Everything YOU need to know about the ROOT DECKS | Root Strategy Guide

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to Lord of the board my name is Sam Smith and today we are going to be doing a video on the different suits and decks in route the board game now we have the base deck which is the one that came with the original game and then we've got the exiles and partisans deck which is a separate deck that you can buy to kind of change gameplay and so first we're gonna go through a little bit of the history of each deck then we're gonna talk about the items in specific in the deck then we're gonna go to a deck comparison and that's going to go over all the differences as well as how it's gonna feel when playing with each deck so I really hope you enjoy the video go ahead and stay tuned [Music] now the decks are very different in many ways and personally I like to believe that they each signified different times in the world of route the base deck represents an earlier time that had the animals of the woodland much more separated and focused on their own rules the society depicted in the imagery has a focus on war and harsher times a war-torn society and then what we see in the exiles and partisans is a much different period where animals made more deals and provided each of their skills more openly a light age so to speak that brought about many helping each other after a huge war the rabbits are all about travelling and economy and as such they are mostly the providers of the coins and all of the travel gear with those who alliance with them they are able to provide those things the mice are more inventive and creative and they pride themselves in their sense of utility and sustainability and they're also the creators of root tea which is what provides the rest of the woodland with such good drinks and then we've got the Foxes and they are the metal workers of route the ones that provide the weapons and the tools now I want to take a moment to talk about the items because the item cards are the exact same in each deck the rabbit cards specialize in travel on economy meaning that they can craft the boots and coins where is the mice they specialize in sustainability and utility they can craft bags and root tea hmm YUM and then we've got the foxes who specialize in war and metalworking they can provide hammers swords as well as crossbows and so the rabbits are able to get you eight points the Foxes are able to get you seven points and the mice are able to get you six points total within crafting items keep in mind that the coins are the most valuable at a whopping three victory points for two rabbit crafting pieces now let's talk some numbers so each deck has 54 cards in it now if we take out the for dominance and five ambush cards that leaves us with 45 cards now if we drop the 20 identical item cards out of the deck that leaves us with 25 cards that make each deck their own now each deck contains the same suit amounts they have rabbits at 7 cards Mouse at 5 cards Fox at 6 cards and birds at 7 cards but now the differences begin the base deck has a whopping 49 crafting symbols where is the Exiles and partisans deck has only 35 needless to say you will naturally see a lot less crafting in the base deck and a lot more crafting in the exiles and partisans deck technically the high crafting factions have a very small advantage with the base deck due to their ease of crafting cards factions like the woodland Alliance the corvids or the lizards now going over what each suit does in each deck starting with the base deck we've got the rabbit suit which basically helps you to extend your turns with actions cards like the cobbler and the command Warren they all help you get those extra actions per turn or the better burrow bank helping you draw some more cards then we've got the Mouse faction this is defense in combat as well as in tell this can help you with seeing what your opponent has in their hand or protecting you from ambushes in general and with the sappers you're able to block all losses and prevent any combat from happening at all then we've got the Foxes which all help with combat benefits brutal tactics and Armorer's are both things that can help you in combat to prove that you are the better warrior in the woodland now the one wild card in the base deck is royal claim now this allows you to score a point for every clearing that you rule but this does take four of any kind of crafting piece and then we've got the tax collector which takes one of each clearing type and this one lets you to once in daylight remove one of your warriors to draw a card very very good but very hard to pull off from most faction now like I said the base deck is very much more focused in the different abilities that each suit provides but the exiles and partisans deck represents a lighter time in the route era and therefore there is a lot more animals helping each other provide different abilities and so the suits also are as such so the rabbit cards are very good at card draw and movement manipulation cards like the tunnels and swap meet charm offensive very very good abilities that provide card draw or being able to move around the map with ease then we've got the mouse suit which helps with crafting bonuses every single one of the cards helps with crafting items and making sure that you can exhaust items to either use abilities or whenever opponents are crafting items you can gain a point or you gain an extra point whenever you craft an item then we've got the foxes which are all about informed combat they have a lot of abilities where you can move your opponent's units or gather Intel about the war as well as even put an eery leader in charge of your forces then as opposed to the base deck the Exile some partisan deck has a lot more wildcard abilities these can be crafted very very easily because they can be any suit and these have a lot of specialty abilities as well as movement benefits they've got corvid planners meaning that you can be nimble and move around the board without rule or boatbuilders being able to move along the river saboteurs in order to discard another opponents crafted card or the propaganda bureau being able to take an opponent's unit off the board and place one of your own and then we've got one single card that has one of each clearing for crafting purposes and that is soup kitchens and that allows you to rule with tokens this can be very helpful for the corvid conspiracy or the woodland alliance cards that use a lot of tokens within combat now in each deck each one has one card that is the same throughout all suits and so in the base deck we have got the favor cards these are the favor of the rabbits foxes and mice and what they do is help you to remove all enemy pieces in that particular suits clearings and then you would discard the card these are very expensive costing three crafting pieces but these are also very very powerful abilities to be able to do a complete board wipe and basically cause chaos throughout the woodland and then in the exiles on partisans deck we've got the partisan cards and I'll use the rabbits as example but these come in Mouse and Fox as well and what it does is in battle and rabbit clearings you may deal one extra hit and then discard all of your cards except rabbit cards now this can help with manipulating your hand to only be carrying one suit and where is the favor cards are very much destructive towards a color the rabbit partisans requires loyalty towards a color and these are definitely very different vibes with in-game play playing with both decks [Music] now I want to go over some of my favorite cards from each deck now starting with the base deck I'm gonna give my three favorite cards starting with better baroque Bank now this is a great card for pretty much any faction to pick up at the start of birdsong you and another player can draw a card and as we know card draw can be very important in order to manipulate your hand and your abilities that you have as pretty much every faction and you can also build just a natural alliance with someone else choosing to give that other player a card and then we've got scouting party this is a great mouse card that helps you not be affected by ambush cards and as we all know ambush cards can be absolutely devastating but having the piece in mind that they cannot affect you scouting party is one of my favorite cards and then my final card that I love out of the base deck is actually royal claim now this is an expensive card it takes four of any type of crafting piece but having the ability to score a point over every clearing that you rule can be such a nice swing especially when you might be a little bit behind but you have a lot of board control this can really create a lot of tension being afraid of who has the real claim card and I really love the dynamic that it plays throughout the game now moving over to the exiles of partisans deck I've got three cards that I absolutely love both for their art their theme and especially their really incredibly cool abilities starting with the mouse card League of adventurous mice which says that once in daylight you can exhaust an item in your crafted items box to take a move or initiate a battle and what I love about this card so much is it actually gives those crafted items a purpose while they're sitting on your player board until the Vagabond comes and eventually takes them I love the fact that you have some options as well as to being able to take a move or initiate a battle with it and then secondly I've got false orders which in bird song you can discard this card to move half of an enemy's warriors rounded up from any clearing treating yourself as that player and ignoring rule and this can be so great for some amazing combat where you can move players off of a key location and then attack them this really does have so much versatility and I just love seeing it being played in games where players will least expect to see their troops moving away from where they want them to be and then lastly I've got the rabbit card coffin maker's which says that whenever any warriors would return to the supply place them on this card instead and at the start of Burt's arm you can score one point per five warriors here and the return all of the Warriors here to their supplies what I love about this card so much is that it makes everyone think a little bit differently about what they're doing per turn as well as think differently about how their faction operates and how they remove warriors from the board to their own player board [Music] now for the big question which deck to choose now I am a firm believer that each deck is different in their own way and that both should be played in your play group to get a different side of how route can work but if you are wanting a game with less crafting and have a lot more board interaction without the influence of other cards I would say that the base deck is the right one for you as well as if you are okay with very swingy effects that can come out of absolutely nowhere I would say that the base deck is right for you and if you don't want people to be able to get abilities that belong to other factions and you want them to kind of keep to their own abilities I would say that the base deck is what's right for you now on the other side of things if you want to game with more crafting a lot more ease of crafting cards I would choose the exiles and partisans deck as they have so many cheap cards to craft that can benefit each faction if you want loyalty to one suit where if you actually get rewarded for crafting multiple of one suit I would also choose the exiles and partisans deck if you want shared faction abilities where you're actually able to craft cards that can give abilities from other factions that you can use for yourself I would choose the exiles and partisans deck at the end of the day each deck is incredibly fun to play with and I really do love them both thank you so much for watching my video this has been an absolute blast to make and I really hope that it helped you guys to discern which deck is right for your play group as well as get a little bit of idea of the strategy of each deck and what makes them different if you guys enjoyed the content that you receive please go ahead and like as well as leave a comment down below as to which decks your favorite or what is your favorite card in each deck and if you want to see more content like this and be notified when it's released go ahead and click the bell notification or follow my Twitter and Instagram with the links down below well I hope you guys liked this video thank you so much for watching and with that let's drop the beat [Music]
Channel: Lord of the Board
Views: 15,469
Rating: 4.976378 out of 5
Keywords: Root boardgame, How to play root, Exiles and partisans, Root strategy guide, Art of root boardgame, Root boardgame strategy guide, Root underworld expansion review, lotb, lord of the board
Id: dLNFWygk2Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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