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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Gdileavemealone 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
so we got a book I can sit on a really big book like some kind of old dictionary book of spells whatever you got laying around zelf what do we do what is it self on a shelf or zelf on - ah okay just say it they don't commas OS they call as odds they cool on the Shelf all our friends call us up know that we're self on - I wasn't around on any old show this is a second red flag in our relationship I've discovered this week because this video as you've already seen by the title is themed around the fact that Jared has never read the CES letter despite being an ex woman for how many years that's before I was born a thing probably since 2015 everybody welcome to zelf on a shelf my name is Jared and once again I've been bamboozled hooligans into making some internet podcasts to their UNICEF porn was like not this time Jared can you just we'll just talk right into it talk right into my crotch hi this is crotch talk I'll try not to yell but I am furious we're all use really intense quiet voices you can you know that you'll be fine well okay they like the passion even if it hurts itself I was a really good latter-day saint and weren't they all well I mean before anybody hoots and hollers about whether or not I was playful or ap I would never date someone who was a baby I went out tracking and blizzards scorching heat like basically anytime I say look both ways don't go out and proselyte right now it's like I'm gonna do it cuz I want it hot why and then the pandemic could never heard of her I was married in the temple I've been warming my whole life president of every corner I've been in every one I guess I really believed it really true to me and I felt like it inspired me whatever it doesn't feel that way anymore and I've never read that the CES letter so now they've got this new swanky and nice mr. Webb's body now today you got to scroll through a PDF I am trying to get out this because I didn't I didn't read it till I had left the church either the day after I just don't feel the need to I so bored with the church by the time I left I went to college and then dr. native me with liberalism no I was going to Weber State University and I was taking an English 2020 class which I got an A in I did a paper on why it was wrong for two homosexuals to get married and it was an impossible paper to write because I didn't believe in it and I didn't know that I didn't believe that at the time I as a good Mormon thought that it was wrong for two people of the same sex to get married I thought I thought it was wrong and so then when I tried to write this paper I just hadn't started my computer for like hours and I just nothing was coming to me so I thought it'd be a fun experiment for me to just ride it Pro gay marriage and just because it might be a little bit easier to to write the 10 page paper and it just turned out super easy because it was doing this whole gay marriage was the one that made more sense but that's not what my face I had to explain to all my friends like justifying it like I'm just doing it for the paper I just want to get a good grade like I don't really think that but it turned out that I did really think that it's okay for two if we have the truth it cannot be harmed by investigation if we have not the truth that ought to be harmed president J Reuben Clark he looks an skeptical man's a goblin yeah he's gonna skip to my vibe in the future he's like really okay I'm just gonna say my mom's gonna be pissed that you guys are doing this to me if this isn't funny I won't be nervous remember how I'm just looking at this Jeffrey are hauling both the sudden death he's like you give God a sudden death manifesting is it true or not I'm give it to me or I'm walking away like I'm gonna do try this one more time I'm just gonna inspect these two scriptures and see if they seem identical this was actually the first question I had as a teenager I was like if we have the Bible and it's an incorrect translation and Joseph Smith's did a retranslation of the Bible to make it correct but that's different than the what the Book of Mormon is saying which ones there's three different versions it is like why would the Joseph Smith translation should match the book of woman because the book was supposed to be in my script book and not only that it's like totally mistranslated it's right right okay let's move on can I just say this is just wild so far is when you are actually questioning if the church is sure and you're not reading it for the first time and you're like holy that doesn't add up I guess yeah I guess some of the the intensity might be lost on me because I've already like I really just don't think it's anything that I'm like yeah I know it wasn't true this is completed that Native American Indians do not originate from the least or from Israelites but rather from Asia why did the church change the following section of the introduction page in the 2006 book of Mormon shortly after the DNA results were released originally it said the Lamanites and they are the principal ancestors of the American Indians and then they changed it to which yes it's annoying me that it would even say American Indians because it's like wouldn't God know that that's not what they are anyway and then in 2006 after DNA evidence came out the church changed it to the Lamanites and they are among the ancestors of the American Indians for over and then another update the church conceded in its 2014 Book of Mormon and DNA studies essay that the majority of Native Americans carry largely Asian DNA the church through this essay makes a major shift in narrative from the past dominant narrative and claims of the origins of the Native American Indians so basically in the past they thought all Native Americans what came from Lamanites right and then they changed it to be like some of them came to muna and now they've changed it to like most one did they like an asset in church like they just put it out like it was always there yeah feel like they should have said this like in any church meeting at least one this I could be the decent thing to do you know they always just allude that like DNA science proves the Book of Mormon is true but you never see any good science on it it's so profoundly racist to like to be like uh yeah yeah Native Americans we've got your story here actually you're bad white people you were cursed depending on like we don't really give a about you we're gonna disregard all your oral history and you know cultural stories we're gonna ignore all your architecture all the archaeology that's been found and just say that no they were actually Christian Jews that killed over on a boat that they made by themselves in the desert horses oxen sheep swine goats elephants wheels chariots wheat silk steel and iron no in pre-columbian America during both woman times do another I didn't know how would he know outright that's the look about do like right like we're all doing this best yeah right a little book okay and someone turned it into something he didn't ask for it to become and then God I started asking him to marry people you didn't want to marry I was thank some people you don't want to have sex it sounds like my job just trying to survive just to get by you know rethinking about quality control it only works if you don't look in a big picture like if you stay in this tiny little pinhole just think about horses then it's like well that's some explanation but how about these fifteen things all of the major yeah huge just like the invention of Steel has such lasting permanent changes on a culture like the gun like the book germs guns and steel will tell you about and so like that it would just magically disappear without a trace it's like it can't just do that because society is built around those things so like it would leave its mark everywhere it just doesn't vanish and ice letting you since I haven't and that's the same for horses any culture that's like been affected by horses stays affected by horses because there's such a game you journey you look into a horse's eyes you were a family you've seen a horse that symbolism I feel like when I was Mormon like anything like this if anybody had ever brought this to me just like I would just like make up something in my head like didn't God like just take everything away just to test us or like maybe they they had that and then they didn't have that and it got brought some other I don't know even if someone had told me that when I was Mormon like I feel like I could have just shrugged it off easily just cuz I so convinced that it was true uh-huh I feel that we can sum up this next section in the first line there is absolutely no archaeological evidence to directly support the Book of Mormon or the fights and Lamanites who were supposed to have numbered in the millions no evidence none of the millions of steel swords they allegedly fought with in battle seriously where's your many book of mormon names and places are strikingly similar to many local names and places the regions where Joseph Smith lived look how similar these names up it's so obvious right before your eyes this is like Shiloh Shiloh basic stuff it was just kind of like fun for the locals and it wasn't yeah they're like wait are you that guy who pretended to look at glass and findings of charges where are you ladies this wild goose chase for silver never accept it in his our town something smells fishy about this if the Book of Mormon were just taken for what it is like a book of fiction it would be a really interesting look into the consciousness of Joseph Smith like you see his fingerprints all over it like this is his growing up and you see like his personification of the Lamanites as his understanding of the Native Americans and you know it's like it's all so obviously him but okay so this is interesting with you if the Hebrews is a book that it's pretty likely Joseph Smith on because it was published like I mean his time in his era was this there's one of these books maybe this one that was written by the Minister of Oliver Cowdery look how similar the story lines are both books this fiction book and Book of Mormon bearing in mind that Joseph Smith probably had this fiction book include all this different stuff like lost Indian records hieroglyphs Urim and Thummim it's the same bird again strikingly similar just rebranded and Wow no one talks about here of the Hebrews I'm just saying he's sitting in a garage right now like I was there much you believe in your product well it just it just really seems like he wasn't even creative about it he just kind of just stole all these stories here's it here's I think it was like a techie on an 1819 textbook written for New York State schoolchildren so he definitely so it depicted the events of the world war of 1812 which his like he was alive for writing his like grandpa fought in that war patriotism and piety is the theme of this history it starts out doesn't this just sound like Book of Mormon language now it came to pass in the 1812 year of the Christian era and in the thirty and six year after the people of provinces of Columbia had declared themselves a free and independent nation that in the six months of the 50 I'm getting flashbacks from family script any book Mormon or Bible or anything in like years like just so many years and now just like it's like right back there in the morning it was specifically written in a Jacob in English style to imitate the King James Bible really weird that God just decided to produce this book of scripture that was going to be you know for every country on earth and every english-speaking nation and it just happened to be in this round of J could be an English time yeah what if the Book of Mormon is written for our day by someone like 200 years ago why didn't they write it in the language of 200 years ago or in today's not like yeah 300 years before right it's a really random they just appear from which it is which also happens to be the one that Jesus is really familiar with through English class and reading the Bible it lists some other things that are like the exact same phrases that you see in the Book of Mormon like the rod of iron a stripling soldier what I thought that was just for us - of Christopher Columbus an important theme for manifest seriously levity includes chiasma s-- the seminary teachers favorite thing to talk about what the Mormon is real because there's a Hebrew poetic style cat called Christmas that's like a BB a and the Book of Mormon is full of it which indicates that it's a human record it's like you know we find if we could ever get like a good woman youtuber on our show is like you have to guess whether this is from view of the Hebrews later book a moment oh that's so good this early Godhead that's them talking about how he just changed his mind about what the Godhead was right like it used to be the Godhead was three beings but they were one being and then it became three separate beings cuz he just changed his mind alright it's getting better and better all the time he was like finally a half Scott he's like wait so are you one person or three tripping I up really that's on me did you know that did I know that guy did you know that Joseph Smith originally told that the Godhead was one being no I didn't know that I thought he was always saying that it was three he wasn't mm-hmm I don't feel like they say that at church he's a brilliant marketer took one product and made three yeah one book of mormon literally changed not just Joseph Smith like the Book of moment the most correct of any book on earth which he apparently translated by words popping up on a system which is obviously the new vending as it used to be from the go place for whatever it's just like all these changes that you would think would be perfect in the first round so that's the whole thing about this book that's like it's unique selling point and then though these major errors well to be fair Joseph Smith was just a man okay it's not perfect yeah and the Book of Mormon author did say if there are any faults with this book it's not a guy it's because we're we're bad writers but we're gonna change the out of this button over and over again we're not gonna tell you in church what are you doing I ain't know I've pointed this out before but it's so funny to me it's my favorite moment in Mormon apologetics is they have the claim a critics claim that Joseph Smith sent men on missions to and then propose to their wives and because the evidence disproves that claim because yeah only ten of the twelve if there's a little bit of poo in the brownie they've just got like a literal ton of brownies you know that would be super rude I feel pretty pretty upset if somebody asked me to go on a mission so they could take my wife Jesus it's like dude if you love her you gonna let go this life unless there's a really cool mission and I didn't really like my wife then I'd be cool I don't think the missions were really cool all right just to be clear I still have reoccurring nightmares and I have to go on another mission for some reason I'm so bored of this it's really boring I swear they used to be more pictures we should do is CES letter picture book these wives there's like God and you have like two people coming up Jared are you do you know about the Kinderhook plates I've heard the name but I actually don't know what it is TBH okay church historians continue to insist on the authenticity of the Kinderhook plates until 1980 when in examine an examination conducted by the Chicago Historical Society possessor of the one plate proved it was a 19th century creation so what happened in this situation is jezus mr. early in the book or early in the Doctrine and Covenants God tells Joseph Smith don't pretend that any other gift except for translation that's the one that you're good you're good at and so he's you know bragging about that so someone brings him these plates that I like we uncovered these plates from you know the other people who lived here just like you said he's like yeah I didn't say they were plates bearing around yes this proves that I'm gonna get on translating so he starts translating it he didn't finish the process but he got pretty far in at least enough to say like yeah these are a record and he gave the people names of like him she and Boaz Pharaoh king of Egypt that he received the kingdom ruler and having the earth and then turns out it was actually fake so he translated fake plates and just presented the translation us you know this inspired thing and the church for years like at least a century was like the Kinderhook plates are proof that Joseph Smith was a translator and then this you know Chicago's be literally proof in the book a moment we don't have any plates cuz its lights never existed but someone did make fake plates and he translated them and that translation was wrong also Book of Abraham we have the original papyrus in the Book of Abraham the translation is wrong everything we have like an original copy of from the translation it's wrong yeah yeah it's but the Book of Mormon where some so what does the church say when it's proven that they are not real that it was I think they were just like she's gonna die by the way so if you got a good thing uh say no I'm just saying how does the church say that it's not true and then people are just like oh well that doesn't matter the Book of Mormon still chew or Joseph Smith was it yeah yeah that's it make the bishop out of that
Channel: undefined
Views: 30,865
Rating: 4.872128 out of 5
Keywords: ex mormon, ex-mormon, ces letter, why i left mormonism, mormon church, zelph on the shelf
Id: UnjSPfyP39Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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