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Today we will introduce the mail merge function. While thinking about what to prepare, I prepared two The first is the form of appreciation letter. I prepared a thank you form and another coupon I prepared the coupons used in the coffee shop by dividing the front and back sides. Today I'm going to make a thank you coupon Besides this, depending on the field you actually use, If you are engaged in education, family communication, And in the case of general companies, when sending a notice for each employee You can use it in the same way. There is a thank you note below. You can see the title of this document of appreciation or The contents in the middle are fixed. So these things are fixed. If you look in the middle, the name of the employee or department In these Excel files, which we actually refer to as a list of certificates of appreciation, It is a function to load documents one by one from the data and complete the documents at once. So, if you look at the envelope, there is an address like this There is an employee name and a postal code. I'm going to change this, but the usage is very simple. I'll try it. After running Word, you can see the letter above. I'll click on this letter. When you come to the letter, there is a recipient selection. Click here. And there is'Use existing list'. There is a list of award recipients. If you click this Excel file to run it, You can select the sheet in the file. After selecting the sheet, press OK Are you done? Now, the button called Insert Merge Field is activated. Can you see it? So I'll put the address first Drag this address to erase Click Insert this merge field, then You can see the address here. I'll put this address together After entering the address, the second time, the employee's name is the same. Then, in the merge field insertion, enter the employee name this time. I'll also select this range and delete the postal code. You can put your postal code here. If you look at the Excel file, each address, zip code, And there is a job name. These values ​​go in one by one. If you look at this letter, you will see a preview button here. I'll click this button Then you can see the values ​​change like this. And you can see the arrow here If you flip the arrow like this, First value, second value, third value, At the end, the value up to the 8th value'Junsu Park' comes out. So you can add a mail merge function like this Here are some tips. Now you can see that this document has two pages in one file and one word file. The page above is a letter envelope, The page at the bottom is a thank you letter, but add this envelope separately. Basically, let's add a new document in Word by default. Let's click on the new document in the file. Or press the shortcut CTRL + N to add a new document. By default, Word adds only one document in this way. When you use the daily merge function normally, put an envelope with this document. It is often used So you can add a separate envelope. How to do this, after coming to this letter, click on the envelope in the upper left. This brings up an option box called Envelopes and Labels. Let's select an option here Then, if you look at this envelope option, there are several envelope options. So, you can choose the size of the spring to use For commonly used white envelopes The paper bag is 105 x 200 mm. The second item is a commonly used envelope. Click the OK button, select the envelope, and click the Add to Document button. The envelope is added like this. In this added envelope As you just saw, you can add a shape to make a letter envelope. Now, on the envelope, we added the address, employee name, and postal code. We will turn off previewing the results. This time, the name of the employee, department, and job title are added to the certificate of appreciation. But here are the basic rules. The mail merge function turns the page, The envelope is one page and the paper is the second page. If you add a job name here, If you add a job name by inserting a merge field at the bottom, If it is a normal page at the top and a normal page at the bottom, It is normal for the first employee name to appear here and the second employee name below. The above documents are envelopes. And underneath are the general documents. so, If you look at the result preview, these two will print the same employee name. But if there is another page under this document If you put the employee name of another page From the second page, the name of the employee following'Junsu Park' will appear. So basically, every day, when the page is turned over, the merge goes to the next value. Please be careful. Next, I will select the department name and put it in. Please also enter your rank. I will also add a section. Move the mouse cursor to the right end, Click the right or left end of the round sticker. Then the sector is selected. After erasing this sector, Here, I'll put the division in the merge field insertion. Then, let's change this value one by one. Page 8 page 7 page 6 You can see the values ​​of the envelope and the letter of thanks are changing. Now, the daily merge is over. Now let's see how to print. Go to'Complete and merge'-'Edit individual documents'. Then select'All'. I'll press OK. Then, the envelopes and appreciation letters of all employees are completed at once. You can print this as it is. If the printer you are using is a regular printer, If you make these two together, you will not be able to print. So if you are using a regular home printer You need to make a separate envelope and a letter of thanks. If you are using a business or large printer now It is automatically classified. So when using a large printer You can make it like this and use it. After saving the completed file, save it as a word file. Or you can save it as a pdf file and use it. It was completed like this. Let's save this completed file. Click File-Save. Then exit the file. Let's run the thank you form again. Then, you will get a message saying that this will be executed in the SQL command. So after using Merge every day, If you don't need to use the mail merge again for the time being Click'Letter'-'Start letter merge'. And then, it is recommended to change to'basic word document'. So after changing to the default Word document, Let's save the file again in this state. And after exiting and running the word file again, without an error message like this It is executed as a normal word document. Now I'm going to make a second coupon The coupon is the same. There are front and back sides, I made the front and back separately. Because, basically, when you print a coupon, Like this, it is printed on the front/back side of a sheet of paper. After printing the front page, If you print the back page in alignment with that page, One coupon is completed. What is different from the previous one, The letter of thanks contains only one record per page. If you look at the Excel file, like this on one page In this way, only one record fits on one page. Multiple customer names on one page. This is the difference, let's do it first. Use the mail merge function in the customer name range. After the letter arrives, click Choose Recipients. Here, click Use existing list. Same as before, select the vip customer list. When you click OK, Insert Merge Field is activated. Click this button again, and add each customer name to the customer name. Click Preview Results. When I put multiple data in one page, The customer in the first value is printed three times. In this case, you can use a little tip, the method is very simple. The name'Choi Seo-hee' goes in here three times. So between the first and second data Click the mouse cursor. You can see the mouse cursor blinking in the middle. In that state, after coming to the rule Let's click Next Record. Then, the first value is Seohee Choi and the second value You can see that it has changed to Junggaeun. Likewise, after placing the cursor between the second and third values, Add Next Record in the rule. Then, after the third value There is no need to add Next Record. Because, the mail merge function is basically If you go to the next page, it will automatically go to the next record. It is not necessary to add the Next Record after the third value. In this state, click Done and Merge-Edit Individual Documents as before. After selecting'All' and clicking OK, the coupon will be completed. Here is one really important tip. If you are already quick, you probably already noticed. If you look at the thank you form that we used earlier, a rotation mark appears above it. Each value was entered in a text box. On the other hand, each value used in the coupon has a cross on the top left. In other words, each of these boxes is a table, not a text box. So, when putting each of these values, if there are multiple data in one sheet Do not use text boxes. You must use a ticket. The coupon form was taken from the mango board page. This is basically a website that can be used free of charge. Come here and come to the template, Shall we search for coupons? If you search for coupons like this, There are multiple coupons.
Channel: 오빠두엑셀 l 엑셀 강의 대표채널
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Keywords: 엑셀 메일머지, 메일머지 워드, 메일머지 만들기, 메일머지 오류, 메일머지 한페이지에 여러 개, 실무 엑셀 강의, 엑셀 추천, 엑셀강좌, 엑셀강의, 엑셀기초, 엑셀 실무 강의, 엑셀 실무 강좌, 엑셀공부, 엑셀기초강좌, 엑셀 기초 강의, 엑셀 무료 인강, 엑셀, 엑셀2016, 오빠두, 엑셀무료강좌, 오빠두엑셀, 엑셀 강좌, 엑셀 강의, 직장인 엑셀 강의, 직장인 기초 엑셀, 엑셀배우기, 엑셀무료강의, 엑셀 무료 강의, 컴퓨터활용능력, 엑셀자격증, 엑셀사용법, mos 엑셀, 엑셀 인강, 실무 엑셀, 엑셀 인터넷강의, 엑셀 팁, 엑셀 꿀팁, 엑셀 실무, 엑셀2019, 직장인 엑셀, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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