Everything you need to know about BricsCAD Mechanical - Bricsys 2019

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ah actually this word parametric design is a bit overused i would say because in history based cut people understand one thing under this parametric design and say grasshopper users also call it parametric design and we here in brixis we use our own approach for parametric uh designs to link parameters to the model so and let us remind us remind you what is it so uh can we switch to the demo yes uh in brixis we implement parametric design concept using 3d constraints so it is when you apply 3d constraints right to the faces of the 3d solid like for example here this is a fully formatted flange model which is controlled by 3d constraints and main main constraints are radius and distance constraints which define the internal radius overhaul and the thickness of this flange and as soon as you change the parameter bricscad automatically rebuilds the model to get the desired configuration and this is what celia is showing just using mechanical browser you change parameter and system automatically rebuilds the solids and the array of the solids at what is also interesting that inside there is you can see standard parts it's standard balls which have predefined number of available lengths and sizes and this is controlled by design tables this is an intermediate component which combines array of bolts and subtractor solids but for it for each bolt for each bolt there is a design table which controls which links the size of the bolt and the available number of lengths which is listed here and uh still when user changes the parameters that bricks cut select the proper configuration and adjust the length for example when the size is changed so this is a basically what we call parametric design bricks cut change parameter and regenerate the model but in v20 uh we literally turned it upside upside down so we did a conceptual change that we're going to show you now and it is uh we made the not parameters to drive the geometry but opposite we led geometry to driver parameters and we call it geometry driven constraints which means that when now the using mechanical browser you can change change this yes switch them switch switch this two main constraints to geometry driven state which means that the user now ilia this case can easily modify the sizes of the of the whole just using direct modeling tools like push pull or move and system will recompute the values of geometry driven constraints and what is interesting these values can be used as the parameters of other parametric components that bolts in this case so and still the the design table is still still in action so if the changes in the geometry matches one of the configurations uh you can see using our bill of material panel which is also new one and will be explained a bit later uh you can see that still uh the sizes of the bolts even after direct modifications they are chosen from the design table well this is uh one of the examples when geometry driven constraints allow you to allow user to do some conceptual changes so to easily manipulate the faces and see how other parametric components adapt for this manipulations this but this is more for conceptual design to see to to catch the required shape of the model to see to explore different variations but uh let's switch to another case where geometry driven constraints help not only with conceptual changes and design variations but they help uh really catch the required parameters of the uh in in more complex assemblies say if the right in even in the assembly there is a some distance which is not obvious to calculate and to use as a parameter of other parametric components you can use geometry driven constraints to catch this this is a sample of the supporting column of the escalator model and the main parameter here is the height height of this model and this purple i would say links they their lengths actually not known up front so but the height is known and so it would be quite hard to write formulas and expressions which would uh be which would define the the length of this purple links but here how this model would behave if you just change height without using this new geometry driven constraints so we just the the lengths are fixed and it is you can see that the gaps appear if you just change the parameter but we up front we created this link length constraints and switching them to geometry driven state we can catch this distance between uh between holes between mounting holes and use this distance as a parameter of the link lim constraints in the in the model so now just yes as you can see now the link parameters are used here the parameters of geometry driven constraints is used as parameters of parametric components yes and now if we change the height then first the height will be updated system calculates the required distance and then the links are updated correctly and of course this maintains the fully maintains the assembly structure of your model for example using the bill of material manager you can see that the the required lengths are used also and still you have the two two links of updated size that is okay but this is one of the feature i think it's a very conceptual thing that when you can make it opposite do not drive the geometry by parameters but first drive parameters by geometry and use these parameters wherever you want for example in a race or in parametric components that is uh okay let's uh move further actually what we adding in the v20 also it's another sort of parametric behavior but yeah let's switch to esl our excalator assembly yes that is actually previously we were talking about controlling the dimensions or sizes of the model uh using 3d constraints but we can also with v20 we also introducing a semantical thing which semantical parametric entity or feature we call it suppress suppress feature which allows to control presence of an object in the in the assembly depending on the values of parameters yes this is a new uh new feature which is we are introducing now and this is quite this feature allows to identify a group of entities which presence will be controlled by a parameter for which you can use an expression actually dmitry already showed this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] if you now added this supporting column to the suppress feature and by default it automatically disappears but you can control the presence of this supporting column by parameter and use some expression so if you type yes if you type here an expression which is a sign of the difference between some fixed height of seven meters and the current height of escalator then we can control the presence of this supporting column depending on the height of the model so and of course this is also taken into account when you say build a bill of material table so here you can see that in the bill of material table the column is absent but if you switch the height to another value which is greater than seven meters and the column automatically appears and the view of material is also updated let's see how it happened yes this is what we call top top level uh bill of material which enumerates only the top level components of the part so you see that the steel component is updated generally a still component of tree appeared in the list theoretically you can do the same things with frozen layer and layers for example just hide and show geometry by putting it on a frozen layer on back or by freezing particular layer on turning it off but in this case it would be it won't be taken into account for example when bill of material was generated so this suppress group suppress suppress feature is ah uh has not only visibility behavior but also uh behavior with respect to bill of material and not only let's yeah let's return to the link model the flange yes and for example we what we can do if you just hide the bolt sub assembly here yes so now bolts are hidden and you see that the openings or holes are still here but if you put these bolts really into suppress group the holes will be healed so it's another would say difference between frozen layers and suppress suppress suppress feature if you select the holes and create a create suppress feature you can see how it will happen what that's what we wanted to show so it's difference between but also now using suppress group we can control the presence or absence of a particular set of entities using expressions well but this is not only uh another thing we are gonna speak now is about new sort of new sort of uh parameters new sort of parametric constraints that we are introducing as you already heard that we are extending animation capabilities uh with bricscad and we will talk about it bit later my colleagues will explain about new animation framework and to support this from the site of the 3d constraints we introducing what we call pass constraint this is quite a simple thing which allows to attach a point to is specific to a curve and specify the uh parameter at which this point is coincident to this to a curve and not only specify this parameter but also you can change it and see how the for example in this case the point can be moved along the curve that's to create this constraint it's quite easy you select the point select curve and press new button create pass constraint this is a basic example but uh as this uh general general constraint you can combine it with the others not to it's not very interesting to see how single point is moved along the spline but also we can add additional objects to it and see how this parameter drives your more complex uh models and as this parameter is uh as this new pass constraint is parametric you can use the parameter of this constraint in expressions and for example here you can use an additional angle constraint you can control the radius angle of rotation of these two wheels while the parameter is changed this is well a bit uh maybe artificial but a funny sample how this new constraint can be used to create animations but let's switch to something more real for example we can uh imagine that we need to simulate how the uh process of cutting a hole in a pipe can be modeled uh can can can can happen so we need this sort of animation or simulation kinematic simulation of this process and here we also can extract an edge which in in this case is intersection of two pipes this spline edge is extracted and the pass constraint is created in this case uh our ilia if you can show the second wide pipe this which is hidden yes yes this is actually what what we'd like to model the connection between these two pipes and in this case the direction of the robot of the instrument the tool is a parallel to this second pipe this is also achieved by using 3d constraints of parallelity between the two and the second pipe but using different combinations of 3d constraints it's quite simple to to get another another sort of movement for example here we can enable the parallel parallel constraint between the or in between of the tool play one of the planes of the two and the x x y plane of the global coordinate system so in this case the tool is moved always vertical and what is more realistic uh this is a bit more sophisticated combination we now disable this uh parallel constraint and there is distance and distance and perpendicular perpendicularity constraint between axis so in this case the movement the the idea is to get the movement when the tool is always perpendicular to the bigger pipe so which simulates simulates the movement of the real tool well when the tool is always directed to an axis of a big bigger pipe using the same geometry driven constraints that you could apply to the parts of the robot you can extract the values of parameters and use them as a driving parameters for you now inviting christian to continue our part and show you our new amazing sheet metal features thank you okay this year we have uh uh you have seen the demo this morning we have developed a lot about it below but i i will just show you the main new features first we have had this this feature element teardrop this is very popular in sheet metal it's avoid sharp edges as uh and not only but mainly for very sharp edges you will see as it uh as it works now tabs and slots uh it's to guarantee the positioning between two parts so we you you will see that we have made something which is editable and very easy to use third we have used the propagate function which is existing elsewhere in bricscad and we have [Music] applied for several things and i will show you how to apply with the split function and you will see it is very comfortable now this is also a very nice function we can draw a contour anywhere in the space and just clicking an existing flange you get automatically the bands between the the the the contour is transformed in a in a flange and the bench is creating automatically it's very fast then we have also improved the drawing now it's very easy to put together the the view front view top view and etc is a metric and the unfolding view in the same document it's very uh useful for people in charge of fabricating that's all folks so now let's uh let's let's do the demo first we'll make a zoom on on the corner and you will see uh there is three main way to create a hem it's what we call uh closed hem so it's scratched then teardrop this is of course different and open him there is a gap between the two flanges we will use the teardrop for this on this uh of this and you and you will see that we can make it uh full or partial then we will and on the on on this uh corner you can follow or not the geometry so we will accept this it's our first then we will create a basic open here just earlier show that you we can edit for for example the length the the the gap the length is 35 you can add it fourth okay and the gap is two it can it can it can be more then what happened if we select three edges with a special geometry you see that it's very nice because there is no collision at all in the in the corner on the top there is a meter and in the corner on the on the bottom the hem follow the the main line so there is no collision and you can unfold without any additional job and then you have a special annotation which is m the gap and the plus or minus which indicate if the bend if the bend is is down or up this is what we call hem and teardrop so now yes the the the part of the bottom we have seen this part this morning the part of the bottom is unfoldable but it's difficult to produce because there is no space enough to to to put a tool and we can of course make a special tool but it's it's it's not it's it's not evident so we will separate we'll separate this create a junction here and here but the problem that we cannot guarantee one more time yes but we cannot guarantee the positioning of the of those parts so we will create that we call tab and slot so first manually manually you can you can measure the position and the length of this tab so we can do one and okay one one tab here and another where where you want so you can create one two three uh at the position you want this is a manual way now there's i will show you something a little bit more automatic this is the hooray so we will create a hurry by default there are the the those value but this is editable so for example there is three tabs we can change for five for example and then change the distance in order to make something symmetrical and and correct so 100 yes okay and then the length of the tab also every parameters are editable and so you got something correct okay it's very easy it and very easy to to manage because everything is editable then we we i i i don't show but you can manage also the gap between the the one part and the and the other you can put uh fillet or or chamfer uh to the tab to help the the positioning etc etc so let's go to this this is a step the step of the uh escalator we decide to reinforce this this this part and so we will first reduce the length of this flange just in moving uh surfaces this is so we reduce the value then we will uh create a profile in this case it's a simple rectangle but it can be a any kind of uh profile and we are sure that this profile is on the on the main main part and then clicking on this profile and the under the part we create automatically a flange then we can of course create some additional chamfer holes and so on and in copy copying the hole we we we create a new new hole and then we will unfold collision problem it's not a problem just we will use the associative unfolding and then just pushing a little this face we will remove the collision and the part is producible then we will use this part to show you the way to create easily a document first we will put the two views plus the isometric views view and then we will use the unfolding and put it directly on the on the on the document with the same scale so it's very easy and the the guy in charge of fabricating has everything needed i think this is our the last sequence now let me introduce uh igor malin who is my partner in crime for sheet metal and he will give you some tricks and listen to him [Applause] okay thank you christian and as christian thought i'm igor hermann and today i will tell you about some expert cases of sheet meta applications we studied together with users and moreover i see some users in the audience and we are so excited by these cases that feel that now it's time to share them with you and that is why our story today will be called a feast of tips you should know about bricscad sheet metal and we will tell about some features which we deliver in v20 and in some previous versions of bricscad the first one probably is the most complex it's a tricky mechanism which connects settings mechanical browser and commands and so what we have in settings there is a sheet metal section and two groups have the interest the first one is commands which customizes behavior of sheet metal commands and second initial parameters which initializes sheet metal context it is the content of mechanical browser and we decided that all the settings are stored in the drawing and this graph shows the dependencies so here for operations we mean both comments and operations which you can do by right right clicking menu in mechanical browser and a thing to know to understand that changing settings doesn't immediately affect on the model but only through the separations or when you create a new document and that is why we give advice that once you have determined some default settings for your process you should create drawing template with them and you will start your sheet metal design with this template next an evidence think is that sheet metal by default preserves external dimensions of the part and for example when you create the model from scratch or edit it it is usually designed that way that it doesn't exceed external how but expands inside and the decision where to extort each part base is only on analyzes of input geometry and so far we don't interact with the rest of parts in assembly and for example the part we created here it was created by extrusion from contour it is sickened inside by polyvine avoiding possible collisions with nearby geometry around but as christian emphasized it you are not a prisoner of this approach and if the default one doesn't suit you you always have a possibility to locally flip the french or change entire model so on here on this video we extrude the poly polyline to sheet metal part and you see it stays in between the rest of assembly and moreover this behavior is kept when we change the thickness so this is the default behavior and this polyline is a bit different and if we extrude with default behavior we have the collision this is not what we want that is why we locally flip only a single french and it is shifted by sickness and moreover it behaves differently when we flip the thickness of the part so the summary for for the slide is that there is a default behavior which allows you to model the part inside but you always have a possibility to switch to another behavior next is same parameterize so this can be considered as a specialization of parameterized command which takes into account implicit constraints which come from the fact that parties should metal and if you neglect this constraints and run a regular parameterized will get over defined model this is not what we want and that is why when we say assemb parameterized we mean recognition of design intent taking into account that partnership metal we have intellectual approach to arrays and also the resolved part can be naturally integrated as a part in context of assembly design so here we will go same parameterize on the sheet metal part and it will create constraints parameters and recognize array so these red slots are for their way now let's see what happens if we change the value of the parameter on moderate change just the gap between array elements is increased but if there is if there is sufficient space a new thought will be appeared next we switch the parameter to the geometry driven and will do some direct modeling operation like push-pull and as you see due to the nature of this parameter the array adapted and extra slots appeared and that is why we believe that with results of assam parameterize you get highly intellectual model which you can modify in different ways and all the cases will bring you to valid results and form features so when we designed for features in bricscad we considered that there will be a library of standard form features with possibility to expand them with custom one and for technology we chose mechanical components and beam insert as a way to insert the features but as we found out sometimes users use them differently they use them to propagate some assembly data and annotations onto ddxf part which we obtained by unfolding here is a blank solid and we will insert a custom feature which we are not going to produce by forming so instead we rather cut somehow and make welding but we want to propagate this information to dxf this is preview and this is the result dxf file so the tip is that unless your geometry will be produced by foreman you can use this mechanism in order to propagate your annotations on the dxf next lofted bands so they found very good application for tube design and in next video you'll check scenario of getting precise unfolding of complex case using orange metal commands so first of all we'll recognize sheet metal and then go judge and create in order to cut one of the tubes and this geometry is rather complex so this operation takes few seconds it's finished and now we can move out the tube out of welding and before unfolding we should split it at the proper place for example yes we do split in here and in order to get precise dimensions we increase number of subdivisions so right now it is important and you see we unfold tube as a lofted band and what we get we get precise dimensions and smooth border transition so in given case we don't need bank lines annotations we remove them and keep only the solid and if we roll back the solid we will get initial tube so we are constantly considering scenarios when the user can minimize his mouse clicks and number of common calls and we started from considering multiple input for the commands when typically you can select several edges or even entire parts for operation and in week 20 we expand idea more and in next video you will see how system make offers where operation can be applied so this is a ban comment model from our previous presentations and we will select only the single edge and get the preposition for the phone charge operation so we accept everything enter the values and get the result so before it would require us to select all the edges and same we do for splitting we select a single vertex and go to rather reasonable proposition where split also can be set and also there are configurations if they're possible so we do the split and again we made only one selection and the only single common call and now we can continue our scenario here we disable features in order to prevent constraining which comes from junction so disable features allow us to detach the parts and for example those are unfolding next let's speak a bit about that funny button which you possibly already saw so we coded report panel and in sheet metal it widely used and this module 2 provides very precise information where the failure happened and the only report panel mode setting controls its behavior here we have a portion metal part which fails to unfold but fortunately report panel shows us where the problem is and if you click on the links we have the geometry highlighted and now when we know where the problem is we can recover it using for example shape metal commands or some direct modeling operations also there is an option more details so yes let's go to it and then we switch to tree like view where the same errors reported and it is called more details because in case for example some dm audit results report but now we have even more information that abalone has a key factor so first of all let's recall what k factor is so this is a scalar value which defines the position of natural surface for the band and it is k factor and brain tables which deliver you precise dimension and shape in unfolding but in brexit factor is also used in modeling comments so for example before someone fold can make a perfect circle on the place of corner relief a relief create two has already be aware of a proper key factor so we are going to work with band tables for this model and when table contains band deduction this is what you can measure on the physical part and as you see it is csv file so we load it and we load it before we make operations next we will switch a corner relief to a circular type and this one and implicitly for us when table will be taken into account right now in order to prove that we can unfold and you see its interaction of all the comments and when tables that is why right now we get a perfect circle here and it can be important because making circle corner reliefs is usually cheaper so we have three advices that for precise results you should make your own tables and when table will operate with bent deduction second is that you're better to load than table before you start modeling and third is the best place for brand tables is a drawing template file where you put it only once and then you start your modeling from this template file and now let's speak shortly about 2d output for sheet method is unfolding and with v20 you have several options so you can have a regular sum unfold command you have associative unfolding for precise direct modeling editing and avoiding collisions and there is a new feature which is unfolded views as it is shown on the picture and now you can easily put your unfolding on paper space next you can customize your unfolding the most easy is just to adjust the properties in settings but next some requests can be covered by lisp script as it is shown on slide it's a real case coming from australia and where we added up and down annotations to the band lines and let's also mention its data as a perspective right now which will allow us to put even more and annotations for brand entities which later can be recovered by your script and finally let's mention more automation possibilities so for some small recording scenarios there is a list api and beric sheet meta api gives you the power to implement or customize your own sheet meta application on the top of bricscad so literally you can implement your second sheet metal and if you want to be more simple but still in automated contacts you can continue with sm assembly expert which does batch processing and noticeable enhancement of this command is that now delivers easy to parse json output which is very detailed and so your automation scenario can run sm assembly expert and then interpret json after it so these were just few features of brook scotch battle and we motivate you to continue exploring workshop revealing new features and apis you can use to boost your workflows thank you for your attention and i will invite maxim chavowski to continue [Applause] okay thank you girl a couple of seconds to start my presentation surprisingly there is my name is really maxim chelovsky good news that you don't have to pronounce it i just did it for you and i'm a team leader in bricscad uh brexit sorry that my team is in charge of some features that's probably not as spectacular as my colleagues just shown to you but still important because as you seen my colleagues demonstrate how to create very complex geometry in just a few clicks because of our powerful tools but in the end when you get this geometry you still have a question how to manage it because as you know it just starts with creation of geometry let me explain what i mean well and by the way this is a name of my presentation about tools that allows you to train your assembly okay let me explain this is a typical assembly you may deal with and it doesn't look like very complex from outside but believe me it's very complex because it has more than three hundred and three thousand nine hundred parts about four thousand it has more than two hundred uh types of parts most of them are non-standard and in the deepest place it's eight levels from top to bottom in the assembly tree so it's really quite complex and when you work with it you might have this question it's quite large how should i manage it i'd manage it i mean how to navigate it how to adapt it to your customers needs how to create proper documentation including schedules and drawings and last but not least how to create a proper presentation to your clients because as we know presentation sometimes really really matters and another good news for you rick's cat mechanical has just the right tools for it and let's start with mechanical browser it's a simple but very convenient tool to navigate your assembly because you have uh all your product structure up to the second part uh up to the spark sorry you have all constraints all parameters all features all uh special use such as exploded view in one panel and moreover you can select any item in this panel and see its properties and edit it if you need to change them and inbox category 20 the added a new feature which allows you to manipulate many objects simultaneously so now you can select many objects not just one and see lay common properties and change it in one click it's a simple change but sometimes it makes all the difference another important thing when you work with assembly is bill of materials and uh those of you who previously worked with brexit mechanical probably remembered just a plain old table in a site you're drawing which shows the list of uh all components but that's all in big scout with we completely changed it now it's based on data extracted technology so now you can extract any possible properties you have for your component moreover we added modules to configure your panel uh sorry your bill of materials because now you can add 40 rows for each individual column you can adjust sorting you can adjust units how to display them and how to represent them in a table you can adjust uh filtering what entities should be in your table and what not and you can also add your custom formula fields and of course you can save it and reuse it as a template in your future assemblies and moreover it's not only a command it's not a command-line tool anymore now we introduced a new panel that you probably noticed from presentations on my colleagues and this tool allows you to configure and edit any of your bill of materials including existing one in very user friendly intuitive what you see in what you get manner exported to use is very useful when you create documentation for your assemblies because it allows us to see what's inside and how to properly assemble or disassemble it in berkshire 2019 we started to implement our toolset to create expositories so we added a possibility to create semi-automatic expositories with one direction it looks good to be 20 we extended it even more so now we have fully automatic exposure to use that you probably noticed this morning and also we added fully automatic trailing lines so you can uh see the relationship between parts not only in animation but on static pictures and drawings as well and you don't need to just apply it for entire model you can combine manual and uh automatic exploded views in one single drawing to get what you really need and of course it's fully supported in drawing use speaking on which bricscad has very powerful tool set to create uh both standard and special uses such as exploded views and advantages of course you can create section views you can create detailed views now we have fast or draft quality mode and high quality mode so you can choose between getting precise result or getting results quickly and also as mitra already mentioned we now support a display of threaded threaded parts such as bolts roads nuts holes up to the drawing standards so with this tool set you don't have to make this drawings uh by hand you just need to see the result and the juices as you need and if you need something more then choose static images now we have animation editor it's more powerful than it was in bricscad 2018 because now you can animate many parameters at once at once that's right it's parametric and it means that in bricscad you can animate anything you can parametrize it gives great flexibility and it gives great power but you don't have to have a phd in bricscad you reuse it because this panel has very intuitive timeline based interface sort of like standard for video editor and you can use it uh in you get you can get used to it in few seconds i guess and you can write very complex uh drawing believe me that uh this video that you see so this morning this escalator video was completely created using this panel with no additional tools to edit it so as you can see brookscat has tools to navigate to modify to create drawings to create specifications and to present this those assemblies to your clients with very impressive animation but first you don't have to believe me on my word because we now have live demo and my colleague electronic field demonstrator with very little help from my side how to work those with those features and let's start with mechanical browser because it's very useful when you work with such huge assembly like this as you can see it has all structure or the title structure for this part and you can see how many parts it is inside and of course when you select it in the browser it will be automatically highlighted in the model and again if you select it on a model it will automatically select selected in the mechanical browser as well so now if you select uh say side panels like this mechanical browser automatically selects selects corresponding items and now you can see common properties all those parts and for example if i want to change visual style for risk components i can do it now with one click by selecting the appropriate visual style say x-ray in this case but of course it could be done before by using like a context menu or properties panel with brickscat v20 you can do much more than that for example you can change parameters of mainly for form features at once or any other sheet metal features and let us demonstrate it using a part called hundred yard it's in the bottom of this escalator and you find that we will use a search field office mechanical browser so you can you can quickly find and open it so now it's open and you see less for louvre in in this model and imagine you have to change the size to be like bigger for better ventilation before you have had to do it uh manually one by one but now you can select all of them and you change the expression okay and now it's bigger so as you can see we break cut v20 you can do more with less okay but it was mechanical browser now something more important for documentation this is bill of material and we will use this model as a pressure message model to demonstrate this new feature okay so now we will open a new bill of materials panel it's already opened on ilia laptops but if it's not you can select it from a list of all available panel or you can use a corresponding command and now we already added a bill of material it's very simple top level one and of course we can add something like footer to see the number of parts it's done very easily just by selecting a proper tool but of course uh it's quite plain right let's do something more interesting this is a pressure muscle model so in this part we have something called nozzles and sometimes it's very interesting to see all nozzles with layer parameters in one table it's called it's called nozzle schedule so now we will create this nozzle schedule by using filtering capabilities of our bill of material beforehand we added a special word in this case nozzle to the description of each component so now we can use it to filter our parts and it's done and we see that it's exactly four nozzles in this model okay so now we can add the stable to say paper layout and to see and to like send it to our contractor for uh creating close nozzles okay another interesting uh schedule or table could be a table of standard parts because as you know it's very important for like uh to buy enough standard parts for this part and we will add this table using another feature we created a template for it beforehand and now ilia opens this file it's a simple text file so you can edit it in any text editor it's based on data extraction definition format but of course it's extended because bill of material has its own specific so you can obviously you can create it and edit it by using text editor but actually you don't need to do it because bill of material panel will handle it for you okay so now we added uh this template and as you can see it already has all this circle so me we can place it to layout okay now it's here but what if we need some changes what if our manager just wanted to see the like mess of each individual part it's a problem table is already here okay actually it's not a problem with bricscad 320 because now we can add a account to any existing bill of materials table so now ella just selects the mass column from all big list of possible properties and he adds it and it automatically will appear in the table on in the drawing as you can see and also note please note that uh bricscad automatically deduced the best unit for all values and placed it in the title but of course uh now we have a small problem because we have like uh big parts with weights of more than kilograms and some programs so possible we may ask brexit to pick the best value for each individual column oh it's already done and of course we cannot place it in a title anymore so bricks got automatically added an additional column but of course to save space you can ask it to place this unit in the same cell like this okay but uh this is not all because as you know some kind of standard parts are bought by weight because you don't buy like a one nut or one bolt you buy it by kilograms so it's interesting to know how much of each individual part we have in total and to add uh to to address information we will use the formula field so yeah now we'll in add this simple formula it's mass multiplied by the quantity but of course you can refer to any other column in this table by using uh this quotation mark okay so now we can add it to our bottle of material um oh it seems it needs an overtrain um okay so now we added and of course we have to change the name to a more appropriate one something like total mass of per item okay and we also can add uh appropriate unit for this formula field and brexit automatically uses the unit of the document or the user specified in this case and of course you can adjust leave it off account to make this table more compact so now it's more or less ready and we can save this table as a template to raise it in the future okay now let's uh move to exploded use and we will demonstrate it on this model uh previously this morning you saw how to create fully automatic exposure view now we will show how to do a bit more complex on that basically how to combine manual and automatic exported view and let's start with uh creating a manual exporter to bottom level because we want to be able to manipulate up to a single part oh there's a problem in report panel it says that some component has a solid which is not a part it's a big problem because exploded view in bricscad operates by parts not by solids so if you have a solid which is not a part export that you will ignore it it cannot work with it but in this case it's very easy to fix because we will open this uh sub component and as you can see this axis is actually solid so we need to add it to the big electric motor assembly but first our problem because uh electric motor is a standard part but it's very complex part it consists of several internal parts and you don't want to see it in your exploded view because it's standard so what should we do well we have a bill of material status which allows brexit to know how it should trade this part and if it's if you switch it to terminal it means that the bricscad will treat this subassembly as a single part both in build materials and in explorer tube so now we can save it and update the of course we need to update original assembly and now we can try to create our exported view again okay now it's ready no warning so very good and let's start with this basement as you can see it consists of several parts so automatic expo that you would try to move lane separately but if it's not what you want you can just select it and move manually something like this yes and now you can add an additional step to our exporter to you so it will be correctly registered as a part of our disassembling or assembly process and as you can see brexit automatically found our magnification and save it as additional step so now we can try to disassemble this electric pump and of course you can do it manually by moving parts to a separate directions it takes time of course it's possible but why would you do it if you have automatic exposure to your tool and to do it we will call it export move tool and that now it has a new mode called auto magic so now let's select this mode and select the device he would like to export and in a few seconds it's done and of course you can see the animation of is exploded view [Applause] so as you can see you are not a prisoner of our automatic algorithm you can make your alteration to get the best possible view you want and of course you just saw animation so it's uh easily to understand how the part should move but if you want to put it on the drawing you should add some kind of training lines to represent the relationship and to do that you will launch a new tool called trail training clients and of course it can work with both automatic mode or manual mode for example you can select just a few two parts and it will add training class juice for them but now in this case we added its frontal model and as you can see all necessary training lines are placed even for a part that removed manually so you don't have to use automatic mode to get the full potential of training lines it will work for any exposure to you even create it completely from scratch by hand and of course after that you can place it to your drawing you can set your to your contractors basically you've already seen it this morning so i wouldn't focus on that that much let's switch to something even more impressive can you believe it we have more impressive automatic exposure to you okay and this is this elevator of course it's not the elevator itself it uh what would we demonstrate using it but let's start with the fact that this model is fully parametric for example it has a parameter to change the draw from close to open likewise and back and you can ask the elevator or lift to move upwards or downwards by changing corresponding parameter our elevator is a bit heavy so it takes time for it to go upward but eventually it will go and of course we can ask it to return back okay so basically we have everything to demonstrate our animation expect maybe some volunteers anyone would like to take part maybe anyone oh i guess we have two volunteers here and of course they also parametric so we may ask them to move a bit closer to our lift or a bit further from it as a layer will demonstrate now and now we can create our animation and to do it you should open the special panel it's called animation editor we have a convenient button on our ribbon and basically it's a timeline based animation editor so you can adjust the duration of a scene for example we can ask it to be 20 seconds you can add parameters you can add camera movements and you can do it as individually so let's start with opening the door because of course you cannot enter the elevator if the doors closed and to do it we add corresponding parameter and we will add something called animation sequence which defines the exact start and exact end and the start and end value for this parameter and being a parametric animation it's very important to set the appropriate start and end values okay so now you can check moving by moving cursor if the animation works as intended of course you can play it back but for our purposes it's sufficient to just check few intermediate frames now we can ask people to enter by adding corresponding parameters and repeating the procedure and of course you can uh set the precise value for start and end or you can just move it on a timeline by using your mouse if for example you don't need a precise timing you just want to have something like a sketch okay so now we can check that our people really can enter the elevator now we should close the door because really it's not safe to move up with closed doors with open doors right so we need to add another sequence for the parameter and previously it's what's very hard to achieve with bricscad because with any path you could animate only one parameter at the time so you had to create a lot of dependencies from this parameter now you can simply add uh several sequence for one parameter and that's all no phd required okay so now our door is closing and our elevator is ready to go up and to do that we will add yet another parameter and set up corresponding duration maybe 15 seconds will be enough for this elevator to go up other states have elevated takes time okay so now uh elia just fill in proper values okay okay our elevator is on the right floor and all we have to do now is open the door and again we add another parameter for this door opening we are ready to render our video and we have a special button for you how convenient and in this uh dialogue you can adjust the frame rate the screen resolution the required format we support av mpg and vwm uh sorry and also you can adjust the start and end time for this rendering for a case that you don't want to render the entire animation and of course prescott uses our rendering engine so it may take time to render this video we respect your time so we'll we'll not do it we will show you just the final result and it will be like this okay thank you for your attention and now i will pass my word back to me okay i was asked to finish this session ten minutes uh before schedule so i'll take not more than five minutes of your attention uh i'd like uh to briefly summarize we did not include all these features in our demos because some of them looks quite trivial but it's important to mention for example speaking about parametric modeling we did not show that constraints now can be put on vertices so you can put constraint on faces on edges and on vertices as well and yes there are geometry driven constraints there is 3d plus constraint the possibility to parametrically suppress entities and something more we updated a parameters panel and we call it now uh parameters and constraints uh because now it displays also non-parametric constraints and now it's a single source of all constraints in your model so if you are not a mechanical user uh then you can avoid using mechanical browser and use only this panel to control parametric behavior of your model for drawing to use uh i sorry i want to make a step back and inform you that none of these features will list and we present you are included in the latest beta some of them will appear only in release and maybe even a slightly later because they are still under development uh for example for first generation of draft quality during use is still under intensive development but already gives promising results that why we mentioned that it will really allow you to speed up to put your views on layout we already mentioned and demonstrated to you standard representation of threats but we did not show you uh the support of autocad mechanical symbols uh now this approach is built in in bricscad and if you have a file created with autocad mechanical with volume symbols with power dimensions with anything which is possible to create there they will be correctly such files are correctly rendered in bricscad and of course the next step is to be able to create these symbols in bricscad and we also show you unfold it you integrate it with our standard drawing use a lot of new features in assembly design and maxim uh presented you all i will not mention to save your time the same for sheet metal hem stops and slot curve junctions between lofty bend propagate and the possibility to create edge flanges from 2d contour something we did not mention before but it's also very important when you work in mechanical design environment you of course want to import and export your assemblies and parts and for that we have import and export command in bricscad some of these formats required required communicator license some of them are built-in so you can use them with just bricscad license and uh in v20 we supported new file formats as you already so we support rhino import uh we also support rhino for export by the way uh and this does not require communicator to use this communicator you can import now a couple of new formats such as compress step and assembly and of course we updated some native formats supported with communicator like inventor 2020 cryo60n so on and 3d animation framework is something new still not available in beta version but we plan to release it allows you to create spectacular animation maxim demonstrated uh this panel to you on a simple example but this morning you saw a much more spectacular example and so everything is possible everything is in your hands please try to use it and share your experience with us and in the end i just want to give credits to my colleagues who develop all these wonderful stuff and of course who was brave enough to demonstrate all this in life so thank you for attention and it seems that we have to go downstairs now [Applause]
Channel: Bricsys
Views: 7,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bricsys, BricsCAD, CAD, Software, 2D Modeling, 3D Modeling, Alternative, Mechanical, MCAD, MCAM, sheet metal, unfolding, ribs, exploded diagrams, technical drawing, program, design, engineering software, construction software, design software
Id: QWVoLYn4eg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 39sec (4299 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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