Everything You Need To Know About TRUFFLES!

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[Applause] [Music] all right day two and now we're gonna learn how to hunt truffles so excit I honestly never liked truffles back home in the States I tried truffle and it tastes like battery acid to me it was like but being here and trying these truffles I'm like oh so this is what truffles supposed to taste like okay now on the fan yes is there a place that isn't gorgeous urination I haven't seen anything that's ugly here like even the gas stations are not so beautiful here so first for their stars I would like to offer you return home a trendies it's early but it's never too early for a good friend we say here nice um here so both I for Brandy's are typical for this region and especially for city of to set were you today people a breakfast for breakfast brandy breakfast for champions - oh wow this is strong - sweet - sweet so you train problems family one more time welcome frozen is the family name is the surname and the dopamine truffles in Croatian [Music] like a baseball-sized truffle this is the biggest ever [Music] it smells totally differently I want to taste like that's true actually smells like a berry yeah it smells so good yes smells like a berry right yeah and then look at the duck hunters oh my god what a cutie they know you're holding the truffle they know your hood so what'd you learn about our truffle hunting that it's a very difficult process and that every time you go hunting you're not always gonna receive gifts from nature that sometimes it'll take a long time for you to just take anything and then that there's different types of truffles like in every season there's a different type of black truffle and then that white truffle those are like 10 times more expensive and that white truffles are only grown in two places in the world which is here in the Central District and in Italy which is really interesting because I didn't know that and yeah and so like pretty much you train these doggies to go with the issues saying that all these families are on here in istria that they usually have more dogs than they do have family members cuz they each family has like 5 dogs and that they train these dogs to help them hunt for the truffles and the way that the truffles are born in the wild is after animals like wild animals like wild boars they'll eat them and then put them out near some trees and then after animals poop amount and the spores will attach to the trees and then like in about eight months you'll get truffles that's super interesting and then she also said that well you can cultivate black truffles but it will take about eight to nine years for you to see any truffle sprout from the baby young trees and so she has some trees planted that they planted about eight years ago and then finally now they said she found one like tiny little truffle it took 8 years that's crazy so that's why they're so expensive so now we're gonna eat breakfast and then we're gonna go hunt some truffles undecided XL hungry I already had brandy for breakfast I know you know what I really like about a stria is that the people here really live that good life you know they do and I love how they love their life in like the culture that they're in and like their heritage are so beautiful you could see all the love and the passion that they put into everything that's around here bread the first one I left the white one it's mix of flex truffle pesto in the cream cheese the next one it's called white a 2-parter it's a pathetic mix of white truffles a little bit of black truffles and cream and cheese and then the third one is mix of white truffles and porcini mushrooms we can't we continue in the good streak of truffle experiences right now oh yeah continuing the I'm not worthy strict to the good life and check out the view that we have right now I could get used to this yeah [Music] now we had the truffles so good who's making truffle scrambled in front of our car this is something which is a dish which is very traditional simple easy to make and very delicious just with a few ingredients now we add some cheese on top it's a truffle cheese it can be any kind of cheese in it now we add some more truffles on top is a special slicer it's adjustable knife you can make thinner or thicker slices and then shave on top it's a powerful piece you can imagine if you have to have a turn of Beast people when they come here they're like what one shilling will be 20 euros and then he has some truffle salad also we shave some truffles now extra truffle with some I decide right now well this is fun the thing is they're very expensive activity right here that's good yes they're so creamy and fluffy and truthfully it's so amazing I honestly have never left trouble as much as I have today well you're in the heartland of right now with bunny with white rice yeah we make the honey and gelato is made here in one local family they have their own gelatin yeah oh my gosh I was trying to put the flavors together in my head like honey truffle oh that's it such a good time and with a very strange brain people are like what - truffles and something sweet but isn't completely going good [Music] the good life all right we're going truffle hunting they're going Wow really it's out here you see the pieces you see here he's eating it okay you always have to pay attention to what they do because they can find one and then we when you were being this tough law they can go in and other parts and find another one eat it [Music] [Music] with that gold nice one out of the ground I smells like there's more nobody can be some more it can be some more you always have to give them travel treats because in that way you keep them eager you know to search 50ml goo stick [Music] Wow nice one and we're walking on like lots of money here because those are all together it can't be like this for very long time that much in the short period is so fluffy so many good things in a sharpie yeah yeah playing you know it's like it works done [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] she's dead for the last two weeks she hasn't found as many troubles as she did with us today so we're lucky all right so now we're gonna be visiting the smallest town in the world called boom it's right behind me and apparently there's only a population of 21 people it's super super tiny and you guys know how much I love Tammy thinks I'm so excited to see this town 21 people it's like one family that's less than our wedding party the question is can you get lost in the city this looks like one of those towns or cities or whatever lodges forts that were built in like the medieval era came here it has a population of 21 as per the 2011 consensus but apparently there's been more kids born in the last few years twenty eight in total is twenty eight was first mentioned and documents dating from 1102 I love coming to places I have so much history I'm so cool I wish I could like trace back my lineage like that probably cuz what you're scared you to work you know it's really weird being out here in Istria is the fact that my allergies don't act up like I've haven't had to take any allergy medicine and back home it's like the moment I'm in like wild nature's type stuff my sinuses and like eyes go crazy but for some reason out here it's like good nature like I'm not having any sort of congestion or anything like that so whatever they have in the water and the air out here is good for me maybe I should retire here should we retire here come down okay that's the plan now guys we're do retiring out in Istria one of these days from or sixty years old yeah one of these days and we're sick baby it's like a mini picnic we're gonna have a little picnic right before we go into the town of hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] music I know what an entrance [Music] this is like a fairy tale like like Robin Hood lived here and stuff yeah so where's the first place you want to go to in this town imagine growing up in this town and then going to Lane New York City yeah the little kids re always uses strangers walking little this is amazing backyard right the view this kinda reminds me of a look up oh yeah mm-hmm oh we stayed in and then there was kids throwing up with the view similar to this we're gonna brandy shop in there oh this is delicious really good in taste like time a little bit guy cough syrup yeah I could see what you're saying with this would you like something yes maybe and a lion marmalade what small wasting like a dandelion what are the deadlines moment I don't know oh just his exam [Music] is it like apple juice dandelions can overflow just standing your life yeah I can't quite pinpoint it tastes good [Music] welcome to talk Larry [Music] all isn't strong oh you know good read the nashville's I don't like just that much but I always try to find something to like about it it's sweet it's made from rose it's a little bit Samara roses yeah but it's sweet like roses but it also kind of prick sore throat and no nostrils like a rose Rose thorns [Music] drinking baby for sure tomorrow my face is gonna be fat he's not like a girl drinking makes me look fat I didn't finish my did me one swing is pretty awesome drinking this stuff though or at least for me tasting it in like in a 600 year old olive oil mill that has been transformed into a restaurant oh yeah ultra the more serious things where are we I just said it [Music] you know parachute loss what I'm gonna say okay you're drunk that's okay maybe now I'm just getting sensitive too much too much drinking oh it smells good the entire bread is so good I'm so sleepy kay this is so relaxing if this was a yelp review this is like through the roof like ten huh atmosphere quality of food service the water [Music] [Music] in comes a chocolate cake oh but you were just asking are we gonna have dinner in three hours cuz you never know it I'm gonna be feeling in through how do you feel about olive oil and sweets it's an interesting mix but olive oil especially the one that they use here it's so it's so light and I don't know what's the worrying rescaling in so much it looks intense I thought you would finish your answer by now I don't know the olive oil is really light to the point where it doesn't overpower it and plus oil is used in baking we shouldn't be that [Music] so beautiful here they're saying that this is the most beautiful town and not just history uh but all operations I gotta update my story [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tiff & Case
Views: 61,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justkiddingnews, jknews, jk news, justkiddingparty, jkparty, justkiddingfilms, jkfilms, tiffandcase, tiff and case, Tiffany Del Real, Casey Chan, Isaac Del Real, real_tiff, chanmanprod, casey vlog, tiffany vlog, family vlog, family vloggers, family friendly, interracial couple, young mom, cinematic, married, Chinese, Mexican, Asian, Latina, happy, feel good, istria, croatia, truffle, truffle hunting, truffle scrambled eggs, shareistria
Id: 6PWXznkXrHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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