EVO Japan 2019 Grand Finals | Arslan Ash (PAK) vs. AK (PHL) | TEKKEN 7

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predicted mm-hmm and this is our grand finals again playbook elite a k vs b / r / Philippines vs. Pakistan let's go witness I winterside 8k so he has a set to lose it's time get ready Evo Japan's grand finals we're going to suit all right small a smaller stage here wall is definitely gonna come into play in the matchup we'll see how both of these players are able to utilize them and we've seen from you know but both of them they know how to use it oh yeah without a doubt our xanax I think I don't want to say he's underrated anything but I feel like it's something that's overlooked yeah his gameplay when its opponents back is to the wall okay so I gotta say a case mine game and his ability to you know mix up two simple moves yeah is insane but no that gives really good reflexes yeah it's yeah I wouldn't know how old are they she's got like a full head of hair he's got me young kid top is that the is that how we say I guess so but starting it off arson - with the lead right now shopping away see that's the thing is if if the hop keeps not even enraged the slides not even enraged what's gonna happen ATK it's a great point we'll find out man learning - yeah Arthas man if you start stopping the car back oh that's not a perfect not a perfect it's okay I'll be a rough way to start nice gets to watch 750 full punch there on the down portable - oh well that's one hell of escaping me opening round getting a taste you know getting your feet wet right is that when they say it's getting real wet it's got both feet it it's trying to chase them down looking for this opportunity running to it this is something that we haven't seen from arson too much yeah pressure bands using the running - now in conjunction with all of his other tools here all night flop them the other way they came back in the middle of the stage Oh Adam rates you know this is insane a games trying to find his rate is no way yeah he's already been hit by so many counter hit hits Kazumi magic course seems pretty darn good Hey but now arson in the blender they keep specialty Nick he's supposed to have dropping combos but she he don't know what's happening man okay the shape blows he gets the wall hit whoa wait whoa looking for that opportunity here for a drive all got hit no duck no ducks five seconds then the twin Pistons are the next two rounds great to start it off no AEK he's gonna have to make some adjustments here I feel like you was struggling offensively to find the rate that he needed and I don't think arson actions gonna run to in certain things like you know that down for to where you just likes to do it from standing position yeah I don't see arson task where they get to that I agree I agree with that 100% I think Arthur's approach is very paste all right but but buddy is susceptible to counter is there there was a wind there where you got to counter it I see what kind of follow up we're gonna get but the side attack there oh the facts where are the masked man man on fire three rounds straight who can stop them other than that that's cuz he a guy yeah because you guy that that just came here to beat him once yeah that was this job here yeah to give me a chance in the grand finals god this is insane but he has a long way to go that's just the first one yeah you need a win six cine came a crazy comebacks in the past and as you mentioned he's gotta win six this is the longest center we've ever like if you want to test anything like you were talking about you know the possibilities of other characters stuff like that yeah this would have been the set to try things right exactly but it's getting further and further away right that's why I feel like the only way zhing the Swiss if he loses five games straight if that happens we're smiling now yeah I'm fine app but I think honestly even if we switch I don't think you pick long maybe Paul I think so yeah okay I agree or you know he's been known to use Jack as well - Jack gets Kazumi especially this Kazumi I don't see it either anyways Arsen an opening up the match up much like he's done every other match with the down forward one mm-hmm able to get the nice hit in early on people groove into the music oh oh side step down for to that anyway you gonna land it look big there that he did that he went for the people hopping no he that 18 was gonna go for a little I think that kind of set an alarm off in his head as well Oh can't be careless oh my god yeah you want to test my ducks yeah and that's really oh gosh those to beat to school with punishing bands are great things are looking really good for arson ass right now having it been robbed and look at the pun not it's not a flatfoot comic one twin Pistons bing-bang-boom give you all the damage for that best bang for your buck again the pressure here just from the simple folks at arson actions have been pulling off in this matchup so far pinkies in trouble I'm calling it right now dude if this pour out straight yeah oh oh man flashed up my side things are working out and the walls last time you can't hockey cuz man the punch two pigs looking here Ben Arslan act is up now five rounds straight here in this matchup against a K you might get your dream secret wait wait a second sigh step hop kick this time junkies done is launches off of the sidestep making him whip first Japanese mr. sex alright alright here we go 18 starting in his moveset this is how we want to see it for baking I'll take those all day oh really why we don't even I would've got hit too bro did he just tilt them that's tight that was thick yes see this thick aks unorthodox right yeah Korean you're not gonna see that out of like I don't even know low highs she he the ten strings yeah not gonna happen what it what have we seen the tense bring in finals like that this is why fun to watch decades all right here these non-traditional just way stop all right nice sidestep he's testing him out oh okay he's doing something different he is getting a lot of sizes he's not pulling the trigger on the hockey or the down 4-2 he need dude at least down 4-2 I think he speeding out hoping who's I think that's what he's trying to do just showing you that it's like oh my god then beat it out she's got a good homey attack she's hiding under that dress of hers Oh secondhand he didn't get scary to do man there's a mix-up there but eight kids it's totally I leave you got around on the board there's a quick to the zero for ours in here what a superstar this weekend has been so dominant for arson - he doesn't care who he plays against he has been dominating he's on tilt look at this look on a case face is the same look that everyone has had when they played against our look they're sitting there like what I usually do is not working and I'm not really sure what I have to do differently that's what it looks like to me that's the expression that I'm reading off everyone's faces yeah yeah perspective you this the kazumi that you see all arson playing is not what we're used to seeing from kazumi players he is that full control of the matchup and he's controlling everything like every matchup that he's had everything is going his way he is controlling the pacing he's controlling the poking he's controlling the pace the pokey and the opponent yeah I think that's the most important part right yeah he is in their head we're going back to sook here though for game number three Arlen in control here looking to get a 3-0 and reset the grand finals real quick can a Kay find an answer find a crack in the armor might be too late that leather jackets really bit cranked up but hey if anybody's gonna do it it's gonna be aka can't spot very hard to get here into our grand final especially on the winter side nice with money she still got those yeah are forgettable to lose their right yeah well that's the thing I feel like you know when you start sweet you bait your opponent to start being more aware uh-huh but then these compact attacks that they can't react to all my gosh all the way this is to go that was a nice punish there now what what for a grab this is looking rough man oh he's playing he's doing that that nothing this style mm-hmm he's just waiting for a I've got lively try and do something hit me if you can 15 seconds go house are that the trying to make to come a-knockin no I don't think so I like what ATS doing there he is forcing arson to come to him now that's an old tools Batman he's our little like a great turtle if that brought what the issue is here a lot of great turtle we're really good at defense plays are a little bit of less great at being offensive right yeah well you know what's crazy like what what if his his real strength is being offensive and we just don't know it we have to use it right but if a key is just gonna stand there and stay on the floor he has life lead he doesn't have to take a risk here yeah look I love that IKS width of down for to settle Hopkins oh here we go oh when he's missing those downpours you can't whip them yeah you gotta be in rain Artland spacing is too good Oh give it up he went for yeah he was maybe predicting a sidestep there but didn't work out I'd love to see some slides out of a key as well he really hasn't gone to it he's been doing so me down Purdue's Tony Hawk kick that he's really not giving our zijn a reason to even start dunking against them but here we go right now it could get the doubt word who has Arlen tribe decides at that time and a huge lead this round so far make a dandy Gaston with a walk there to do with the per bag all right we got to momentum downside of a cake starting it off again but hey Keith this is a rare that matchup so far today he's had the lead in round so let's see if he's able to pull away cuz you don't want it you know all these three all right you don't want to lose three oh now he's not gonna I can feel it now we have ourselves a real match okay the sidesteps starting to work out for the magic for starting to come out for Marcin - again these guys are all about counter poking movement right now I love it I love it now important ones the down porches and sides and it's all a cage do it right now but all you can't win yeah that's the thing that's a very quick knee attack so good and a follow up wall - oh he uses resources there but she he'd having rate still and look at NK now he's back to that I'm not moving what are you doing I'm not moving oh [Music] he's trying to pick away from me no you can't win you cannot win forgets arson and he got away with it once before with the fall of bamboo it was hoping who was hoping he could do it again but here we go final round reset point for arson to get it 300 break a hold me down he's keeping him at the wall he's in trouble he's taking a lot of risk here with this office - but it's all working out Oh what is he doing I have no idea what that was but okay it's getting tense here they both got it settle down just a little bit IKS brought her lively back in his favorite almost he's looking real rough with his round started oh what's he gonna do there about pretty close to even on life uh-huh what a step on the other one from a cage don't step anywhere oh god race boat break a now look at the blocks no you gotta be careful three two zero oh my goodness Pakistan with a 300 win over the Philippines you to reset the grand final if you're aching here you gotta be thinking but they're gonna stay so he's iterate sticking to their characters take a breather he needs a breather but he's going right back in I don't I don't know if this is wise this I know arias is probably saying the same thing right take a second man if not for yourself to recompose for your opponent to get off yeah cuz right now Arthur Nash is on fire the momentum is obviously in this way for three oh right yeah three hello that was a 300 reset it looked like a k' was gonna get on the board get a game in there but man he he really tried to rush it with that wall jump and Arthur made him pay anyways here we go this is gonna be a big one so we are now in the final set or race the three here to decide who is gonna be champion of evil Japan 2019 I can hear the crowd kind of shifting towards arson Ash's favorite rocky 4 man yeah grand grand final no one once I haven't robbed with the word write them down for to form a cake this has been very successful for him I see get the splat they're going downstairs here's the ball oh look at the damage Todd go stay down fuzzy duck this cow liked it but he doesn't get a follow up afterwards oh whoa all the walls names up trying to do it when Arthur split this round don't tell me he's gonna come back rip he might don't tell me that this stage oh my god some magic my eyes are closed all God I'm nice jab beautiful oh come I can look now right yeah you can look now inkay closed out the round fight back into this action still again making excellent use of the twin Pistons there the follow up here the nice sidestep unable to track him there oh really going for the runners right the counters are reversal man twin pitches or the width punishment nice try to catch him moving their feet was both while that would have been a wall splat do those far Oh Eddie gets the wall this is big damage yeah he's in reach Oh oh yeah right there he had it had it tied up one rounded piece man this is crazy cuz right now this is fighting for the real event this is gonna be the really believe that counts yeah I like the wall tending for there down back to straight he's gonna have to again find these folks cuz right now arson - he's starting to move in the right directions I love it - he's playing it up close here that you know man we fly out again I'm gonna put one spending too much resources of my brain you know how can you do that at first you don't succeed try try again right and look at this a K with the round lead here the first game with a reset grant finals but but hey it's not what about you into set so don't we had yeah the first set this second set Oh is he gonna get on the scoreboard is he finally gonna be able to get something here oh what a won't bury here we go more than a so we can go down there and we are gonna go downstairs though he often keep it there here's the big subs again down Ford won such an amazing tool here up close specifically to the right Reed oh I think these these down for two is from a cave or insane they're fantastic that's how was the one that was so hard that activist base is Danny three nice ok pushing back the other way aka in rage oh this is where it's gonna be scary he gets the win this round one rage drive one oh yeah but that's gonna be it's gonna be able to flip it go to final round here badge number one you didn't need he didn't eat the wall job before either final round what damn block but no Punisher he went for 184 foot out of range of course here we go this is in could be very very big this is an important part of the rally especially at the start of the send-off set this is the new grandfather you want to get that first game hold him Chad he's just working him with the jab or two but he's gonna hit it yes he does he's gonna get the wall downstairs I like it get the floor out of the way go to the basement let's fight we haven't seen the slide too much either I feel like I'm you don't want he thought it might have been too much of a risk early on is he gonna try to save it for later that's what you almost got it the teleporter they're about to even though life anybody's first match here oh okay coming up with the like you won that match oh no I thought oh my gosh yes Bob crapped out for his things like never given I got that hop kick but after the drop combo did you see that though he went for the fly stance into the follow-up in a new he sidestepped got to his back one for a launch and after that everything else worked out but still letting Arsen know that a K has the ability to do that is gonna limit his moveset even more right in this poke game and I mean it was already limited as is right this is nutty man G Corp helipad at night for game number two much-needed momentum stopper definitely needed to stop it there and you know even the reset grant runs this way it matters right it doesn't matter you want three games before that if you don't win any game the next set it doesn't matter you lose the tournament well I guess we won't see that long yeah I think we're sticking to Shaheen and Kazumi for the rest of the tournament let's get it game number two here we go okay with the lead right now arson - no he's might be changing it up you seen that statue cake magic for whoa he's playing a bit more compact using a lot of the quick moves here but a Kade knowing what he has to do here using that jab of his own don't want to punish holding back on the wall be careful tiger you do that was gonna lag it's the follow this girl and arson - dr chris blood here match number two looking to tie it up he dashed up to get that down put to that them doesn't find it though down 4-1 all solder wings are clear spacing is too good all three into time yeah I know you tried any trouble last time nice pokes him in the face with the jab continue we get that often I get the backswing he's got to be careful with that - because he's done it a few times now obviously successful but you know if that misses you getting launched thing about right his move choices so very you can't really keep packing what's coming at you a lot of time oh man everything is that arson is going crazy and he thought about maybe cool outside their arsenal to round straight here in Game two music Ken hype hey Steve somewhere enjoying it by himself all the way to the wall yeah that's it and he's gonna get the break here the follow up one more time nice combo would not just that he has oh my gosh that spring kick was so clutch hey having another opportunity here nice sidestep and you know in case you got me here - his name was repeatedly I'm happy - we see when he beat CBM working off 14 oh my gosh he needs at that time this is gonna be huge the wall saves some damn from those chopping away there's a leg there's nothing oh this is big what's he gonna do all the block or anyone's around him work break get your candy stay in this game chip mix up what he's gonna do nothing too far and he was around in NK stays alive and game too that was that was crazy to the point we were gonna have a time match right there this this could be a huge turning point of the entire set if a kid can get this game now yeah be in this set being up 2-0 is crazy that puts so much pressure on your opponent no challenging by mr. beautifully to whip punished again big life lead for Arslan down oh ho and the threading of the needle it's all good and he's gonna get a wall here the break the follow up one more time whoo wall to wall to wall up get it all in the water three is the wall and another round it's a final round game - this might be the whole tournament and the patient's therefore making imagine that oh my gosh was this they're playing their spacing game he's ain't he gonna blow the slides again I saw cocky gotta get ready it might be time he's got oh God there's a punish Oh and now rcent going offense he's going in but the thing is he's got so many big life we can make he keeps dealing it away in the last night already friendly block oh my god was ready for the punish he gets the wall here not over got the range got the rate the block is there make you thought it was ready but man no or jannat oh my gosh down to our pitiful hold on be held on that so damn tight he needed that one he ties it up one game apiece in the reset grant finals damn this is crazy how how do you stay composed after all that I don't know I don't know and looking at this I mean there were moments there where we thought that he was gonna pull away and make that come back again but arcing just crazy I don't even want to say there are people jumping up and down home somewhere I know it there has to be I feel like I hit my limit for the amount of sex I could send out I feel like my voice is hitting its limit we're going to brimstone and fire for game number three reset grand finals are that started it off 3-0 he lost one key but next name he almost threw it away there but it was look very easy for him at first anyways we are going to guys this is a tight center now it's one one foot and we're getting closer to finding out who's gonna be our champion but which one of these two I can't even tell at this point I thought and not over the longest time that Arslan had it but right now see the way that a key was shifting that momentum he is playing in a different way now to aks recognized he's he's gonna have the law I said out of everybody beautiful twin piston and right now our thumbs is dominant oh my god ugh wait a minute okay you know what you got me you got me but there this flash push come Arthas get in the first round here in Game three but yeah as I was saying a Kate is gonna have the longest set versus everyone here against our 'then I took anyone has a chance to really adjust to his gameplay it's gonna be a Kay he's not the best opportunity to do something on only that he is watched arson the longest out of everyone actively in the tournament yep but right now nothing really matter arson has the lead in the set at the moment flying away trying to keep that lead looks like it's just a slight light lead here Alwine go and say it he's been texting he's been hitting fun and ours is awaiting like alright one time he hit that but I'm gonna thought the electric version of it oh you went through the anchor crunch is not able to get it going the other way nice stuff here oh you missed it he missed it kids get you not done yet not done yet he's got the rate we got Arthas back to walk block sit down back to you not the right punish oh boy all the static air another low is there gonna be enough what's he gonna do the water juicier time times on you night up to this line to go oh my god happy he was go for chippy out of it anyway the thing is make a had to go in there was no time left yeah yeah he had no choice and now ours and running away with the tournament two rounds up here can he get the lead in the entire set punished not that one oh and the punished look at oh my gosh great punished by himself a k2 follow-up if he has to tighten up our son is playing too tight oh my god that was good what a win funny and he gets the wall here one thing some can do it right here and that will be another three around a bar that he's up to two one one more game this is insane I'm rolling up my seems like I'm fighting somebody oh my gosh oh man oh man he'll change oh my gosh she said the character selection no he's not he in a Kay has gone to the character select screen why else would he go I think maybe he's buying time I think he's just buying time selling doubt he knows tournament life on the line now he's gotta win two games in a row yes what character can do that for is it gonna be Shaheen against a defensive master against Kazuki's fast compact folks how does Kazumi punish death this haha I knew you're gonna ask that Ford Ford won't pursue the tiger throw out the tiger it's pretty good fun it is pretty good money knocks him down and I don't think you're gonna get a demo man Arthur no knocking hey to clean me he's up he's hovering Paul he picked the Phoenix he's locked in for the Phoenix oh boy here we go and a lot of people know this was one of a Kay's main characters in previous second games did he pick it I think don't we go to the character select screen just to show people kind of come on he's played with my emotions now you seem thinking about boom that cursor up think about it moving up he might go to over not feel like law might pick your character do it he's gonna back out again which is getting back gonna get nobody biggest a time I'm finishing my wrestle okay me too final game potentially for Arslan can he close out the tournament ear ache a switch in to Paul Phoenix alright I'm gonna yell do it do it just letting you know nothing less of this amazing Evo Japan grand finals and it's amazing Evo Japan top eight JK's eyes are wide open he is so focused right now it's Phoenix time give me some deaf business not just that oh I just remembered what he has a number of throws down this could change if he uses them if he uses them here we go starting on the best throw games in the game thought you said he has a lot of tools here he has the hop gives it down for two as well but he has to make sure he's in range for a lot of this stuff but I think Paul has enough tools maybe how much so did she eat I think Paul's probably a better character overall the cheat no sir doing okay this is just repaired right but you better get it top seed with a debit or credit cake yeah my gosh look at the side step without that phase the arson - moving forward two rounds away from winning the tournament and the penis looking long I'm gonna break this year I'm gonna throw Ronnie to ours the Nash with the healthy Bob the fly he's starting to go in it's all in mind but he believes it he's like you don't even know how to punch with this character right now I ain't gonna let you warm up okay he gets the wall right before the punish no duh is he gonna test them oh my gosh it's not looking pretty oh wait oh wait he got the demo nice gets the ground did hit the follow-up oh my god the Phoenix I liked what he was doing but man tourists it was ready Tournament point for ours live from Pakistan a case in trouble they traded blows there oh my god we're doing it that's we need to do though hey that's exactly what a kid into before but he does still have the life lead here but a came down two rounds now this is important oh my god Jamie move it forward - okay reel combos let's go wall oh no get it buddy with Kenny finish it no loca KK still in it staying alive I need him alive he warmed up the dead fish okay crowd - three another one he's gonna keep doing it you should okay not not right now do later catch him tiger oh he caught him out of the air not gonna do too much but he's gonna push very close to the wall here he's also in the follow-up guaranteed ak's in bad position right now he's got to get out of there he's gotta sighs that but getting out of there if he gets into race it's gonna be very dangerous no oh my gosh it's gonna do it again no no no I got it oh my oh my but you everything he signed something would be a good office okay he's in range this is big this is the boy right here stature kick hey Kay's got a tournament point for Osmond can he close it out what you to do I get started he's not gonna kill what account stop final round game four let's go are we gonna go to a final match rip I don't know that helps me to come back he's starting to do it again the fly mix of he's going for the low oh my god the tension here if football such a hard meeting kid you got to be arts and trying to close out the tournament he's pushing him towards the danger zone he's in Pakistan taking the tournament over the Philippines but you got to give it up for our second place miniature a.k representing very well [Music] for the Philippines but ours Lynn ash from Pakistan ruining himself on the map he's like nobody watched in the tournament I'm coming to your tournament bring everybody bring everybody and I'm gonna be the champ this weekend a Tekken star was born and his name is Arslan ash everyone back home to about know about but now the whole world knows about him oh my good the camera man oh man that was rough that was an amazing top eight amazing tournament in general insane thank you guys for tuning in of course it's been an amazing week in here at Evo Japan for Tekken so fun pieces right now I'm also voiceless a little bit but men are the Nash who can stop this man in a tournament we got one guy who put yeah who's the bracket and then that guy was out there is a lot coming up obviously we're gonna go with our award ceremony in just a bit but think about it guys in two weeks we have two more characters we have the Tekken World Tour that's gonna be starting on April the 20th and we have guys like a cake guys like Arslan ash going to be able to dominate the rest of the world I don't know man I wanna see you come out more this tecnique World Tour I mean obviously came out here to Japan and he put in war this was one of the most impressive runs I've ever seen in any tournament each man completely stacked completely stacked this isn't like oh you wanted to ruin not that many people he beat the biggest names on his way to the top eight and then he want from the loser bracket and say what insane but aside from that I know we're gonna be getting off the air soon and we're gonna be getting ready for our next team of course awarding these winners here I got to give lots of love of course the Bandai Namco entertainment everybody that came out to us event watching this event and of course the entire community of course without a doubt saying man it's been a pleasure to be here man honored to be a part of evil Japan once again this top aid was phenomenal you know and as you meant to shout it literally everyone who came out to the van you know Fukuoka a lot of people weren't familiar with it but here we are and there's a ton of people here it's so much fun and there are camera people everywhere around us right now it is it is packed in here yeah hopefully you guys make it out to future events not just you know evil events but hopefully tech and events but guys here's the award Scimitar we'll see you next time stage it's company owe us money couldn't say we will now begin the award ceremony for Tekken 7 tournament will the eight finalists step up on the stage please at this time we also ask the media and press parties to come near the stage [Music] buzzer la havas you gotta bond dynamic when da de menthe oh ha ha - little will produce high on your roof made a DiNozzo there is a war minutes will be presented by mr. Harada of Bandai Namco entertainment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you to the semester briefed us you artists allow us to face you are usually the mouth or enema the chapter will be giving the winning play [Music] so the keymaster Johanna you see so he hoarded English the caboose key guys atomic aa goose all the semester pokes ears again padalka redeem us a special jacket made especially for this tournament will be presented by our sponsors mission foods holdings [Music] so it's dead now Google Dubai in normal good of Japan in 2010 ms the prides of 1.5 million yen will be awarded to the winner [Music] so their name are you so semester please fetch artist I'll ask you saying shoot you - eek Yohan acetic my show let's interview the winner let's have a word how do you feel right now tie hands day that's my stop Mike whoa only this mess we're just turning on the mic for you one more time please top of the world mr. Murray sake I know all Janina tonic evenness
Channel: STK
Views: 650,322
Rating: 4.8991051 out of 5
Keywords: 鉄拳, 鉄拳7, lei, julia, news, new, high level, pro, best players, top level, koreans, best, latest, jdcr, knee, tekken 7 grand finals, tekken 7 knee, tekken 7 arslan ash, tekken 7 tournament evo, tekken 7 evo japan 2019, tekken 7 evo 2019, tekken 7 arslan evo, tekken 7 pakistan
Id: 2OA_MMHnuT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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