Ex High School Sweethearts | Truth or Drink | Cut

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- What's the biggest secret you kept from me? - Um I guess I told you I wasn't masturbating when I was. (laughs) ("Serenade No. 13 in G Major" by Mozart) - Hello. - Hello. (both laugh) - I'm Christa. - I'm Cody. - I'm Natalie. - I'm Evan. - We dated in high school and that's why we're here. (laughs) - Yeah we actually haven't seen each other in like a really long time. - Yeah, a while. - Well, I was actually, can we take a shot first? Just to warm up? - Oh wow, okay. Have your sexual abilities improved since high school? - Hmm...no. (laughs) I still last the same as I did freshman year. (laughs) - Like two minutes. - I mean that's just when we get going, you know. - Stop. - I mean you gotta be serious! - Have your sexual abilities improved since high school? - Oh yeah. (laughs) - What's them new moves? - Depends on the person, depends on the penis. (both laugh) - Can we go to next question now shit. - Of all the lovers you've had, where do I rank? - You're the top one, you're just like what I find attractive in a girl. - Yay. - Of all the lovers you've had, where do I rank? - The best I guess. - Out of the whole two. - What the fuck are you guys... - Females and males? - Two. - More than 15, less than 20 probably. How many of them were women? Probably like... 8? - She had more sex with women than I did. Alright let's move on. (laughs) - Did you have your first orgasm with me? - Yeah... - Oh hell yeah. - Yeah. - But you've had partners before me. - You're number one. - Oh, really? - Mhm. - What move was I hittin' you with? When I made you nut? (laughs) - Well you ate me out. (both laugh) - What did you learn from me in the bedroom, that I set you up for future lovers? - My idea of sex was always super short so if sex was super long it would hurt my feelings. (laughs) - Well I mean it was good sex and stuff but like between us but then with other people it's like, it'll be like why is this so long? - Did I help you out? Let me know. - (laughs) It was like the first time like, having oral, like, sex with a woman. (both laugh) I learned a lot from that. - The little finger thing. - What finger thing girl? The bowling ball was it like two in the pink one in the stink, what was it? Oh, it was like a really quick motion on that G-spot. - What would have happened if we had gotten pregnant in high school? - Oh shit, we would have had an abortion for sure. - Yeah? - Yeah. - That couldn't have happened, but we got lucky that we're two girls so. - I would have never seen myself being like a teen mom or something like that, but I would probably, like, want to do everything to like make it work. - Mhm. - How long did it take you to get over me? - What is like "over you" mean? 'Cause we talked about, like, getting back together in the future up until I got pregnant pretty much. - Mhm. - Yeah. - Mhm. - No we didn't, we were just like, uh, we'll figure it out when it comes, basically. - Who broke up with who? - Ooh see, you broke up with me didn't you? - Yes. - You did, yeah. I wasn't really "out" per se. - I was, literally hiding in your closet from your mom. She could be on her bed and her mom got home from work and I hid in the closet. Shaking for my life. She's gonna beat me down when she finds me here. (both laugh) - Oh my god. - What's the biggest secret you kept from me? - I told you everything. I literally told you everything all the time. - Oh you're going to hate me. Remember when we broke up in high school around like prom senior year? - Mhm. - Cause you thought I had slept with somebody? - Yup, mhm. - I did. - I figured. - Are you hurt? - Kinda. - Are you? - Yeah. - I knew that you would be. - I figured, like, I knew this was going to happen, low key. - You knew they were going to ask something like that? - Something like that. - Interesting, how were we wrong for each other? - Oh man. We'll just say we're both crazy. - At least for me we just like, never, like, hit a point of, like, clicking. I sound like a tool saying that but I dunno. - You didn't like me enough, that was what was wrong. - Sounds so sad, don't wanna talk about that now shit. - It was like complacent. - Mhm - But we're also like young and like trying to figure it out. And not knowing exactly, like, what we want out of life was conflicting. - Yup. - How were we wrong for each other? - 'Cause we were young and I was crazy and needy and you were kind of a dick. - Alright next question. (laughs) - No I'm good. Kiss me like you did in high school. - I have to take a shot. I can't kiss you. - We can take shots to that. - Kiss me like you did in high school. - Like I did in high school? Do you remember we used to bite each other lips hella? - No. - You would just bite my lip once and it'll be good. - Okay. - Ah! - No you go that way. - Aah! - There you go. Cool! - Alright, last question you ready? - Did you always know that we wouldn't last? - No. I thought you were the one, then your crazy side came out. - What's my crazy side? - Your angry side (both laugh) - Guess I gotta get my crazy out, not so crazy. - For the next... - For the next person, I got you. - We're done here. - We're done. - I for sure thought we're gonna last, for forever. That time we broke up I just knew that things just weren't going to be the same. - Are you happy that we dated? - For sure! Definitely. Are you kidding me? - We were like best friends, we did so much. I wouldn't have done like half of that shit. - Yeah, like streaking, like climbing buildings, it was just like, I mean it was high school silly stuff. - Do you miss being in a relationship with me? - Yes. - (laughs) Is that what you want us to do? - Yeah for sure. - Definitely.
Channel: Cut
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Keywords: PLJic7bfGlo3qgrRJsCm5RbtOxZ8Q5WSr_, PLJic7bfGlo3p_Ib9WWdEbtaUXf8KkhfPF, truth or drink, truth or drink exes, truth or drink parents, truth or drink blind dates, true or drink, watchcut, couples play, exes play, Cut, Watch Cut, people, lineup, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, Fear Pong, Ex High School Sweethearts
Id: ZVlJAgcmb1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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