Excel Basics 16: Mixed Cell References #1 Trick to Creating Formulas Quickly!!!

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Welcome to Excel basics video number 16. And this video we got to talk about mixed cell references, and formulas, and functions, to save time. Now here's the thing, this is a budget with 12 months, and 13 different expenses. That means there's 156 different formulas here. Now imagine if we had to create every single one of those formulas individually, or if like in this class so far, we only knew relative and mix cell references, we'd have to create 12 different individual formulas. That would take a lot of time. But when we learn mixed cell references, we will be able to create this one formula, in the top left cell, and then copy it down, and over. All 156 formulas, with a single formula. And we're going to see a bunch of amazing examples, multiplication table a pension, or retirement example, a payroll example. All 5 examples, will involve using mix cell references, to save time. Now I want to go over to the sheet multiplication table, and this is our first example. We're going to see how to create 1 formula, and copy it down, and over to 144 cells. And in every single intersecting cell, it will know to get the correct row, header, and column header. Over here, it will know to get 9 times 9. Right here, it will know to get 5 times 12. That is going to be a big time saver. Now this example is not a business example, if we go over to the sheet budget answer. Now this is a real world accounting, budgeting example, we have 12 months, and 13 different expenses for the income statement. And this one formula right here, add 2. We'll be able to create this 1 formula copy it down, and over. Now, this is set up exactly like our multiplication table. If I hit F2 right here, notice every single cell in this whole table, will always have to look at the revenue at the top of the column, and the expense percentage at the front of the row. Every intersecting cell is the same, so when I copy this to the side, it's always looking up to the top to get the revenue, and over to the side, to get our expense percentage. Now this is a business example, we'll do this next. But when learning mix cell references, I like to start with this multiplication table, because it's nice and simple, one formula copy it down, and over. And that one formula, will have to be the same formula in every single cell, if we're going to put one formula there, and copy it to the entire range. Now the pattern that each formula will share is this, the formula will always have to look to the top of the column to get the number, and we'll have to multiply it by the number at the front of the row. I hit enter and come over to any other cell, the pattern's the same, equals go to the top of the column, get that number, and multiply it by the number at the front of the row. Now I'm going to hit enter, delete all of this. Now before we create our mixed cell reference formula, I want to show you how we would have to create this table here, if we only knew relative an absolute cell references. And, here's the sad news, the vast majority of Excel users on the planet Earth would have to do it using only relative, and absolute cell references. So I'm ready to play a little funny music, and do this in high speed. That would take much too long, 12 different formulas, each one created individually, and we had to copy them all down. So rather than do all of that, we're going to create one formula, and copy it down, and over. So this will be the first time, we've seen mixed cell references. Now before we create our formula, let's look at a cell reference, I want to say equals, and just click on before. I want to actually copy this down, and to the site, and notice what happens to the cell reference. We want to notice what is moving, or changing, as I copy down, and as I copy to the side. Right so, I'm going to Control-Enter, remembering that there's a 4 there. Control-Enter, and I'm going to copy it down 2 cells, go to the second cell and hit F2. Oh, B4 changed to B5. So it looks like, as I'm copying a formula down, the rows change. Enter-F2, sure enough B stays the same. But as I copy down across the rows, the numbers change, 4-5-6. Now, let's go back up to this one, and copy it to the side 3 cells. In the first cell F2, notice it says before tab-F2. Oh, what's changing? The column reference, that means as we copy across the columns, the letter is changing. The column reference changed from B to C. Tab-F2 to it change from C, to D. All right, that's going to help us decipher, or figure out what type of mix cell reference we want. I'm going to delete all this. Now I'm in cell B5, and I'm going to create my base formula, equals up arrow times, left arrow. Notice for that one cell, that would work, 1 times 1. Now the trick to mix cell references is, when you have a cell reference, I need to ask 2 questions of it. And then once I answer those questions, I go onto the next cell reference, and ask the same 2 questions. Now why two questions? Well because, when you're copying a formula, you could only copy it in 2 directions, down across the rows, or to the side across the columns. All right, I'm going to pick one of the cell references first. Make sure your cursor is touching B4, and now I'm going to ask the question. For B4, when I copy the formula down, what do I want it to do? Do I want it locked on before, or do I want it to move relatively? Well of course, every cell in this column has to be locked on B4. Now think about this, what is going to move as I copy down? Well of course the 4 is going to change to 5 and 6, and I want to stop it from moving. So guess what? I need dollar sign in front of the 4. If I hit the F4 key as we've learned in this class so far, that puts in 2 dollar signs, but that is not a mixed cell reference, that's called an absolute cell reference. But watch this, we can hit the F4 key a second time wow, it's putting the dollar sign just in front of a 4, just in front of the row reference. Now let's just see what the F4 key does, if we hit it again. Oh, it puts dollar sign in front of only the column reference B. Hit F4 again, wow it cycled back to a relative cell reference. Now I'm going to hit F4 a bunch of times, and I want you to notice, it's just like a merry go round. It is cycling through, each one of the different types of cell references, relative cell reference, absolute cell reference, mixed cell reference with only the row locked, mixed cell reference with only the column locked. Now, I'm going to hit F4 1, 2, 3 times, and stop when the dollar sign is in front of the 4. That dollar sign will stop the 4, from going to 5, 6, and so on. All right so as I copy down. It's locked on before, and that will work. Now I need to ask the second question of before. When I copy the formula, across the columns, to the side, do I want it to move relatively, or do I want it locked on cell B4? I want it relative. Notice B4, there it is right there. But if I copy the formula to the next cell, I really want C4, so I'm not going to put a dollar sign in front of the B. If I do not put a dollar sign there, then it's allowed to move to C, D, and so on, as we copy it across the columns. All right, so we answered both questions for B4. Now we put our cursor in A5, and I'm going asked the same 2 questions. As I copy the formula down, what do I want A5 to do? Do I want it to move relatively, or do I want it locked? Well of course, for this one notice down, down. I always want the formula looking 1 cell to the left. Every single formula in this column has to have A5 change, as a relative cell reference, as I copy down. So I'm definitely not putting a dollar sign in front of the 5. All right, the second question about A5, what do I want A5 to do when I copy to the side, across the columns? Well, think about this, what would change if I copy this right now? A5 would move to B5, and that's not what I want. I want it locked on A5. So now I'm going to hit the F4 key, 1, 2, 3 times, and that's what I want. I do not want a dollar sign in front of the 5, I want it to move relatively as I copy down. But as I copy to the side, I need to stop that A from moving to B and C. And there you go, we answered both questions, for A5 and B4. Now let's try it, Control-Enter. And I'm going to copy it to the whole range, but you can't click and drag diagonally. You have to either copy it down, let go, and then copy it to the side, or copy it to the side, let go, and copy it down. I'm going to double click, and send it down, and then come down to the bottom, and with my cross-hair or angry rabbit, click and drag. Immediately come to the diagonally furthest one away, and hit the F2 key. That is absolutely amazing, it totally got the column header, and totally got the row header. Escape any cell that you pick, F2. It got it exactly right, it followed the pattern, it's totally getting column entered times, row header. Escape back up here, F2, that is a mixed cell reference with only the row locked, that's a mix cell reference with only the column locked. Now before we move on to our next example, I want to delete all of these, and show you 2 more things. Now we just created our formula using the 2 question method. The other method is called, the sledgehammer method. I'm going to create the formula, Control-Enter, and this is the sledgehammer method. I'm in a copy it down 1, click in the cell F2, and I'm looking to see what changed, that wasn't supposed to change. Well of course B4 changed to B5. So the 5 changed, so I'm going to escape, come up to the top cell F2, and I'm putting a dollar sign in front of the thing that changed, because I don't want the 4 to change to a 5. So I'm going to hit F4, 1, 2 times. Now I'm in Control-Enter, and copy it down 1 cell, come to the second cell, F2. Right there, it's totally correct, the blue one and the red one, column header, and row header. So it's working when we go down. Now escape, let's come back up here F2. A5, I'm going to copy this to the side, escape, and drag it one over. This is the sledgehammer method, so I'm going to put the second cell in edit mode, in F2. I'm looking, and seeing that the A5, moves to B5, so it's the A, that went to B. So I'm going to escape, go back to the first cell, F2 and put a dollar sign in front of the thing that was moving, that I want to stop from moving. So I hit the F4, 1, 2, 3 times. Now I'm going to the Control-Enter, copy it down because I changed it right. Hit F2, that's working, escape, copy it to the side, and F2, and you gotta be kidding, the sledgehammer method. I just kept looking to see what changed, always going back to the original cell, and putting a dollar signs in front of the things that were changing, that I didn't want to change, and I have the formula. Now I'm going to copy this down, and then to the side. Go to the last cell F2, absolutely amazing. One other amazing trick, and watch this, I am allowed to highlight a bunch of cells, that are all going to get the same thing, I can highlight in advance all the cells. And notice, the active cell is the light colored cell, equal sign, up arrow, hit the F4 once, and twice, times left arrow. I'm going to hit the F4 key 1, 2, 3 times, and look at that. There's the correct formula that I need to populate, into all the cells. So I can Control-Enter to put whatever in the active cell, into all the cells. Now, I can go to the diagonally furthest one away, and hit F2 and that is working. All right let's go look at some business examples of where we can use mixed cell references. Let's go to video 2. Now in video 2 we did a budget, we had a cell that pointed to the first revenue for the first period, then we had a formula that calculated incrementally an increase in revenue, and then F2 we calculated expenses. Now this whole row represents all the expenses. So 85% of every dollar that's into the business, is used up for expenses. But that's not a very realistic example. Let's go over to the sheet budget, this is a much more common example. We don't have one expense, we have 13 different expenses. And the accountants already figured out for each one of our categories for expenses, what's the percentage of revenue is. So for example, for cost of goods sold, for every $1 into the cash register 37 and 1/2 pennies is used up in cost of goods sold, 13 and 1/2 for salary and wages, one penny goes to repairs and maintenance. So all of these percentages, we need to use to calculate the budgeted, or estimated expense for each one of our months. And, since there's 12 months, and 13 expenses, that's 156 formulas, that were going to be able to create a single formula, copy it down, and over, and we're done. Now let's go ahead, we have a start revenue, and a assumed revenue increase for each month. We're going to click in the first cell for January revenue, E5 equals, and when I click on the cell and the assumption area, that has start revenue for January, tab. Now I actually color coded each one of the formula cells, with a slightly different formula, just so when we're learning, we know a single formula goes there, these are all the same formulas, same, same, and so on. All right February, now we did this in video number 2 and this is video number 16. In video number 2 we had 1 plus the assumed percentage revenue increase. But here we don't have it, so we're going to actually do the 1 plus the percentage increase, in our actual formula. Now the pattern here, is for every single month. We're going to look to the previous month, and increase it by 1.5%. So our formula for February is this, equals left arrow, that's a relative cell reference that will always look to the previous period, for last month's revenue, times and I want the complete original amount from the previous month. So I put 1 plus, the assumed revenue increase, which is revenue increase over there. Now, I'm only copying this to the side, and I need B5 locked. I absolutely could hit F4, that would work. But I want you to challenge yourself, every single time you copy your formula, and it's not a relative cell reference, I want you to put the minimum number of dollar signs. Now, I'm copying this to the side, across the columns. So I only need to stop the B from moving. So I'm going to hit the F4, 1 and 2 times. That formula will work, whatever the previous month's revenue, times 1 plus the assumed revenue increase, , close parentheses, Control-enter, copy it to the side. Go to the last cell and hit F2, I can already see, because I didn't add any number formatting, that I have extraneous decimals. We should have already guessed, I don't know how many times this in the class so far, 5, or 6, or 7 times. Any time you have extraneous decimals and you're multiplying, you're going to run into extraneous decimals. We're dealing with money, so that 2/10 of a penny right there, 8/10 of a penny, we got to get rid of it, or we have to properly round. This will be 82, this will be 39. And the reason why, is we're dealing with money, and guess what, we're going to use every single one of these formulas in a subsequent formula over here, which is adding. Some I'm going to come back to the original cell, F2 and I'm using the round function. I see it in my blue dropdown, so I hit Tab with my cursor I click at the end, comma, number of digits. By now we know that 2 means we're rounding to the penny, closed parentheses, Control-enter, copy it to the side. Absolutely beautiful. We can add currency or accounting if we want, I'm not going to. Click in the total cell Alt-equals, then look at that, it got it right. Now I hit Enter, and the sum function is not adding any extraneous pennies, because we rounded. Now let's come to our expenses, every single one of these cells gets the same formula. I'm going to click on the top cell, equals, and our base formula is this month's revenue, times the expense percentage for this row. Now, I'm going to do the 2 question method, I'm clicking my cursor in E5, as I copy down across the rows, do I want it locked on January, or do I want it to move relatively? I want it locked. I'm copying across the rows, so that reminds me that I need to stop the 5 from moving. So I'm going to hit the F4 key once, and twice. Now the second question about E5, when I copy it to the side. Do I want it locked on January, or do I want the blue box to move to each one of month's revenues? I want it to move, I want E to move to F, and G, and so on. So I'm done with E5, now I click in B7. When I copy down to salaries, and rent, do I want that orange one to be locked on cost of goods sold, or do I want it to move to salaries, and then rent, and so on? I want it to move as a relative cell reference, as I copy down. I want B7 to move to B8, and B9, and so on. Now the second question, when I copy to the side to February, and March, I'm copying across the columns. I'm going to E, F, G and so on. Do I want it locked on B7? You bet I do. So since I'm copying it across the columns, I need to stop that B from moving. So I hit the F4 key, 1, 2, 3 times, dollar signs only in front of the B, and not the 7. Now I'm going to Control-Enter, copy it down. I do not want a double click there, because I have other formulas that go below. Notice I had to stop and let go. By the way controls, you cannot do this, no matter how hard you try to drag it diagonally, it's never going to work, it's a 2-step process. So I let go, then I re-grab the fill handle with my angry Robin, and click and drag. Now I'm going to click on the last cell and F2, that is absolutely amazing. Now tons of extraneous decimals, we absolutely need to round and watch this. I'm going to highlight the entire range, active cell at the top. I'm hitting F2, now in our multiplication table example, I showed you how to create a formula in the active cell, and then use Control-Enter to populate it through the whole range, but here we're going to edit it and then populate it, throughout the whole range. So round tab, i-beam at the end, comma 2 closed parentheses. I'm Going to use Control-Enter to populate it throughout the entire highlighted range, Control-Enter, that is beautiful. Last cell, F2, it's still got the right cell references. That's 156 formulas that we created, with just 1 individual formula. All right now we come to total expenses, Alt-equals it guessed right, so I hit enter. Net income equals, and then I click on total revenue for January, minus total expenses, Control-Enter. Now these are 2 different formulas, I'm going to highlight them both, point to my fill handle, and when I see my Angry Rabbit, I'm going to click and drag. Go to the last cell F2, that's looking good. Enter F2, that's also looking good, escape. Now here's a great trick, I'm going to highlight the entire range in our keyboard, for the sum function in the active cell. Alt-equals, whoa look at that. If you highlight a bunch of cells either next to a data set, or below, and use Alt-equals, it will assume we want to highlight the whole row. Now I get nervous anytime I do that, so I do that in the Alt-equal, but I immediately hit F2, just because when we highlighted Alt-equals, it didn't give us the chance to verify, so I hit F2 and I'm verifying, I hit Enter. Now if we want, we can come and highlight using and my control trick. Control 1, and I can use whatever number formatting I want, I'm going to use currency, click OK. And that is amazing, we can come, and if our assumed revenue is actually 4,500, as soon as I change that, and hit Enter, everything will update. Rent was not 0.75, it was actually 5, so when I changed that instantly that row, total expenses net income changes. Now I'm going to control zz. That is a beautiful budget example, we created it quickly, with mixed cell references. Now we need to talk about these assumptions tables. So I'm going to go over to the budget and assumption table. Now here's a little mini-version, I've already created all of the revenue, total expenses net income. All I want to do is think about, when we can use mixed cell references. And here's the rule, it's very simple. Notice the labels here are listed vertically, so when I come here, and try to use mixed cell references, my assumption table has to be oriented the same direction, vertical, vertical. So the assumption table has to have the labels and numbers listed vertically, and the formula table also has to have the labels, and then our formulas will be vertical also. This will not work, you cannot have horizontal and vertical. Now the problem is, textbooks that you get in school, and assignments you get in your job, the accounting department sometimes doesn't know about mixed cell references. So they'll send you over a table that has vertical labels, and horizontal assumptions, and you have to go ask them, can I please change it from a horizontal to a vertical, so I can use mixed cell references? Now one easy way to do this, is if you copy this Control C. If I come over to the side and Control V, this control smart tag has an awesome option. I can click the little down arrow, and say please transpose, and just like that, I turned an assumption table that will not allow mixed cell references, to one that will. This is vertical, this is vertical, so this would work with this table. Now this table is vertical, we could use a horizontal assumption table if these labels were horizontal up here. That's why right here it says, either horizontal, horizontal works, vertical or vertical works. But if you have one that's horizontal and one that's vertical, it will not work, you cannot use mixed cell references. All right, so let's create our formula. If I highlight, and we'll use our trick, we'll create our formula in the active cell, equals round tab, up arrow and I'm asking the 2 questions. When I copy B5 down do I need it locked? Yes I do, so I am going to hit the F4 key once, and twice. When I copy the F5 to the side, do I want it to move to February? Yes I do, So no dollar sign in front of the B, times and I'm clicking on the assumption table with the vertical labels and vertical numbers. Now I'm asking the question when I copy down, from cost of goods sold to operating, do I want this to move to operating an administrative? Yes I do, so I don't want to lock it when I go down. When I copy it to the side, do I want it to move relatively, which means the orange cell would move to the empty cell, and then the cell with text? No I don't, I need it locked since I'm copying across the columns. I need to stop that B from moving, so I hit the F4 key 1, 2, 3 times. Now that will work, 2 closed parentheses, I'm going to populate this formula into the highlighted range using Control-Enter. Here's a useless keyboard if you use Control-Period. Control-Period will always toggle between the corners of the highlighted range, so I could control period-period and F2 to verify that the cell references are in the correct location, Escape. All right, let's go look at another great example. We want to go to the sheet pension. And in this business example, we have a pension, or retirement table here that we want to fill out, and we're assuming that we will deposit $3,000 into some investment vehicle, whether it's bonds, or mutual funds, or stocks, or pension, or an annuity, but we're putting $3,000 in at the end of each year. Well since we want to see what will happen at 3%, 4%, 5% assumed return for each year, and see what happens if we save over longer, and longer periods of time. I need the same calculation in every cell, and look at this, it's always going to need to know for this column 5%, and for this row the 35 years. When I come down here, this needs 6 and 40, so it's like our multiplication table, or our budget, every intersecting cell has the input at the top of the column, and the head of the row. Now this is a fancy finance formula, and in my finance class, we get to talk about the math behind it. But luckily, Excel has this great function called FV, and FV means future value. Future value is similar to the PMT function we studied a few videos ago, to calculate a loan payment. Future value has similar arguments to PMT, we need to put in a period rate, the total number of periods, and the amount of the payment each period. And just like our PMT function, we're going to ignore the last 2 arguments. Any time you see an argument in square brackets, just like we saw in PMT and in the look-up, , if you know what the default is, you can leave those out, and we do not need those. So all we have to do is put in the first 3 arguments. Now rate, that's the period rate, we're annual so we click on that top cell right there. Now we're not going to worry about the cell references yet, comma total number of periods, well that's going to be a number of years, comma payment, that's the amount you put at the end of each year, and that's our 3,000. Now if we had an amount in the bank at the beginning, that's what we put in for present value. If we leave that out, it assumes zero. And type, just as we talked about with the PMT function, type is either at the beginning of the period or the end of the period. Most consumer loans and investment vehicles, assume that you put the amount in at the end, and that's the default. So we don't have to put either one of those arguments in, closed parentheses. Now I'm at a one by one click in each cell reference and ask, what we wanted to do throughout the copy action? Now as I copy this formula down, I'm going to move this out of the way. As I copy this formula down, what do I want B6 to do? Well, as I copy down, I need it locked on that 3%. So since I'm copying down across the numbers, I'm going to hit the F4 key, once and twice, lock in the 6, that six will not move to 7, 8, 9. Now B6, when I copy to the side across the columns, do I want B6 which is that 3%, to move to C6 which is the 4%? Yes I do, so no dollar sign in front of the B. Now A7, that's the number of years, as I copy down across the rows, do I want the orange one to move? Yes I do, I want it to move as I copy down, as a relative cell reference. So no dollar sign in front of the number. Now A7, as I copy across the columns, do I need every single formula locked on the 10? Yes I do, so I need to hit the F4 key 1, 2, 3 times, to stop the A from moving to B and C, as I copy it across the columns. Now the third cell reference, this is the payment up here. What do I want to do is I copy down? Well I need it locked. What do I need to do as I copy it to the side? Well I need it locked. Every cell for future value needs the 3,000, so I simply hit the F4 key one time, and there it is, that's our first formula where we've seen mixed cell reference with the row locked, mixed cell reference with the column locked, absolute. Now we can Control-Enter, I'm copying it to the side, and then double clicking, and send it down. I'm going to the diagonally furthest one away, and click or use Control-Period-Period. I see that it's highlighted F2, and look at that, totally got the column header, the row header, and the locked 3,000. All right, that was a great pension example using mixed cell references. Now we have our last example, payroll. I'm going to go over to the payroll sheet. We have names, January sales, we've already calculated commissions, there's our base salary, and gross pay. We added those 2 up, now we need FICA deduction, Medicare deduction, and federal withholding's deduction. Down here I have a horizontal assumption table, our labor is all horizontal, so we're going to use this one. On the test, I will try to trick you. I will give you both, and you have to figure out which one to use. We need gross pay, times our FICA, and then we need to copy it down, and over. So in the top cell, Equals Round, now we have extraneous decimals, we are dealing with money, and we're using this formula result in totals down here, and off to the side. All right, there's the gross pay, times the FICA deduction. Now for each cell reference, I need to ask 2 questions. When I copy E5 down, do I want it locked or do I want it relative? As I copy this one down it's got to move relatively, so I'm not putting a dollar sign in front of the 5. As I copy to the side, to Medicare, and then to federal, do I want it locked on E5? Yes I do, I need to stop the E from moving, as I copy across the column. So you hit the F4 key 1, 2, 3 times. Now I go to the next cell reference, F14. As I copy down, do I want that cell reference to move? No I don't, I want it locked on 14. So I have to hit the F4 key once, and twice. The 14 is now stopped, it will not move to 15 as I copy down. Now, as I copy to the side from FICA to Medicare, do I want the orange one to go from FICA to Medicare? Yes I do, so no dollar sign in front of the F. Now i-beam cursor at the end comma, 2 for Penny, closed parenthesis, Control-Enter, copy it down, and copy it to the side. Go to the diagonally furthest one away, and hit F2. I'm verifying that it has the correct gross pay, and tax rate, and it does. Now here's the cool thing about mixed cell references, and I happened to set up my table horizontally, and I put the assumption table directly below. And now, the boss comes in and you've created this table, and the boss says oh I forgot 2% pension withholding, and you say oh, that's no problem boss. And the boss says, take the rest of the afternoon off, and fix the table, and make all the calculations correct. But you look over your shoulder, and you just say, oh you mean like this boss? And you come up to the age column, right click-Insert to insert a column. Notice it automatically pushed over the formulas, and the federal withholding, and you said, oh you wanted pension right? Enter, and you said it was 2%, so I hit Enter, it's got 2% and now you simply sense that formula, is set up for mix cell reference. And this formula already has a sum, you simply highlight the column, and copy it over. You can even check it if you want, it's totally working perfect, these formulas over here are totally working perfect. This one right here totally working perfect. You only need to make sure that it says pension here, so you were tricky. F2, you even got the labels from up here down in the assumption table, so now you're just going to copy that over. That is the power of mixed cell references. Now I got to tell you 2 stories. When I worked for Broderick consulting, something very similar to this happened. I was working on a template that I had amended, so it was efficient, and the boss did walk in and said hey, can you make these improvements? And I literally looked over my shoulder, inserted a column, added a couple month labels, copied the formulas over, and in 5 seconds I had updated the template. And you can imagine how happy the boss was. Not only that but we've seen the round function, what five, six, seven, eight, nine times in this class. and it is one of those things that most people don't do. And what that means is so many spreadsheets are incorrect. Now they may be only off by a few pennies, but that matters, and we've got to go look at YouTube, at our class video number 9. So here's our class video number 9, about number formatting and round and look at this, I want to zoom in and look at this comment. This You-Tuber said, here's a story a teeny little recent glory at work. It happened a few times in the past that the accounting sheets I received daily from the billing guys, were a penny or 2 off, here and there. And since I have to receipt the amounts in our billing system, I had trouble finding the missing and/or overpaid pennies. Now here comes this video, I have watched yesterday. Straight this morning checked all the sheets for rounding errors, and sure as sunrise, there was the solution with a number formatting. Showed off to the boss, who could not thank me enough for the insight, and I had the delightful task, to teach the billing guys the round function. Now this is just one anecdote, and I tell you anecdotes about my work experience, but this could be happening thousands of times, every day. And guess what? In your job from now on, you can be the one, F2 to build the efficient template, and always remember, in our case to use mix cell references, and use that round function. All right, there are some homework problems over here for you to practice. And in this video we definitely saw how to use mixed cell references in a payroll example. Over on pension, we saw how to use mixed cell references, and in a finance, or pension example, we talked about how setting up your assumption table with the correct orientation is required, if you want to use mixed cell references. Over on budget, we saw a situation where we had 13 expenses in 12 months, and we mixed cell references to quickly create those formulas. And we started it off with the multiplication table, a great trick for teaching yourself, or if you forget. Six months from now you have a job, and you forget how to do mixed cell references, just whip out a multiplication table, remind yourself how those mixed cell references work, and you're good to go. All right, if you liked that video, be sure to click that thumbs up, leave a comment and so, because there's lots more videos to come from Excel is fun. Next two videos, Excel basic 17 and 18, we'll talk about some accounting formatting, and defined names. All right, we'll see you next video.
Channel: ExcelIsFun
Views: 49,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Highline College, Busn 216, Mike Girvin, Michael Girvin, excelisfun, Excel Basics, Learn Excel, Excel, Learn Excel Online, Complete Lesson in Excel, Basic Excel, Mixed Cell References, Excel and Punk Rock, Save time creating formulas, ROUND Function, Building a Budget in Excel, Two Questions Method, Sledge Hammer Method, How to use Mixed Cell References, Different Types of Cell References, Cell References in Excel Formulas, F4 Key, Toggle through Cell References
Id: b-aeB73pdt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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