Evolution of Mary Jane in Spider-Man Games (2000 - 2023)

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] too bad Peter had to work yeah I'm just glad you're here I can't wait for my dad to meet you oh Harry are you all right yeah thanks you were great back there thanks I have to go deal with you know oh yeah thanks again no problem grab hold of a rogue balloon anytime rescuing damsels is my specialty go get him tiger I've been thinking about what you said the other night watch out [Applause] [Music] Barker pass a message along for me if you ever want to see this girl alive again tell you photogenic arachnid friend that he will meet me alone at the enrich Towers three o'clock this afternoon [Music] don't worry MJ I'll get you out of here none of your cheap theatrics today cretan I see Osborne was too weak stomach to kill you no matter I'll take great pleasure in rendering you limp from limb myself [Music] Peter Parker you've been sabotaging me all along I need it it's not done give it back it's really not done a cake of swinging around in my nerd clothes I just have to finish stitching up a hole in the butt and then I'll give it back to you I can explain the hole in the butt by the way please don't come by the place in about half an hour and I'll have it ready for you all right I'm gonna run by home and grab my web shooters scared me you done with my butt uh whole yet there's an idiot causing trouble a few blocks from here I need skedaddle so Harry still won't talk to you I've tried everything MJ he just won't listen he's convinced I killed his dad but he's your best friend Peter deep down he has to know you'd never do anything to hurt him don't worry give him time I'm sure he'll get over it but life came back to Manhattan Venom was gone bad guys were beaten and thrown in jail and for once things look pretty good for our hero oh my God are you narrating huh MJ how long were you standing there [Laughter] I heard superheroes like to do that but I never thought that you please we gonna do this thing it gets you to forget that you caught me narrating yeah you bet [Music] where are you Mary Jane head toward the sound of my voice Mary Jane who are you I don't care just help me hey Jane you're suck [Music] shock five minute Auto they started all this they created Lee I have to get this no who's there oh no come on come on foreign [Music] we have a bridge pilot he I've got the lab location a lot more how far away are you two Avenues over say the word and I'm there great keep the motor running checking it out ha nothing control status nothing to report need to clear that balcony hey boss we got him Pete you're here turning off Lex now are you okay we'll be in a few seconds northwest corner hey you ready wait wait hold on it's too late you're up [Music] you are crazy you're amazing guys this is my best friend Harry hey good to meet you good job huh still gonna have time for tutoring we'll figure it out AMJ I have another name for you Craven he's here on some kind of hunt you know if you need me I'm just a call away know what you took for me all miles talks about is how to be a better Spider-Man how to help you what the hell is going on with me he's not himself go help him this was our dream s
Channel: Geração Power Up
Views: 14,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -nvIuhhqPs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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