Everything Wrong With CinemaSins: The Lion King yOuTuBE gUidELiNeS vErSioN

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it's not true that it's Simba's fault that Mufasa died. Simba was in
that gorge only bcs Scar had lead him there and told him to stay there and wait. Simba was obeying his uncle in that scene. no reason to blame Simba, objectively.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Senior_Juice5380 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2023 🗫︎ replies
if you haven't seen the previous video in this series follow the link on your screen or click the link in the description or pin comment below or don't whatever I know some of you dingalings don't click the link anyway but wonder why you're lost this is why [Applause] [Music] 33 second Disney logo in the 90s makes me thankful this isn't a Pixar joint as well except this obviously isn't the Disney logo from the 90s this is whew I just got hit with a wave of deja vu these lazy ass burns are lazy that strangely sounds like my comment section but anyway this is a fairly accurate representation of birds in Africa there are a ton of examples of birds just hitching a ride on larger animals so I'm just counting this one as an ignorance of reality sin this is a ritual that needs to be done for some reason sinning African rituals even God shares his approval of the new lion cub by Shining Light down at the appropriate moment hopefully he'll save Simba's dad when the time comes too which God cause I'm sure this story takes place in a location inspired by Kenya in a time period around 1280 BC if we're giving any Credence to Scar's appearance in the Hercules film and if we are then the Greco-Roman gods are the ones you're talking about and I doubt Zeus gives a [ __ ] if we aren't then I'll assume you're talking about the God of the Jews and which which case yeah he approves of Simba he supposedly created everything right you know like evil disease and taxes of course he approves of the things he created he's as mad as a hippo with a hernia wouldn't any mammal with a hernia be in basically the same amount of pain slash anger I think the reference was about the fact that hippos are incredibly short-tempered there Jer they kill about 3 000 humans every year which is incredible for something that looks like a Prius on legs scar pretty much had no choice but to be a villain since his parents named him Scar and he was born with evil eyes are green eyes considered evil in most cases in animation wouldn't you consider red eyes to be evil also Scar's original name is taka which doesn't necessarily refute what you're saying is taka means garbage in Swahili but still his parents didn't name him Scar and that's the sin here what am I going to do with him I don't know but after this scene I would definitely be on the lookout for scar to pull some straight up hamlet in the next couple of days Jeremy makes a pop culture reference that this movie is also making so it shouldn't count cliche the sun was awake so they got Earl Jones and Matt Sinclair to basically reprise their roles as king and queen from Coming to America so does that mean Simba's gonna go to Queens and work at a McDonald's no the symbol one day get pulled over for having a transvestite hooker in his car talk about a dated video I'm not one of them cancel culture types but even I wouldn't have touched that one in 2015. everything the light touches is our kingdom Manifest Destiny without getting too deeply into this that is not what Manifest Destiny means nor is it an example of it that concept applies to land that wasn't already yours we just saw an entire sequence showing the Lions Rule The Pride lands apparently with the consent of all the other animals shadowy that's beyond in all borders okay first of all if it's a shadowy place then the light ain't touching it and Simba shouldn't have to ask second of all you've just said the light and sight were your borders but now suddenly oh yeah we have interior borders around that scary place I forgot I like how you contradict yourself by putting words in someone else's mouth I've never seen a contradictory straw man before congratulations on inventing that Mufasa didn't say anything about sight you put that word there you then chastise Simba for not understanding the very simple concept of everything the light touches while you're self asking the same question Simba did I thought it was easy to understand everything the light touches if it's in Shadow it's not a part of the Kingdom there is nothing sudden about that it is explicitly implied the shadow area is not their Kingdom because the light doesn't touch it what the hell are you on everything you see exists together in a delicate balance that's why they're a gazelle bounding nearby with no fear whatsoever that I might eat them in any moment just like the real Africa you realize you're showing a scene of gazelle running away right I mean they're not just kicking it in front of the Lions they're obviously leaving the area and even if they weren't this is an animated film with lions and animals that talk I don't think anyone was under any assumption this is depicting the real Africa especially with a male lion taking a loving walk with a single male Cub you know that doesn't happen right but sure let's focus on the gazelle Mufasa allow Simba to be addicted to his loyal servants that is entirely the point of a servant to serve a purpose in this case Zazu serves the purpose of teaching his son an invaluable trait necessary for Alliance Survival how to stalk prey I never get to go anywhere you're like six days old dude Jesus it's so weird that you just answered the characters in movies I might have to create a cliche for that wait wait wait Birdman you've already created that cliche in a previous video I did which one and who are you the Jurassic Park the Lost World video and I'm you from the future well kind of anyway you should already have a cliche for that hmm okay wait a minute I've never done a video on Jurassic Park let alone my favorite in the franchise I mean I would know hmm I guess he was right I'm technically not future Birdman more like alternate Dimension Birdman uh hello what are you mumbling about I need to get back to sending this video pal uh yeah whatever the point is that you came up with a cliche for that already so think of one now okay I've got it if you're me then you know what I'm going to say ready on three one two three Jeremy is not a scary cliche wait what that is not how this went last time I mean it is because that's what I said originally but the cliche is definitely Jeremy yells at the screen cliche let's see you're not the real bird man you're false Bird Man FB for short dude was I this insufferable I am so sorry FB you're mumbling again and why would it be yelling at the screen if he isn't actually yelling Jesus you sound like Stan well the point wasn't that he's actually yelling but that just like the crazy people in the theater that talk to the screen like the characters in the movies could hear them well you know they yell I don't know if it were me that came up with that I'd have said talks to the screen cliche would have been worth five cents too when I'm King what'll that make you why does everyone assume that scar won't die well before Mufasa does and why does scar think he'll ever have a shot at the throne anyway scar seems well beyond the years where his possible royalty would even matter that much to him he should have thought about killing Mufasa long ago before Simba was even born that was two unrelated questions and a couple of statements how is someone that's not me supposed to answer all of that you package so much [ __ ] into a single sin and that's why you get away with this nonsense why wouldn't people assume the older brother dies first especially one that's a Target like a king and the film proves him right Mufasa died first and he became the king I mean you're quite literally arguing against the events of the film and I honestly don't understand what you mean by Scar seems well beyond the years where his possible royalty would matter to him isn't Mufasa older than him and doesn't he care about his throne I mean what Simba walks in on Nala while she's taking a bath he's also seen her nude too any other Revelation you want to share with with us you virgin but you two turtle doves have no choice having no choice is like the Baseline attribute of a Disney character it's almost like Disney movies were usually about royalty or something this Whimsical break in the song could have been genuinely tragic okay but it wasn't so what's the sin for exactly look I know we're in a cartoon Musical where anything can happen but I'm drawing a line at synchronized animal pyramid stacking Jeremy doesn't know what the word anything means Zazu survives this damn it Jeremy doesn't know what the word anything means all right it worked right our plan to distract Zazu with song and then trap him under a rhino's butt came off without a hitch how [ __ ] lucky are we I'm aware that this is Jeremy we're talking about but [ __ ] hell the entire point was to ditch Zazu by any means necessary this fool is pretending they were trying to get him crushed specifically hey genius it was my idea it was I distinctly remember you saying so how are we gonna ditch the dodo and it was Simba doing the talking until Zazu interrupted so how did you come up with it Nala you lying [ __ ] I'm not going to get hung up on the fact that the now pretending to be Progressive Channel CinemaSins called a trans person a trans in a female child a oops got hung up on that but I will say that there is a difference between an idea and a plan it was Nala's idea but Simba's plan the elephant graveyard is creepy and cool but how do all the elephants know to come here right before they die wouldn't something be like dying right here where I am or are you saying they die but then other elephants are hyenas or some animal carries the bones all the way here just to keep this creepy spot a thing I'm sure some elephants die on the spot Jeremy the point in this movie is this is the spot most elephants come to die do you just say that a human graveyard isn't a human graveyard because some people die at sea for example what do you think you're saying here do we order this dinner to go no why because there it goes nice joke considering you spent precious seconds of Escape time to come up with it Jeremy sends something he likes cliche oh so you do have that one uh yeah and dude why do you sound like that you don't need to know it isn't your time yet Daniel Son where's Zazu do you even worry about Zazu anymore after a rhino sat on his body dude this is an animated film where hyenas work with a lion a warthog chills with the Mongoose and a monkey is a shaman build your bridge and get over it this is the longest spine anyone has ever slid down to escape in the history of spine slide escapes either you don't know how big an African bush elephant is in comparison to a lion cub or you don't know what perception means I'm actually fine with Mufasa knowing Simba was in the elephant graveyard but knowing exactly where he was to save him in time in time for what this particular moment you realize Simba and Nala have been running away from the hyenas for a while now right my point is Mufasa could have saved them at any one of those points but didn't or was unable to conveniently for this convenient sin you've chosen the point he was able to do so forgetting all the other times they barely escaped death you're not making the point you think you are so Scar's plan to get Simba into the northern border actually worked but if he successfully killed Simba then what was his plan to then kill Mufasa potentially sure I mean that's what ended up happening anyway but if he didn't Mufasa would have to sire another Heir or die and transfer the crown to scar you deliberately disobeyed me you just said that two minutes ago deliberately disobeyed me this is a repetitive ad or a copy paste screenwriter discuss says the guy that starts off every single video with the logo sin wow scar found a way to get nature itself on board with his musical number sinning be prepared that's worth these many sins maybe frightened wildebeest would Stampede down into a Gulch like this maybe they wouldn't I have my doubts but my real question is with a rich that's steep how come half of them aren't falling and slipping and rolling all the way down this steep ass goddamn rock surface um because wildebeests are pretty good at this sort of thing tons of clear area to the right here but Simba also went to the Prometheus School running away from things I don't think anything annoys me more about modern film discourse than the insistence that characters behave perfectly especially when under stress if characters don't have flaws or make mistakes why would you watch them who the hell wants to watch a movie called The Perfect puffingtons where nothing happens because everyone does everything perfectly Simba is for any length of time able to outrun the hurt Jeremy is unaware that lions run at the same speed as wildebeests and that this one had a head start the king well this movie has some balls the death of Mufasa is something very few cartoons are willing to do it's plot appropriate it's dramatic so we will remove five sins despite that those remove sins only to immediately undermine the removal cliche do you have that one fake Bird Man huh what no we didn't have that one and why the hell am I a fake ah I was nowhere near this untrusting when he showed up in my Cloverfield Paradox video run away and never return question why doesn't he just kill and or eat Simba right now there are no Witnesses and if he's telling him to run away there's obviously a benefit for scar to having Simba out of the picture and he's a wimpy baby lion who you already tried to have killed earlier anyway so why send away alive the one dude that can challenge your claim to the throne this is so much worse than monologuing what this is even worse than not killing him why didn't you kill him six seconds ago why are you letting this turn into a game for the hyenas you want him dead right they're the fools that fill you last time dawg am I to believe that you have never seen this film and are only now reviewing it for the first time in 2015 because that's the only possible way these two sins make any logical sense but even then upon scar plainly refuting the previous sin yeah left it in the video Simba has to climb this to avoid the hyenas but the movie gloss is over that and he's at the top before they even catch up probably because cats can climb things and hyenas cannot says who conveniently forgets that scar punched him into a rock a minute ago when this started getting real it's almost like he forgets the guy has all the markings of a True Villain that this is what he won it all along and he was probably responsible for it even if he suspects scar which would be a weird thing to suspect considering Mufasa was killed by wildebeests what the hell is he going to do about it he's a bird buzzards start swirling around an animal that is clearly not dead and hasn't begun to Decay for them to be attracted to it yet that is not how vultures work they will follow a stranded animal and wait for it to die in addition to Scavenging already dead creatures in fact vultures love following Lions specifically because they kill other animals that they'll attempt to scavenge and they absolutely will eat a lion that appears to be dead what Jeremy isn't showing you is that this is what Simba currently looks like to moon and Pumba ex machina but my question is why do they even give us a blatant scene manipulation Timon and Pumbaa answer your question explicitly and you cut it out of the video it means no worries for the rest of your days we promise that's not bad wait that was funny dude what the [ __ ] were you seriously about to remove a sin while he was singing have you not created Jeremy sings in a video cliche yet holy [ __ ] you sounded like me for a second cause I am you yeah idiot what kind of books of universe is this oh man we got a lot of work to do anyway Jeremy sings in a video cliche that was a lot of sins man you patting my sin count bro cute song but shaving his claws down like this is a horrible idea that only endangers him further out here in the wild you don't it's almost like being a mongoose he doesn't give a dick about what endangers the dangerous line and only about his own safety like he intimated at the beginning of this scene not in front of the kids oh so it's completely okay to show and sound out farts on screen just not call them by their name gotcha I mean it's possible the next lyric was sharded Hakuna Matata glosses over the thing that made to moon and Outcast did he murder a family of four I bet he murdered a family of four typically when making these videos I do a ton of research especially those regarding animals because I love learning about them irrespective of my job here on YouTube but for this film I've seen it so many times I didn't really feel the need to do much I said all that to say this Timon is a meerkat one of the most obvious parts of a meerkat's behavior is that they look out for others to me this means it's blatantly obvious that Timon is an outcast because he failed at his job now I haven't looked that up and it doesn't really matter because CinemaSins is not the Arbiter of film criticism so I don't have to take everything they say seriously unlike the stands oh God he's here too silence you but I'm willing to put my intuition to the test and allow the audience to fact check me there go on why is Timon an outcast let me know in the comments section how A Bug's Life should have ended I mean Hopper was kind of eaten by a bird Simba definitely wasn't interesting during the time he grew into an adult so we'll tell that story and dissolves as he walks across along brav this movie is an hour and 30 minutes do you really need unnecessary Side Story stuff wait a minute don't answer that the answer is yes so you can [ __ ] on it for no reason scar wanted to be king for some reason or food surely he had enough more women um knowing scar definitely not so what the hell did he want from being King at least King Claudius wanted to get a wife out of the deal I don't see what Scar's motive is the only thing he did was make the hyenas and lions live together and then prophets what do you mean surely he had enough food how do you know that for sure I mean he wasn't exactly emaciated but he damn sure wasn't as yoked as Mufasa and are you implying scar is gay I mean I know members of the LGBT like to ship and fantasize about certain characters representing their Community but you're hetero so you're pandering in a video where you [ __ ] on a trans person ninja magic medicine monkey is so ninja I wonder why any of this movie had to happen and I'm left wondering what the hell Rafiki could have done to scar to prevent it [Music] movie about remote African animals simply jam-packed with pop culture references you know for kids actually for adults I keep telling you that kids movies often compact with references that adults can enjoy as well the irony is that you are always suggesting these are films only kids will see but then you make a video on them you're calling yourself and your audience children is what I'm saying thankfully for the resolution of the story Nala wanders really [ __ ] far from The Pride lands to hunt and does so on the huge continent of Africa in the exact Direction Where Simba is phew close one there I see we're ignoring the passage of time you yourself pointed out earlier my point is that Nala hasn't come here once in the three to four years it's taken Simba to reach sexual maturity so this convenience and you're attempting to make doesn't hold much water you're also forgetting the plot Scar's rule has created a drought that forced Nala to hunt this far out also Nala a freaking force of nature lioness can't catch up to a freaking warthog in addition to lions and wildebeest Jeremy doesn't know how fast an agile warthogs are I'm not saying they always Escape Lions but it's just about 50 50. by the way Simba should get his ass kicked in this fight he's been living the Hakuna Matata life remember he hasn't never had to hunt or do anything bad as entire life doesn't really matter he's still a healthy adult male lion males are significantly larger and stronger than the females of the species If This Were reality Nala's ass would be As Dead As Fried Chicken wait a minute Pumbaa was food a minute ago are you telling me if someone vouches for him he ceases to be food [Music] I realized they knew each other as kids and were betrothed even as kids and that they're still the only two lions way out here but still this hey I recognize you now I love you seems rushed as hell it's called being in heat something you've never experienced apparently Tim if you don't do something soon everyone will starve okay why can't you do something why can only the heir to the throne we just now Learned was alive do something because not only is he the remaining piece of evidence that scar was lying males are significantly larger and stronger than the females of the species If This Were reality he's alive and I'll show him to you Rafiki gets Simba's hopes up again only to show him the idea of his dad being alive as one of those metaphorical things I think Simba would have been happier with one of those Hogwarts paintings of living dead people he lives in the power was inside you all along cliche again another two sins for the same concept Rafiki telling Simba that his father was still alive was an obvious nod to the he lives in you thing something you clearly recognize because you pointed it out so you've just said the same thing twice and doubled the sins you know you can do that in a single sin blurb right cool part of the movie I suppose but would Simba have gone back to claim his throne without this Supernatural dad Vision I feel like his character would have been stronger if he hadn't needed this Vision to make the choice am I alone here yes you are alone here most people understand the need for motivation why the heck do you think we follow fit chicks on IG doing pointless exercises that aren't actually targeting muscle groups so they can yell about the creeps watching them in the gym no it's so that we can creep on them without them even knowing about it Simba's going home but you know what this inspiring enough let's add a shooting star you know what we need another okay one more and we'll call it a perfect shot thank you it's amazing how you live in Tennessee but I've never actually experienced the Wilderness without any light pollution in case you were unaware there are millions of meteors in our Sky every single night considering the African Savannah doesn't have a drop of light pollution you should see shooting stars in every night scene the real Sin is that there weren't more you guys have to create a diversion oh really what did you plan to do if Timon and Boombah didn't make the trip something else next question tell me it's not true it's true Simba tells the truth but somehow doesn't give the full story one that he would easily be forgiven for even if it's 100 True you'd think as an adult he'd be like my stupid little kid Roar caused a bunch of wildebeest to Stampede I think not the point of the scene is that Simba still feels responsible for his father's death after having been gaslit by Scar and left a stew on it for a few years and let's be clear here Mufasa's death doesn't happen if Simba wasn't there in the first place I mean are you not watching this movie are you just skimming through it he was there to save his son and if his son was home where he was supposed to be Mufasa might still be alive he is partially to blame that is not a lie well it's over now Benson has joined the battle Jeremy makes a pop culture record are you talking to me now they're in Florida hey call me stop Peg finally taxi driver and In the Heat of the Night together at last Jeremy sends a movie for making a pop culture reference after literally just doing one himself villain does some [ __ ] to justify the good-hearted Heroes straight up killing them cliche in other words a villain I'm sorry I want him to win for sure but Simba has never been in a fight unless during that unimportant time where he was walking across a log in age five years he somehow joined a dojo or something we didn't see he should get his ass kicked right here such a weird assortment of criticism have you ever seen scar in a fight I know you haven't seen the sequels and spin-offs at this point so where is the idea that scar should win coming from because you're using the same logic for Simba that we didn't see him fighting these are lion's dog they fight on Instinct you literally raise cats do you think your house cat doesn't instinctually know how to defend itself arranged marriages are always accurate and perfect and you shouldn't fight them I don't know I think if someone were to arrange a marriage between me and karuchi it would be perfect and she shouldn't fight it foreign thank you
Channel: Th3Birdman
Views: 43,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie review, Review, Everything Wrong With Everything Wrong With, CinemaSins, Cinema Sins, CinemaSins Sins, Cinema Sins sins, Th3Birdman, Th3 Birdman, Birdman, Th3Birdman CinemaSins
Id: _emX3NEx-6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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