Excel Shortcuts You NEED To Know

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in this video I'm going to show you 23 of the best  Excel shortcuts that you can start using today to   save time let's get started first one if you want  to select your entire data set just click inside   of it and press Ctrl a if you want to select  an entire column just click within that column   and press control space if you want to select an  entire row just click within that row and press   shift space now let's say you want to navigate to  the top left corner of your data set all you have   to do is press control home and if you want to go  to the opposite side the bottom right corner just   press Ctrl end now let's say you want to jump  from one side of your table to the other side   of it all you have to do is hold Ctrl and press an  arrow key for example if I want to jump from the   bottom here to the top I could press Ctrl up arrow  and if I want to go from here to the left side I   can press Ctrl left Arrow now this doesn't just  work for the corners of your table it works for   any Edge so let's go down over here and say we  want to jump from here to the right side we can   hold Ctrl right arrow and if you want to select  everything in your path while you make these jumps   just add a shift in the combo so for example if I  wanted to select the top row by jumping from the   left to the right I could press Ctrl shift right  arrow you can also use this combo to select an   entire column for example let's say I'm at the  employee ID column and I want to select it just   press Ctrl shift down arrow as you jump to the  bottom it'll select everything in your path this   next circuit is one of my favorites so let's go  over here and as you can see we have a table here   with a bunch of messy column widths and instead of  manually adjusting every single one like this you   can just click inside your table and press Ctrl  a to select it like we said before and then press   alt hoi this automatically adjusts all your column  widths now as you can see from this table the row   lens are still a bit iffy so instead of manually  adjusting all of those you can press alt HOA now   that we have a clean table here let's go ahead  and add some filters how do you add filters just   press Ctrl shift L boom now you got some drop  down filters that are 100 functional speaking   of functional how do we turn this table into an  actual functional table that Excel recognizes   well just click inside of it and press Ctrl T  then click OK and that's it we got a functional   table here that Excel recognizes now let's do  some more shortcuts on our table let's say we   want to add a row how do you do that just select  a row and press Ctrl shift plus now if we want to   delete a row you just select that row and press  Ctrl minus now let's say we want to move a row   around how do you do that you hold shift and you  drag the edge around like that now let's say we   want to take this table and turn it into a chart  in its own separate sheet how do you do that just   click inside of it it and press FN f11 boom you  got a separate chart in its own sheet all right   let's go back to our table let's say that we want  to hide some columns how do you hide a column you   just select the column and press Ctrl zero if you  want to hide multiple columns at once just select   the columns you want to hide and then press Ctrl  0. now if you want to hide a row all you do is   select the row and press Ctrl 9. now if you forget  which rows and columns you hid don't worry you can   always find them by pressing alt semicolon when  you do that you'll see some lines that indicate   where your hidden columns and rows are for example  you can see that this line clearly indicates that   there's a hidden column here so I can go ahead and  double click here to unhide my column and as you   can see from the lines we have a hidden row here  we can go ahead and double click here to unhide   that row we have another hidden column here which  we can double click and it looks like we got one   more so we can double click here to unhide that  that column here's a quick little shortcut if you   want to insert the current time you can press  Ctrl shift semicolon and if you want to enter   the current date you can just press Ctrl semicolon  now I'm going to finish off this video with three   super powerful Excel shortcuts the first one is  for removing duplicates for example let's say I   have a table here that has a bunch of duplicate  rows how do you go about removing these duplicate   rows well all you got to do is Click inside your  table and press alt am then click OK and boom all   of your duplicate rows are automatically removed  alright the next shortcut is for auto summing   let's say that you have a bunch of tables and you  have to find the row sums and the column sums but   you don't feel like typing the sum function over  and over again well instead of doing that you can   just select your first table then press Ctrl hold  it down and select the other tables then once all   your tables are selected you can just press  alt equal tools that autosums all your rows   and columns for you now this last shortcut is  personally my favorite let's say we have a list   of names over here and we want to separate them  into a list of first names a list of last names   and their emails how do you do that for the first  names all you have to do is type the first first   name press enter and control e that's it and for  the last names it's the same thing you just type   the first last name press enter and control e now  when you press Ctrl e Excel recognizes a pattern   in your data and auto fills the rest of your list  so by using that same logic we can also combine   the names and make an email for example if I type  the first name then the last name and let's go   ahead and add it at gmail.com and press enter and  like always add a Ctrl e and boom we have our list   of emails there you go those are 23 super useful  Excel shortcuts that you can start using today to   save time if you feel overwhelmed by this video  don't worry you're not alone I know what it's   like trying to learn all these new shortcuts  it's definitely not easy in the beginning but   in the end it's a hundred percent worth it you'll  be able to work more efficiently and save so much   time so again don't worry just keep on practicing  and he'll get there plus to make it easier for   you I created a PDF guide with all these Excel  shortcuts and more for you to print out and use as   a reference card until you don't need one anymore  so if you want to go ahead and get my guide I put   a link to it in the description below this video  all you have to do is click on it and enter your   email once you do that my guide will be delivered  directly to your promotions tab in your email   alright that's all I have for you today I hope  you found this video useful and if you want to   see more quick Excel tutorials like this one make  sure to subscribe and let me know in the comments
Channel: Excel With Grant
Views: 23,999
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Keywords: Excel shortcuts, best excel shortcuts, Excel keyboard shortcuts, shortcut keys in excel, popular excel shortcuts, advanced excel tricks, keyboard shortcuts in Excel, using excel shortcuts, excel shortcuts and tricks, useful excel shortcuts, How to use excel, Excel with grant, learn excel, excel tutorial
Id: IHkYHq-crnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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