Excel Basics Tutorial for Beginners

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in this tutorial you're going to learn Microsoft Excel in less than 30 minutes I'll be using Microsoft Excel 2019 and Excel 365 but features that I'll be showing applicable to Microsoft Excel 2016 and a lot of previous versions of the excel as well I'll be running it on Microsoft Windows 10 but very similar functionality exists for Mac OS X as well to start Excel you click on a task bar you can also type Excel in a search button I'm gonna click close here and this is the screen of what you typically see when you launch Microsoft Excel as you can see I have previously opened files but what I'm interested in to show you right now are templates and there are a lot of templates that come in with Excel itself the good one is welcome to excel but I'm gonna skip this one because I'm really interested in you taking in my tutorial but if you scroll down you can see a lot of most popular templates and you can also search through other templates that's available in the business category and in a lot of other categories that are listed templates allow you to access some of the functions that's available that's pre-built for you by Microsoft and the best way to do it I'm going to navigate back to home by clicking the home button and click in more templates here you can search for keywords based on what you're trying to search for example student it shows you all templates that might be applicable for students timesheet that's another category for example or finance and then you click an open or budget for example and you can click and open the template it creates a file in this file has instructions in an another tab at the bottom it has already pre-built structure that you can use for your own needs maybe to create your own personal budget like in this case but I'm going to close this file to do it I'm just gonna click file close and we'll start over by file by clicking file new and we'll create blank workbook when you open the application first thing you need to understand is how to navigate within the user interface and in Excel you can have multiple tabs here for example file home insert and you can switch between tabs just by clicking on the name of the tab formulas data I have some extra tabs like load has them QuickBooks based on the applications that I have installed in team also sometimes you do not have this tabs and most likely you wouldn't have this tabs within the tab and I'm gonna go back to the Home tab because this is most frequently used tab as well as the file you have groups for example clipboard is one of the groups this is where similar functions are grouped together and you can access those functions within that group fund and they can go from left to right alignment number and each tab as you can see closer will have very similar group like insert tab will have tables a dense charts and within the group itself there is a details button and if you click on this button it has a lot more features that Microsoft wasn't able to fit on the tab but you can access them by clicking on this details button and accessing some tabs do have them some tabs do not have them what's important to note is that most of the function I would say that you need for basic usage of Excel are located in the Home tab and between Home tab and file tab it's pretty much a lot of things that you would need especially if you're just trying to learn Excel to pass employment tests to excel that's where the basics and fundamentals are there are a couple other important things I'd like to highlight for you in the lower right corner there is a zoom function where you can go and zoom zoom in and zoom out and that's something that will be frequently using in also use plus and minus signs and I go gradually you can also switch between the views as you can see we're in a normal view right now we can switch to page layout where you can see how page is designed and on page break layout typically most of the work you will be doing it will be in the normal layout and if we continue going around the screen you will see that in the lower left corner there is a sheet one but you can also add additional sheets sheets are documents inside Microsoft Excel workbook and you can have as many sheets as you'd like we'll start with just one sheet but like I said to add a new sheet you just click this plus button and this will add a new sheet into the document so let's look at the our sheet itself as you can see every sheet is organized with the columns so you have column ABC and if you kind of go down the list if you keep scrolling when you go through all the letters of alphabet it will go to a a a b a c and etc and and goes to infinity pretty much there is no limit of how many columns you will have and you have rows like Row 1 2 3 5 and again if you keep scrolling it goes and increases in number and goes into infinity but we also have here on the intersection of column and row we have a cell so each cell like in this case it's before and you see that the infer their information here that this is cell b4 and as we move it changes in the name box what is the name of the cell but each cell because of the unique numbering and because there is no limit of how many rows and columns you can have will have its unique name that could be referenced in Microsoft Excel there is another important concept in Microsoft Excel which is called the range and what ranges is a group of cells so for example this is a range this could be arranged or this could be arranged and typically range is referenced by the top left cell like in this case would be d2 and then you have a column and your reference lower lowest right cell which in this case would be I 15 so this particular range would be d2 through I 15 and the importance of the range is that you can reference the entire areas you can use them in formulas in functions and this is very helpful to calculate certain values because a lot of times for example if you do a sum you'll be just calculating the sum of all the values in the particular column so we've covered concept of columns rows we covered concept of cell which is an intersection of columns and rows we cover the concept of range we've looked at the structure of Microsoft Excel document you have multiple sheets and the Excel document itself is called workbook and it can have multiple sheets now it's time for us to go and enter some of the data so let me zoom in a little bit and I can go in and start typing the data so now we'll start entering the data and the first thing we will do is select the a1 cell and start typing on the keyboard the document will be a student monthly budget and what you can see is that I typed three words and the words flow from A to B to C but reality is this is not flowing into the different cells the reality is everything is stored in just a one cell and if I start typing for example in cell b4 example maybe type you will see that it overrides and the content of cell a1 is hidden at least partially and you don't see everything so I'm going to remove the word type in cell b2 b1 by selecting it and clicking the delete button on the keyboard and you see it's back to our original view what I might consider doing if I really want to have it all in one cell I can extend the cell and that's one of the feature of Excel I basically selected the separator between columns a and B and started dragging it to the left if I don't like how it looks I can go back I can do it by dragging it back and saying yeah this is maybe what I prefer to have and there is another option if you can wrap the text which fits it into one cell and there is a wrap text button as you can see which will do extend the row into multiple lines now we have three lines instead of one and it looks kind of awkward maybe this is what you do want to have maybe this is not but this option is available I'm gonna use ctrl Z or undo button and this undo is in the quit bar and it will put it back to the original view I'm kind of fine yeah I just wanted to show you the differences and how the data flows in between cells because I think it's important to understand as you start typing whatever you type is going to be in that same cell where you are currently located so the student monthly budget is in the cell a1 as we finish typing you can navigate and find the next cell where you would like to enter data you can use arrows so I'm using arrow down key to move down you can use arrow up key and obviously two more go to the right you use a right arrow and then go to the left to use left arrow keys and even kind of navigate another way to navigate is hit enter button and you can navigate by clicking the enter button if you click shift enter it will take you back and if you click a tab button it takes you within the column to the right and shift tab and as you can figure it out by now shift is basically is the opposite of the function that you select that takes you back to the one cell then I hit enter again and we'll start entering expenses so I'm going to type word expenses and we'll pick the student typical student expenses for example a housing would be one of the expenses utilities and as you can see I can just go down the list and type everything that I need so now you see that some of the words they go over and flow into the cell see this is where I'd like to extend the cell B so all my words fit into the cell B so I don't have to override any of the expense types but what I'm gonna do in column C I'm going to enter some values and as you can see what I've entered here is the text but the values would be actual money that are spent for the particular expense category so for example for housing the amount of spent would be $650 utilities be 100 and I can go down the list and enter all the expenses as I got to the total expenses column one way for me to calculate this is to use formulas and there is a formula in Microsoft Excel which is called sum so you can just type equals and then you can say sum now multiple ways to enter the data you can say okay or on some of C 2 plus C 3 plus see four and you can kind of go down the list close the parentheses and it will calculate and provide the total sum but like I said this is the probably the most complex way to enter the sum I'm gonna click delete button or you can use undo button here in the keyboard and it will remove this sum there is a sum button on ribbon and you can click the some symbol and it will try to order yes how to enter and calculate the sum for the values and as you can see it use the range in first in first version of what I was using it used sum of all the cells individually c2 through c10 but because we can reference the same selection as a range now we have sum of c2 through c10 and if I keep hit enter it will calculate and put the same amount here another cool feature i'd like to show you because this are dollar amounts I'm located in the United States and the currency symbol might be specific for your country you can select all this area and format it as a number so for example if I click on the dollar sign it will be accounting number format for my country where I'm located and like I said because of your configuration settings of Windows in Excel your potential will have a different currency symbol but I think this is looks more professional if you highlight and select the numbers and define them as currency typically budget contains both categories it contains income and expenses so we started with expenses because they typically much easier to measure but I am going to insert more cells and make sure we start with the income to do that I'm gonna highlight Row two and do a right mouse-click and click insert you can use the same thing do it again maybe click insert or you can also use ctrl y keyboard shortcut basically control Y repeats last operation and Microsoft Excel there is a shortcut keyboard shortcut pretty much for anything and here I'm going to type again you come and as a student you can have multiple types of income one of them might be wages student as a student you might be working and the way just might be $1,200 and this is a monthly budget we also get some financial aid so that might be in amount of $100 and then to calculate total income we will use the sum formula it was very easy and quick so we'll just click some highlight it click enter and it calculated the sum and we'll convert and change formatting and again we do it by selecting the values and clicking accounting number format in my case dollar sign and it changed it into currency as it always happens or a lot of times at least to me you start typing the values and then you want to categorize the values so I don't have any titles for the columns that I have so I'd like to add those titles for my table and what I'm gonna do I'm going to select the row too and click insert and here I'm just gonna say type here I'll say description and here I'll say using clicking the tab button amount and this would be headings for my table what I can do I can select them and say that they're bold right and I can select the entire table and I can put some borders around it I can just say all borders that's the most simple way and I see that there are some extra rows which I can delete now I select row 6 and click delete couple other things I'd like to show you as you start typing in the cell that already has text for example let's say I want to change wages into celery I selected the wages cell and start typing it replaces the text right there if this is what you want that's fine you can always click the escape button and it goes back if you really want to edit way just maybe you misspelled it you can double click on the cell you can remove the content and type celery or for example instead of financial aid maybe you want to just say financial support and it allows you to add just particular part of the cell instead of replacing the whole thing and like I said the undo button always allows you to replace it back you can go for a lot of steps back and it shows you the content if you click on the arrow down and pretty much from the beginning of where we started you can go back to particular area and you can do redo if you mistakenly did this we can go back and return back now let's look at how we can update type for each of the row right now the income type is only for the salary but for example not for financial aid so what I'm gonna do I'm going to select the income and I need to add the type of income for financial aid as well I can obviously just go ahead and type income but that's probably the most complex way to do it instead what I'd like to do is I'd like to select income and I'll show you multiple ways to do it you can do control C or you can do copy here this is the copy buttons on the clipboard so we selected copy and then we go and select cell a4 and we click paste and it pastes the value into the cell a4 now that's probably like I said the most it's not the easiest way the easiest and the coolest way where you really utilize features of Excel we'll use an expense and here we select expense and I'd like to have expense for all of this categories like housing utilities transportation and what am I gonna do you see that when I selected the cell itself there is a small box at the bottom right corner so I just need to slowly move my cursor and get an ED box and then I'll just drag it and select all categories that are expenses from housing up to books and you see when I release the cursor I dragged and dropped it it populated always the same values we've selected that's probably the coolest feature so we've looked at three different ways of replicating the content one is obviously retyping that's the most complex even though excel helps you with typing as soon as it recognizes this for example if you want to do the income here which we don't want to do I'm just using it for for the sample it will help you autocomplete as it's called the value I'm gonna click escape button to remove it then you can copy and paste the values of the cells and you can also if it's the same value select the cell select the box in the lower right corner drag it and drop it where the selection ends so let me finish by typing income and as you can see a autocomplete is right here helping me out I just need to hit enter to finish the autocomplete and I'll do the same thing for expenses now as I finalized both income and expenses I'm going to delete row 6 and to do it I click on the row 6 and I click delete and as you can see there is no gap right now let's look at how we can Center a student monthly budget next right now it's kind of to the left I can definitely make it bold I can also choose a different color for the fund can do it multiple ways this main you know in fund-me is accessible obviously here in the ribbon but if you do a right mouse-click you see it's also on the top of the menu itself so I can do the same functions right here on that menu so I'm gonna keep it bold and I'm gonna use maybe a different color maybe green here but I'd like to Center it because it's not centered right now so the best way to Center it is to merge all this 3 cell into one cell and then make it centered as you can see there's a centered middle align I'm sorry there's a center here this aligns the text vertically not horizontally if we click Center it would Center it within cell a1 obviously you can move it into the cell b2 so let's do that we can do a cut that's another function here so we're cutting it from cell a1 and we're gonna paste it into cell b1 and it's kind of in the center but not exactly all right if you're really perfectionist which you can do as I mentioned you can highlight this 3 cells and you can do a right mouse-click click format cells and you can do into the alignment tab here and you can say merge cells select merge cells and now it merged all three cells but we lost formatting and we lost alignment as you saw so we're going to align it to the center I just click the center and we're gonna restore our formatting by clicking the bold and click in the selecting the green color for the text so so far we were focused on data entry and some of the basics of Microsoft Excel now it's time to look at some cool feature and I'm gonna show you one cool feature where we can play with the data the biggest power of Excel is that it's the database and it allows us to quickly find and analyze and sort the data so what we can do we can use the filter in Excel and to do that we need to select the headings of the table so there are three headings like type description and the mouse so we select the whole row row two and I'm gonna click on the sort and filter and click the filter button so as you can see what happened it added some that are drop-down boxes on each of the rows and it didn't add them on the blank ones because Excel is smart enough to realize okay the columns a B and C are the only ones that have data so it's only added them on the a B and C and not D through the rest of the columns and if you click on this drop down it allows us to select specific category now you might understand why I've added specific category of income and expenses if we just want to see income we can unselect everything and select income and if you hit OK on a dialog box you see only income entries here and you see it changed the number here three four and five into blue color showing that okay filter is applied and it also changed the drop-down type into the filter icon meaning that it also applied filter so there are some indications for as this is not the entire set of data this is just the subset of what you're looking at and if you want to look at the entire data you can click on this and say clear filter from type and then it shows back the original data and it's especially useful on things like type where you have multiple entries of the same type for example in the description it's not as useful it will show you bunch of values but because there are no repeated values we would have to select each one individually and as we add more items with unique descriptions the list will keep growing versus type there are only two types so far and you can easily filter the data so let's recap what we've covered in this tutorial we covered fundamentals of Microsoft Excel we've looked at different templates that's available and the user interface of Excel we have multiple tabs and you can navigate through tabs by clicking on the tab name we have ribbon available on the top we have groups within the ribbon we have details button where you can access detailed functions you have multiple columns and you can navigate between columns and multiple rows and the intersection of column and row there is a cell in each cell has a unique name we have ranges which are represented by upper left value through lower right value and you can reference them we can type in data into every cell there are multiple ways we can expand cells and we can expand the columns and we can expand rows as well we can undo operation by clicking undo button and it has the list of operations that we have completed from the beginning of when we started the worksheet each workbook contains multiple sheets and sheets are right here each sheet is pretty much the new document you can zoom in and zoom out on the interface to see more or less data and get closer to a degree as you need to get closer and you can navigate with an excel by using the mouse or you can navigate by using the keyboard using arrow keys or navigating by hitting Enter or shift enter to go back they're within the roll and clicking shift tab to go back we can format the values for example if we highlight it we can apply formatting to the text using the font group or we can do the same thing by right mouse click and the same values are available on the top of the menu we can merge cells like we did in the student monthly budget example we also can apply different formatting to the numbers currency type of formatting in my case it was a dollar sign in your case it might be different or maybe also dollar sign we can also use the cool feature of Excel to filter out the data to do that you need to select the entire row and click sort and filter and we've selected the filter and option and the cool features we started with the formula as you can see I select the total income which was $2,300 this was the sum of values and this is how range is referenced c3 through c4 the range is different for a total expenses its sum of C 630 14 if you like the content please make sure to click the like button and share with your friends also there are tons of information in the description of this video make sure to check it out make sure to check out my other relevant videos and subscribe to my youtube channel we have a lot of great stuff planned in the pipeline and I don't want you to miss any of it and if you'd like to get 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Channel: Online Training for Everyone
Views: 33,653
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Keywords: excel quick tutorial, excel 2019, excel basics, excel for beginners, excel tutorial, excel overview, excel 2016 tutorial, how to use excel, excel online training, excel tour, excel refresher, Excel 2016, excel tutorial free, Excel for job applicants, excel data sorting, excel data filtering, excel charts, excel interview, office 365, excel tutorial 2019, excel guide, excel formulas and functions tutorial, excel for dummies, excel for accounting formulas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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