Everything You Need To Know About Chinese New Year

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prepare yourself for one of the biggest parties celebrated around the world welcome to miss Mojo's top five facts in today's installment we're counting down the top five facts about Chinese New Year unlike Western New Years the date of this colorful explosive celebration is Ever Changing based on the Luna solar Chinese calendar Chinese New Year takes place on the new moon of the first lunar month and among other things marks the approach of spring and the passing of Winter's cold weather on the Gregorian calendar it lands somewhere between January 21st and February 20th it's all so magical number five major celebrations take place around the world although it's called Chinese New Year this holiday is celebrated around the world by a variety of nationalities in numerous countries also known as the Lunar New Year or spring festival it is a major holiday in many Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia Singapore and the Philippines in Sydney Australia where significant Southeast Asian diasporas exist massive festivities take place over a 3-we Span in North America large scale parades can be found in countless major cities but San Francisco is credited as having the largest and oldest celebration outside of Asia dating back to the 1860s London and Paris both boast spectacular celebrations to Mark the occasion with revelers numbering in the hundreds of thousands it's estimated that an Earth shaking 1if of the world's population celebrates crowds aligning the streets of Central London to get a good look at the colorful float which marks the start of London's Chinese Year celebrations making its way from trala Square all the way through to Chinatown number four chunyun the largest annual human migration if 20% of all humans partake it's not just the parades and festivities that are going to get overcrowded Chinese New Year is a time to reunite with family and friends but getting there can be tricky with so many people in transit this mass movement of people is so significant that it's earned itself a name of its very own chunyun the Spring Festival travel period beginning roughly 15 days before the the festivities start and running for 40 days in total this human migration cripples China's transportation system it's impossible to get an exact figure but as of 2016 it's estimated that over a billion chunu Travelers will take an approximate 2.9 billion trips number three it ends with the Lantern Festival in Western Society New Year's is a streamlined Affair it's ideally spent in Good Company celebrated with a kiss and for most people comes to a screeching halt New Year's Day with an absolutely crippling hangover Chinese New Year however is a lengthy process even before things officially kick off little Traditions are observed like the consumption of lava porridge a thorough house cleaning to wash away the old year and hanging holiday decorations official festivities kick off at midnight of the first day and then run for a full 15 days of Celebration ending with the Lantern Festival the lantern signifies self-renewal Finding Love Good Fortune and serve as a means to guide Wayward Spirits home watching thousands of lanterns float away sure sounds nicer than nursing that hangover number two young men in women rent fake boyfriends and girlfriends millions of students and young professionals return home for Chinese New Year where they will almost certainly be grilled about their significant other and progress towards marriage or lack thereof oh Eric it isn't me alone the entire Kingdom wants to see you happily settled down with the right girl it's a major source of anxiety for children of culturally traditional Chinese families since remaining single in your mid-20s and Beyond is considered inappropriate or a sign of failure for a single girl in China especially you know in my age it's kind of hard so what's a single young adult to do hire a significant other for the holidays the least supportive prend girlfriend I've ever had both men and women rent themselves out to singles in need over this period sue a 29-year-old from Beijing explained to the financial times that he'll even pose as a husband at the client's request if I'm lucky to really I'm find someone that not so Weir number one it's the biggest Global use of fireworks at midnight on the first day of Chinese New Year things kick off with a bang or to be more accurate millions of bangs fireworks are at the very heart of the Chinese New Year tradition according to Legend a fearsome creature known as the Nan used to terrorize Chinese villagers over winter until one day a mysterious old man came to town and scared it off using firecrackers since then fireworks have been used to drive away evil this isn't your typical fireworks display when the clock strikes 12 the single greatest use of fireworks in the world begins in China alone thousands of organized fireworks displays are held in addition to the millions of Home fireworks set off so will you be celebrating Chinese New Year would you ever consider hiring a fake boyfriend or girlfriend over the holiday season to keep your family off your back for more streamline top 10 and crippling hangover top vies don't forget to subscribe to miss Mojo
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 125,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chinese New Year, China, Holidays, Chunyun, February, Chinese calendar, MsMojo, List, Top 10, Top 5, Facts, Education, Festival, Firecrackers, Lion Dance, lunar year, history, celebration, lunar new year, Asia
Id: 1RShqSbLtDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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