complex script or a terraform code or it might be around some complex deployments any any sort of complexity which which which in which you had to stretch out of your comfort zone do do a little bit extra that was not a part of your role or something which took a lot of time and it paid off eventually yes sir yeah in cuet is yl file s and darker file it is a for for me um the basic I I have only basic idea of that two that time so I am written uh I searched something in YouTube and I resolve that issues and where we can use uh like node port and cluster IP and load balancers and how we can uh port numbers also how we can give that port numbers uh that's the M main challenge and darker file is main challenge for me S okay so how did so devops is currently full of lot of different Technologies so we have got so many segments in it so whenever you come across a new technology what is your approach of learning a new text tack yeah first um first basic first I I will search on B basic basic videos on that like that tool and after that after beginner I will go to intermediate uh intermediate is okay for me extreme means it will big load for me S so that's why in and I I take some notes on that one and the whether the process how process is going for one tool to integrate to another tool like that I can see and experiment and practice on that more in that okay yeah so any any specific technology which took you longer time to learn than you anticipated yeah it's a Cuban it it's a lots it's a ocean it's a it's a cad is there CAD admin admin part is there so that's we I combined to CAD and C S so I have some tough on that one all right now in terms of the other Tech stack uh can you tell me just just coming to back to the basics how extensively have you used git G git we are pulling the code into the Gen server so we are can can you tell me about tell can you tell me about the branching strategy and how main is important than any other Branch yeah first we are using de Branch uh normally most of the time we are using de branch and after that we are using staging and some master Branch Master Branch after that we are using for that one and first we are using stage Branch means only first Dev Dev means that all the developer push the code into development Branch if it is okay we can go to the staging and Main Branch s so that's the we cannot collaborate all those things and we cannot M all those things so it will correct the our applications MH right yeah so that's why different different branches we are using okay and have you done any sort of multi M multi-staging as well like multi deployments and multi-staging in Docker files multistage Docker files we are using for as alas name we are given for that one okay and can you tell me the benefit of the multi-stage docker file multi-stage Docker file we can um like reducing the doer file uh doer file storage and it will uh faster it will create a faster than darker image it will create a faster faster okay yeah now as you as you know that containers they cannot store any state in themselves like if a container dies all the if there's any data remaining with it that that is that gets lost so it's important for any application not to store the data in the container but rather store it externally so what sort of what sort of external connectivity would you have in your application which is running on container so the data is stored elsewhere like we are using some persistent volumes persistent volume CLS we are using for that one or whenever we lost the like application down it will store our data into the persistence volumes like it's the yeah and what's the difference between a persistent volume and a volume claim persistent volume means uh we can um store information and personal volume clim means we can climb the files sir so that's why we are using yeah okay now let's say you're working in an organization which finds that their adws cost is running very high so lot lots of different servers lots of containers lots of serverless applications so manager has asked you to look into AWS and see what are the things that you can do for cost optimization so how would you approach this problem where would you go into AWS and and figure out what can be reduced so what's your approach towards that first um we are reducing the elastic IP s for elastic it will cost more so that's why we are using um no we are reducing that static IP and after that some some in S3 bucket we can storing some informations okay hello yeah yeah I can hear you shisha can you hear me did I lose you come on sh you there hello yeah yeah s I'm there okay sorry I think I lost you for for a second uh so the question sorry yeah you you in the middle of answering it so we were talking about cost optimization techniques and you said can you tell me about some cost optimization techniques you started up with elastic IP and then I lost you I think yes yes elastic IP like we we reducing that one after that um some we can store some locks in S3 bucket if it is store in very long we can use the some uh uh life cycle process is there in bucket so after a we can like different different stages is there like standard and Glacier after that we can delete that locks in in that one and um if we we are mostly we are using for auto scaling purpose so Auto scaling we are whenever the user uh increasing that time only it will uh create the another E2 instances so that's the I recommended that one only s okay yeah all right so I think I'm close to the end of my questions sha so what I'll do is I'll just pause the recording now and then we can
Channel: DevOps and Cloud Labs
Views: 2,763
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Keywords: devops interview, devops, devops interview questions, devops engineer, devops engineer interview, devops interview recordings, aws interview questions, DevOps Engineer, Cloud Engineer, DevOps Engineer Interview, Cloud Engineer Interview, AWS Interview, Junior Freshers Interview, devops mock interview, devops interview questions for experienced, Azure, AWS, Terraform, Ansible, Docker, AWS Certification, AWS Certified, AWS Projects, DevOps Projects For Practice, DevSecOps
Id: z-58eNIxBdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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