Exanima S13E022: Dual Wielding Proctor Swords

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hey everybody welcome back all right Proctor should be out here she killed this zombie now where did she go that is the question should go down here no could not have gone that way so she must be down here or not well what wait a minute is this door open down here it used to be closed maybe it's open it is open uh there she is okay I wanted to get to her because I want that Proctor sword so I can dual wield them who that was a Miss I want to get a face stab here it'd be much easier to Parry and oh there we go there we go all right we got four and a half slash on that one and on mine we have four so if we just wait did I not I learn dual wield right oh we haven't learned it just yet it's almost done okay well okay we'll use the better one for right now okay all right so let's go back here now where what where did you come from oh that was beautiful and okay I I don't where are these these people coming from oh yeah little low there and that was terrible all right uh I mean theoretically one of them could have come from back here if I missed them I don't know how I missed them but did both of them I don't know all right let's put this here beautiful wonderful uh we already have let me see what the make of this one was extremely well made uh yeah that's fine all right so we're going to want this key yeah we just learned dual wield all right cool now work on F oh that's right we had learned it before but then we died that's right now we can do a wield with our C in the- Dark Helmet much better [Music] all right and a face plant all right see if there's anything useful here we don't need this key because it just leads you back to the beginning of the floor usually don't find any weapons I want here I'm not interested in any of the swords because I have my swords of choice right now now this Warhammer might come in handy eventually so I'm going to grab that we don't need those helmets CU we have our C on the Dark Helmet now and I don't think there's anything in there no all right upgrade sphere again helmet's not going to do us any good because we need to see in the dark and more swords all right so this is the key we just picked up is going to open that door uh which will give you access to to this sword which has really good slash damage and balance and impact it's two-handed sword but you can't stab with it uh I typically don't really go for that sword so we're going to pass it up all right let's move on then okay get ourselves some chain leggings here exceptionally wellmade I like that those will go over our cloth leggings we have another layer now uh that coat is not this one's not bad so is this kind of the same yeah it's basically the same as one we had but whatever switch to it [Music] [Music] okay nothing in here uh now look at these these shoes These are nice right here steel capped just like those but with much better stats overall uh Is this different up here no I don't think there's anything else in this room all right there used to be a box right there I always run over here looking for it expecting to see it but it is no longer there [Music] um let's see what we got here yes slightly better isn't it all right throw that on okay all right so we're going to have to fight some skeletons up here so I'm going to switch over to what I thought was the bardish there we go we could use that one-handed Warhammer but we still have Crush damage with this come on [Music] now Shield there we go let's try to get a parry and a repost here nope too impatient I got to wait for the Parry there it is all right uh let's see yeah we're going to take these Greaves and now we will go through the portal now we are in sir's level the gigant Beast hopefully we can avoid him we're going have good parrying chances here now that we're dual wielding there we go okay oh look at that another full sa are you kidding me now we have three and a half that is uh very fortunate now this pull ax has one crush and I probably prefer that to the bardish at this point we make that our secondary there actually we'll just switch to it now cuz we're dealing with skeletons here now that we've killed the one zombie on this level and there is an arm harness we're definitely putting that on in fact let's go ahead and upgrade this it's now in Flawless condition very nice all right try to lure this skeleton out of the doorway here so we can actually swing this thing that's what I like to see excellent all right uh I'm going to stick with that curus for right now and we don't need the spers cuz we have the arm harness now yeah let me check this three and a half Crush those these are good it's just they're so slow really slow and but we might end up needing it I'll take it I'm going to toss that onee headed Warhammer we're not going to need that now come on get through the door we go oh and I missed come on there we go yeah all right that's better uh don't need any of that stuff that's three and a half on that mace and it's fine same amount of crush all right so this is probably yeah that's going to replace that curus and I think what we'll do is upgrade this as well so now it's in Fairly good condition so it can get better but I'm just going to just going to leave it like that for right now kind of try to manage these upgrade spheres oh God there's sir maybe he didn't see us I don't think he saw us that's good so what I'm going to do is close this door so he doesn't follow me this way at least he could still get to us in a roundabout way but that should lower the chances of that interaction occurring all right very nice okay please be the leggings no this is a great Helm but can't see in the dark with it for future reference by the way if if sir starts chasing after you you can lead him here and go to the other side of this and he will most likely move these things around and fall in the pit that is by far the best way to deal with him if you can't avoid him by far the best way give me the leggings please there they are all right let's go ahead and upgrade them real quick before we even put them on this is why I was trying to manage these spheres good condition let's go one more time these are important now they're in Flawless condition whoops let me close that there we go now we are looking good we only have two and a half uh Circles of encumbrance thanks to maneuvering an armor 1 two and three splendid and not a lot of space to work here especially not with a pull arm could get flanked here also tried to go under the shield there comes the flank let's move around that's better nice uh wasn't close enough there we go all right not interested in any of that nor am I interested in the one-handed mace what I am am interested in however is the stamina regenerating bracelet here that's what we want some uh some gauntlets would be nice I guess but I haven't seen any on these skeletons all right now we just got to get out of here without running across sir again all we got to do is go through this door up here and then dip or this one and then dip to the right to the crossroads sir is nowhere to be seen let's go and we are out of there all right not bad not bad at all oh that was beautiful that's what that was all right there's a blue crystal getting started with the crystals a little early I like it and we don't need counters anymore because we've got this arm harness oh my goodness another half Sav we've got essentially four savs now that's amazing all right so this is where we're going to end this episode thank you as always for hanging out everybody I appreciate it please hit like And subscribe if you would like to and I will see you all next time
Channel: OdinSTX
Views: 853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xD735mlWeEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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