Evergrande is China’s largestÂ
property development company  and was (up until recently) one of theÂ
most valuable companies in the world. However most analysts are nowÂ
predicting that this company  is on the verge of insolvency and won’tÂ
be able to meet its mountainous debt  obligations without direct governmentÂ
intervention within the next few weeks. For those of you who are not already aware  this has the potential to be far more thanÂ
a run of the mill corporate bankruptcy.  The company employs over 200,000 people directlyÂ
while also providing work for as many as 4 million  subcontractors who work to erect thousandsÂ
of buildings for the company every year. Beyond just job losses, the company is alsoÂ
holding deposits for 1.5 million properties  that may not be delivered to regular Chinese  citizens who were just looking forÂ
a home or an investment property. Now loosing a home is terrible in ANYÂ
country, but perhaps nowhere more so  than in China. The value of these propertiesÂ
compared to the incomes of people buying them  is astronomical, and it often takes multipleÂ
family generations to save up for a deposit. Because of this, real estate has become basicallyÂ
the only thing that most people invest in,  and over a million people losing that investmentÂ
will have massive knock on economic impacts beyond  just putting people out on the streetsÂ
(as is that wasn’t bad enough already) Despite these social issues and the apparentÂ
threat to the national and global economy  the Chinese government has said that theyÂ
are not prepared to bail out the company. Why? Well politics… but thereÂ
are a few things that you need  to understand about this crisis asÂ
we watch it play out in real time. The first is how this collapse actually  started in what looked like anÂ
otherwise very healthy company. The second is how bad could this getÂ
if the government DOESN’T step in. And the third is, Will this all be contained?  Or could this leak out and cause an economicÂ
collapse in countries outside of China? Well it’s time to learn how money works soÂ
you can have a better understanding about  what all of these alarming headlines reallyÂ
mean. This is video was brought to you by  the channels patrons and channel members. IfÂ
you want early access to video’s and an extra  free video every month please consider helpingÂ
the channel out on either of these platforms. Alright, so many people areÂ
calling this China’s Lehman moment,  in reference to the American investmentÂ
bank Lehman Brothers which was allowed to  go bankrupt in 2008 effectively kickingÂ
off the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. There are a lot of similarities here. Both of these companies are very large, they bothÂ
have a lot of debt on their books, that debt is  being offset with assets that may not be nearlyÂ
as valuable as people might think, and finally  they both look to have been left for dead by theirÂ
governments which have decided to let them fail. Now of course Evergrande is not a bank,Â
it’s a property development company,  but in China that’s almost worse. Property is basically the only thingÂ
that average citizens invest in  so it’s as if you took the us financialÂ
market and housing market and rolled  them all up into one for people toÂ
speculate on… sort of like in 2008. Now the regulators knew this, andÂ
they saw the problem of an asset  price bubble having the potentialÂ
to cause major economic factors. It’s because of this, that theÂ
story of Evergrande’s problems  actually start more than aÂ
year ago in august of 2020. Property is never “owned” in China, it is leasedÂ
from the government for a set amount of time  most commonly 70 years. These land leases are thenÂ
purchased by property developers like Evergrande.  The property developers will then design apartmentÂ
buildings and pre-sell the units they designed to  regular investors who will put down a deposit andÂ
wait for the buildings to actually be finished. The developer can then take this money and useÂ
it as a down payment to borrow even more money  to either buy up more land leases, or to use onÂ
the actual construction of buildings on that land. This system works very well for rapid expansionÂ
and it is in theory a win-win for everybody. Evergrande and other developers were able to buyÂ
up more 70 year leases and build more houses,  regular investors were able to get accessÂ
to properties that were far cheaper than  existing apartments for sale in china, and theÂ
banks and non-bank lenders were able to give  money to an institution that was offeringÂ
good returns on a secured line of credit. Most of these lenders figured that inÂ
the extremely unlikely scenario that  a company like Evergrande defaultedÂ
on it’s debt’s they could just yoink  the properties they had on their booksÂ
and easily cover all of these loans. Now… Evergrande had seen that properties in ChinaÂ
were appreciating at a rate of about 10 – 15%  per year so they wanted toÂ
push this limit to the extreme. They wanted to borrow more money, buy upÂ
more land rights, presell more apartments  all in an attempt to grow as fast as possible. This DID work well, the company was highlyÂ
profitable, it always had more assets than  liabilities and continually gave consistentÂ
returns to both equity and debt investors. But all good things must come to an end and thatÂ
brings us back to August of 2020 when the Chinese  government introduced new laws in to control theÂ
amount of debts that developers could take on, and  also how the money that companies like EvergrandeÂ
were getting of pre-sales could be used. This was a big problem because itÂ
radically altered the high growth business  model that the company had become reliant on. The company basically needed a constant streamÂ
of new money coming in from property buyers to  keep the whole operation running,Â
but it did have a backup plan. If this money ever slowed downÂ
the developer could just lower  the prices on their pre-salesÂ
to attract more buyers and prop  up the system again. Sure they wouldn’t makeÂ
as much profit, but it’s better than nothing. In a worst case scenario the company just keptÂ
certain properties on their own books as real  estate assets. This meant that they could borrowÂ
even more against the value of these finished  properties and never need to realise a loss byÂ
selling a property for more than it cost to build. This was not a bad strategy consideringÂ
property price growth in China meant  that the company only ever needed toÂ
hold onto these properties for a few  months at most before market forcesÂ
made them profitable to sell again. However these new regulations meantÂ
that the company was forced to hold  onto more and more existing propertiesÂ
while also needing to sell off their  new developments at increasingly steepÂ
discounts to keep the money flowing in. This caused two problems, for starters it  undermined all of the holdings thatÂ
they had to offset their liabilities. I said at the beginning of this video that theÂ
company had more assets than it did liabilities,  and that is technically true, but only if youÂ
accept that HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARSÂ Â worth of residential real estate holdingsÂ
are worth as much as the company says it is. Even if we ignore the propensity of ChineseÂ
companies to… “massage”… their figures a bit, this  is an alarming number because these assets areÂ
NOT liquid… which leads us to the next problem. The new regulations have made it harder forÂ
the company to borrow money to complete the  projects it was working on. This has meant thatÂ
they company has had to sell more presales to  fund existing projects which are in turnÂ
going to be even harder to get funding for. The questions raised about the true valueÂ
of the companies real estate holdings has  meant that the company has had to seek financeÂ
from not one or two banks like most companies,  but from over 128 different banks andÂ
hundreds of other non-bank lenders. This started to raise alarm bellsÂ
with individual property investors  who were waiting on their homes to be finished. Potential investors were startingÂ
to see these massive real estate  development projects (that used toÂ
sell out within a matter of hours)Â Â were now being discounted over andÂ
over again to try and attract buyers. Even if their overall attitude towardsÂ
the real estate market was bullish,  it only made sense to sit back a bit and see ifÂ
they could snag themselves a bigger discount. This closed the faucet on the cash injector thatÂ
kept everything going causing bigger discounts and  bigger question marks over how much the companiesÂ
inventory of property was actually worth. Now the company is in a situation where itÂ
lacks the funds it needs to pay for day to day  operations beyond the next few weeks. Of course itÂ
could sell off these existing real estate assets  as a last ditch attempt to free up some cash flowÂ
but it would now be at a massive discount given  the bad press and the fact that they wouldn’tÂ
really have time to negotiate too hard on price. Now that leads us onto how bad this could get. … If the government did not intervene atÂ
all the company would go into liquidation,  the 1.5 million people that have paidÂ
their deposits for homes that have not  yet been built would lose that moneyÂ
and the properties on the companies  books would be sold off as quickly as possibleÂ
flooding the market with properties for sale. Even in a company as hungry for real estate asÂ
China this would inevitably drive down prices. It would simultaneously put more eyes on the other  property development companies who wouldÂ
inevitably be in a similar situation. If property prices fall then theirÂ
inventories are going to be worth less too,  meaning they will have less assets to secureÂ
loans against, which means more difficulty  completing projects, which means more troubleÂ
paying off loans which means more liquidations. If you replace the words “ChineseÂ
Apartments” with “Mortgage Backed  Securities” it is easy to see whyÂ
people are calling this a Lehman Moment. Which leaves just one final question…Â
Will this impact markets in the west? The GFC quickly spread from the US to EuropeÂ
and then on around the world. China is the  second largest economy in theÂ
world so it’s not unreasonable  to be a little concerned with theÂ
same thing happening here right? Well yeah, we should all beÂ
cautious of what this could mean,  but I wouldn’t be overly worried justÂ
yet. China’s markets by design are very  closed off to the outside world which meansÂ
that they are much less interconnected with  American markets than say AmericanÂ
markets are with European markets. What’s more is that it’s hard to believeÂ
that the Chinese government would let it  get quiet that bad. The strength andÂ
unfaltering growth of the Economy has  been the linchpin of the current government.Â
If they were to loose that they would not only  have to deal with an economic catastrophe,Â
but also widespread civil unrest as well. As I said, this is a developing situation soÂ
your guess about what comes next is just as  good as mine, but at least you know the nutsÂ
and bolts of the problem that they are facing. Now if you want to learn about something a littleÂ
bit more light-hearted go and watch my video  on why jellyfish have secretly been used as aÂ
global reserve currency for the past few decades. A regular video will still be coming at someÂ
point this week, so this one is just an extra  to keep you all up to speed on this situation.Â
These video’s are made possible by my amazing  channel members and patreon supporters. If youÂ
enjoy these video’s please consider supporting  the channel directly so that everybodyÂ
can keep on learning How Money Works.
So eventually people stopped buying, causing others to question the real value of the property. Causing speculation on the opposite end, where it would instead drop lower, and nobody wanted to be the one left holding the bag.
I mean that reversal of speculation could easily cause us harm as well, as foreigners make up such a large percent of our buyers. These debt bubbles created on faulty valuation of asset prices are pretty serious. Allowing companies to leverage more debt on something as ephemeral as housing prices is a stupid idea.
If anything canadian market became more attractive for chinese money
I keep saying it’s international and idiots on this sub keep telling me to leave Toronto (I don’t live in Toronto)
Collapsing? Evergrande already screwed people over so it has already has begun collapsing.
What happened on Evergrande is the intended consequence of China government's policy change. Some people in this sub is no smarter than Trump supporters who can only follow a simple binary classification