Everything You Need To Know About Norse Mythology

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Odin King of the Gods the all father you know the guy but did you know that Odin once hung himself from a tree and plucked out his own eye all to gain wisdom in order to avoid a future where he is eaten by Loki's son a giant wolf Odin's whole story is a trip so let's tell it and start in the beginning of Norse mythology where there was just chaos nothing also called ginon gagap no seriously it was called ginon gagap the nothing the chaos was called gagap and above and below gagap there was eternal ice and fire called nilheim and muspelheim and eventually the two merged within gong gagap and out of that the first two beings emerged the Giant imir and a giant cow adum from emir's sweat more Giants were born and the cow licked an icy rock into the shape of the first God Buri Buri thought that there must be a better way to have children and sweating and licking rocks so he got sweaty with a giantest and licked and rocked her and they had a son bore who would then father Odin and his two brothers and then Odin and his brothers killed imir and emir's blood caused a flood that drowned the cow Buri bore Odin's mom everybody was the first Petri side metricide genocide grandfather side every side which is why I call this episode this was the beginning of what we now know as Norse mythology and out of emir's giant corpse Odin with the help of his brothers created the Realms well musim and Nim already existed but Udin created Alim home of the dwarfs Alim home of the elves Asgard home of the Isel Gods who know they were not actually called as Guardians that's just Marvel and my favorite exor of movies you get it that was good I'm so childish vanaheim home of the vaner Gods midgard our Earth and yonim which is where the only two giants who were able to escape Odin's genocide fled to and repopulated their race with a lot of sweating and rock licking the Giants then became better known as the ynar or the Yun for Singler and weren't necessarily giant beings they often looked humanlike and were the forever enemy of the Gods in Asgard so the stage is set the nine Realms exist and Odin ruled over all of them from his throne in Asgard married freck and actually freak that's the name I'm not not cussing and allowed a giant aun to live on Asgard as a god aun God he became Blood Brothers with and who Odin swore would always have a place at his side that Jun was looki who would later cause the death of Odin's sons while L's own son would cause the death of Odin himself but Odin did not know that yet because he wasn't yet the allseeing father at that point Udin could not see fate itself but he felt like he had to in order to properly rule over all the nine Realms so after his Waring days of uniting the Realms and establishing order were over Odin traded in his Spear and armor for a top tier Ganda of the great cos play and wandered the Realms known only as The Wanderer because his originality and naming himself was not one of his traits on his journey Udin learned the ways of every culture every trade of magic he became incredibly wise and eventually he learned of magical Runes of Prophecy and wisdom carved into igdrasil the Tree of Life carved into that tree by the creators and masters of Faith themselves the Norse norn we the tapestry of Fate made up of billions of strings each representing the life and fate of a being including the life and fates of the Gods themselves because in North's mythology the gods are not Immortal the fates told Udin that if he wants the knowledge of reading the runes he has to test fate by hanging himself from the Tree of Life for nine nights and nine days and as if this wasn't enough he had to also stab himself in the chest with a spear beforehand and also kind of just realized that I structured this thing poorly because I already told you in the beginning that he hung from a tree so yeah surprise surprise he did that and he survived which by the way is okay that I spoiled that in the beginning because I hate movies that halfway through they put the lead in like artificial mortal danger as if we're going to think Odin dies halfway through when the movie is called the life of Odin yeah I'm looking at you Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Peter qu you really in space because of the music now come on after nine nights and nine days Odin gained the knowledge he was seeking he understood the magic of runes and that gave him the ability to see the fate of the cosmos and now Odin was able to see the end of that Cosmos he was able to see Ragnarok which ended with him being devoured by a wolf and because being swallowed by a random wolf has loky written all over it Udin quickly figured out that the wolf was his blood brother Loki's son so he made Loki reveal the truth and learned that even though Loki wasn't as guardian now AEL God damn it Marvel a God he was an a as guardian is just catching know they an asard as guardian catchy even though Loki was an Isel God now he had three secret monstrous children with a yuton woman those children were the giant wolf fenri the giant World Serpent yander and a girl that was was half beautiful and half a rotten corpse hell Odin saw that all three children had a role to play in the end of the world in Ragnarok so he banished the serpent to the oceans at the far end of our world thank you Odin for sending it to Earth he chained up fenri and exiled the girl hell into the underworld but that wasn't enough because Udin was so desperate to fight fate itself and prevent Ragnarok that he sought out more wisdom and for that he went to see mimia the wisest of all the Yar guarding The Well of wisdom which sits at the foot of igil containing water that grants ultimate wisdom to whoever drinks it and it goes without saying that Odin really wanted to drink of that water and because it was for noble cause like saving the cosmos mimir told him that in order to be granted a sip Odin had to rip out his own eye for no apparent reason other than every body here seemingly being sadistic as hell like I held my tongue on the tree thing but unnecessary spear wound on top of the nine days and night nights of hanging now the eye my guys were just trolling Odin for real but for Odin there was no sacrifice too great for the sake of saving all life so he ripped out his eye without hesitation drank from The Well of wisdom and now Odin was the wisest thing in the cosmos which ultimately led him to learn that fate is inevitable Ragnarok was bound to happen there was nothing Odin could do to stop it and it will be signaled by the death of Odin's own favorite [Music] son which no it's not Thor I know some of yall into the story right now like leaning forward and you're like Thor no but n Odin's favorite son is not Thor it's actually Balu the God of Light still even though he knew it was inevitable Odin was determined to not go down without a fight and knowing what's coming him and the goddess Freya basically came up with a drafting system for the army that would face off against evil in the war at the end of times they created the Valkyries to recruit people for Valhalla the Valkyries were beautiful women that would scour the battlefields to collect the swords of the bravest slain Warriors and bring those souls to Valhalla where they would enter an eternal training arc fight all day drink all night and be healed over I guess the rest of the night rinse and repeat until the day Ragnarok calls and all the Warriors would storm out of valhalla's 550 doors each so wide that 800 Warriors can storm through side by side an army of lead Warriors each Warrior granted the title AER which translates to Army of one and believe it or not there also the name I gave to my P other than prepare the Army ofen did everything he could to avoid what he knew was meant to be the trigger for Ragnarok the death of his son Baldor Udin and his wife went to every being in the cosmos animals plants humans Gods Giant and made them all swear an oath to never harm Bal the only thing that they forgot to ask was the missile to tree and decades later when they thought they were safe and Odin believed to maybe have successfully stopped the Ragnarok the all father was betrayed from a source he never expected his blood brother Loki Loki could never forgive Odin for locking away and exiling his children and he built up hatred against Udin and his beloved Son Baldor and he worked tirelessly to find a way to kill Baldor and eventually found out that the mistleto tree never sworn oath to not harm Balor so lii made an arrow out of mistleto which was then used to kill Odin's son and was the beginning of the end the beginning of Ragnarok Odin was Furious but since he swore a Blood Oath to luki he couldn't kill him so he thought of something that was somehow even more devious see Loki didn't just have three monstrous children that Odin exiled Loki also had a family on Asgard a family of iser gods and Udin punished luki by tying him to a rock with the intestines of Loki's own a son BR NOA so now Loki was tied to a rock with the intestines of his son but Udin made sure luki would suffer even more under drips of vicious poison above him that would drip on his forehead while Lui was unable to move and cause a pain so agonizing that it only cemented Loki's hatred for ASG and Odin see in all of Odin's attempts to prevent Ragnarok it was him training up fenri banishing Yong gandra and hell and Loki's anger over the treatment of his children and the pain luki suffered in his eternal torture under poisonous drops tied to a rock with the intestines of yet another one of his children all that is what really caused Ragnarok because what Odin didn't know didn't foresee is that the army of evil consuming Asgard during Ragnarok will be led by luki himself Odin's wisdom and knowledge of the prophecy was the deciding factor in it being self-fulfilling fate could not be avoided Loki eventually Broke Free from his captivity freed his children and with the help of his daughter who became the queen of the underworld and Su a fire giant hidden away in the Eternal fire of mus Loki mustered up an army of evil and launched Ragnarok a war to end the world Thor you know God of Thunder strongest Avenger that's what you know him is but the real Thor was actually a chubby redhead with anger management issues that could not fly but instead rode around on a chariot drawn by two goats called tooth Nash and tooth grinder mans was on the Santa Claus thing for real also you know the Giants from Norse mythology that are evil and the enemies of the gods they are called ynar and Thor is actually three qus ynar and only one quarter iser God because Thor's mother was a yna that Odin cheated on his wife with yeah they don't tell you that in the usual Mythology stories but that's why I'm here today and why I call this [Music] episode the fact that Thor is 3/4 yna makes it even more messed up that he made it his mission to single-handedly genocide the yna race no one in nor mythology has killed more Yun than Thor and that's tragically ironic because it's thanks to his Yun blood that Thor is even that strong physically stronger than every other God including Udin and if you've been keeping up with the math Thor being three4 yuton means that yes his father Udin has to be have yuton himself that's the intro done now let's first talk about Thor's hammer and then we'll talk about M get it that was a good one might take a while but when you get it you're like oh d That's funny Hammer you get [Music] it all right I'm going to skip straight to grown Thor because there isn't really much about childhood Thor it's even hardly debated who Thor's mother really is is we just know that she's a Yun and usually it's assumed that she was the Yun y the personification of the Earth in Norse mythology who then became one of Odin's baby mamas Thor's story only really starts once he gets his hammer M which he got from his uncle lii yes Uncle lii because in Norse mythology lii and Thor are not Brothers one day the mature older Uncle luki decided to play a prank on his nephew Thor by cutting his wife Si's hair off why it's just typical Loki stuff so after that was done Thor was mad and when thick mythological redhair Thor gets mad somebody usually dies so looki had to appease his nephew and in order to appease an angry strongman with murderous intentions it's apparently a good idea to craft the strongest weapon in the universe for him m in order to do that looki resorted to more trickery and lies because he clearly did not learn his lesson at all looki challenged the Dwarven blacksmiths by basically saying I bet you can't craft the greatest weapon ever which triggered them because the dwarves were known to be the greatest blacksmiths in the universe so I'd like to think that they were literally just like oh my beer you know cuz cuz they're dwarves and and dwarves always drink beer right so no wait in the ancient North they would have said hold my meat no meat meat with a with a with a d not hold my meat I'm too childish for these and because looki is looki he wagered his life on the B for no reason other than to spice things up and the dwarfs were crafting Mia and it actually started to look like the best weapon ever so looki sabotaged their work by transforming into fly and bit one of the blacksmith dwarves in the eye so that Muir wouldn't actually become the greatest weapon ever looki wins the BET and saves his life and that's why now the handle of M is so short compared to its head a problem that's not funny at all because it's something that many men face these days and know those pills that are advertised they will not help you trust me I'm not I'm not I'm not talking from experience my if there was ever any doubt left M definitely cemented Thor as the strongest of all the nors gods and on top of that Thor also had a magical belt and gloves that are often not mentioned the gloves younger were necessary to handle M Force along with the belt that just simply and literally doubled Thor's power and has the most difficult name ever meing the me the Thor's magic belt by the way in nor mythology wielding M has nothing to do with being worthy just Thor being the only God strong enough to lift [Music] it so one day the God's giant enemies the yetna who are also insanely strong decided to steal M and hid it from Thor and demanded the goddess of beauty and love in exchange Freya obviously a ridiculous request so Thor said okay deal and went to get Freya but Freya said hell no are you kidding me Thor what the also probably was slightly offended that Thor would just trade her for his hammer so then heimdal the Watcher had a genius idea let's dress this massive bronny bearded red-haired God of Thunder up in a wedding gown and present him to the Giants as Freya and they actually did that they tried that and it worked because I don't know why that word anyway fast forward to the wedding and the yna didn't catch on to fake fre a Thor even though fake Frey a Thor ate a whole ox and drank tens of liters of beer in that gown like this seriously sounds like very bad 9s early 2000s Adam sand L Murphy comedy or something you know the Giants totally fell for it and were pleased with having conquered Freya so they presented fake Freya with M and fake Freya was like aha I'm Thor and then he slaughtered everybody at that party like every single person he slaughtered them with that hammer smashed the skulls on and everything cuz that's what Thor was about that's Thor in a nutshell murdering his way out of every problem and he did that until the very end because the Norse gods are not Immortal so there is an actual ending for Big Boy sparkles in North's mythology Thor dies during Ragnarok at the hands of Loki's son the world serpent yorong Gander Thor clashed with yorong Gander many times throughout his adventures and in this final epic battle that would have looked something like straight out of a Kaiju movie Thor defeated the giant serpent but not without being wounded by its venomous bite and after the battle Thor was only able to take nine more steps one for each of the nine Realms before succumbing to the poison and dying but hey at least we have Thursday now to remember him you know Thursday Thursday that's where we got that name from what do you know about lii the real lii not the Marvel one we usually know that Lui is a trickster but it is because of Marvel that there is a common misconception that that Lui is Thor's brother and somewhat of a good guy/ antihero type of dude your savior is here well I hate to be the one to break this to you but Loki is responsible for the end of the world he's not Thor's brother he is however the Swarm Blood Brother of Odin which is cool cuz it's like bad boys for Life bro what's up until Loki kills Odin's son yeah that makes you a bad guy in my book and looki also gave birth to a horse once and at Leed horse so my dictionary there makes you a weird guy and weird and bad is a combination that usually makes you very dangerous which Loki is and all of his children are Bringers of evil one of Loki's Sons is a giant wolf that kills Odin during Ragnarok another one of Loki Sons is a giant snake that kills Thor during Ragnarok and Loki's daughter hell rules theonomous hell that gives Loki the Army to invade Asgard and start Ragnarok to end the universe so clearly at some point somebody should have made Loki get a vasectomy I mean damn this guy's seed is dangerous bro at least condoms or something I don't know what it was back in the day sheep skin I mean make Loki wrap it up bro come on and all of the above is why I call this episode note that there are some detailed extra facts about ly that don't really fit the flow of my storytelling but for completion sake I'll include them at the end of the video so to watch until then if you want everything there is to know about looki let's start in the beginning no one knows where looki really comes from nobody except for him and his blood brother Odin in North's mythology Loki just appears in Asgard one day after Odin already established that RAM and all the eight others and sits on the throne as the all father ruling over everything look he literally just appears and asks Odin to make good on his blood brother promise because Odin promised that wherever he drinks luki shall have a place that is why luki is made one of the AER Gods even though he is not a God luki was born a Yun which makes him a yna which you might know better as the frost Giants or the enemies of the Gods no one really knows how luki and Udin became Blood Brothers Long in their past and might have something to do with Udin being half yuton himself yeah surprised if you didn't know that the main god is actually Halon and the yuton are the enemies of the god so that's a self-hate boner that Odin has right there I don't know but him and luki are Blood Brothers remember that as an isia luki often fought with the other gods against his own King the Y and was also the one responsible for Thor getting his powerful Hammer AK the weapon of mass genocide against the Yar and Odin receiving his powerful spear G but in general all the good Loki did was usually the god of Mischief making up for trouble he caused in the first place like this story for example [Music] the eyes ear Gods we're building a wall around Asgard and we're running out of Labor so Lui was like hey let's ask one of our Savage neighbors slash enemies a and since they're so strong they should be really good at uh uh construction work against their will sounds like something somebody would say before they hop on that trip to Africa to get themselves a bunch of slaves so I don't know how that makes me feel about Loki they asked Aon and he said that if he gets the job done within their desired deadline he wants to marry the goddess of beauty Freya in return a ridiculous request since fya was one of the most dignified and important goddesses in all of Asgard SOI said okay yeah that sounds reasonable deal all the gods freaked out but lii never intended to give the uton a realistic deadline he set him up to fail from the start typical Loki scheme also a typical slaver scheme damn Loki with the prospect of tapping freya's Divine booty this utam was working at that thirst speed you get me and with the help of his giant horse a powerful stallion it looked like Freya was set for a yna wedding because he was about to make the deadline but looki found a solution to the problem he created in the first place he sabotaged the Giant's work making him miss the deadline by shape shifting into a female horse to lure the giant staling away and have sex with it standard diversion tactic for looky that's standard diversion tactics but it worked the giant missed the deadline Freya was safe and ly was pregnant surprise all good though because he then gave birth to an eight-legged horse that Odin writes To This Day stories like that were basically what luki was all about and there's tons of them like luki is also responsible for the curse of a golden ring of power that brought Doom to generations of dwarfs a story that later inspired the loaded rings and a lot of other stuff the point is that anything good looki does involves a problem he caused and uses his wits and trickery to solve it but there was a general trend of Loki's deeds and missteps progressively getting worse and worse all pointing to an eventual disaster foreshadowing foreshadowing that are already spoiled in the intro CU I started the intro with Ragnarok this Ragnarok that so you kind already know even said he brings Ragnarok [Music] okay Loki also had a family on Asgard his wife's Sig and his two sons nari and Vali remember that an isia family but my man also had a bit of a giant fetish and got his freak on on the side with the Giant's anger Buddha with whom he had three slightly different children the giant wolf fenry giant snake yandra and Hell a woman that was half beautiful and half corpse again vasectomy at some point you know I don't know maybe after the wolf definitely after the snake the kids were secret living in Yim in the home of the Yar but at some point Odin had visions of the end of the world of Ragnarok and everybody's death at the hand of a snake and the wolf and a half corpse woman and he was like yeah that has Loki written all over it so he forced the location out of Loki and sent Thor and the God of War to get the children then Odin threw the snake into the ocean to die sent the half corpse woman into hell to be with the other corpses and they kept the wolf because it was a puppy and puppies are cute t was the one who raised the wolf fena who grew bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and so massive that he really became a problem and Odin had him chained to a rock for all eternity because that's how you deal with problems and I guess also he wasn't the puppy anymore he wasn't cute you still the cutest you still the cut this you I love you so much I love you so much so with his kids Locked Away by his supposed Blood Brother Odin looky wasn't exactly feeling the blood love as much anymore and grew increasingly distant and angry and his anger singled in on Odin's favorite son Balu the God of Light good kind happy helpful beloved by all essentially the opposite of Loki Balo was once prophesized to die so Odin and Balo mother FR made sure to get a promise from everything in existence to never harm Bal people Gods objects plants everything all to avoid Balo dying not just for the sake of their son but also since the prophecy mentioned that baldor's death would be the Catalyst for Ragnarok the end of the world and it worked after everything sworn oath not to harm Balor Balor was nothing could harm him not axes not Spears not fire nothing so the Viking gods turned this into a game where they would get drunk and casually Hur Spears and other weapons a BAL that just bounced off of him because you know that's how you responsibly deal with prophecy and don't attt fate at all is the Viking way of doing things everybody was having fun with Invincible Balor which just made Loki increasingly more jealous and angry so he made it his mission to find out how he can harm this beloved Invincible God of Light and found out that no one's ever g a promise from the laurel tree not to harm Balor so Lui went to the laurel tree fashioned an arrow out of Laurel and never want to hold the Smoking Gun himself had baldor's blind brother shoot the arrow at Balor while guiding his aim and telling the brother it was a normal arrow that would just bounce off of invincible Balor like everything else that was thrown at him as part of the drinking game The Laurel eror was fired struck Balor in the heart and killed [Music] him [Music] despite Loki's best efforts was however quickly found out that he was responsible and this was a mess Loki couldn't talk his way out of the god of Mischief crossed the line this was not just Mischief this was murder and because everybody loved Balor everybody wanted ly dead but Odin and looki was still swarm Blood Brothers remember so Odin couldn't kill him since he promised luki would always have a place by his side so instead he tied luki against a rock in a cave on Asgard tied Loki to said rock with the intestines of a name I asked you to remember earlier the intestines of Loki's AER son nari but for Odin's wrath having Loki tied to the rock with the intestines of his own son wasn't enough Odin also had poison endlessly drip on L's forehead causing agonizing pain with every drop this was Loki's forever fate and his loyal wife sigan remained by his sight for all of his eternal punishment collecting all the dripping poison in a bowl shielding Loki from the pain that's my definition for right or die from now on I don't care man that's going on my Tinder profile if you're not like Loki's wife miss me with that [ __ ] but when the bowl was full and she had to empty it the poison would hit Loki's forehead and the pain would be so agonizing that Loki would shake so viciously it would cause earthquakes throughout the nine Realms including midgard AKA Earth AKA our earthquakes are caused by Loki's pain how cool is that that's one of those cool mythology facts that I love Loki was destined to suffer this fate forever and spent ages tied to the rock with nothing to do but planning his revenge and building up his hatred for Odin and the gods as did his chain up wolf son fenri as did his serpent son yander exile to the far oceans while growing so big he could Circle the world all the while L's daughter hell ruling the underworld Was preparing the Army her father needed for the day he would free himself and unleash his vengeance upon all unleash Ragnarok time for the extra notes there are not a lot of extra notes in this one but I want to point out that Loki the god of Mischief is basically the OG trickster and responsible for the trickster archetype so all those trickster characters you know in love like the Joker from Batman and isoka from Hunter x Hunter and many others all throughout pop culture they're all inspired by luki I kind of wanted to include fluki from Vikings in this list but I think that one's pretty obvious I briefly mentioned luki ruining generations of dwarves with a golden ring that tale is known as the vung zaga an epic tale that later inspired the famous theing the nen The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings the godess of sex lust love and beauty Freya is also a goddess of war and you know the legendary Warriors that go to valala and their second round draft picks Freya gets to pick first among all the slain Viking warriors for her own legendary Warriors Hall of Fame that you probably never heard of and what even fewer people heard of is that Freya once had a gang bang with for Wars what the to be fair we don't know if it was a gang bang or if the four dwarves took turns is my video going to get demonetized for saying the word gang bang gang bang gang bang gangang that's a tongue to explain yeah I'm whereare my videos are being used as educational videos in some schools I know now yall want to know the details about the Gang That bang Freya but there's a structure to this video and there is a lot more to and her stories so let's do [Music] this freya's story starts away from Asgard because Freya is not an AER goddess she is of a different lineage a different realm Freya is a vanir goddess from vanaheim daughter of the mighty n god of the sea king of the vaner and a thorn in Odin's side because even though Odin ruled from Asgard the mighty Alla wanted Supremacy over all the nine Realms so Odin and the AER Gods you know Thor t and them they went to war with n and the van the most notable of which are n's children the twins Freya and F Gods versus Gods an endless war and that's not me embellishing it literally was an endless war which also made it a pointless War to continue since the only consistent outcome was continuous Bloodshed find the social commentary in this one so the AER and the vaner eventually had to come to peace terms and agreed to exchange hostages and merge their lineages being the loving father that he is n's choice for a hostage was his own daughter Freya and thus Freya was made an iier goddess and before long she more than merged into Isaiah culture she ascended to be one of the most important goddesses in Asgard the symbol of beauty and everything men and women desire lust love and wealth but at the same time Freya was a fierce Warrior and yet none of this mentions her most defining feature Freya was a Velva and as such she practiced cidra which is just an ancient Norse way to say she was a Seer and thus could see into the future in the ancient North that was considered a very feminine quality but there was one man a God who was above such small-minded stereotypes and desired the power anyway Odin Odin was obsessed with seeing the future of the cosmos because he made it his life's mission to prevent Ragnar and since Freya was one of the few able to see the future Odin really respected Freya big time which is to say he was mad for freya's divine booty and really tried to tap that lucky for Odin Freya was about that life and her and Odin got it on but to be fair fya really was about that life and also got it on with a bunch of other gods which ones exactly is unknown but according to Loki Freya got it on with literally and I quote here everybody end of quote and by everybody Loki also included himself and freya's twin brother Freya a serious accusation coming out of a drunk ly at one of the Isel Gods famed feasts at this particular Feast drunk luki went on a serious rant literally dissing all the gods and also felt like it was time for history's first serious case of some [ __ ] shaming so he also laid it on on all the no's goddesses claiming they all slept with him and everybody else here too and ly specifically also singled out Freya but the thing is we're talking about Freya we're talking about the personification of beauty and lust you think you're going to shame her for enjoying her beauty and lust bro when I tell you Freya took off them earrings and them heels with a quickness you know what I mean you don't mess with Freya and you certainly don't shame her because Freya does what Freya does which reminds me [Music] of so the story starts with Freya wanting a special necklace that four dwarves made and the four dwarves wanted Freya so Freya slept with all of them end of story to be fair some people do that for just a fancy handbag I'm just saying at least Freya did it for a magical necklace you know what I mean but actually let me rewind here a little the necklace in question is bring and it was another Masterpiece of Dwarven craftsmanship a necklace that makes its wearer irresistible which actually that's entirely unnecessary for to because she's literally the personification of lust and quite irresistible but whatever I guess even the perfect goddess the personification of lust love and beauty had insecurities about maybe not being desirable anymore however human of her honestly makes me feel a little bit better about myself yeah so four naughty knights with four naughty dwarfs it was and if you're trying to visualize this one now I'll have you know that there is no indication in Norse mythology that dwarfs are actually short that's never mentioned also note that this whole fre and the dwarf story is highly controversial and very influenced by latest Christian writing so I have extensive notes on this at the end of the video after Freya slept with the dwarf she was rocking some serious bling and looki took notice and it didn't take him long to find out what Freya did to get that bling and it was a new opportunity for Loki to SW chaos so Loki did what Loki does and he told freya's other lover Odin oh Odin was pissed that Freya slept with the dwarfs which is pretty ironic coming from a guy who was literally cheating on his wife with Freya but hey again how very human of the mighty god Odin to be insecure and but hurt over his Mistress having other lovers so Odin took the necklace from Freya and told her that if she wants it back she has to use her magic to curse two human Kings to wage war against one another for eternity until a Christian King defeats them if that seems super random that's because it is super random and again that's that Christian influence that I have extensive notes on later in this [Music] video all right now you get the picture that Freya is a goddess as beautiful as she is desired and as desired as she is lustful this is in line with the vanir tribe because reminder fya is not an aier goddess she is van and if the aier gods are defined by being strict and ordered then the vaner gods are like the hippie gods and fittingly they are mostly worshiped for fertility Freya and her twin brother fer are the goddess and God of fertility and her brother fer symbol is literally a fellas for those lesser vers in English language that means his symbol was a dick yeah the van were really about dead life and that's why Freya wasn't shy about it either this was a goddess freed from all shackles and the beauty in all of this is that her name Freya literally translates to Lady since she was seen as the epitomy of a lady so there's some really relevant social commentary in here along the lines of a true lady simply being free from social expectations owning her own body and sexuality being unsh you know just food for thought problem was Freya was kind of married yeah she had a husband technically her and Udin her and the dwarves her and whoever yeah that was all cheating even though the nors were very sexually open and women were also empowered and independent Fidelity within marriage was still sacred so Freya was supposed to be faithful to her husband or but throughout all mythological texts it is said that her husband OD was literally never around like never and bro if your wife is the goddess of lust personified bro what you doing leaving her alone what you think she's going to do I mean come on and it's not like Freya didn't care about her husband she wanted him to be there in fact Freya cried so much over him constantly leaving and her being alone that her tears fell onto midgard our Earth were they materialized into gold hence why fre is also known as the goddess of wealth and because fya was always alone literally everybody treated her as single and wanted to marry this already married woman not just the gods either even the yut the enemies of the gods were sing for Freya so one of the ynar the Builder sadil farari approached the AER Gods when he heard that they needed a defensive wall built around Asgard and they didn't have the labor to do it so sadari came in with an offer I can build your wall for you but in return I want Freya luki was in charge of the construction and he agreed to the deal but before the giant finished the wall and cashed in on Freya as his reward Lui transformed into a horse and lured the Giant's work horse away to have sex with it so that the giant couldn't finish the job in time and then Lugi was pregnant and gave birth to a horse with eight legs yeah I know you have questions on this so watch my ly video where I go more in detail the other Yun that tried to force freya's hand was King th the king of the ynar th stole Thor's hammer m in complete secrecy no one knew who stole the hammer and all of asgar was in a panic because oh my God Thor's hammer is gone we needed because it's not even ridiculous Mia was so powerful in Thor's hands that they really needed Thor to have Mia to protect the realm without it as God was unprotected so finding Thor's hammer became everybody's priority number one sounds like a bachelorette party for goddesses conveniently Freya had a magical cloak made of feathers and whoever wears it can fly so to Aid with the searge she gave lii that coat and luie flew around the nine Realms until he located m in yonim the land of the ynar there Lui talked to King th who offered him a deal I can give you the hammer back but in return I want F Lui was like that sounds very familiar and remembered how bargaining fya the first time didn't work out so well so of course luki agreed to the deal Hey listen I told you luki does what luki does it's another chance for him to S chaos I get it Lui reported back to Freya and Freya was so angry at him that her Outburst sent an earthquake through Asgard and in the trembles freya's special necklace fell off remember pring men the four dwarves of course you remember they're still living in your head ran free and do you also remember what the necklace PR singam man does make the wearer irresistible so Freya and Hile came up with an idea let's dress Thor up in a wedding dress and make him wear the necklace so that he's irresistible and he can pretend to be F it's a genius and then he can get the hammer back literally the plot if Adam Sandler ever did a Norse mythology comedy so that's what they did and it worked wearing a wedding dress like he was born to do it Thor fooled all the ynar at the wedding who were mesmerized by the magical necklace and when fake fre Thor was presented with his wedding gift his hammer M he kindly returned the favor and presented the Giants with their wedding gift he killed everybody in the room smashed all of the heads in aka the first red wedding the Valkyries as you know about the Valkyries sometimes they are depicted as winged warrior women sometimes they are warrior women on winged horses sometimes they are warrior women on winged wolves but you get the gist the valkyri is always warrior women and they scour the battlefields to collect the swords of the bravest slain Warriors and deliver them to Valhalla Odin's great Halls where these Warriors then eternally train and drink for Ragnarok the ultimate battle at the end of times that's the story that everybody knows what no one knows is that all these dudes Oden gods are literally Freya sloppy seconds Freya is the Lady of folk vangra and for her Hall of Fame of Warriors she get gets the first pick amongst the slain Vikings and the Valkyries deliver them to her first yeah even though the Valkyries serve Odin and because of that there's a common misconception that the Valkyries somehow serve Freya and that Freya is a valkyrie or the queen of the Valkyries nah she just gets first pick and we don't really know why Odin would allow Freya such a courtesy a common theory is that it was part of the peace agreement between the vaner and the AER after the war you know the AER get and also she gets first pick of the slain but no one really knows why and in the end it doesn't really matter because all the Warriors from Valhalla and all the Warriors in freya's folk vanger they all serve the same purpose they all fight in Ragnarok against the army of evil most believe that folk vanger really only differs from Valhalla in its appearance Fulk Wanger literally translates to Field of armies and since Freya rules over it it is believed to be a beautiful field you know mirroring freya's Beauty just filled with armies training and chilling in nature rather than training and drinking in a meat Hall in Valhalla it's also assumed that Freya picked the more refined Warriors the ones that are not just about drinking ravaging and fighting mindlessly like animals kind of if Udin Valhalla bound Warriors are more like super Alpha doth Rocky then freya's Warriors would be more like the Jamie ministers still Alpha still Brave still ruthless still driven by Passion but all packaged within a touch of class and elegance just like the goddess Freya [Music] herself time for the extra notes as you could tell that whole Valkyrie section was filled with a lot of me assuming things and in fact that's true for a lot of this video and a lot of Norse mythology tales in general since so many of them are poorly documented or scattered and Vary over time a great example of that are the dwarves nowadays they're just dwarves and assumed to be short but in North mythology they are never described as short in fact they're not even dwarfs at all in the mythology the elves are called leosala and the dwarves are called D galar which really makes them the black elves or the dark elves and also they were more than just cave dwellers to these dark elves Earth was like water to a fish or air to us so you can think of them as like dirt fish literally living in the ground and contact with sun even turned them into stone so since the dwarves were Dark Elves and not gods they were then described in the ancient texts as lesser supernatural beings and later Christians who document had a lot of Norse Tales translated lesser to mean short and then added ugly for no reason so over time the dark elves became dwarves who are just short and ugly and speaking of Christians adding things the whole part with fya and the ganging and the banging with the four dwars disappeared in the surla Patra which was written in the 14th century by two Christian priests essentially it was as much Norse mythology as it was a smear piece meant to discredit the Norse god and to the great Freya but the story of Freya and the dwarfs in the necklace still became a Mainstay in noris mythology of today and if you ask me it doesn't make Freya any less amazing remember that Freya is a vaner and among many titles the goddess of lust the closest thing to the personification of lust our standards or ethics or morals or whatever we have do not apply to her and also back in the ancient North a woman's sexuality was a beautiful and powerful thing in her business so they wouldn't have thought anything of Freya enjoying herself of course that went against Christian values though so this whole Freya and the dwar story was an attempt to suppress all of that and highlight the power of Christianity which is driven home and made very evident by the fact that this whole story is then resolved with a Christian King that dominates the northern Heathen Kings tell me you're a Christian without telling me you're a Christian there's a theory that Freya and uden's wife Fri are actually the same goddess and there's a lot of reason to believe that they both have a coat that allows them to fly they both have the ability of foresight and their names are Freya and fr which if you trace the names back both originate from the ancient Germanic word FIA which means beloved Love Freedom all attributes associated with either freak or frea or both and this ancient friia is also the origin for the word Friday and fia's husband was vodan which is the root of the word Wednesday but more importantly also the root of the word Odin you still with me because I'm going to throw one more name into the mix here to make it more complicated remember OD freya's husband yeah that sounds an awful lot like Odin doesn't it so let me summarize this we have Freya and fr who share the same name and origin and similar abilities and we have OD and Udi who share the same name in origin and are both Travelers that are always wondering and never really around also both Freya and fr and Udin are associated with Friday and Wednesday respectively it doesn't take a genius to figure out that all three come from freia and wanas from the ancient Gonic beliefs but that doesn't make Freya and freak the same goddess in Norse mythology because in Norse mythology they literally both appear within the same same story even talking to one another so they are two different goddesses in Norse mythology they just obviously evolved out of the ancient Freya and this bit I didn't really know where to fit it in the video but so I'm going to add it here some texts say that freya's cloak that made her fly was made out of falcon wings and literally also transformed her into a falcon and Freya also has battle Pig and giant cats that pull her Chariot I mean that all of that is so anime that I love it and I need an anime with a main character that can transform into a falcon rides a pig into battle and has giant cats that also accompany her into her fights that'll be the most epic enemy I need this I'm the God who sees everything including the future this God had nine mind m s one dad nine mothers and they were all sisters too I know right we're going to watch that movie like an only fans thing what's up with that hda's father is of course Udin the all father and when you're the all father and you come across nine beautiful yon sisters ready for some daddy role play well sometimes you got to do what you got to do and nine months later nine sisters gave birth to one child heimdal I don't know if they each carried heimdal for a month or how that works but we don't question Norse mythology too much because this is also where Lui gave birth to a horse with eight legs and his baby mama birthed a snake that can Circle the world it is what it is the nine moms combined efforts bless timea with powers of sight and hearing he can hear so well he hears the grass and the wool on the back of sheep's growing and he can see for 100 miles even in the dark and into the future which is why heimdal and this famous horn Galah horn play a very important role within Asgard but heal and this other one were also quite famous my guy had a serious body count and virtually no pullout game like none but more details on that later oh and for all the Loki fans Hall also kills Loki now you have all the headlines what's missing is the details so let's do this [Music] I already touched on heimdall's inexplicable nine moms birth that granted him his insane allseeing all hearing Powers which naturally then made him the perfect Guardian for Asgard with heimdal standing guard at asgard's trippy Rainbow Bridge the beef rust no one could enter unseen in in fact no one in Asgard could do anything anything unseen my guy sees 100 miles in the dark sees the future hears everything like no privacy you get me you are forever flicking beans and pulling your onee monster to an audience of the allseeing monster hind is always watching dude had the stalker skill tree leveled to the max without even trying which explains why his guard post at the beef R was famously always stacked with tons of alcohol my man was enjoying the show while getting his buzz on the only thing about it that sucks is that heim's drunk Peep Show was a lonely existence while the other gods partied and mingled haim's place was at his guard poost since the beef first connects Asgard to all the other Realms someone had to document all the coming and going though it's never explicitly stated in the ancient text that giving entering and exit permits as part of heim's job it's got to be because as far as just warning Asgard of an Invasion heimdal could do that from anywhere he sees everything and the future the ancient texts don't refer to heimdal as asgard's bouncer but I like to think he was I mean the dude was described to have golden teeth and the ancient text don't State any other God was wearing grills so that's literally the most bouncer thing ever and while on bouncer Duty H always had his massive horn ready which is a joke I already made once I'm going to skip past it right here and go to the actual name the gah horn one blow is all it takes one blow is all it takes to warn all of ascard and blowing the Gorn was reserved for one occasion only the coming of Ragnar so he only ever used it once and a cool side note here is that this all kind of reminds me of the wall and the night watch in Game of Thrones like lonely existence lots of drinking blowing into a horn to announce danger you see it too right so with all the loneliness in mind you can forgive timed out for being a bit of a homebreaker this guy had a bit of a fetish for sleeping with other dudes wives next to the dude it sounds weird but Google it it's like a whole genre and some of these movies these days have insane production value like it's crazy heimdall's habit of putting his horn where it doesn't belong is why heimdal is also known by another [Music] title it's Ste your girl okay I made that title up but you see what I mean and you'll agree The Story Goes that heimdal ventured from his go poost for some action from time to time you know just like the knights watch enjoy a secret dip into the nearest brothel Town once in a while granted with his powers Heim could still perform his watch duty while out and about on booty duty and while he was out Mr Steal Your Girl had three conquests in general that I want to focus on three conquests during which he casually created classes is M and became known as the father of all slaves the father of all farmers and the father of all Nobles all in all the father of social classes one night heimdal visited a poor couple in their rundown Shack on the side of an abandoned Road he announced himself as rig because you can't go around telling people yo I'm heal no relation to the God by the way how you doing it's unnecessarily complicated the couple invited rig into their home and he stayed for dinner and spent the night with which for some reason he did sleeping in between the couple so when the husband was out cold rig repaired the hospitality by getting it on with his wife bear back and 9 months later the wife gave birth to a son that she then named Thal which literally translates to slave yeah she named her son slave slave then married a girl named the which translates to slave girl in keeping with tradition they gave their kids Northern names that translate to mean fat boy fat calf fat stinker and fatty I'm not kidding this is literally in the ancient text in total they had 12 sons and nine daughters and that family and their future Offspring became known as the slaves or more appropriately translated for today the lower class another time heimall pulled his whole I'm a hungry Wanderer named Rick how you doing BS on a couple that was a bit better off they also invited him in for dinner and RI again refused the guest room to instead get cozy in between the couple waited until the husband was asleep the the thing with the wife and 9 months later she gave birth to Carl yeah no cool name like slave just Carl Carl would later marry a solid wife and they lived a solid life and had 22 solid children all with solid names whose meaning translates to mean Smith or Freeman and they became the Craftsman free Farmers the herdsman and that stuff or in other words the middle class for his last display of a non-existing pullout game heimdal visited a wealthy couple in their mansion same game in 9 month later the wife gave birth to a son named yah which is ancient North for Lord that's literally what it means it means Lord yal was a special boy he was strong beautiful a great hunter smart everything you could wish of a man so heimdal visited the couple again and said listen first of all I banged your girl thanks for the food by the way it was very good and I didn't want anything to do with the fat slave boys or the mediocre Farmers but this boy right here man that's a man's man name sucks though y' what even is that come on let's name him after me rig because I'm awesome so let's go little rig I'm taking the boy so Heim did take the boy y his name was officially changed to rig and he became a great Lord married a great woman and had 12 sons with her all Warriors and Lords whose names were all synonyms for royalty and greatness they became the upper class so you see how Mr steel your girl is a fitting nickname for the god that just casually invented classism because he didn't have a pull out game [Music] due to his powers of being all seeing and all hearing heimdal also kind of became the official lost and found of the Norse gods and when Freya once lost her necklace she went straight to heimdal to help her find it mind you this was a special necklace Freya had to sleep with four dwarves to get it now don't be shock that's such a f thing to do watch my fre video for more on that the necklace was called brising in and it had the magical power to make its wearer absolutely irresistible and that's where Loki enters the story because can you imagine the power of being irresistible in L's hands so lii stole the necklace and it didn't take him the long to find out and when he Tracked liie Down looki was in the form of a seal because of course so to fight lookie for it heimdal also transformed into a seal of course heimdal won the ensuing seal fight the necklace was safely returned to Freya and I now want to see an epic Blockbuster movie that just builds up with like two gods and then when they go at it in the final fight they transform into seals from Mortal Kombat also how was Loki able to hold on to the to the necklace as a seal they have fingers right this wasn't the only time L and heimall clashed though they were in essence destined for conflict haima was the representation of order and literally Main mained it on asgar with his powers while looki was the god of Mischief an agent for chaos looki frequently came and went to Asgard as he pleased by unofficial means and ask any bouncer that's super annoying and just makes the job unnecessarily difficult so I'm not not a Loki fan but all that beef between heimdal and Loki so far was more fun in games compared to Loki's Final Act an act that heimdal saw coming an act that caused heimdal to find sound the mighty Galah horn ly invaded Asgard at the head of an army of evil determined to destroy Asgard and end the cosmos with it of course the who who of nor gods did anticipate this frea and most of all Odin all had visions of this very future and Odin and Freya had long created the Valkyries whose only job it was to gather the souls of the bravest and strongest Warriors only for them to train in the great Halls of Valhalla day in day out for Millennia in preparation for this very event so when heima blew the horn to warn as guard these warriors were ready and stormed out of valhalla's 540 Gates joining Udin Thor tur and the other gods in their battle against lui's Army of evil an army that featured lii Sons The Mighty Wolf fener and the mighty snake yurong gandra as well as the yna powerful Frost Giants who long sought to defeat the gods and most of all the Army featured Su the fire giant whose sword of flame was destined to destroy Asgard the god of war from Norse mythology is this guy tur and tur has one of the most relatable tragic stories in mythology a story of tragedy mutilation losing his purpose but hey at least the man got Tuesday named after him right tday Tuesday huh you cannot possibly tell the story of tur without also telling the story of fenri a giant wolf son of Loki but raised by T until fenri was betrayed by one of his father figures and helped to end the cosmos in his quest for vengeance damn this one has all the makings of an EP video so let's do [Music] this note that there are some extra details about tur that don't really fit the flow of my storytelling but for completion sake I want to include them at the end of the video so watch until then to get everything there is to know about t tur was born to the yonir and if you're not familiar the Yuta often depicted as Giants and mostly known as the enemies of the Gods but like every major God is part uton th Odin it's like the AER Gods saw the utna as something lesser and thought themselves better than them while they're actually sharing the same blood I feel like there's some seriously deep social commentary in that statement somewhere so T's father was and T's mother is never mentioned but we do know that his grandmother was a monster with 900 heads so if tur's Mother inherited even a fraction of those I see why Heir was attracted to her oh Heir you freaky y you I'm going to give you a minute in case your innocence needs a moment to figure this one out T and his father hir didn't have the best relationship and it actually ends with hir dying because the son T and his buddy Thor wanted to get drunk it's literally the world's most epic beer run but we'll get to that later because chronologically tur and Thor first went on an adventure with very dark concept quences one day Odin had visions of the End of the World Visions that he called Ragnar and he gathered all the gods around to tell them about these Visions like so listen I I had a dream like a vision a dream you know I when I dream I have visions and there's a snake that's going to kill you Thor just Rob with me on this one it's going to kill you and also there's a giant wolf right then that's going to kill me somehow and then there's some crazy lady that's somehow half a zombie and it's it's super scary and we really need to do something don't forget that the nors gods are basically always drunk so this didn't sound all that crazy to them and because looki who always has something smart to say kept awfully quiet during all of this s was like wait a minute didn't you give birth to an eight-legged horse once damn it you gave birth to a giant snake and a giant wolf didn't you lookie so luki told the truth on the condition that everybody promises not to tell his wife sigin and that truth was that L had gotten freaky with a giest the Yun Ang and because Loki went in raw and got the Loki juice she then gave birth to a serpent yand a wolf Fen and a girl that was half beautiful and half a course hell no one was really surprised by this because it is ly but Odin was certain that he could prevent Ragnarok if they go and get the Kid and imprison them because which problem is not solved by kidnapping and child imprisonment right so Odin sent T and Thor to get the job done and when T and Thor realized that their names both start with a t they were like bro TNT what TN so TNT went to urheim smashed some heads in and kidnapped the wolf who was still a puppy at the time kidnapped the serpent who was still far from its final form and kidnapped the half corpse girl and delivered all of them to Udin in a Asgard Odin then threw the serpent into the oceans to die he banished the dead corpse girl into the Land of the Dead and the wolf puppy they kept the puppy because even Odin wasn't that heartless T was the one who took care of fenri the wolf and I know what you're thinking isn't you like the God of War how does he have time to raise a puppy and you're right the Vikings were all about Warfare so if anyone would absolutely adore the God of War it would be them problem was part of the reason the Vikings loved War so much is because when you die in battle you get to enter Valhalla and the one who picked the Warriors for Valhalla was Odin's Valkyrie so really in battle and in death the Vikings worshiped Udin and tur was kind of out of a job so jobless T was perfect for the task of raising Loki's son fenri and over time him and fena developed a father sunlike relationship mind you that fena was smart as smart as any God and he could talk and all that so this went way deeper than your standard and own a relationship it's okay you don't have to be able to talk I love you anyway I love you so much T and fenri built a serious Bond while outside of T everyone was afraid of fenri because this wolf did not stop growing fenri grew bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger I mean at some point the Old Norse text said that his fangs touched both sky and ground when wide open but it's like holy embellishment Batman all right calm down bro what were these Norse mythology writers smoking point is fenri was huge so again except for two the AER gods were scared of fenri they had not forgotten Odin's drunk story from a while ago the whole Ragnarok thing about being eaten by wolf and seeing fenri size Odin wasn't exactly sure that keeping fena around on Asgard was the best idea anymore so he decided there was time to chain fenri up problem was we're talking about a giant wolf like you can't just put a leash on him TI him up and call it a day so the gods had to trick fena they told him that they were Amazed by his size and strength and that they would like to measure it even when I wrote that sentence I was thinking like that that sentence Man play that back play the last part of that sentence back out of context and tell me you don't have to laugh man I'm not being childish that's just funny they made fenri believe that they wanted to test his strength by putting chains on him to see if he can just bust out of them see how strong he is it's a classic in R Kelly's Playbook really he called it Saturday night so the gods did that and fena burst out of the chains he was too strong the gods were amazed and fena was proud so they did it again and of course fenry was willing to put on another show and he burst out of the chains again too strong can't hold me everybody played the part wow and amazement all leading up to the Final Act of the charade the gods had special chains crafted by the dwarves and these chains were as thin as silk but magical and quite un un breakable made out of six key ingredients that are now forever missing in the world the sound of a cat's footfall the beard of a woman the roots of a mountain and the senu of a bear the breath of a fish and the spit of the birds the gods called These Chains G and fenri was no fool everybody knows that once an item has a name is special special so feno wasn't really feeling like gnea should be put on him like it wasn't the best idea so before he allowed the gods to chain him up again he asked them for insurance to make sure they don't trick him the condition was that a God had to put his arm between fenri fangs while he attempts to break free just in case all the gods refused they were too scared but T knew what was at stake and was willing to sacrifice his arm now you might call this ultimate bravery and commitment to Odin's cause and the prevention of Ragnarok or you might call it the ultimate betrayal against fenri but T did what he did he put his arm between fen's fangs and let him be chained with G and of course fenri could not break out of the magical chains and he bit T's arm off and Ward an anger over this betrayal and as his fangs were wide open the gods quickly stuck a sword in between them forever piercing him and forcing his fangs open in an agonizing pain only made worse by T's betrayal that was fen's fate and it sent fenri down a path of hatred never trusting anyone again hatred that would one day drive fenri to end the world and confront tur the man who broke his heart now who wants to talk about the word's most epic beerun the gods ran out of alcohol and they sent Thor to force AAR the person ofic of the sea to brew more alcohol for them which major disrespect like dude's kind of the sea personified like he got things to do being the sea and all that you know floods all that stuff but Thor went to AAR and insisted and AAR refused but Thor really insisted and Thor is Thor so AAR tried to outwit him by saying he doesn't have a cauldron big enough to brew all that alcohol and that he'd need a cauldron that was at least miles deep which literally that's ridiculous because no one has a cauldron that's miles deep except T was like yo my dad's like a raging alcoholic and he has a cauldron that's 10 miles deep problem is we're not really talking so let's steal it TNT back in Action Baby TNT TNT rolled up to heir's home and hir didn't exactly welcome his son T back but it was his son so it was like whatever you and your friend there who's clearly overcompensating with that man massive Hammer can stay for dinner they stayed for dinner and the next morning hir went fishing and Thor asked if he could come with him so Heir let Thor join him on his boat and you put a Norse god and a Yun in a small boat in the middle of the ocean only one thing happens broke back as they had a contest to see who's stronger and braver so when Heir thought they'd rode far enough into the ocean to fish Thor said they should grow even further because I'm braver and when they finally stopped and started fishing they first caught two whales because why not and then out there so deep into the ocean something bit their bait something big something massive it's bigger than that Chris it's large and with insane strength Thor railed it in and pulled a monster out of the depths of the ocean actually monster doesn't even begin to describe it what emerged out of the oceans was bigger than any monster bigger than anything anyone could possibly imagine and heia was terrified at its side and hid in the back of the boat but th was like yes he's a friend from work it was lui's son the snake Thor once delivered to Odin to be banished in the ocean it was the world serpent Yong gandra which had been roaming the oceans for years and grew so large it could now Circle the world entirely yandra though wasn't exactly happy to see Thor again and the God of Thunder immediately got ready to fight but he only managed to swing at Yong Gand once before hir cut the robe to the bait and rode the boat away into safety Thor was so pissed at hum's cowers that he slapped them around on the boat and after they got back to the shore hum was like yo that was crazy wasn't it so you want to carry the whales back to my horse or the boat or and to was like so you want to carry the W on the boat or shut up coward and carried the boat the w s and he me himself back into the Halls all by himself and that's how you make a grown man your son so now since th was basically him's father him and T simply demanded The Cauldron remember they were there for a cauldron he might have forgotten but hir had a go at one more attempt to retain his pride he said he would only give them the cauldron they needed for the alcohol if Thor could pass a test of strength smash a special God so Thor took that Goblin and straight up bazooka it into a stone pillar and the entire pillar crumbled but the Goblet was still intact so then heir's wife T's mom told Thor to throw the Goblet against heir's thick head and Thor did that and the Goblet broke you don't question the details of the Goblet story so much it's super weird the point is that Thor made him his son and basically took his girl to and by Street laws that now also made THS to's daddy defeated hir let Thor take the cauldron which was so large and heavy that t with all his strength could only move it for like inches but Thor swung that thing on his shoulder like it's nothing and walked out of there and Legend has it that at this point Thor's balls were so big he barely fit through the gates of the castle now you think this story is over but hir wasn't done embarrassing himself so he and an army of giants ambushed Thor and T on their way home but TNT simply killed them all I told you this was the world's most epic beerun time for the extra notes there is reason to believe that tur was once considered the supreme god in ancient ancient times before nors mythology as we know it was even a thing this comes down to the fact that over various ancient languages the root of his name till can be traced back to the word deos which basically translates to daylight daylight Sky God or just Sky Heaven Divine being basically the God and it's also where the name Zeus comes from and a lot of other Supreme rulers derive their name from the word deos including T somehow now granted this is just a theory because there's not really texts on this but if it's true why T was eventually demoted to just be the god of war is unclear Some assume that his original personality was split up into Udin Thor and tur but eventually T ended up as the God of War and you can argue that the loss and Status might be symbolized in the loss of an arm in the stories if that whole Senus of a bear thing was weird to you in the ingredients yeah that was weird to me too because that's not something that doesn't exist in the world Bears have Senus even though they're really short uh this might all come down to a very bad translation and instead of Senus it might have been the nerves of a bear implying that nerves are brave and fearless also in another version of Norse mythology Odin is said to be tur's father but that version literally contradicts itself in itself and doesn't make any sense so it's generally accepted that hir was T's dad and there was actually no point in me telling you this other than to show you how confusing and contradicting North mythology can sometimes be so forget that hir is T's dad also it's important to note that in his role as the God of War to was also the god of Law and Justice so he also oversaw assembly to settle disputes and elect leaders before it became actual Bloodshed Warfare in that regard it was kind of a strategic God of War more in the sense of Athena or the Romans Mars rather than just the bloodthirsty God of War like Aries was often depicted as hell and Balor the queen of the underworld and the god out of light their stories go hand in hand and some even think they might be what we today consider to be the devil and God one is a daughter of Loki the other is a son of Odin both are dead yet both survive that's kind of deep I'm not going to lie I feel like the Riddler a little bit both are dead both survive you know people think they're deep too when they start using the word yet like that they are two sides of a coin hell was hated from the moment she was born banished to die as an innocent child and B was so loved that his people did everything they could to Grant him immortality I feel like I just set the stage for an epic let's do this our story starts with hell who was born to Lui and his s chick the giantes Anga Buddha which literally translates to the one who brings grief and if you look at the children she bore him you can understand why a giant wolf a giant snake and a girl that is half a corpse the girl was hell and her and her brothers lived in secret with their mother in the harsh cold of yonim while luki lived the good life with his wife and their two sons and golden shiny Asgard then one day Udin the all father had visions of the end of the world and in those Visions he saw that the end of the world would involve a giant wolf a giant snake and a girl that is half a corpse and looki was like a [ __ ] Odin forced the location of the kids out of Loki and solved the problem by chaining up the wolf exiling the snake and banishing the little girl to certain death he threw her into hell so there she was the little girl in the Land of the Dead and I know this sounds like the beginning of an epic adventure but from here now everything is lost we have no sources on how heril continues but we do Know How It Ends hint hint the underworld in Norse mythology is literally called hellim the girl's name is hell and himim means home mhm this girl Rose through the ranks like a pimp on steroids and made hell her [ __ ] excuse me f but there is just no other way to say this when you name the dreaded underworld after yourself and make it your home your pimp on steroids and that place is your [ __ ] now so after dominating the underworld gang wars Dawn hell settled into the Throne of helheim and now a grown woman she ruled over the dead like a boss and let's see what Balu was up to while all this was going [Music] on Balor was born to Udin and his wife FR and he had two brothers hermod the messenger of the Gods and HRA the blind God also Thor and heimdal were two of his half Brothers balor's life was literally the exact opposite of Hell's not only because he grew up with his family but because baldor's life was all about light while hell was cast Into Darkness Balor was the God of Light hell had the dark dominate an underworld gang war and become a mob boss to survive and Bal was simply loved by everyone due to the virtue of him being him he was the god of beauty nobility peace and happiness he was the representation of what it means to be loved and thus all loved him it was impossible to hate the guy and I'm not saying that as a figure of speech this is mythology things like that are literal here it was impossible to hate bald since he personified the light and warmth you would describe love with and yet somehow this lovable God ended up getting killed how looki of course it's looki there's a rule that any rule that ever existed does not apply to Loki Loki hated Bal and it didn't help that Odin locked away Loki's children while Odin's kids were living their best life on ascard so it was music to look his ears that there was this prophecy going around the Balor was faded to die and spend his life in the Underworld and this is where we revisit [Music] hell Odin was obviously aware of this prophecy and he wasn't about to let his beloved Son die so he put on his famous Ganda of the gy wander outfit got on his eight-legged horse s near and rode into the underworld and that's not just a quick Countryside stroll getting to the underworld took him nine nights and to get there Odin had to crush through the freezing cold dark ice realm neheim until he reached the river g a river that didn't have water flowing through it but daggers instead and this River separated helheim from the other Realms and the only way to cross it was a golden bridge that was hanging by only a single hair and was guarded by the female skeleton modg good what is this Dark Souls valala Edition come on from software I know you wrote this come on luckily Odin was on his new game plus so he got past all those obstacles and made it into the halls of hell all the way to its Queen theonomous hell who I like to think around these parts was simply known as the dawn usually hell's Halls weren't exactly inviting cuz like they had another river running through them that had swords instead of water this time but today the place look kind of nice there were tables out all set with drinks drinks and food and there was Gold Everywhere it kind of looked like a reception so when Odin saw hell decorating the place he was like a hell come on I know it's been a while but you really shouldn't have shut up F Ganda this is not for you what do you want Odin told hell about this prophecy that his son Balor was bound to die and if there was anything she could do about yeah your boy going to die who do you think I'm doing all this for Odin was shocked but hell was happy because Balor would finally bring his light and happiness to the underworld because as you see the underworld wasn't actually an evil dark place all the great warriors go to Odin vhala and fya folkvang yeah but everybody else the non Fighters those who die of old age or illness or tick Tok challenges they all end up here basically most of the Deb end up right here in helheim and hell was their caretaker so she cared for the place to be nice to make sure everybody has a relaxing afterlife sure the evil ones had their own place in Hell called naun which casually translates to corpse Shore and was a place where they were devoured by the dragon neaw but everybody else chilling living their second life of Eternal rest and peace granted hell could use some maintenance and maybe they could get rid of the deadly sword rivers and have a friendlier receptionist than the skeleton who I do appreciate as female because it was so hard to find work for female skeletons back in those days but it doesn't exactly help the image of hell when a skeleton is the first face you see you know what I mean so to make a long side note explanation of why hell was happy to receive Baldor even longer baldor's light and warmth was missing in the Underworld and hell was delighted that Balo was finally about to die and couldn't wait to receive him in other words she confirmed Odin's worries and said there's nothing she can do and then sent fake gandal packing back past the river of daggers back on his nine nights Journey back to Asgard Odin returned to his wife FR with no solution for how to avoid their son's fade so frig came up with an idea let's just get an oath from every single existing entity to never harm Balor and Odin was like every single this yeah bro that's going to take ages but FR reminded Odin that he owed her for cheating and having a baby with Freya and those nine yuten women that gave birth to he and the giant lady that gave birth to Thor so asking every single existing entity it was from Gods to animals to rocks to Rivers everything swore an oath not to harm Balor everything except for one little plant that lives hidden inside bigger plants the mistletoe the mistletoe literally survives by harming other plants so was scared to give an oath to not harm anything and it hid from Odin and frig and when they realized they for got to ask the mistleto they figured n what's mistleto going to do come on and they were happy with balor's blessing everything had sworn the oath so nothing could harm him Balor [Music] was but then there was Lui who still wanted to pay Udin back for what he did and hated Baldor even more now God of Light everybody loves him and they go out of the way to make him Invincible what the hell get it double meaning what the hell cuz like what about hell my daughter what the hell I got to stop explaining my jokes looki was fed up so he transformed into an old lady and in Disguise casually ass freak so God know from everything then huh that must have taken forever oh yeah man took a while are you sure you didn't forget anything cuz you know me and oath were like tight right I can get some last oats if you forgot anything that's a tough word oats oats say that five times real quick in a row you know what I mean but just in case you forgot anything I can get them I don't know maybe you forgot an O you forget something nah man we good we good we just forgot the mistletoe but okay thank you bye so looki made an arrow out of mistletoe and then tricked balor's blind brother H into shooting the Laurel Arrow at Balor and Balor was dead yeah I know all this buildup and then I just dump bal's death on you that's that's not a satis fine climax but you know what brothers now you know how girls feel and that's how build a joke built that up I was leading them on like B's death the climax was B's death when that's like orgasm women's organ you know what I mean for the ladies you know they're going to love this I really need to stop explaining my jokes well anyway Balor was dead and off to the underworld he went hell received Balor in the Underworld and again this was not punishment or gloom and doom everybody that didn't die in battle came here so Balor was one of many just more special because he was a God and he did bring his warmth and light and everybody loved Balor down here too he made hell's Eternal him feel complete so Dawn hell wasn't exactly happy when another unwanted visitor came knocking herut baldor's brother herut begged hell to return his brother since the world is not the same without him and at least the underworld is not used to baldos presence yet but the world of the living is suffering without the God of Light usually hell would never return anyone to life but since she like everybody else had grown to love of Balor she could understand exactly how much they loved and needed him in the world of the living so she struck a deal with herut if herut can get every existing entity to shed a tear and say they miss Balor to prove that the world of the living truly can't go on without him then the Beloved God may come back to life so herud was like take every single entity brother that's going to take AG bro do you want your brother back or not and with this herud rode off back across the river of daggers back through the cold Realms back for nine nights all the way to Asgard once in Asgard Helmut told everybody the good news and asked if anybody was down to help him ride around the Realms to every single existing entity to collect testimonials but they were like nah bro I'm good you got this herud rode around the cosmos and got all the Ty testimonials saying how much they miss Balor and want him back and he was finally down to the last one the giantest thick herud asked her if she misses Bal already knowing the answer but she said n fam don't miss him no not at all herot couldn't believe it but the giant doubled down nah man Balo was the worst bro one time he bored my DVD Asgard four backd door Thor dude borrowed it for so long I had to borrow it back the giantest said she simply does not miss Bal and hm was shocked they made a sequel to Asgard 3 Thor ammer Strikes Back word there was there was nothing herut could do to convince the giantess and as he rode off in disbelief he heard the giantess chuckle from a distance and hermod immediately recognized that devilish chuckle looky now you have to remember bal's anti-climatic death from earlier right looki had tricked balo's blind brother hod into shooting that deadly Arrow so while that was weird because no one understood why HRA would randomly just do that no one really suspected Loki until now everything dawned on herud once he saw that Loki had transformed into the giantest he put it all together and knew Loki's guilt on the spot so hermod turned around to confront Loki but Loki then quickly shape shifted from the giantest into a Salman and disappeared into a nearby River so of course herot got back up and was now on a mission to catch Loki Thor and other gods joined in on this mission to catch luki in his fish form and to be honest this is one of the weirder tales in Norse mythology cuz you have these powerful Gods making fish nets trying to catch l in the river it really feels like a bad filler episode But ultimately Thor caught Loki with his bare hands and squeezed so hard to hold on to the slippery Salman Loki that he squished the salmon and that's why Salmons are now flat towards their fin so the gods took took Loki prisoner and they didn't just punish him but also his family on Asgard one of Loki's sons was transformed into a wild wolf and made to kill the other son and then they used the intestines of the Dead son to tie Loki up in a dark cave brah so there looki was painfully tortured on top of that with poison dripping on his forehead and his loyal wife sigan tried her best to Shield him from the poison as much as possible by collecting its deadly drips in a bowl thus staying by his side during this lifelong sentence so now looki two AER Sons were dead luki was forever tied to a rock in a cave his son fenri was tied to another rock in another cave while his other son yurun gandra was exiled to the oceans meanwhile in the Underworld Don hell was still the Kingpin still had Balor in her realm since not everything had wept for him to come back to life and Hell commanded all the Deb which meant she basically was ruling over the biggest of all the Realms and while Valhalla and folk vanger were filled with hundreds of thousands of Warriors endlessly battling helheim was filled with millions of souls all loyal to Hell who took care of them in the afterlife which ultimately was the eternal life and thus hell ruled over them way longer than Odin ever did hell was powerful and Udin exiled her as a kid and now just screwed over her entire family needless to say she was not on good terms with Odin and one day hell would use her power to assemble the biggest army Asgard and the gods would ever face the army of the Dead which would be led by her father Lui and an attack against their common enemy in Asgard Odin ragar the end of the world the final battle in Norse mythology where every God clashes with his Nemesis Loki fights Heim Thor fights lui's son Yong gandra the giant snake monster Odin fights the giant wolf fenri and the strongest of the enemies a massive fire giant fortold to destroy the world clashes with the unlikeliest of gods F the god of fertility whose symbol was a a dick yeah he had a dick as a symbol he was worshiped with fallace statues which is just a fancy way to say that he was worshiped with ancient dildos and that's more or less the lineup for Ragnarok and now I'll tell you about how the bad guys sailed to battle on a ship made out of toe and fingernails so let's do this [Music] [Music] the starting point of Ragnarok is hard to Define but you could say it all started with two Blood Brothers at odd Odin and Loki sworn Brothers turned enemies after oudin had a vision of the end of the world a giant wolf a giant snake and a half dead woman would bring ruin to all and the death of Odin's son Baldor would be the Catalyst for all of this which Odin named Ragnarok once he found out that all these Bringers of Doom were his blood brother L's children Udin decided that it is now Cosmos before bros and locked L's children up so luki was kind of mad and killed Udin son Bal in return and then Udin was kind of the man then locked luki up in a cave where luki was eternally tortured chained up under a snake that would constantly drip poison on his forehead poison that caused pain so agonizing that every time it hit Loki's skin he shook so viciously from the pain that it sent earthquakes through all the Realms and that turned out to be a blessing in the skies because over time those earthquakes loosened Lis shackles and God Broke Free and now Lui was no longer the god of Mischief agent of chaos now looki was an agent of Vengeance out for the blood of his former Blood Brother Odin and if you think L isn't wrong here allow me to summarize because of a vision Odin chained up Loki's son fenri exiled his other son yander and he threw L's little girl into hell but that same vision told Odin that his own son Bal that his son his death will be the real Catalyst for Ragnarok but the lock Bal up to avoid him from getting killed no Udin gave Balor immortality and then the gods celebrated Immortal Balor by throwing Spears and axes at him and firing arrows at the guy if I was looking I'd be pissed too so during the immortal Balor celebrations looki found a way to kill Balor which brings me for Circle to Loki now being locked up but here's a detail I left out earlier before Odin locked Loki up he went after Loki's two remaining Sons he transformed one of them into a wolf and had him kill the other one and then tied Lui up with the intestines of that other dead son I repeat if I was looking I'll be pissed too and then you torture your former Blood Brother with poison for centuries don't mind me I'm just taking my imaginary looki earrings off because brother is going down so once looki Broke Free he took his builtup hatred straight to his daughter to gather an army oh did I forget to mention that the little girl urin threw into the underworld L's daughter survived and Rose up through the ranks of the underworld to become the queen of the underworld hell literally named the place after herself and ruled helheim and its millions and millions of dead souls and when Papa luki came knocking because someone had to get gapped H and their army of the Dead were ready to avenge their family in fact hell been ready when she heard that her father and brothers got locked up she started making a warship out of toe and fingernails I feel like uh this was ganged up until now but now it got weird but she did what she did and then Lui and Hell freed fenri and Yong gandra to join them in battle and did I mention that fena was described as being so huge his open fangs touched the sky and the Earth and that y gandra was described as being so huge it could encircle the world yeah even if those are exaggerations like when a dude says he's packing 12 in it still means that the reality is huge it's bigger than that Chris is large and with the family reunited on their Tona ship they all set sail for yonim to find allies for their upcoming [Music] battle in a way the ynar are the same as the gods the gods just cleverly invented classism and gave themselves the title gods and specifically ier they just saw themselves as something better and oppressed the yna and called them evil even though the yna are their kin but allow me to explain in more detail the first being in Norse mythology was born out of cold Ryme in the ice realm neheim out of rhyme melting and thawing thawing and dripping and that dripping liquid formed into imir the first being who already didn't do pronouns before was cool because he was really genderless and had the ability to create life all on his own so in His image on his own he created the yna and while imir did his thing uduma a giant cow who was also born out of nothing created Life by licking a rim Sorry by licking a rhy stone into the shape of Bui the first God so was the difference between Buri and imir both were simply born out of a rhyme job and at the time ynar and gods didn't even have labels for each other and would not have looked any different from one another they lived in peace and created Offspring together they were United then the second generation of those children were Odin and his brothers and Odin came up with the idea to call himself an ier God for no reason other than him thinking he's better and then he and his brothers killed imir and all the yna and created all the Realms out ofir's body flesh bones and blood yeah that escalated quickly I mean that really got out of hand fast from then on Odin labeled the yut as lesser and forced them to live in the cold Realms of yonim man if you send me to live in an ice real after genociding my entire ancestry yeah I'll get a little Frosty yeah I'll get a little destructive and angry so the yna eventually just became these evil Frost Giants represent destruction but in short just like ly this is another monster of Odin's making good job Dr Frankenstein and this is where Papa looki and his family come swooping into yenim to talk to leader all chill like hey bro so we had a cool ship made at ton think finger and we're thinking about taking down the Isaiah you know and he your captain and looking for some violence you down despite looki not being cool and chill at all and were so down and now only one party was missing in Loki's Army of evil actually let's not call it Army of evil basically L's family and his ancestors so let's call let's call him family and the Gang that's better it was only one person missing from family and the Gang the most powerful being of [Music] all Emil was born out of the melting ice on Nephilim that wasn't just random nilheim was slowly melting under the heat of the other ancient realm muspelheim the home of Eternal fire but on musim life was also created at roughly the same time time a fire Giant born only to end the world and his name was s son of a [ __ ] he is the most powerful being in Norse mythology and his purpose was simple to die and make everything die with him good thing he didn't attend the high school in America s represents the Death part of the cycle of life and death a cycle that started when Udin killed M to create the Realms When Death gave way to life in a way Su represents the fire that once gave life to so it's poetic that he's now the fire that represents the death coming for Udin and ASG God suur was the natural enemy to the life Udin created suur was death and that sounds super epic Until you realize that suur somehow also has an army of fire Giants that he keeps on growing in his fire realm until the day of Ragnarok and when you put two and two together and realized they're all males it's like s was just sitting there beaching himself off and creating death from his nuts anyway somehow solo Su created a bunch of fire Giants by himself and simply waited many lifetimes for the day the prophecy is fulfilled for the day Lui came knocking and that day was today when family and the Gang rolled up on Su like hey sorry to interrupt but is he joking my God is that fire coming out anyway so we've got this ship and I know you're made out of fire so don't worry about no wood on the ship only wood he's still going only wood is right there and we kind of want you and your fire buddies to come help us kill Udin and those guys yeah cool this was all suur was waiting for so my guy was down and family and the Gang were complete all aboard the toenail ship headed towards Asgard to kill themselves some I [Music] Gods the first to know that family and the Gang were coming was heimdal for centuries he'd been standing guard at the beef the bridge that connects Asgard to the other Realms waiting and watching for this very moment and since haima could see into the future he was able to give the gods a warning ahead of time by blowing into his famous Galah horn a blow so powerful that it was heard throughout all of Asgard and everybody got ready for the battle they knew was coming all along Odin readied his army of Undead Vikings the a who had been training in valhala for centuries and were so many that they endlessly stormed out of valhala 500 40 Gates each so wide that 800 soldiers could fit through side by side meanwhile Freya had just as many warriors join in from her own Eternal combat Hall of the undead folk vanger both valhala and folk Wanger were filled with Warriors handpicked by the Valkyries filled with Warriors that died bravely in battle and since forever trained for this very day and if you want to know just how Elite this force is each Warrior carried the title AER which translates to Army of one they were ready as were the gods Thor heimdal Udin they all headed for vikri the battlefield that the fight was destined to take place on the battlefield where family and the Gang had anchored their toenail ship so now the armies battled and Ragnarok was on the army of the Dead clashed with the undead Vikings Odin bravely faced fenri Thor bandra and heimdal took on luki himself and to make all of this even more epic all these battles took place in complete darkness only illuminated by the Flames of suur sword and his army of fire Giants because the Sun and the Moon didn't exist anymore they had been devoured my family and the Gang saved through the ocean on toenail the sons of fener had their own battle the Wolves SKR and hatti fought against the god of sa and her brother Mani the personifications of the Sun and the Moon and the Wolves won they killed the son and her brother so now it was up to the ier gods to stop the threat mostly Sur the mighty fire giant who wields the flame sword that all knew was foretold to burn the world and the one to take on surur was F the god worshiped bya ancient dildo statues he was destined to fight and yet somehow the dud forgot to bring his sword to the fight so F was killed and everybody was doomed I'm not even kidding I mean to be fair f traded his sword to white bag for the hand of his wife the love of his life yeah sure romantic whatever but the guy didn't bring his sword it was a special sword it could fight on its own you know like alukard in Castlevania like bro that was your destiny so yeah F dead and I guess it's fun that the guy who was beating off an isolation creating an army of fire Giants would fight the guy worshiped by dildos and beat his ass and that's how the universe ends but still bro bring your sword and if you think that Thor or somebody else swoops in to save the day A Man Thor and jandra killed each other L and heimdal killed each other and fener killed Odin and then Odin's son vdar killed fener by ripping his Jaws apart but vid couldn't stop suur either and suur ultimately did what he came to do and burned the world and with it ended all life and then the world sunk into the rising sea and it was over but From the Ashes a new cycle was born a new son emerged the daughter of the Dead son God of Saul she took her mother's name and place in the sky and brought life to a new world that emerged from the sea two humans survived to rep populate the human race a few of the Gods survived Vidar who killed fenri and his brother Val as well as Thor's Sons Magny and moodi and also Bal and his brother HRA returned from the underworld to see this new world with their own eyes and this this is where this leads over into my extra notes because we don't know much about what happens after Ragnar since this is where nor mythology ends one might say we are now in this very cycle or one might say that all of this is just me telling you about audience Visions which is the only version of Ragnarok we have because it has not happened yet who knows what I do know is that this is also the end of keeping up with the Norse god so thank you for watching my retelling of the ancient stories and what will follow this series will be a five-part series on history's greatest conquerors Napoleon Caesar Alexander jingus Khan and Cyrus but before that there are some things I left out of this video for the sake of Storytelling so time for the extra notes in this video I embellished a little more than usual for several reasons Ragnar has only talked about in bits and pieces through Tales of visions and it's tough to turn it into a coherent Story and Another reason is that throughout my keeping up with the Norse god series I basically already gave the whole buildup for Ragnar over hours of videos so it's really worth watching all of those to get the proper buildup in full detail and from all angles Ragnar isn't just announced by heimall by the way but also by a threeyear winter called fim VRA which kind of makes himim announcement useless because he's like that's the horn R Casia everybody get ready and they're like bro you think bro we knew about this for 3 years if you looked outside damn this winter is not just 3 years but it's some serious Game of Thrones winter is coming type stuff and it's so harsh that leads to a breakdown of society with starvation War cannibalism and with the sun and moon also disappearing it wouldn't even need L's family and the Gang to end the world of the humans I didn't mention T's battle because he gets an extra note here tur fights gam during Ragnarok a hellhound and there's a lot more to that if you watch my tur video you know that tur is the one who raised fenri and sacrificed his arm to to bind Fen now T is the God of War but due to the origin of his name there's reason to believe that an older Germanic beles T was once the same as Udin this would make a lot of sense since in that narrative T would have had visions of fenri Killing Him decide to raise fenri instead to change his fate then imprison fenri once he grows to big and out of control and then fights fenri and dies to him during Ragnarok great complete story right the Odin we know fighting Fen just seems kind of random and tur finding gam the hellhound a different canine is also kind of random but it makes more sense once you understand that it might be an alternate version that developed over time out of the ancient T that was once Odin fighting fenri kind of complicated but you get me and that's that thank you for watching all the episodes of Keeping Up with the Norse gods don't forget to Subs subcribe because I probably revisit Norse mythology at some point but now get ready for this new [Music] series
Channel: Briefed
Views: 108,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: briefed norse mythology, briefed mythology, briefed thor, thor, mythology, norse mythology, norse mythology explained, norse mythology stories, thor loki odin, mythology explained, briefed tiktok, norse mythology loki, loki, odin, heimdall, freyja, ragnarok, ragnarok explained, norse mythology ragnarok, entire norse mythology, norse mythology full, norse mythology complete, norse mythology guide, norse mythology documentary, mythology documentary, thor documentary
Id: C8ghHH1bbW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 43sec (7003 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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