Everything You Can Break On A Ferrari 360 - If You Don't Know How To Use It

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] all right guys rob ferretti here and i could tell you anyone can own a ferrari right like this anyone could buy one and when i say anyone can buy one it just takes money like and you may not have the money now but anyone with money can buy this car it takes a special person and you actually have to be the right person to be able to drive it without damaging it because it's actually pretty easy to do this car incorrectly now this is probably the most reliable um model of ferrari that i would suggest buying i wouldn't go any earlier than this because a 355 348 308 328 all of those cars they're less reliable so you can't really enjoy them as you would a normal car but that doesn't mean this one which is the first model i would suggest buying has that uh ease of use that you can get out of a current model car like a 488 458 this and the 430 do take a little bit of skill the 430 they approved it a little bit so it's a little bit more user friendly but this one i'll show you everything that people can do wrong and why when i go somewhere i have to write instructions for a valet or anything like that just so that they don't screw it up because you could do damage to this car and damage this car sucks because it costs a lot of money to fix and even like a clutch which is probably the most difficult part of the car will be five or six thousand dollars to replace which mine is pretty much there now and i was pretty proud of this car i was like look i'm gonna see because i've i bought it with 12 000 miles i'm going to see how far the guy who knows what he's doing can run a 360 clutch a factory 360 clutch and then a couple of transporters later that that dream is over now this door oh you know what come on that door handle hasn't worked in days and it just worked uh this and when you park a convertible under a tree have stuff there's a bunch of stuff that's going to be problematic for people if you've never a if you don't understand how a manual transmission works with this car you're sort of done but b the most common things you're going to run into and this is why i have instructions is that this has an alarm now this light here which is not blinking so the car was just unlocked this when the alarm is on which it defaults to being on after a minute the car won't start all it will do is crank over now let me show you so now the alarm is on and all you're going to do is burn out the starter because people will be and they'll just sit there forever and be like i don't know what i'm doing and then if you don't know what you're doing you like lock it and you unlock it you keep pushing buttons and everything like that but that'll eventually in the starters for ferrari to sell a car where they tell you need to replace your timing belt every whatever every three years or 15 000 miles but they make a starter that can literally crank over forever and i've never seen anyone replace the starter in a 360. i can't tell you i think one of those doesn't make a lot of sense but once you disable the alarm this is how you know the alarm is off is this light will not be blinking you have essentially 60 seconds or so to start it all you do put on the brake turn the key so that is a pretty common one the other problems you're going to run into and a lot of people don't realize is that you don't want to park this in gear with the f1s especially the f1 a manual a gated car is easier it's got a clutch pedal it's a little bit more uh like normal to most people i wouldn't suggest a 355 f1 that was the first generation of consumer f1 this is the second generation but you don't park it in gear you're going to leave it in neutral so a lot of people they roll backwards because like they don't pull the bra and this break is actually really good because i was like i was trying to just be wimpy with it be let me just give it like a click or two i always give it the extra click or so just so it doesn't move because if you park it on a hill or something like that you never want to get out of your car and see your ferrari rolling backwards now this isn't something i really thought of as a common issue until my friend who bought my last car was telling me that she drove it and she went over and then she was like rolling backwards and it's just she drives automatic so she can get the hang of the shifting and everything like that but it's still an automatic now that brings me to the the shifting which is probably the most common issue you're gonna run into and you see look we're on if you don't know what you're doing i guess i can sort of screw the clutch up a little bit now because it's already screwed you can screw up the car just by when you put it in first gear if you're on a hill the clutch doesn't engage like see just give it a little bit of gas until it engages not engaged not engaged not engaged that was engaged but i'm gonna run into a dumpster but if you do it wrong you're gonna run into an issue where all you do is sort of spin the clutch so if you have a heavy foot and you're not delicate with the throttle you're going to run into a situation that's going to look something like this which is just like oh i want to go forward this is an automatic let me get up there and the clutch just spins up to like 4000 rpm all you're doing at that point in time is spinning clutch it's not engaged it's just a computer control clutch you have to understand why you're shifting gears and that's a common thing that most people don't get and you don't really have to get it with the 458s and the 488s but if you don't understand why you shift gears this is not the right car for you so the other thing people love to break is this this little t-handle here which is even loose it's mine was never loose when i got it i was like wow whoever owned this car knew what they were doing in the rental car world i had so many of these this handle was always broken you could just flop it back because given enough uh force you can make that handle break but you have to lift it up and pull it back to put it in reverse right and most people don't get that most people just it's not going into reverse and they they just monster that thing back and that results in uh that results in an issue but i mean as i said this clutch is pretty much done anyway let me show you another thing people tend to screw up is the top because the top is a little finicky right so there's a one button top here you do this and this is going to close it but sometimes it's just there's so many different sensors on it sometimes it just doesn't want to close right it'll get stuck like here or the top won't start coming out because it doesn't have enough pressure built up and they'll just keep holding the button until they burn something out and if you burn out the pump for the top that worked actually very sweetly uh if you burn out the thing for the top then that's going to cost you a lot of money so there's so many things that if you just don't realize that the car doesn't just operate itself right you got to be gentle with it and you got to understand what it does what makes it work what doesn't make it work and you got to sort of work with it so it's it's really like a car guy's ferrari and you could say that about any car but like there's cars like are you going to turn the fuel pump on before you do this and there's always some sort of level of of expertise required but this one is the fact that it's got the paddle shift in it it makes people think it's an automatic and it's not going up in incline especially which is why transporters kill this car they either and and why they say oh it's out of guess not out of gas push the button like i know all especially being in the rental game for so long i know all the answers to be like i'm having this issue and the answer is always like turn the alarm off or or whatever uh the clutch overheating is a common problem because people don't know how to drive it in traffic you can't just drive this like an automatic if you drive it like an automatic you're gonna roast the clutch and we had when we were renting these out we'd see anywhere between and maybe as little as five but as the average was probably 10 to 15 000 miles on a clutch which is not a lot this car's got almost 25 000 on it already but after a couple of uh after a couple of trips where it's had to go on transporters and it's like when a transporter calls me up i try to make it the last car in the truck so it's got the least incline and everything but when they tell me it's like oh now uh hey we gotta unload it and then reload it and like this thing's done and it always comes back smelling like clutch because they don't really know what they're doing and ultimately what ends up happening is like i you know you'd say rob why wouldn't you just go out and put it on an enclosed transporter it's got the lift gates it's not it's not worth the extra money because that's going to be an extra thousand dollars every time i transport it to an extra two thousand dollars every trip which means i'm saving i'm it's costing me an extra ten thousand dollars but it's saving me what a five thousand dollar clutch i rather just let the inevitable happen uh the last stuff you have to know which is not necessarily specific to this car but this car does not have a lift system is that it's low in the front so if you don't know what you're doing and ignore my rock chips you may end up pulling into a parking stump in the front or in the back you may find yourself backing too close up to a parking stump or something and contacting a the lower diffuser here which mine is not damaged or even uh either of the curbs there and this because it's such a short back from the back of the tires doesn't seem to have that problem as much as some of the other cars with a longer back but ultimately that is a fairly common problem so those are all the tips and tricks as to like if you want to feel like an expert or look like an expert when you get into a 360 every time i pull it to a valet it's the same thing oh you know how to do this i got this i'm like you want me to tell you just in case and even when you tell them you go inside and you look outside and five minutes later the guys are still fudging around with the car trying to figure out how to make it move um or you just they leave it where it is they pull it up a couple of feet and it ends up living in front of the restaurant and it's just that it's a little bit far removed that it's not a common car to say i mean it's still a common-ish ferrari but it's not a common car for like valets and people to see it's more of the the the california's and the portofinos and the 458 488s that ended up getting valed the older ones the early 2000s cars the late the late 90s cars are the ones that do require a little bit of experience and a little bit of knowledge to be able to operate properly and if you don't operate them properly everything's expensive that reverse lever expensive and even that reverse lever once you break that gate sometimes like on a bumpy road it'll think you're trying to put it in reverse and it'll confuse the car and throw you into neutral and beep at you while you're driving so that's something you're gonna have to fix the clutch obviously you'll have to fix uh that's five thousand dollars that's a thousand dollars the door handle jiggle like if you don't understand like my door handle stopped working and you like pull it like literally 20 times it won't open there's a way if you just play with the key if you lock and unlock it and jiggle the handle eventually it finds its way back into whatever is loose in there that's causing that issue um yeah i mean i think i touched on most of the easy things that people will do wrong if i'm missing something throw it in the comments i'll definitely pin it to the top but other than drivability in the way to drive it uh the operation of the top the operation of the reverse lever and then the clearance issues on the front and the back and the alarm i think i got everything so it's just as easy as that um you may notice in the background my siding is here but my guy is not it's been over a month so if you happen to know a siding guy who can you know i'm in a i'm in a tough spot with the siding now because the amount of money i've given the guy already that's supposed to do the siding i can't get anyone else to do the siding for that job for that price now so i'm sort of stuck into this guy because i've overpaid him so far or i got to burn the delta i don't know we'll see what happens i'll keep you in the loop on that the house update's coming up soon but as far as this car goes i'm enjoying it it's it's one of those things that i know how to drive it my wife knows how to drive it it's something that virtually anyone can drive even my friend nadia who bought the other one uh her and her husband are enjoying it because it's a great car it's just it's got these little quirks that you have to understand because not anyone can drive it anyone can buy it but not anyone can drive it rob ferretti thanks for watching hope you learned something when you jump into 360 next time you can just be like i got this then you pull up the video real quick check it out and then you got that see you next time all right thanks for watching the whole video you know my other company adventure drives well we've got three drives coming up this year we're doing a dc to nashville drive through tale of the dragon through the smoky mountains drinking some moonshine that's gonna be a great time that's in the end of april interested in something longer well we're gonna go to france and spain for our european drive this summer that's going to be in the first week of august and scotland which you've heard so much about will again be this coming october so check them out adventuredrives.com there's a link below in the description you
Channel: superspeedersRob
Views: 44,356
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Keywords: superspeedersrob, super speeders, rob ferretti, super cars, exotic cars, the smoking tire, thatdudeinblue, motor trend, corvette, street speed 717, tj hunt, ford gt, supra, cars, 1320video, cops, police, cleetus mcfarland, vehicle virgins, fast, review, rally, mercedes, tavarish, vinwiki, gotham dream cars, gotham, exotic rental cars, what happened at gotham, new company, doug demuro, ferrari, lamborghini, gumball 3000, gold rush, business
Id: NRWk60BkRFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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