Everything You’ll Learn in Mechanical Engineering

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hey everyone my name is Jake and in this video I'm going to go over everything that you're going to learn in a mechanical engineering degree let's go [Music] I might be a little bit biased but I'd say that the education that you'll get in mechanical engineering is the most broad when compared to all the other engineering disciplines because in order to be a good mechanical engineer not only do you have to have proficient knowledge on mechanical systems but you also have to have a solid understanding of chemical electrical civil computer and software engineering so by majoring in mechanical engineering you're going to receive a really diverse education it's a great choice for anybody who loves problem solving and dealing with physical systems but what kind of things are you going to be learning and studying day after day if you were to major in mechanical engineering that's why you clicked on this video right so I've broken it up into seven categories and let's Jump Right In with category number one everybody's favorite math there's no getting around it mathematics is the Bedrock of any engineering degree so we have to start here right so I'm going to go over briefly every math class that you have to take and why it's important to the degree okay so first up we have algebra in algebra you're going to learn how to manipulate functions and solve for unknowns and isolate variables and graph functions right algebra is probably the most widely use tool that you're going to have throughout your entire engineering degree almost every class you take you're going to use a little bit of algebra next up we have trigonometry in trigonometry you're going to learn all about shapes and ratios and angles right but most importantly you're going to learn about triangles triangles are everywhere in engineering especially mechanical engineering so in trigonometry you'll really learn all the tools and different tricks and equations that come with triangles to solve all sorts of engineering problems next up we have calculus and in mechanical engineering you're going to have to go through calculus one two and three just a heads up so calculus is the branch of math that deals with continuous change right continuous position change temperature change or time change you're going to learn about integrals derivatives and limits these tools are going to allow you to solve problems where variables like speed position and temperature change with time and lastly in math you're going to learn ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations so these high level math courses are going to teach you how to model and predict how moving physical systems will behave into the future things like oscillation wave behavior and heat dissipation Category 2 static systems so just to clarify a static system is just something that's unmoving right it's not moving it's like a bridge or a column or a beam so the first course in this category is physics physics one so in physics one you'll learn all about Newton's laws of motion and how to apply them you'll learn about momentum gravity friction and velocity and you'll learn about how to utilize trigonometry to determine the forces and angles of those forces on a given object the next course is Statics so in Statics you're going to dive much deeper into the analysis of static systems some of the topics include Force vectors moments or rotational force center of gravity friction Force balancing and just a much more in-depth analysis of beams trusses columns and a lot of other static systems hey I hope you enjoyed the video so far if you are make sure you hit the like button subscribe to the channel and share with your friends that kind of stuff really helps the channel grow and if you or anybody you know is looking to study engineering or any other stem degree be sure to check out my book you know I wrote this book to serve as a true universal guide write a road map to show how anybody and everybody can have success in engineering or any other stem degree it's getting great reviews so far you can go on Amazon and see for yourself it's available on paperback ebook and audiobooks so I'll put links in the description for everything thanks for the support category number three materials so first up in this category we have chemistry so in chemistry you're going to learn all about the periodic table of elements liquids gases solids right Stoichiometry you're going to learn about bonding and intermolecular forces and structure and then you also learn how to balance chemical equations next up we have strengths of materials so in strengths you're going to learn all about how different materials and shapes deal with stress and strain right so other topics include plasticity elasticity fatigue creep yield and material failure so last step in this category we have Material Science in Material Science you're going to dive much deeper into the structure of materials you're going to learn how to predict the properties and behavior of a given material based on its microstructure you'll also learn about Atomic bonding melting point thermal expansion crystalline materials and diffusion and you'll also learn about what controls the electrical Optical and thermal behavior of a given material category 4 Dynamic systems so static systems are things that aren't moving Dynamic systems are things that are moving so first up in this category we have Dynamics in Dynamics you're going to really expand pretty thoroughly on what you already learned in physics one so topics include kinematics velocity acceleration momentum vibrations impact and conservation of of energy next up we have fluid mechanics this is one of my personal favorite courses by the way so in fluid mechanics you're going to learn all about how different fluids you know move and behave in different environments right so you're going to learn all about fluid kinematics hydrostatics Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids boundary layers laminar versus turbulent flow and conservation of mass and momentum so next up we have thermodynamics and thermodynamics you're going to learn all about energy and how it's used and utilized to make things work right so the topics include energy Cycles engines heat work entropy enthalpy efficiency Refrigeration cycles and conservation of energy okay so last step in this category we have heat transfer so in heat transfer you're going to learn all about how heat moves between different mediums right so you'll be able to calculate and predict and eventually control the movement of heat in your design so topics include conduction convection radiation heat exchangers and finite element analysis category number five have Robotics and programming so first up in this category we have physics two so in physics 2 you're going to get a real kind of in-depth crash course into electricity and magnetism and how you can use math or calculus specifically to analyze those things right so the topics include electrostatics electric fields and potentials magnetic fields current flow electric circuits resistance capacitance inductance electromagnetism and Optics so next up in this category we have electrical engineering in electrical engineering you're going to really build upon the knowledge that you've got from physics 2. so you're going to get really more in depth with electric circuits and how to analyze and predict resistance current flow voltage capacitance inductance right other topics that you're going to cover are kirchhoff's laws diodes amplifiers power actuators and Transformers next up we have computer science so in computer science you're going to get a good intro a good crash course into computer programming right you're going to learn basic coding language and how computers are programmed and execute different commands you're going to learn how to create your own programs for modeling and Analysis of Engineering Systems other topics include Loops functions image processing sensors microcontrollers and mechatronic systems so last step in this category we have mechatronics and mechatronics circle learn everything robotics right linkages Control Systems microcontrollers sensors actuators programming so servos and Motors mechatronics was really one of my personal favorite courses because it was really where I felt like all my knowledge was coming together into something really useful and then to add to that mechatronics is usually Project based which makes it really fun so you'll you'll design and build a robot throughout the course and the robot is supposed to perform some kind of special task or compete with the other robots in your class at the end of the year super fun category number six data analysis so first up in this category we have numerical method so numerical methods you're going to learn all about you know how to create and utilize computer programs that you make to solve some pretty complex engineering problems this class is pretty pretty tough but it's pretty fulfilling in that it it shows you how to build your own tools through computer programming to solve some pretty hard problems so some of the topics include root finding interpolation approximation of functions integration differential equations direct and iterative problem solving and curve fitting so next up in this category we have probability and statistics so in this class you're going to really learn how to deal with large amounts of data you're going to learn how to utilize statistical methods and programming to find Trends and useful information within large amounts of data other topics include probability Theory distributions and random sampling okay so lastly we have category number seven manufacturing and design of mechanical systems so first up in this category we have manufacturing so in manufacturing you're going to learn all about the different manufacturing processes and how they're utilized on all the different materials in this course you're also going to learn about material removal or Machining material forming like bulk deformation and Sheet Metal forming casting polymer manufacturing Composites manufacturing welding additive manufacturing micro and Nano manufacturing and quality control so lastly we have senior design so senior Your Design is kind of where it all pays off right where you can kind of spread your newly formed engineering wings so to speak so it's a fully Project based course it lasts a full year and it's where you can really kind of sink your teeth into a big meaty project so your your professor will either come to you guys with a list of projects that you and your team can uh choose from or you can go to your professor with an idea you have and they're pretty good about approving these as long as they're you know meaty and kind of challenging enough but it all culminates on design day where you know you show your whole project and your design to the whole school and to the whole faculty everybody comes by and you spend the whole day kind of showing off what you did that year it's a great way to end the degree so there you have it that was pretty much everything that you're going to learn in a mechanical engineering degree you know every school is a little different so your curriculum might change a little bit from school to school but that was pretty much the the common list of stuff that everybody learns in mechanical engineering you know the the education is truly diverse and and pretty unique and it'll really set you up to go in almost any direction you want after you graduate but that's it for now so I hope you guys found that useful and until next time thanks for watching and keep up the good work
Channel: Becoming an Engineer
Views: 230,022
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Keywords: everything you learn in mechanical engineering, what do you learn in mechanical engineering?, what do mechanical engineers learn?, mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering degree, engineering school, engineering, whats a mechanical engineering degree like?, college help, university
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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