Evil Geniuses vs CLG | Week 3 Day 2 S11 LCS Summer 2021 | EG vs CLG W3D2 Full Game

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varus tk some that sort of style and they did actually slap that down against hundred thieves that was exactly what fbi was playing but maybe they feel that it is less repeatable now on eg's side will they deny the recon which is what clg used to such great effect yesterday or are they going to focus more on some of these solo lane picks and it will be the gp which i think also works oh go glad for finn this is this is what made me a fan of this guy originally when he was in europe he was one of the only pros that was really playing much kled so he is very proficient on this it's gonna go to him i would be shocked if it goes to pobelter should be that kled this is that extra form of engage he's also a very strong laner great into lease in by the way you know when you do get that second part of your hook the bear trap on a rope you pull them in it applies the healing debuff it makes it actually very difficult for at least in a lot of cases to take those extended fights you do have to be careful about getting poked off your mount by the e because then you will get executed likely before you can remount but kled is such a great snowball champion additional weigh-in for the team it is the recon so the kledals is going to come out that is going to give all the additional move speed to recon which makes the entrance even easier by piling on top galileo piling on top this is even more go in than the comp from yesterday but the xayah pick that we had talked about you know you called that out as a great defensive option i am totally on board i think that is one that maybe was overlooked a little bit by clg it is probably one of if not the best champs into this style of team right when that engage comes in you time the ultimate right the feathers come out you are kiting back rel is there with the counter engage because guess what happens when four champions that are all melee look to engage they stack up you get ceced up by the row the feathers get pulled through after and that is the angle that eg is looking for of course if you fail that timing if you use the ulti too early or too late you're going to get locked up you're going to get burst down and the composition can definitely fall apart at that point so clg clear wing conditions we'll see if they can execute two days in a row i want to see if they can make that one happen be cool to see the rise late in the year and and to add more comics to the zaya conversation because you know champ i play a lot and you know i i like the lane a lot um compared to someone like ezreal like you can archive back when via comes at you but vice jolanda the ultimate like you're still going to be stunned and then gallows coming to the top like you just build space but that thing still lands zaya actually just immunes the vile and you just run away and nothing you do it all and so in in some ways she is obviously on a two and a half minute cooldown in some cases but the safest of the 80 characters the fights are far apart you're no longer the target and against quad melee roughly like you're gonna get a lot done there so this can look very good it absolutely can and where can sometimes fall apart is obviously you get that one shot at the ultimate so if it's not timed perfectly yeah then then you don't really have any additional recourse whereas late game ezreal you know you hit one cue you're shifting again right you're out of there so we'll see if clg can find the multiple angles because i do think if you just run straight at the xayah it's so easy to get that high value blade collar you know alt up pull the feathers through root up multiple members but if you have the kind of engage where clad is coming from one side from behind you and vi is coming from the front with the galley over top where khan is following up on that there becomes so many forms of cc that it's very difficult to actually deal with and that's what 100 thieves struggled with right they had varus and it's like okay varus op you got tom kench you're safe from engage but guess what they were reengaging like four times the buy would all tom catch would eat them but then over top comes to con over top comes galio and there just wasn't enough safety there so you know clg is just really trying to slam it home here by over indexing in the gauge yes one thing i want to point out mechanically as well as we get into the game is ignores rel i think is actually well positioned here uh keep in mind rel q is a shield breaker and clad vi and rakan all have generic shields that are popped by rel q so if ignar holds that one for good time uh here's 400 damage for free true damage there we go we did it and and that's gonna feel really good in some cases the exhaust i think is critical for him too i'd also know that this is one of the supports that builds very easily into lock-it right which i think is so high value when you have these kind of melee versus melee style teams right there's four melee champions essentially on both sides or khan is basically melee yes uh and and that is that situation where you just get insane locket value almost every time if you get the lockout on all five everyone is scrapping you're gonna get that and these are the trades that you're gonna see club looking for you hit the bear trap on the rope you need to get the second part if you only hit q1 you don't actually get the activation where you pull back you get very little of the damage uh you'll also see a lot of kled players play really aggressively as they're approaching level two because they want to fight before there is the chance of actually getting burst down you want to fight at the early levels get a remount trade heavily and you can see he's willing to do that so likely what he'll do is you can watch his skill points he actually won't skill up anything and then when he gets the scrap with lee sin he'll immediately scale up his w which essentially gives you a one-time incident explanation and he's looking for the instant remix last block yep got it okay there we go and this fight is gonna be easy impact re dismounts he flashed over the queue he predicted him to flash he didn't and finn no he throws away the first blood oh that hurts so much clyde is such a snowball champion he played it all perfectly and then missed the q there holding on to the w getting the remount winning pack took that i thought that was for sure first blood for finn because those are the situations though oh no if you died of course actually just also four oh no he's going to be slowed good spence can win the w does not okay gets just enough distance and the single game doesn't come through uh but the wave is doomed you're actually so screwed now and now he gets dismounted you back up you know that sven scary could still be here and your game is is now not fun forever as as the kled because you died solo jungler came top right after the tp the wave is frozen and we gotta watch this one more time when you take that in he lands the queue i think this is for sure over oh yeah it's the flash forward he was i'm not sure if he was looking to anticipate the flash from impact or he was trying to flash point blank and get that that cue where you do it from exactly melee range and even if he flashes you still probably hit either way finn going for the big play there does miscalculate unfortunately for him gives over first blood impact gets a great buy he gets nothing the wave is frozen on him so you've got no farm you're gonna be down in cs and this is a champion that has to play aggressive right you've got to be fighting and scrapping and looking for remounts and when you're behind you just die before you remount and that's the biggest problem all right gets the joint back it's all for attacks doesn't feel too bad impact does not want to jump back into a stacked minion wave if you would lose the trade q's just not going to be enough damage for a rank one so it will allow the wave to push in of course yeah cinder has to go and get his stuff yes obviously the farm looks really horrible nice root comes through damage in a wild turtle smoothie not gonna find any q healing just yet nice side step there by ignore and they continue fighting the bottom side knockout gonna be found here the taunt as well pretty good damage q and an auto and jazooka gonna have to walk away from pob yep scent running there let's see how much this farm impact can get he's got about a whole wave two follow he almost kills him it's close the queue backwards the flash hawaii ravens let's go finn gets vindication can you win this you're you're a level five akali that's not too deadly here comes galio do you have the taunt does he have the taunt he's gonna follow he's gonna have the backwards e the clap down finn sets it up po belter knocks it down clg are back it is madness in the top lane freak and that is where kled will thrive he gets the remount this time impact thinking he would be able to burst him down and honestly i thought he was going to be able to too when he hit that q but the clyde gets the remount pobelts or tvs back in and he's able to arrive as well so let's watch this one more time when the turf does actually land the shot you think he's going in for sure but the q back there and just didn't quite have enough damage you know the execute damage wasn't there finn kites back towards his minions the minion damage helped a lot he gets the autos in lands the queue jizuke then flashing out after the shuriken flip trying to create as much distance as possible but just a clean combo there from pobelter keep he's in gets a solo kill flashes out it's a mid lane solo kill but it's in top lane yeah it's nice so this all right we gotta take slack what's happening top lane because yeah what is happening those champs are both one one zero and still a 16 cs lead for impact in my mind it feels like finn's winning he's objectively not yeah uh so let's keep that one in check but it's exciting regardless and and he's got more to farm so it's not as doomed as it was it was nearly 30 cs to like 12 right so it was a lot worse you gotta kill back and now you have some hope right uh of course you have to be very careful especially post six it's much easier to execute a cled before he gets the remount there especially if you get poked down so we'll see how this does play out impact may start to play it's a little bit more defensive finn is level six as well but of course your ultimate is more about the utility and less about the combat you do get the miniature shield uh when you alt in you can try to use that to actually interrupt certain animations and things like that but generally speaking you get a lot more out of the combat ability of your ultimate as lee sin all right well both junglers have been quietly farming both bot lane has been quietly farming they've been chilling just playing league legend for the most part and all the stolen is getting all the fun in this game but equal farm for the xin zhao and the vi one thing i will say is if you oh there i mean if you call up your jungler now like if impact is pushing it is a really easy lane gank for a jungler when you're playing with a clad right you know vi doesn't need to do any clever pathing you literally should walk down the lane clan alts towards the lease in the long lane when he's pushed you get the insane move speed from following along that ulti and it's generally a pretty easy kill when vai has her all herself so impact gonna have to be really careful about the over push um but of course you are worried about zinn being there right if you hard to commit into that and svenskeren is there maybe the club gets burst down before brock's i can really get involved all righty finn gets to kill a control ward i would say one of the most satisfying things of playing top lane is putting to the lynch killing the controller being like i got an extra million worth of farm you spent 75 on that like this is 4cs right now i just got from you buddy and you're like my jungler could you come back top lane you don't know anymore see it's really satisfying when the jungler comes but they never do i know yeah i killed his ward nah i got i got it there's no vision it's fine he's got no flash spot scuttle zombies all right see you at dragon if you don't dp i'm going to question mark you facts all right well time to go clint rakan finds a knock up sven scaron is left alone he flashed but kled finds the follow po belther gets his second kill of the game and clg make it look easy good good good good i love watching this champion play so much fun they finally engaged there eg shows up to scrap but they weren't all together so clg is going to hit the go button immediately and you have got to be so careful as the eg side because there's so many engaged tools and clg is really playing with this kind of killer instinct they are ready to go immediately so if you are not ready to go if you are not organized in a straight up five-man squad then it is so dangerous and clg showing how dangerous it can be they get the kill they get the herald and now at this point you know top lane is gonna be pretty much even off that assist you're only down a few farm finn should be pretty much dead even in gold up on that top side you have two kills for pobelter you know bot lane is actually ahead as well and you've still got the herald here to be dropped so if proxy could get a kill into a herald and grab a tower this game is starting to get really really dangerous for a g you know it is a 1 000 gold lead now but if they can extend that to around 2k with a kill and a tower that would be huge for clg ignar sees the galio says i can't go for that ward anymore if he's in the brush i'm dead so i never know if they're khan's there either but it's going to be gold handed to wild turtle he got the first plate by himself he will guaranteed share in the next couple so that's 320 gold toward wild turtle doesn't need to walk up but obviously he can but he had touched it recently so you know the range was going to be important there uh botlane turtle dangerously low that's an important thing to look at clg already got the first dragon they are looking good unlucky you missed the cannon whatever moving on put it up yep yep let's put it vote yeah get me out someone someone dc so i can vote at 12 instead of 15 all right i just need that and you get out faster uh i don't care that my top laner um is doing well now and then my mid lane with two kills i missed canon this game can't be played exactly it's literally unplayable there's nothing you could do at this point so no comeback mechanics available after that one for turtle we'll see if the rest of his team can make up for his dire lifeless corpse over the finish line gone are the days of your quadro kills and finals you'd be lucky to make playoffs with play like that your old only job as an edc is to get candidates yeah i mean that's why you need a relationship with support blame smoothie he wasn't there where are you where was i like that he got award killed i don't care about wards last hit my cannon smoothie do your job all right cl2 down on the bottom side using this bot lane prio they have mid lanes winning as well we have seen the beneficial trade showcase many times for bill belter i really think that akali into galio is just a terrible matchup you've got to outplay so hard um because of the aoeccc that galio does bring so you know as a result povolter has played it well has gotten kills across the map and this has just an easier job to execute on in the team fights clg also got two very early dragons right we're 11 40 in there are two drags yeah it's not like the last game where we saw where the first dragon was like 14 minutes so you know they are on pace for an exceptionally fast soul and they have so many tools to engage so as long as they keep ahead of the curve here they set up vision around these dragons they are gonna show up every single time and make eg come to contest and when they do they're gonna engage and it's gonna look good because clg have gold in the right places they'll be the first to mythic down in bot lane almost certainly if turtle can find the right recall timing he had the second most gold in the game poetry has the most gold in the game so love to see the uh galio power spikes there as well looks like it's towards the rocket belt build which is you know by far the most common but we've seen other options you can still play tank galley for example uh not this case though and for good reason um yeah knocks down the wave has enough ap by the way with the the major components plus the two starting items actually can one shot cast minions at level nine so at least for now he's gonna have that extra bit of wave control jazuka just yeah less than her turn unless he's hitting well right he's within one cs in a difficult to play match-up but it's always for walter who's able to move first yeah exactly it's just kind of like what are you gonna be able to get done in the team fight right there's so much cc between smoothie with the ulti charming you up when you're in the shroud getting taunted out of the shroud and when you get taunted in the shroud your character then goes to attack and you reveal and you just die right so it's so difficult you've got to use stasis incredibly well you've got to use the shuriken flip or something to actually dodge out of the taunt and if you can do it you can definitely make it work but it is a very very difficult job to actually get into the back line because you've got exactly one target as the akali here you can go for a wild turtle and that's pretty much the only thing you want to be looking for in a 5v5 and there's just so much cc and so much scrapping power between you and him turtle maybe he shared two plates with the rift herald from broxah every other shred of gold from that turret all went on to wild turtle they have been winning bot lane by so much down here in a lane that we know has been uninteractive because the jungle's been busy looking at top lane midlaner's been looking at top lane and they just straight up smashed the two on two by over 1300 gold yeah i mean he's 1500 plus ahead i think at this point already has the kraken slayer completed pretty ridiculous lead here double gore drinkers coming through though for ages so they're getting their completions uh the kraken slayer coming through for danny as well so of course he is behind the tier two boots the additional long swords brock's up moving up towards this top side though uh the herald will be up again here relatively soon but still got some time and i think he's more looking to find a play as you have smoothie up here also so you can get into the jungle find anyone in rotation maybe find the jungler to actually look for nice surprise women to make sure you know what eg you're up to and you're like yeah but we see all your champions your wards are gone no big deal we've pulled turtle top side okay the plates are gone so i can't farm those but it means the turret's a lot squishier so maybe we make that one happen instead and it looks like yeah shots going to come out second referral spawns pretty much as early as it could have and well it won't be the most deadly hair because it will be a fairly early one but clg like we have all control to claim that one as well and keep the pressure on damn i just like them invading for these buffs right you know just take away areas of the map from eg you're farming away that blue buff you're getting that onto po belter now you're going over towards the herald eg is really having to respect the fact that they are both behind and there are so many engaged tools on clg so you've got to be really really careful on the eg side about where you actually move you know anywhere you go on the map you've pretty much got to be willing to scrap or you can't go there and that is a really tough spot for eg to be playing from right now brockton just do some some light pve mechanics basically if you run around clockwise or q through you dodge the big aoe swipe and yeah not a problem solos it thanks swiss team having the rest of control finn playing pretty question impact but now impact fighting back knew for a while clg was all top side but really gets some good damage here not even yoinked back and leaves finn at right there's one bit of health which means now with the fight starts again you can get both halves of q you can get the kick and you know you do the rest of health bar yeah exactly and i think that impact played that really well when finn missed his first q there then you just go forward there's no way that finn is actually going to be able to fight this out with all of the self heal that lee sin has if you don't actually land that q and it's so much your damage plus the mitigation of the healing there so just kind of piling in and then as soon as the second q does land not allowing finn to actually tether that as he dismounts to try to look for a rebound just jumps back knows he has the pressure we'll take that little bit of a push he gets and use that to try to control around this dragon side this is gonna be the play here remember clg have gotten the first two very very early it is finn up towards that top side but he does have tp there's not any great warts for him though as the observers are highlighting there there are these ones in the river but there's no sort of like deep teepee flank he could look for smoothie is sneaking around though they're gonna go over this fight here will finn tp you're going go now tp already in for all of eg clg saying screw it they're gonna give the dragon take top lane outer no they tp in late they don't finish top lane outer they'll be there almost in time and gage comes in for ignore huge damage comes in vi has been deleted how about what's next ignores low but he lives second kill comes in for danny pushing into the back line finn gets executed now as well evil geniuses slap this fight easily three four nothing smoothie was nowhere to be found there the tv came in way late from finn but then the bigger problem was honestly smoothie was on a roundabout he was going for a deep plank and eg i'm not sure if they they saw him or just kind of anticipated that he would be over on that bottom side but when we get the replay we can watch where he was going like the fight was over before he even got there and when you're missing the recon the additional components of cc uh it's so so important to be able to overlap there so we can watch this look at smoothie right here on your mini map yeah he was actually pinged on so they saw him and look at look at when he arrives right the fight is over multiple people are already dead and actually a fail flash into the wall there to add insult to injury so just really poor execution on this one from smoothie eg may have seen him with this pink ward that's actually still there you know this ward may have actually spotted them out as he walked down below that but unfortunately for clg they got punished big time for that and when you're playing these compositions that are like hardcore 5e5 you've got to be together you're just got to be on point this time it's just straight up wasn't smoothie can't even get revenge in the ward he fought it ignore puts a new one down not even the gold earned so can not catch a break sadly on the clg support side gold is still in clg's favor but you gotta feel eg averted a crisis with the fact that they got three unanswered kills or at least two of them uh two to one or three to one i should say and then now they can start pushing into the top side they got that dragon as well so you know no easy infernal soul no early infernal soul and they can now push in top lane out of some decent damage yeah that's the critical thing for me is that they actually stop the snowball of the dragons here clg had that third dragon already you have such easy go buttons and when you're playing from ahead it's very difficult to deal with that damage of the infernal soul still g though wilt do a good job continue to push this gold lead here forward knocking down the last of the outer turrets and about 2 000 ahead not bad at all sure yeah they are the ones in the lead finn is down cs top side but that's not going to be a huge problem lee sin not the biggest glutton for gold and neither really is obviously they scale but it's not the same as looking at a bot lane cs difference where hey it's kind of more important if the sun is ahead of xayah than if lee sin is ahead of kled so yeah even the allocation of resources you gotta favor clg some 800 gold still plus 1500 on turtle side that's after danny got a kill in that team fight so yes still doing excellent on this persona top lane fight continues now is once again impact puts finn low the ulti is shorted and impact can walk away from it nice side step of the bear trap and cooldowns missing for finn now probably not fitting with baron too soon and it will be back up for dragon yeah i think what finn was trying to do was actually preempt the safeguard back so he hit the q and he's trying to alt in to actually keep the tether knowing that impact will jump back because that is the trade pattern that impact has been going for every single time he's been going forward the tether comes out he jumps back then he reengages but it goes clg in hard engage over the top pretty decent damage but ignore stays alive and spence karen wants right back in finds his stun gets brock's up for some damage ignore dropped global poles cannot kill him finn forced a dismount now still in the fight against the akali flashes the r2 galio step finn could not have played that one better and it delivers however look for danny danny's got damage in jazooka's staying alive he gets one looking for two can't find the shots but what a close battle i believe two to two overall damn that was crazy finn with the sidestep plus the magic damage shield the passive from the galio coming through keeping the clyde alive but it is danny who gets up on top of turtle and turtle just gets absolutely roasted so here it is one more time the initial engage tp's coming through here brock's a kiting back you can see that poe belter is getting pushed back by danny getting all that damage out danny positioning very very well here and then on this top side watch finn flashes the r2 then the magic damage shield keeps them alive sidesteps the cue turtle jumps in here for impact but gets kicked back straight into danny he would have needed to flash immediately to try to get out of there he did have the flash available but obviously he didn't have the rocket jump could have used a buster shot had to react quicker but that was really nice from impact putting him into the waiting arms of danny and danny just had great positioning and you can see the payoff i mean look at how much damage he got done as clg tried to pile into him he cut it back into the corridor which just makes it so hard to keep that chase forward when you're playing a melee champion and you're running past saya feathers you know you are gonna get roasted and danny really playing that one well eg trying to set up for this next fight here ignard leading the charge has aftershocks so he's very tanky very hard and bought yeah he's like the one target you don't want to go for as you mentioned top players are battling leveling for impact sidesteps the sonic wave and finn not gonna get too much more done as the second dragon of eg is spawning now they own the river okay this scuttle helps a bit but does clg take the fight if ignores in the front so you don't burn him down fast enough i think realistically yeah finn is coming group with the team i guess he doesn't want to actually flank with the ulti knowing that lee sim would just mark him and then easy could actually turn on him and try to burst him down so he's going to group up with the team we'll see if they do want to try to start this one up clg desperately want this dragon dalio does have all seats to join here comes the play charm over the top gallia there as well big damage ignore knocked in the air they do kill him and turtle is alive untouched with a double kill spence guarantee three sets rocket jump to chase triple for turtle looking for the quadra it's gonna be a double instead oh my gosh he gets the triple finn helps it out but it's broxah who smite steals the dragon who claims the last kill and it's a four to zero team fight for clg and it's time to run to the baron they're gonna get so much off of this and clg with the confidence to engage on ignore of all people there the aftershock was so delayed because broxah hits him with the alt they land the cc on ignard he eventually got the aftershock proc but it was so late that he was pretty much already dead right off the bat i didn't catch exactly what happened to danny who went down in a hurry but turtle was free clg gets so much from that they're now at soul point nearly 5 000 head let's watch this one more time i've got to watch danny and actually see what happened to him in this fight because when he goes down you really don't have much of a hope anymore and it's just finn getting into the back line onto him pulling him back with the rope he's just stacked up on top of and you know danny just wasn't in a position to really get a lot of damage out his front line was burst down almost immediately the cc coming through from clg was impeccable vi goes in you lock him up with the galio to follow up and danny just really couldn't return fire there while wild turtle was going nuts he was free firing that entire fight getting maximum value even able to follow spence garen over the wall killing off the jungler secures the baron for yourselves and now the just on it is so ahead i mean that's a full ie done more than 2 000 gold up on danny and this persona is going to be impossible to deal with if you cannot get that back line somehow kick him in or do something turtle's just gonna shred your front line he is and he's been doing so pretty nicely love this build that's you know the highest damage build you can really do for tristana he's the head of the curve the only armor items bought are up plated steel caps and a cloth armor uh i guess there's two steel caps now sinjar has one but like yup this is the build if you're head of the curve love it you know dodge lord dominic buy that one later if at all just make sure all of your target selection is gonna look good it's playing it safely though right now it doesn't have the real control to go for any more than pushing in the wave slowly and i really like the build from pobelter actually you know the fact that pope belter goes for zonia's second it's about play-making then picks up the oblivion orb it's not about maximizing your damage here right it's about mitigating your opponent's options i think his bill does that well he can throw himself into the back line zone danny out then if danny is looking for the blade caller there you pop the zonias you buy time he still can't try to fight past you and the oblivion orb to actually help deal with that three-man kind of squad on the front line of the akali the lee sin and the zen who all have a fair bit of healing there riff maker double gore drinker oblivion orb is going to get a lot of value and mid lane now under fire wherever turtle goes turrets fall i believe he's been the core component of all five turret kills for clg at this point in the game remains very rich it still is ultimately going to rely on him he is the primary damage source divine sunderer into randuin's omen it is going tank here for broxah as you mentioned zone to second we're going tanki for po-welter finn you know down farm lowest cs of any laner on any team rivaling that of junglers he is not the primary threat either he can solo danny you know class wise yeah he's going to be good into azaya but it is about wild turtle every time in these fights absolutely and likewise it's really about danny on the other side despite the fact that he is very far behind he has got to have a great fight to come back right and he's working towards lord dominic's once he gets that that is gonna help him a lot there's a fair bit of armor on the other side when you're looking at the randuins on brock so it was kind of that front line of the zhonya's as well some steel caps coming through um but i mean if they can hold on oh they're not gonna get picked hey he's gonna be knocked into the air that's an easy target from yeah it's easy good job broxah to set it up good job wild turtle to get the gold claim six one and one and it's time for bottom lane now hey jazuka how'd you go i mean the prayer for eg is you just turtle up you form up on the xayah you get the ie and if you can get to ie plus your lord doms then you can really tread through these people but that is so far away you know he is gonna get a ridiculous amount of gold in these these next minutes to try to even get there realistically and clg are not going to give them time right they're going to force you to fight at the infernal soul point here that is in 40 seconds so at best you maybe farm up on elixir or something like that you try to maximize your damage for this fight and you hope you can have that perfect setup because for now it is all clg vision you know you look at the minimap here and it is just this line across the map you know this is all clg area there's really nothing out there for a g and they're going to try to move into this darkness but you know there are so many engage options for clg dragon soul that's tough to face check but you can't give dragon soul away it gets worse from you you don't have better options than trying so try they will it's still going to be tough though evil geniuses walk their way in impact in a play on the side doesn't find one and try brush with the sonic wave they're going to start dragging rocks was waiting though here comes finn he's going to find sven scaring knock-up comes in ignore gets deleted the kickback nearly kills smoothie but not just yet the front lines how long do they even last the knock of the turtles it matters stopwatch buys some time he waits for the kill and he finds the kill flash out for the front line jumps right in then he finds that next kill danny's days are numbered and danny's gonna die a tp goes to the bottom lane finn trying to get everything all at once can smoothie stop the recall he will jazooka gonna jump away and stay alive but look there's only two members of eg alive or really even just one with jazuka the respawns are coming in soon but meanwhile the bottom inhibitor that's being attacked the tp out that's gonna be stopped tp is burned and they've got to wait for the response now 10 seconds yeah the kill comes in maybe maybe more than smoothie had to do but still dragon soul is on and the bottom inhibitor is dead and baron's up in 40 seconds man i am so impressed with the target selection here from clg just actually recognizing that they are ahead enough that they can just kill ignore before he can engage and without the ignore engaged to set things up eg doesn't really have any ability to make things happen in this fight they're counting on this aoe cc and ingar is just getting roasted i mean it normally would feel kind of troll to actually be vileting the support past the carry but look at this look how fast he dies wild turtle jumps in on his head the cc is there to follow up from smoothie and they're just instantaneously killing off the rel to start every single fight the front line dies everything goes into disarray and turtle as a result is unchecked he's able to jump forward find multiple kills in these fights and clg are playing with no fear you've got to love it if you're watching this as a clg fan back to back days they're having really great games here they have a soul they have the bear they're 8k heading they're looking for blood suzuka is going to be found oh that doesn't get vision okay he doesn't track a fog of war champ or held off to the side long enough that he wasn't going to be in the target selection so is able to live good job with the ulti to get even farther out but now it's just wave clear it's slowly trying to get a bit more gold and hope and pray that you win a tower dive yeah i mean it's going to be so tough from this position that goes to worse as turtle now that key target has a stopwatch even the death caps almost done for pobelter they are getting so far ahead here and they are looking to threaten pobelter's pushing in mid but he has the ulti to join and we'll be able to do so very easily once that mid wave gets to that turret things get really hard for eg because you have to ping pong back and forth the problem is that the waves are not actually synced up right now you know if you look at the minimap here you know this wave is about here the next wave is coming in here so they really need to try to slow push and actually sync up these waves so they're crashing at the same time and that is where eg can not actually answer on both sides and that is why look at each clg they're not even autoing these minions they're only letting their minions in the top side push themselves while pobelter shoves mid as fast as possible an impact might just be caught out kicks back but that's vi in range that's impact living take it take the q nearly kills him can keep going but the gore drinker keeps impact healthy enough there's no further punishment still though the health bars get low but top not going fast enough finn attacking it down mid being pushed in but mids out of minions so eg will continue to hold the line and credit to impact though he does give up the flash he actually stopped them from syncing up those waves right and that does make things a lot easier for them to defend but now smoothie on the wrap around they have a wave in bot they have the wave in mid so the inhibitor will be theirs at the very least the inhibitor tower the baron buff still has a minute left on it so i do want to see them try to push forward and knock down an inhibitor here but galio will return he has the death cap okay this is probably signaling they're really trying to push the game through smoothie actually the one helping yes top manicured properly here as well so bot will threaten the nexus top's going to threaten the inhibitor turret and mid threatens the inhibitor itself synced up nicely good job clg jazooka pulling the minions and staying alive mid lane not under enough fire clg not willing to push it any further any farther as the feathers are on the ground and they're afraid of blade collar turtle only puts in a couple of autos shurelya's pop smoothie wants to go in finds the charm finds a knock-up ignore dives in big damage and up roxanne vi is gone stun comes across but relast rated back out danny barely alive running away gonna stay up though as fence guaran is low blade caller finds not a whole lot xin zhao drops the chase in for finn that's gonna be an easy fight onto danny at the very end and knocks him down so now it's suddenly just jazooka against the world and you can't get a whole lot done the ace comes through and clg win that fight five to one it was a rough couple of weeks but back to back wins on vi for clg they have got to feel good about turning this year around they are putting the league on notice clg is here to play this weekend they got the vibe back-to-back games the gallio the recon the core of this composition here all about the hard engage and i love the confidence that they are showing to me it's more about the fact that they're playing with this killer instinct they are not hesitating at all to go in well one of these teams actually shows up and it's even a foot too far forward they're immediately engaging they're not allowing their opponent's time to actually set up their battle lines to properly manicure the fight and cld is just playing with the confidence that we haven't seen from them in a really long time and it's impressive to see because i know it's so easy to feel defeated when you lose and lose and lose then you almost win and still lose and you're like we can't do a single thing right but whoever set up the practice plans last week if that if that's galen formerly moon um whoever else it is on clg setting it up new week for clg and okay yes they they picked up from where they were before we're like they nearly beat cloud9 so like you know the tools were clearly there but to get the rest of the way over and be convincing center thieves and pretty convincing here against eg as well like double thumbs up really really well done this week at practice clearly has paid off so far for clg absolutely and the question for me now is going to be how many other looks do you have right because i love the draft i love that you're giving them simple easy to play compositions so many forms of engage it's clearly about overloading the back line this wasn't just two forms of gauge this is like four good forms of engage right you have galio you have rakan you have kled you have vi even tristana can follow that up now what happens when tomorrow galio is banned in bias band right you know can they make this work with with other champions do they need that core to really facilitate this or will they have other looks will it be like malphite and alistar and whatever because right now i think this looks amazing but i also think that because the success has been so tightly tied to this core three champions of vi galio and rakan i still need to see what they can give us once that's taken away right what happens when on you know your first draft on red side you just take galley of support and you're like cool we took one from you and we have a good counter gauge champ so when you dive in we can just kill the fight every time and and now it's look like clg and hey we'll have to see right yep so that's going to be up for the teams to do their prep work to to actually
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 32,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LoL, LCS, USA, 2021, League of Legends, epic, NA LCS, Season 11, S11, Summer, S11 LCS, LCS Summer, 11.12, lol esports, lolesports, lol esports vods, e-sports, league of legends, na lcs, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, lcs vods, lcs vod, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, lol vods, na lcs vods, tsm, lcs, c9, lcs 2021, 2021 lcs, EG vs CLG, CLG vs EG, Counter Logic Gaming, CLG, Finn, Broxah, Pobelter, WildTurtle, Smoothie, Evil Geniuses, EG, Impact, Svenskeren, Jiizuke, Danny, Ignar
Id: Twl1dsU8xyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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