Ewan McGregor on Obi-Wan Spoilers & Making His Own Pair of Pants

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first get tonight is a very talented actor with a new obi wan khashoggi coming to disney plus but first he plays a famous fashion icon in a new limited series on netflix called halston it premieres friday please welcome ewan mcgregor hey ewan how are you good are you i'm doing well thank you thanks for being with us hi flicker i see you have a lot of star wars stuff behind you there in that room you're in huh yeah i'm on i'm on set i'm i'm sort serving in the studio where we're shooting this the um star wars series so yeah great pick up the computer and carry it around and show us everything what would happen if you did that would there would you no you can't be fired there's no way they can fire you i don't think they can fire me no but they wouldn't be they wouldn't be a tall happy with me no they couldn't nobody nor would anybody else it would be a shame to spoil think about all these reveals it just spoils it for the fans you know i know and yet i can't resist asking for it and wanting it yeah well i won't give it to you so hold up a script for just like one second hold up yeah let us see something there is your dressing room bigger than darth vader's i haven't been in his dressing room oh interesting so you're mad yeah yeah very much we're both very method in that respect but he also might he also might not be in the show you know what i mean it might be that he doesn't have a dressing room well wait a minute we've been told that he's on in the show that was already announced did they not tell you what was announced i don't know i just get pages i just get words to say you know i don't even get to see them random words i think they put them all together in the edit i don't know what's happening did you guys celebrate may the fourth last week on set yes i got a very special uh i got to play a very special scene on may the fourth oh with uh someone very special in my life and uh that's how that's all i can tell you about it but it was oh it was wow is this someone special that we've seen you on camera with before no never interesting is this special person related to you in some way no not necessarily oh wow what did it feel like to put the old costume back on it was good it feels great i have to say i'm having a really really good time the the the costume is probably slightly different you know than you might expect so um but to go back into the role shall we say was uh it's great it's like it's all still there it feels good there's some great um it's great scripts and great people to work with and it's great i'm having a good time and we've got this new technology we've got this you know before we did this months of blue screen and green screen acting and now we've got this extraordinary technology where we sort of work inside uh inside a big screen you know and the backgrounds are on there and so it feels feels much more realistic it's good and also as far as the outfits go it's just hit me is yeah ten years later as the show picks up ten years after revenge of the sith like whatever obi-wan was wearing would be really out of style by then ten years later right yeah that's right yeah the whole new wave now they've probably gone back you know to the pre-prequels yeah maybe so yeah yeah you know one more star wars thing noel gallagher of the band oasis claims and he said this in an interview that he he did your first lightsaber training with you is there any truth to that um well we had a it was noel gallagher's 30th birthday party and he lived quite close to me in london north london and um i was at his party and then there was a lightsaber fight in his garden very early the next day in the morning ah and uh but i don't remember too much uh instruction i don't remember like any lessons being given from noel you know what i mean it was just more of a battle in the garden and who won the battle was there a winner i would be i'd be surprised if either of us could remember that speaking of birthdays you had a big birthday in march happy birthday he turned 50 years old and one of your daughters posted a a a video that i i think is i really i found surprising i will tell you why roll that video here now here you are on a unicycle which i didn't know you knew how to ride just kind of going and oh my gosh obviously that it didn't go as good planned but we tacked that part in the end how long have you been riding a unicycle i've been right i've just been outed by my daughter you know what i mean i didn't know she posted i feel like i've been outed as the unicyclist i am i've managed to keep it secret all these years uh i don't know i picked it up years ago just as a whim on a whim you know and i find it to be something that was i like learning new things in my older age if you like and uh that was one of them and the only it's like uh i don't know it's a very difficult thing to learn to do you can only learn to do it by falling over and getting back up and falling over and getting back up and i think that's a lot that's like a sort of metaphor if you like for life so i i like it and suddenly you can do it and you can't i'll never really believe i can do it even when i'm riding along on one i still i'm a bit doubtful i'm like i'm not really doing this but but i can do it as you can see is it like riding a bicycle in that you once you could do it you could do it riding a unicycle probably not quite it's always a bit of a challenge getting started once you get going it maybe it is i don't know i think you you you get better at it as you go along for sure the long if you just keep trying to practice things wow it's like a chumbawamba song really come to life you know or one specific chumbawamba song anyway still the only jumba wonga chong song really the only ones another one no there are no there are no other ones in fact they just said you know what we nailed it we're done that's it we came back up again back you make these great travel shows where you ride your motorcycles uh through like for like what like a a thousand days or something through all these tiny places and um and you meet all these interesting people is that like the best thing you get to do that's one of the great things i've got to do in my life yeah is those big trips i love it i love i love being out uh in the middle of nowhere and you just you just get such a great sense of uh people and how helpful and nice people are all around the world especially when you're on a bike i don't know you're sort of you're vulnerable to the elements and when you're applying you know we wrote across kazakhstan and mongolia and um in those nomadic countries like mongolia is still a nomadic country and people people were just kind to us like they're they they travel around on horseback and we were on our motorcycles and i don't know there was a sort of kinship there which was nice i love it i do love it and do people go hey it's you from star wars or you know the train spotting or something like that when they no really a guy in russia saw me and he went you actor actor and i went yeah yeah and he went oh what did he use he didn't use the word porno but he used this word like a very polite way of saying porno i can't remember what it was [Laughter] he said i can't remember what he said charming the way he phrased it but i was like no no he might have seen some of my earlier work i don't know you mcgregor is with us this new show is called halston we'll be right back you have lots of options hold on no okay no allison you didn't even look at that one got to play ball here halston no no no no no no no austin can i have a word no that is ewan mcgregor in the new netflix limited series halston you're playing roy halston the fashion designer i'm gonna be honest i didn't know there was a roy halston i just i knew of halston and that's it that's the only thing i knew it's amazing i i didn't know anything about him either and he's the most incredibly famous person in his day he was the first fashion designer to put his name to to a collections of not only clothing but luggage and rugs and tel you know he he was a he was a he was a he was a label like in a way that no people are today you know but they weren't yeah like donald trump kind of in a way he wasn't like donald trump in any way it seems like it would be a lot of fun to play a character like that oh my goodness he was so much fun to play i really enjoyed learning about him and sort of fell in love with him and it was fun to play he he was quite extr he had extremes and and he was complicated so that those are always the characters that are most fun to play as an actor but i really fell for from did you know much about like the making clothing and um just like the the process of fashion before that no i became obsessed by buy clothes while i was doing it like you know before we started shooting as i was shooting i was always looking to see how clothing was made like on people's bodies i was like how does that seem work and i started trying to do it myself i got a sewing machine and a mannequin and i would drape at home and i made a pair oh i made it pants i made some kind of i went for a sort of japanese baggy short pant pantaloon really i made for myself and i did um i was just standing with a pair of chargers trying to figure it out and i was looking at pockets and a pocket's quite complicated i don't know if you've ever looked into your own pockets oh yeah if you turn your pants inside out and look at your pocket very complicated to make a pocket so i made one i just went i think this is how it's done and i turned them back the right way around and i had a pocket i was like that's a pocket i don't know i could do that so i turned the back inside out again i made the other side flopped them back round and the other pocket was on the outside i'd done them i had one inside hey but i think it could be my signature it could be my total you invented something all right you don't want to do things that everyone else does they got they were so itchy the pants and i um the wrong they're very scottish pants i i think you have something there you and mcgregor's itchy pocket pants you know well thank you for being with us i can't wait to see the whole thing halston premieres on friday on netflix and of course uh we you're our only hope you know that you and mcgregor everybody we'll be back with george wallace thanks for watching and remember every time you click the subscribe button one of your enemies gets destroyed
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 464,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, Ewan Mcgregor, Obi-wan, Star Wars, Netflix, Halston, Fashion Icon, Actor, May the Fourth, Costume, Revenge of the Sith, Lightsaber, 50th Birthday, Unicycle, Travel Show, Roy Halston, Fashion Designer
Id: xeSSD5bzG4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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