going on in the sports role here
in south Florida. Okay. Thanks
so much, Joy. Well, some in south Florida. Okay. Thanks
so much, Joy. Well, some
developing news in the so much, Joy. Well, some
developing news in the
investigation into classified developing news in the
investigation into classified
documents found at former investigation into classified
documents found at former
President Trump’s a Lago resort. documents found at former
President Trump’s a Lago resort.
We’ve learned federal are using President Trump’s a Lago resort.
We’ve learned federal are using
a grand jury here in South We’ve learned federal are using
a grand jury here in South
Florida as part of the. Both a a grand jury here in South
Florida as part of the. Both a
news reporter joined. Kelly is Florida as part of the. Both a
news reporter joined. Kelly is
live in Miami to tell us about news reporter joined. Kelly is
live in Miami to tell us about
the witness spotted walking into live in Miami to tell us about
the witness spotted walking into
federal courthouse today. Trump. the witness spotted walking into
federal courthouse today. Trump.
federal grand jury meeting here federal courthouse today. Trump.
federal grand jury meeting here
at the Wilkey Ferguson Federal federal grand jury meeting here
at the Wilkey Ferguson Federal
Courthouse in downtown Miami at the Wilkey Ferguson Federal
Courthouse in downtown Miami
this morning, where reportedly Courthouse in downtown Miami
this morning, where reportedly
been hearing testimony, several this morning, where reportedly
been hearing testimony, several
witnesses over the few weeks, been hearing testimony, several
witnesses over the few weeks,
most recent one happening just witnesses over the few weeks,
most recent one happening just
this morning. Take a look at most recent one happening just
this morning. Take a look at
this. New video cameras this morning. Take a look at
this. New video cameras
capturing former Trump aide and this. New video cameras
capturing former Trump aide and
spokesperson Taylor Butler, capturing former Trump aide and
spokesperson Taylor Butler,
which walking into federal court spokesperson Taylor Butler,
which walking into federal court
here earlier today with his which walking into federal court
here earlier today with his
attorney brought a witch here earlier today with his
attorney brought a witch
testifying before the grand jury attorney brought a witch
testifying before the grand jury
today, part of special counsel testifying before the grand jury
today, part of special counsel
Jack Smith’s into former today, part of special counsel
Jack Smith’s into former
president handling of classified Jack Smith’s into former
president handling of classified
documents at Mar a Lago. Now, president handling of classified
documents at Mar a Lago. Now,
according to multiple reports, documents at Mar a Lago. Now,
according to multiple reports,
it appears Smith’s investigation according to multiple reports,
it appears Smith’s investigation
may be its final stages. Nearly it appears Smith’s investigation
may be its final stages. Nearly
months after federal officials, may be its final stages. Nearly
months after federal officials,
Trump’s Palm Beach estate. Up to months after federal officials,
Trump’s Palm Beach estate. Up to
this point, Smith has relied on Trump’s Palm Beach estate. Up to
this point, Smith has relied on
another federal grand jury this point, Smith has relied on
another federal grand jury
meeting in Washington, D.C, to another federal grand jury
meeting in Washington, D.C, to
him here and gather evidence in meeting in Washington, D.C, to
him here and gather evidence in
this case. News of this second him here and gather evidence in
this case. News of this second
grand jury convening here in this case. News of this second
grand jury convening here in
Miami just becoming last night grand jury convening here in
Miami just becoming last night
with the reason behind still Miami just becoming last night
with the reason behind still
unclear. Former David Weinstein with the reason behind still
unclear. Former David Weinstein
telling, the one and only unclear. Former David Weinstein
telling, the one and only
earlier today that while this telling, the one and only
earlier today that while this
may be unusual it is not earlier today that while this
may be unusual it is not
unprecedented, adding it’s may be unusual it is not
unprecedented, adding it’s
possible these two grand juries unprecedented, adding it’s
possible these two grand juries
may be working in conjunction possible these two grand juries
may be working in conjunction
with one another. Take a listen may be working in conjunction
with one another. Take a listen
. The mandate that’s been given with one another. Take a listen
. The mandate that’s been given
to special prosecutor in the . The mandate that’s been given
to special prosecutor in the
order signed by the attorney to special prosecutor in the
order signed by the attorney
general allows him to order signed by the attorney
general allows him to
investigate this case in the general allows him to
investigate this case in the
District of Columbia. Any other investigate this case in the
District of Columbia. Any other
districts in the country and District of Columbia. Any other
districts in the country and
also to refer investigate out to districts in the country and
also to refer investigate out to
U.S. attorneys in other also to refer investigate out to
U.S. attorneys in other
districts. And so it may simply U.S. attorneys in other
districts. And so it may simply
convenience for witnesses who districts. And so it may simply
convenience for witnesses who
are located in South Florida, convenience for witnesses who
are located in South Florida,
potentially government who it be are located in South Florida,
potentially government who it be
easier to just bring them into a potentially government who it be
easier to just bring them into a
grand jury down here. It could easier to just bring them into a
grand jury down here. It could
also have something to do with grand jury down here. It could
also have something to do with
the jurist fiction or the venue also have something to do with
the jurist fiction or the venue
where the charges arisen from. the jurist fiction or the venue
where the charges arisen from.
Yeah, new at noon, but did post where the charges arisen from.
Yeah, new at noon, but did post
a statement on his Twitter Yeah, new at noon, but did post
a statement on his Twitter
account within the last 45 a statement on his Twitter
account within the last 45
minutes reacting to his account within the last 45
minutes reacting to his
testimony here today, saying in minutes reacting to his
testimony here today, saying in
part quote, in what can only be testimony here today, saying in
part quote, in what can only be
described a bogus and deeply part quote, in what can only be
described a bogus and deeply
troubling effort to, use the described a bogus and deeply
troubling effort to, use the
power of government to get Trump troubling effort to, use the
power of government to get Trump
I fulfilled a legal obligation power of government to get Trump
I fulfilled a legal obligation
to testify in front of a federal I fulfilled a legal obligation
to testify in front of a federal
grand jury. And I answered every to testify in front of a federal
grand jury. And I answered every
question honestly. He went on to grand jury. And I answered every
question honestly. He went on to
say, America has become a sick question honestly. He went on to
say, America has become a sick
and broken nation. Decline led say, America has become a sick
and broken nation. Decline led
by Joe Biden and power and broken nation. Decline led
by Joe Biden and power
Democrats. I will not be by Joe Biden and power
Democrats. I will not be
intimidated by this Democrats. I will not be
intimidated by this
weaponization of government. intimidated by this
weaponization of government.
Back Out here live again, that weaponization of government.
Back Out here live again, that
grand jury to meet here at the Back Out here live again, that
grand jury to meet here at the
federal courthouse in downtown grand jury to meet here at the
federal courthouse in downtown
Miami. At this point, though federal courthouse in downtown
Miami. At this point, though
it’s not clear exactly how long Miami. At this point, though
it’s not clear exactly how long
will be convening here. It’s it’s not clear exactly how long
will be convening here. It’s
also not clear if they plan to will be convening here. It’s
also not clear if they plan to
hear from any additional also not clear if they plan to
hear from any additional
witnesses in this case. Of hear from any additional
witnesses in this case. Of
course, we’ll monitor developing witnesses in this case. Of
course, we’ll monitor developing
situation and bring you any course, we’ll monitor developing
situation and bring you any
additional development that we situation and bring you any
additional development that we
learn. For now that is the very additional development that we
learn. For now that is the very
latest live here from the learn. For now that is the very
latest live here from the
federal courthouse in downtown