Excavator Venturing Out Onto Quicksand

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back up here where the 220 is on the little sand quick Sam will soak all that quicksand because it most likely it is well I'm about to venture out there and find out how soft it is we now have three siphons in here you can see how much water's flowing in here and there's another creek over there to rein in again as always like it always does but a lot of water flowing in here so I had three siphons we put the six back in here we had to use that yesterday for the overflow pond project so brought that back up here and got it set up so it should help take care and drain this down I'm gonna try to go out here today and at least make a cut down this edge and get the creek on that side so I'd start laying all this sand up here to kind of dry out some don't exactly know what I'm getting into that is was the five or six foot deep so hopefully my mats will spread the weight out and I should be able to track out there I hope that is the plan but I won't know until I start making my way out there and hopefully it doesn't turn to quicksand and a little concern with the amount of water that's flowing in that you know and it'll seem solid but when you start driving over you can just a liquefy so I'll just have to use my experience and just take it easy so let's see what's going to happen now raise the windshield up or they get fogging up I got wet the windows the Naga let's see what's gonna happen here together fairly tight most amount awaits readout are so good I can Rick you say I didn't get anything solid be careful out here I have to be careful I think if I go out here and don't mr. bit I'll be fine if I dig it get it broke up this could be very interesting lightning so get out here hopefully kind of drops off pretty pretty good actually I want wanna dig in the insolence estar Milan that thing it never want the water to start running this way we've refined what a piling up straightness down enough so when I name this up Oh we'll leave our door open for safety till my mom really concerned about once I get out here because all this is gonna as the waters gone out of room and compacted it down pretty solid right here at the end where is the sandbar out and it's not solid over there here and all the friend think about two more on the corner I'm gonna get a little hippie there just like the beach there I think one more and I'm gonna be pushing on uh let's do one more all right great birthday gonna start playing it back along the edge here in the niche cut down the side we'll try out it'll give me a nice pile to order cutting out there not lower the growth where I'm working now being useless but you kind of see like I explained in the other videos how it pushes all I'll see all the leaves and everything now this pond of beer we usually do three or four my contract where we coming we put in a rock dam over there and all the sediment we didn't like a year after the and now you see the mess yeah right now I'm really just focus don't get that bitch down on this side let the water run and he see how it spawned enough that Olinda make it all in liquid that I'll and then have an I can definitely tell we going down that you were then Simon in the face it's like mud it's still about you tell all the quarters fan was deposited up there putting all the an oversized well and we got the truck all is out of here - there's like a little super lining over every minute that right now or early from me see how just drive all this I'm already lower than the water now now it's starting to turn the quicksand in order or so in here I'm a golden every channel equal water get it all not really all the water that when I'm digging I'm not I can see what I'm doing come on dear when you're on deck give up start draining now we have my water fitness just so much development of dream like that with all these people oh damn up thanks your any other compass we just kept watching homebound scream inches at all my army by the time we leave today I'll be long there your eyes out there the water out of it now I won't take build a little comfort damn right here biggie all that water's gonna now this way getting on top of that saturate now gotta hold it back and then that run level right then I'm gonna actually go over this bitch open and nothing somewhere in there elevator dropped right there Oh probably a turd a a bit crowded by your giving
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 436,584
Rating: 4.8417706 out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, pond, excavating, dredging, mud, sand, bar, quicksand, heavy, equip, equipment, construction
Id: fBcBgrP13mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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