EX RATTLESNAKE | UK Troops Get Rare Access To Special Forces RZR Vehicles

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[Music] it's extremely grueling we always say that we're we stretch you to the point where we can see all your your holes the joint readiness training center rotation is like a cricket uh bat in the face over and over again what's that right i'm sean gwezzcek and i'm joining the welsh cavalry as they spend 12 days in what's known as the box a feared training area that's been used to test troops to their limits for decades [Music] inside the box one of the most feared training areas in the u.s army let's go let's go and troops are in the thick of it being tested over and over again and tracking through the terrain the welsh cavalry position who are in the midst of one of the biggest military exercises taking place in the world this year this is a joint training readiness center for the americans so they come through it to validate how good a commander they are in each of their echelons different formations from the lowest to the highest how well can you execute on what is a quite a difficult terrain one big one big one against uh enemy that does this day in day out every month cool guys we're an open crown let's go let's go let's go so far based on the the short period of time that we've been out here uh they've been doing very well uh they're they have very good discipline um they're maintaining quiet and security at all times and uh they're really working through the speed bumps and the process with ease and that's very impressive now assaulting integral fast sports the welsh cavalry are advancing on enemy positions where a fierce gunfight is underway they're facing various threats including green figures with wooden rifles they're static but full when hit and they've successfully taken all of them out enemies suppressed for the minute they're not moving what we're testing is the um interoperability of slotting in somebody company sized within an american battle group within an american brigade within an american div and say how well can you execute having not met these people before moving with very little equipment what you're doing is plugging in the man and saying how well can we perform and when it comes to performance the welsh cavalry are getting the chance to use something usually reserved for special forces so the soldiers are particularly chuffed about the fact that they finally had these razor vehicles delivered they were meant to be inserted via chinook a few days ago uh but it's actually radically going to change the way they will be able to do resupply over the next few days in terms of getting that crucial water supply to the guys and they don't normally get to use these vehicles they are a game changer for us just water water consumption out here is through the roof we're kind of consuming up to about 10 liters a day per man and we just can't carry that the more you carry the more water you need to consume predominantly used by uh their special forces because they now starting to roll them up to the the wider army however the utilization of them has hasn't been quite figured out yet so we're kind of trial running for three eight nine carve how we're going to operate so basically you've got the driver and commander stations in there it's exactly the same as a civilian uh atv so you've got automatic uh drive uh accelerated brake like a little go-kart when you've got when you're cutting across the open ground and then the panic bar for the for the for the dr for the commander when we started getting a bit airborne and started going a bit faster on corners so he's got a nice little grip there um and then also the back seats so predominantly where we'd use the back seats is for either carriages we're doing now or if we do take any casualties we can then extract this kit out put injured personnel in real time or exercise play strap them in and then extract them off the battlefield [Music] so well i'm not gonna lie that was a lot of fun but it's only when you get in there and you actually cross the terrain here which is incredibly tough that you see why they're so excited about getting to use it on this exercise because crossing this this type of ground going through the swamps etc that's what's difficult and that's why it's so important in terms of resupply for the guys on the ground but things don't always go to plan this razor found a ditch that caused a few issues but that's the nature of exercises anything can happen and the show must go on meanwhile support to the battle group from the air is vital apaches chinooks and blackhawks many based at fort drum in new york have joined the exercise and tonight they're gearing up for a big air assault we've been granted special behind the scenes access to see their preparations up close we're going to insert charlie 389 which is start of part of third bct 10th mountain so some of their reconnaissance forces and the welsh cavalry we're going to take them behind enemy lines under night vision goggles both for the ground force and for us it's a big moment so individual pilot skills goes a long way into doing something like this because you have to count and know what the other for tonight nine aircraft are doing as we're flying a tight formation under goggles zero loom it's nearly time [Music] final checks are made [Music] dozens are involved in making sure these aircraft get off the ground one of the biggest air results of this exercise there's only one word for it wow [Music] and with that they're off providing support from the air but also adding yet another level of complexity to this massive exercise and moving troops behind enemy lines [Music] and while we're not joining them tonight we've been given an incredible chance to experience an apache up close join me next time when i make history and of the first british journalist to be granted a flight in an apache by the us army and flown by one of their top guns john gross czech forces news alexandria airport louisiana if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like and 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Channel: Forces News
Views: 202,643
Rating: 4.930285 out of 5
Keywords: Forces News, Forces TV, British Armed Forces, British, Forces, military, serving, military personnel, Ministry of Defence, British defence, British military, Exclusive, Exclusive access, Exercise Rattlesnake, Ex Rattlesnake, UK military, UK Armed Forces, UK troops, UK personnel, Special Forces, RZR vehicle, Louisiana, USA, US, US military, US Armed Forces, US personnel, US troops, US soldiers
Id: p7TnSSslI48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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