Everything Thru-Hikers Need to Know About the CDT: Continental Divide Trail Q&A

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Hey everyone, it’s Sauce. And today I'm doing a Q&A based on questions that you all asked me on Instagram and YouTube. As we approach a new hiking season and a new class of thru hikers is ready to embark on America's best long trails. I am acutely aware of the pre hike jitters that come along with that. A million questions begin to run through your head, or at least that you do mine. And sometimes hearing from someone who's been through it can be the insight that you need to just take a step back and relax and enjoy this exciting time. Because of that, I decided to answer some questions on what you can expect on the Continental Divide Trails, specifically. Like I said, I pulled my Instagram and YouTube communities to see what their most pressing questions were about through hiking the Continental Divide trail the questions cover a wide range of topics. they range from the ever present dilemma of whether you should hike north or south best and worst resupply spots on the CD. Where to send boxes on the CDT? You what CDs you alternates. You should take how to deal with the water sources on the CDT. You. What did you about bears on the CDT? Comparing the CDT to the PC and more. These answers are based on my experience hiking the CDT northbound in 2022, so keep that in mind as we go through all the questions. obviously, the trail changes every year and your experience and literal mileage may vary. So first up, nobo versus so on the CDT you flip flopping and start date questions should you hike the CDT northbound or southbound? Well, I personally hiked the CDT northbound. Many agree that the CDT is inherently more of a southbound trail. will work best for you will depend on a lot of factors that are typically determined in the winter before you hike, so not always in advance enough for you to make a decision. Northbound or southbound with that information. A lot of it depends on the Colorado in Montana snowpacks in knowing what they're going to be like in any given summer is almost impossible to determine until March of each year. you can kind of gauge trends, but you're not going to know exactly where it's going to fall. of course, that time frame doesn't leave a lot of time for people hoping to hike northbound, typically starting in mid-April. My general answer to this question is frustratingly just. It depends. year that I hiked up in to be a very frustrating year to hike southbound, they dealt with a lot of snow, a late season snowstorm in Montana, because of that, a lot of snow melt in the bottom Marshall Wilderness, which means water crossings, very challenging. And then when they got to the sand ones, our monsoon season in Colorado was very late that year, which meant they dealt with a lot more storms than you typically would on a top down through hike. And then when they got to the HeLa, it was flooded. So they had to take the high route through that section, which I think is kind of just a bummer. Taking the Hilo alternate is really just so gorgeous. It's worth going back for it in my opinion. There is also a bear closure in Glacier when they went through because a cow had gotten loose or out somehow they died over the winter froze and then they were thawing out and basically create an all you can eat grizzly bear buffet. So there were entire sections of glacier that were closed. Some people had a roadblock in Glacier, which absolute bummer. So obviously not the best year for South bound, but that isn't always the case. typically hiking southbound requires hiking a little bit faster but result in like a better weather window overall because you leave from Montana ideally in mid-June and because it's lower in elevation, you don't have to deal with quite too much snow. You can typically make it through Colorado in the sand ones, hopefully before super late in September when we start to get our first snows of the year. And then you can kind of take your time in New Mexico or speed through it now that you have true legs. And honestly, some of those roadblocks would have been really nice to have your legs on and just kind of run through them. On the other hand, hiking north on I think mid April makes the most sense to start. You're going to be at least some of the desert heat that way without getting to the sand ones and Colorado super early. So you've got about 800 miles of New Mexico to hike before you hit the Colorado border, which is where the same ones begin. We ended up having 150 mile fire closure at the end of New Mexico, which put us to the same ones way too early. We were there in late May, and even though snow was melting really fast, the year that we hiked, it was still a lot to deal with. We made it through, but it wasn't ideal conditions. Although in any six month thru hike, I don't think you're going to get ideal conditions in every single section. That's just not the way it's set up. that being sat in an above average snow year or even like a typical snow year, we might not have been able to make it through the season lines in late May and we would have had to flip or wait. It out quite a while. So that's why Northland isn't really always the best way to go, because it's really hard not to hit the sand ones too early. you do happen to go northbound in a really high snow year and you hit the sea and one's way too early, there are lower elevation alternate options. However, personally I would recommend avoiding those at all costs if it's the only way you can keep hiking, of course keep hiking, but going to miss out on so much. The same ones doing something like the creek cut off. In my opinion. All that said, I do think southbound is the more reasonable way to typically hike this trail. you can navigate through Montana in typically reasonable snow conditions. You hit Colorado after the worst of monsoon season. It typically peaks the first week of August. And then slows down after that. you can use your well-earned thru hiking legs to show those New Mexico roadblocks whose boss the low snowpack in Montana this year, I do think south will be a logical approach because you could start a little bit earlier and they might have some struggles with fires later in the season. my argument for a northbound hike would be in the event that Colorado has a lower than typical snow year, while Montana has a higher one and you can still get through the season ones in a reasonable amount of time and getting New Mexico out of the way first, which I personally really liked having that done and finishing at Glacier. So really it just depends on what you're able to tolerate and what you're okay with dealing with. Another question I got was about the best flip flop options on the Cty, and I can't speak to that from personal experience, but I can say what I would potentially do if I had been in a different situation I was starting northbound from the New Mexico Mexico border in April. I think it could make sense to hike all the way to Colorado and then flip from there. If you again are in a situation where the San Juan has really high snow and it's not going to make a lot of sense to go through, you could flip up to Montana or if you got there as early as we did in 2022, in late May, you would might want to take a week or two off and then flip South. Either way, you would hopefully end up with less snow in Montana than are currently in the same Y mountains, which would really be the only reason to do this kind of flip flop, in my opinion. If you're hiking southbound, I don't really see any logical reasons for a flip flop or really I can't think of one that makes a lot of sense. Something else that happened a lot the year that we were hiking was people hiked north to the New Mexico Colorado border and then they flipped up to the Great Divide Basin and filled that entrance. Sometimes that will have less snow than anywhere else on the trail. In that time frame, however, I feel like flips like this kind of just introduce a lot of logistical challenges and in my opinion, end up taking more time than they save and kind of disrupt your footpath, which I think can be a whole mental hurdle to overcome. So personally, the only one I'd really consider probably is hiking north to the New Mexico Colorado border and then flipping up to Montana and hiking back south. If you're hoping to vote up because you're worried you're not going to make it to Canada in time, kind of depends how you actually are. But keep in mind that there are definitely several alternate options up north that can shorten your hike. So you could kind of take a short cut into flip flopping if that's going to be easier from a logistical perspective. Next question is when to start the CBT. And I think I kind of touched on this already, but just to summarize, if I was hiking northbound, I would start in mid April. So it's not too hot in the desert and I'm also not getting to the same ones too early. And if I was hiking southbound, I wouldn't want to start any later than mid-June personally, because I get afraid of snow at high elevations and I wouldn't want to be super worried about being able to get through Colorado before October heads. And we definitely even get snowstorms in late September. So for me, in mid-June is kind of like the latest. I'd want to start southbound, although people definitely start in early July. It just kind of depends on how fast you're able or willing to go. Next up, alternates. Which alternate should I take on this EDT? I actually did a YouTube video about my favorite alternates, so you can check that out if you're interested. However, I think the answer to this question in general ultimately depends on what you're hoping to get out of the trail. Sometimes I just really mentally needed a shortcut, so I took the shortest option possible to get between point A to point B or just with resupply options that made the most sense. So we weren't carrying an obscene amount of food. sometimes I really needed scenery. So I would pick the most scenic route from point A to point B, or I would take the long way just to get my feet off of roadblocks. To summarize my favorite alternates, they are the Gila River alternate. More people take this, I think, than the actual CDT, and it's one of the most gorgeous places I have ever backpacked Narrows Rim Trail. This one gets you off the especially long road walk on the way into Grant's New Mexico, and it's also beautiful and rugged and requires some light route finding. So if that's your thing, definitely want to check that out. Circling the towers. This is the most badass introduction to the Wind River range. You could hope for, in my opinion. Don't let the rumors of the blowdown scare you away. they're still there, it's worth navigating through them to do this. Look at the towers. That's calls also in the main river range in this deadline requires extra time, extra effort and extra route finding actually quite a bit of route finding, but it's 1,000% worth it. Every ounce of extra effort that you put into it, you will get back out of it. In my opinion. mix is in a kind of cut off. This one will save you time towards the end of the trail and take you through the amazing town of Anaconda, Montana. I think it cuts about 80 miles, but it also contains wonderful sections of the Anaconda Panther Wilderness. And Anaconda has one of the best hostels I've ever been to. So definitely recommend another bonus alternate if you have time and are interested in going. The Colorado 14 years are really fun side trips. There's lots of opportunities for bonus miles and peaks along the CBD in Colorado. Another question I got was how do you figure out all of this alternate? I think the figuring out said alternates looks a little bit different for every hiker, kind of depending on their preference. But personally I use a combination of far out. Jonathan Lane maps and then sort of my own DIY route finding for the alternates. It's very straightforward. They're already programed into the app and they're just a different color line. There's usually a lot of comments about what you can expect on that alternate and you just follow it the same way you would a typical far out route. often use these when they were a bit shorter or they were more scenic or they offered more opportunities for water. That is a huge one on this 80. There are also a lot of alternates that sort of spring up from far out comments like as more and more hikers hike the city every year, people will discover their own alternates and they will leave comments on different waypoints saying, hey, I took this towards this direction and found X, Y, and Z. And if you have another map that has to oppose and you feel confident following the directions in that comment, that's another option for alternates that you can definitely take if you're wanting to just spice up your day, which I definitely did sometimes, especially if they promise, again, more water, less miles or more scenery, as I mentioned. You can also follow the Jonathan Lee maps. He spent years hiking the seeds and refining his maps and has taken input from other hikers and created a very extensive network of alternates and waypoints on the seeds here. They these maps have existed for long before any of the other three hiking maps that I'm aware of and have been created for the sole purpose of thru hiking the city over the years. He's annotated many really amazing alternates that a lot of thru hikers commend as one of their favorite parts of the trail. You can also find the start of a lot of the Johnathan Lee Alt in far out comments but it's best to have the map obviously so you know where you're going once you leave the far outlying. I'll put some instructions on how to get those maps in the description of this video. are also, like I said, my DIY alternates, and I think that spirit of the CDC is a bit different from other long trails in that it sort of encourages adaptations and often it's just because of the nature of the way the trail is in its early stages right now. And you see something up ahead that looks interesting and you think you can reasonably reconnect back to trail when you're examining your toes, give it a shot. Go visit the things you want to visit and go see. The things you want to see. Have fun with the seeds and get lost as long as you can find your way back. Next up, we are talking food and resupply on the Sidoti. One question that I got a few times is what is the average resupply? think the average resupply on the CDT is right around five days in between towns. I do feel like this is a little bit longer than the 80 and the PCT on average. I think on the BCT, I could go like four days pretty commonly. And from what I hear about the 80, you can easily do like two or three days. Like both trails, you occasionally do have options to shorten your resupply or skip towns completely, so lengthen it. But I do think that the CVT more often pushes the limit in between towns and has less options than the other trails. There were very few times that we only went 2 to 3 days between towns, which I hear is very common on the 80. This is mostly in like central Colorado, there were several times where we went 8 to 9 days between towns, which I feel like really only happens like once maybe on the PCT. You. while the PCT does have a few longer carries like in the Sierra, I found that they were just a lot more frequent on the S.D. Going 100 plus miles in between towns definitely was not uncommon on the sea here and was almost kind of the norm. So that leads me to the longest food carry that I did on the CDC, and that was about nine days between Lander in Dubois, Wyoming. was 160 miles through the Wind River range. And we did choose to skip a town. There is a resupply option in the middle of the winds if you go out to Pinedale, Wyoming. But this requires like a 20 plus mile side trip and a semi unreliable hitch. So we looked 160 miles. We were like, we're in pretty good shape. We could probably do it. We love the winds. We kind of don't want to like leave in the middle of it anyway. So we decided to give it a shot. We're hoping to make it through in seven days, and that's how much food we brought in. That was an average of about 23 miles a day, which is fairly reasonable for a through hike. But the winds can slow you down in several different ways, which is what ended up happening to us. We had some really rough storms that ended up cutting days short. There was one day when we were planning and feeling good and felt like we were going to hit our mileage, but we ended up only making it 40 miles because we hiked through like 3 hours of a storm and it just wasn't letting up. And then we also decided to take some more scenic alternate, which took a little bit longer. They were scrambling, they were route finding and we didn't really want to pass those opportunities up, even though we knew we might not have enough food. So our backup plan was to leave out of a trailhead. But again, we knew as a semi unreliable hitch, but we knew we were going to hit it on a weekend and we had been there before and knew that it could actually get fairly crowded. So we were like, We'll just figure it out when we get there if we need to. Luckily, we ended up being able to get food from some people who were bailing off of the hydro. Unfortunately, they were dealing with altitude sickness and they had to leave. But that meant that they had a bunch of extra backpacking food, which they very generously shared with us. So everything ended up working out perfectly and ended up taking us nine days and we had plenty of food for those nine days. It was honestly a lot of fun, but I did feel pretty rank by the end of those nine days, and that was my biggest complaint about being out for that long. that brings us to the next question, which is what is the hardest resupply on the CVT and where should you send boxes? so we did prep for the towns where we felt like we would need boxes. And so I felt like all of our resupply is we're fine because the places where we needed boxes to supplement, we did have them but there are definitely a few tart on the side that leave a lot to be desired by way of grocery stores. So here's a list of where we sent boxes and why and how I felt about the fact that we sent boxes there. So in New Mexico, we sent a box of pie town. You really honestly don't have another option in Pie Town besides maybe heading out of town. And there's not a lot of traffic that goes through there. It's literally dirt roads through the entire town. I don't know anyone who left to go get food. I'm sure that there is a way to do it. However, there's really nothing there besides pie. Maybe you could do like a pie resupply challenge. However, I wouldn't recommend the Miles after Pie Town are pretty miserable. You'd want real food. and if the toaster house is still accepting packages, I would definitely recommend sending them there over the post office because I remember the post office there had kind of funky hours. We sent a box to Doug Kimball's, which is in the middle of the HeLa section. We heard that they had a general store there, but it was kind of mixed reviews on what the resupply would be like. I was glad we had a box there. There was a decent resupply there. However, I heard from other hikers that it was fairly pricey to get everything you wanted. And also, you know, you're kind of just stuck with whatever there. Also, if you happen to get there after a lot of hikers go through, it's possible that they could be a little bit depleted because that is the only option. So I was happy with sending a boxer. However, I think you could get away without it, didn't send any resupply boxes in the entire state of Colorado, and I was fine with that decision. I don't think that there was any food carries where I wish that I had. Some people will send a box to the Twin Lakes General store. However, you really don't even need to resupply there just because of the distances between towns. If anything, you could supplement a little bit there. There's definitely a little bit of food. It's not a ton of options, but if you wanted to carry like, you know, a half resupply from the town before the town after, that would be a good option. in Wyoming. We did not send a box. However, I wish that we had to riverside slash encampment. There were a lot of far out comments that were saying that, like there's a grocery store slash general store that was fine and we did resupply from there. It was fine. So I guess you could get away with it. However, I do wish I had more variety and more options at that resupply point in Idaho. In Montana, we send a box to Lima, and I was very, very glad that we did the only resupply option there is like a big gas station and it's definitely catered to people on road trips like it is stocked as a gas station, not as like a through hiker gas station. You could certainly make it work again, Like you could throw some resupplies together. However, it's going to be like a lot of chips and snacks and beef jerky and for me, I just want a little bit more variety and some more real dinners and stuff than what you could get there. I would recommend at least getting like a supplemental box sent to Lima, maybe one with like your dinners and lunches, and then you could do the rest at the gas station later. Idaho is another place that we send a supplemental box. And usually these were ones where we would just tell our family like, hey, can you send us dinners and lunches? And I was glad that we did that. There was a reasonable resupply at the general store there. But again, it was more pricey and less options than what I would want to do as a full resupply. Finally we sent a box to East Glacier. There are definitely grocery stores there. There are a bit of a walk from where most hikers stay, so it's kind of nice to have your resupply in a box already. Plus, you're probably be setting yourself some like logistical things for the end of the trail if you're hiking northbound. So that's one place that I probably would still send a box, even though there is kind of a decent amount of resupply options. There of all of these locations. To more directly answer this question, I think the worst and hardest resupply would either be Peyton Town or Lima. And by town, you truly have no options besides hitchhiking out of town. in Lima, you're stuck with like a giant gas station that is not currently catering towards thru hikers. Herbivore Hiker asked How easy would a vegan be able to resupply without mailing boxes? And I think the consensus stays the same. There are a lot of small towns and there are a lot of low selection resupply points, so I would definitely send boxes to all the places that I mentioned and maybe consider supplemental boxes to some of the smaller towns along the way as well. Just because there are smaller grocery stores, smaller gas stations that you're going to be resupplying from and you want to make sure that you're still getting the food that you need. Moving on to water questions. Did you ever run out of water on a CD? I'd actually did run out of water a few times on the CD due to no other reason than my own stupidity and lack of foresight. I ran out of water on the way out of Grand New Mexico. I got distracted because we were hiking straight out of town with like a big group of friends, and I think I just kind of, like, forgot that I needed to look at where our first water source was and sort of just assumed there would be one within, you know, 5 to 10 miles. So I only packed out like a liter and a half it turns out that our first water source was not for 16 miles. And it was a hot afternoon, and I definitely paid the price. I was very thirsty. By the time I finally got to the cow trough. So it was like a huge climb really high afternoon. And I went through that liter and a half very quickly to the point where like most of us actually made that mistake that day, we just kind of didn't think about it. We were having too much fun and that was almost really bad. But we did make it to a cow trough and we all ended up kind of deciding to stay there instead of hiking up to Mount Taylor, which had originally been the plan. And I think that was ended up being the right move. But yeah, being out of water was not fun. I also ran out of water one day in Colorado when I forgot to check again where our next water source was. We've started that morning at a lake, but I just kind of got lulled into a false sense of security. Being in Colorado, you kind of just assume there's going to be water. But the thing about hiking in the city is you are atop the divide a lot of the time, especially in Colorado. This is also true in Idaho. And what happens when you're atop the divide is all the water is running down. So you don't really cross any water sources because they're all below you. And so I only had like a liter for maybe like 10 to 12 miles that day. It was in the morning. It was okay. But again, it wasn't fun. Most of the time I did carry a generous amount of water because I was too afraid of becoming dehydrated. But another area that they can really sneak up on you is in Idaho. So be sure to start checking those water sources, especially in New Mexico, especially in the Great Divide Basin and especially on the border with Idaho. There's also a sneaky dry stretch right after San Luis Peak in Colorado. this is my related question. Someone asked, How bad are the water sources on the cty and how to survive the city as a water snob? And I will say that the water on the CDT is certainly not as nice as the city where I imagine the 80 again can't really speak from experience. There. You can afford to be a little bit more picky. I feel like on the pig in the water sources are certainly much more frequent, although there are dry stretches on that trail as well. However, as long as you pay attention and plan and have adequate carrying capacity, that's huge. Because even if you know that there's not a water source for 25 miles, if you only have three liters of capacity, that's probably not going to be enough. think it's survivable. I would personally recommend at least five liters of carrying capacity in New Mexico in the basin. I used five liters worth several times. again, don't get lulled into a false sense of security in Yellowstone, because as soon as you had that Idaho border, it dries out and you're going to need carrying capacity again. As far as being a water snob, though, you're either going to have to take a lot of extra time to filter, carry a lot more in between sources so that you can skip sources. Or, to be frank, get over it. There will be nasty sources that you have to drink from that are like the only source in, you know, a 60 mile stretch. And in my opinion, that's kind of the fun of the city. It wouldn't be the CDT if it wasn't a little bit miserable. so as masochistic as it sounds, I kind of came to enjoy how nasty the water sources would look sometimes because I knew I could handle that. Like I had the right set up. I could make sure that I could make that water safe to drink. And it kind of became a fun laugh between your fellow through hikers. another day of the kitty, another pond filled with cow shit that we have to drink from. But overall, I do think that the water sources on the CVT and how terrible they are is a little bit overblown. Like there's ways to drink water, perfectly accessible, perfectly fine. I don't think it's quite as bad as the reputation makes it seem. Next up, we are talking trail towns. People ask what is the best trail town on the city and what trail town can we simply not miss? I personally love trail towns. They are, in my opinion, one of the best parts of through hiking the trail. when I was in my entire life would I have ever visited Lima, Montana, and had the best day of my life. Or Rawlins, Wyoming. And gotten the worst hangover of my life These are places you would typically go, and there's a lot to be seen in trail towns. CTT Trail Town specifically are kind of a special breed because a lot of them don't yet fully know about the trail. Some locals will know, some don't. It's kind of hit or miss, and each state, I think, has distinctly different vibes along the CDT. You and it's honestly pretty hard for me to narrow it down to just one trail town. So I'm going to go over like each state and which ones I really liked. In New Mexico, despite Peyton being like one of the worst resupplies, I think it's a can't miss town on the. There's something really unique and quirky about it that just makes it part of this experience. And I think a lot of that has to do with the your house. Unfortunately, Anita passed away this past year and she was a lot of what made the Toast her house really special. So I do hope that it has that same spirit moving forward and I would definitely recommend a visit as long as it's still running. And again, hopefully the new caretakers carry on Anita's spirit because that was definitely what made that town very special as well as obviously all of the pie reserve. New Mexico is an optional stop. lot of people did not stop there and hiked straight through it. However, it's in the middle of a really long stretch and I really couldn't fathom not having a break at that point. And it was right after we walked through an active forest fire. It was just very much needed and the locals there ended up being incredible. Like we had so much fun in that town. The place that we stayed was awesome and I'm really just very happy that we ended up hanging out on reserve. New Mexico. I think we took a00 there, actually, and it was a lot of fun in Colorado. I definitely loved Lake City, Colorado. It's not really an optional stop, like you're going to want to stop there after hiking all the way from Chama. it's charming and it's remote and it's one of the last little mountain towns in Colorado that hasn't been overtaken by a commercialization. Another must stop in Colorado, in my opinion, is Leadville. With the way that towns start popping up like left and right in central Colorado, I think some people might opt to skip Leadville just because it's around a lot of other towns. But I would definitely recommend making that one of the ones you start that it's the home to Valens Ana, which is that place that has like a cult following and the Through Hager world. And it also has a great hostel and a lot of different food options. And I just I don't know, there's something about Leadville that's just cute and quirky. It's also like one of the highest towns or maybe the highest town in the United States. of honorable mentions in Colorado, just because I really do love a lot of the towns here. I'm a little bit biased, obviously, since I live here, but just to make it a little bit more brief, I would definitely also submit Pagosa Springs, fly to Twin Lakes in Grand Lake Wyoming. Lander, Wyoming was definitely my favorite town in that state. Landers The gateway to the Wind River range in it is an awesome visit. has everything you could need as a through hiker. There's some really great outfitters there just because it is so close to the Wind River range and it has great food and a lot of different options for where to stay. Overall, I just linders a cool town and I would go back even not on a through hike. Pinedale is also really cool and I have visited Pinedale before, but I skipped it on this. But if you're doing like the Wind River Hydro or something like that, definitely recommend Pinedale as well. Idaho and Montana. little. Idaho was one of the most fun towns that we stopped in, honestly, on the trail, and I had to give Idaho at least one mention. I think we just didn't really stop. In many Idaho towns, when you're on the border, you end up stopping in Montana, even if you're hiking in Idaho. but the Mustang Inn definitely made our day. And later, it's a family starting like a little bed and breakfast. And it was perfect for hikers. Everything is so close together. I really love trail towns where everything is walkable because it's so small and let our definitely fits that bill Lima, Montana, again, a town that is scarce as far as resupply options, definitely still made my list of favorite trail towns because it's so small and I had the best steak of my life the Pete Saloon and Steak House. there's only one place to stay. And there's not one gas station. the town kind of gives you the vibes of like, this is why it through hiking is about these tiny little Western towns you would literally never visit otherwise. mixes in a lot of Montana pillars. Portal Hostel is honestly one of the best hostels that I've ever seen. An anaconda is worth a stop just for that. Next is Agusta, Montana. Again, this is one of those towns that just like embodies what three hiking is to me. It's so small that everything is right next door to each other. The locals are great. There's a little bit of town drama if you happen to get lucky like we did, we stayed in this weird, quirky, but big Airbnb that was super cheap. So we each paid like $20 and all stayed for two nights, which was a lot of fun. Honorable mention to Darby. If you watch Yellowstone, that's where the Yellowstone Ranch is, which is kind of cool to see when you're driving into town. it also the Montana Cafe definitely lived up to the hype for me. You'll see it in the far out comments. Giant pancakes, slushies breakfast, worth at least two stops. Next up is questions about preparation. Specifically, the first one is about how to prepare for the Colorado snowpack this year on the city. according to polls to lower the Colorado snowpack on the CD is currently below average, which makes sense compared to what I've been seeing up here in Summit County. We definitely haven't been getting as much snow this year. And it's also, according to Post Heller, currently lower snowpack than it was this time in 2022, which is the year that I hiked. And I think if you're hiking northbound and you hit the sand ones in early June, it'll definitely be doable. You'll probably want an ice action spikes. But considering we went through in late May on a year with a higher snowpack, I think you'll be totally fine. That being said, it wasn't melting really fast The year that we went through. Like you can see on the graph, it's like just a steep drop off, which doesn't always happen. There are a lot of like windstorms that blew dirt onto the snow and then made it melt faster. So definitely keep an eye on it still. But I think if you make it to the same ones in early June, you should be good to go. will say, though, that the same ones are sneakier than a trail like the city because the city tries to stay atop the divide as much as possible, whereas the PCT follows a more of a path and valley route through this year. So you could kind of prepare like we have a path that's going to be a lot of snow. We'll deal with it, you know, as we get higher and elevation, the CDC kind of stays high in elevation and it's really like the north and northeasterly facing slopes that are going to start to pose problems for you. And so those are a little harder to plan and monitor throughout the day besides bringing the right tools like an ice ax and micro spikes and knowing how and when to use them. I would say the other thing you can do to prepare is by having good topo maps so that you can actually just avoid some of the steeper snow slopes if they seem to sketch you to cross. I did that several times where there were reports of really steep and kind of precarious snow situations, and I just looked at my tollbooths and figured out how to navigate around it. So I just didn't have to deal with it, although that was a lot of work and extra time. So just be prepared for that. Another question I got was how long should a first time thru hiker prepare and train for the CTA? And honestly, this is going to vary a ton by person. I do think this is more physically challenging than any other trail that I've done so far. So I would definitely put a lot of time and effort as much as you can into training for it, especially as a first time thru hiker. However, I knew many first time thru hikers that I met on the CDT. It was their first trail and they rocked it. They crushed it. So it's absolutely possible. I would say just get in as good of shape as you can, especially try and get miles in with your backpack on and you're going to be fine. Next is what is the hardest part of the city to you logistically? I personally think that the hardest part of it, logistically speaking, is following the trail in certain sections because it's so new and things are changing and you know, there's not as much awareness about it. I think there's a high need for trail maintenance in certain sections, sometimes the trail does just disappear altogether. I never truly felt like I was lost. It's just like more annoying than anything. Like it gets a little bit bushwhacking or you kind of have to keep an eye on your map to make sure you're continuing in the right direction rather than relying on like a trail being there. so it certainly can cause a lot of frustration, even if you're not getting truly lost. I do think that over time this is improving every single year. And like I said, it's more of an annoyance than anything. Getting to the southern terminus of the CDT is also certainly a logistical challenge. It's a long drive done a very rough dirt road, like two plus hours down dirt roads, and the closest town is Lordsburg. And the directions are a little bit confusing and your GPS can definitely send you the wrong way. personally would definitely recommend using the CDC is shuttle over having like a family member friend to take you just because they know what they're doing. They know the way there and they have capable vehicles. If you have a friend who's like fairly confident in their vehicle and really wants to take you where you really want to be taken by someone, I would just say have maps downloaded, have several different directions downloaded, and make sure you are really like paying attention because it's kind of easy to get lost. up is gear questions. What backpacking gear would you have changed on a CD? Specifically, someone asks one thing that you wish you had brought or one thing you wish you had left behind. This one's kind of easy for me. I wish I had left behind one of the sleeping paths that I carried. I carried a foam pad, Any blow, a pad which was redundant and unnecessary. One thing that I wish I had brought up was an urge sack. I was resistant to the idea first because of the added cost and added weight. But honestly it got really annoying and sometimes really difficult to hang your food every night in grizzly country. When you're hiking 30 miles a day. It's just another chore added on to go and have to hang your food properly in a tree. There's caveats here which I'll get to, but especially in the West, a lot of times it's these pine trees that don't have the best branches. You wind up having to do like a tree hanging or walking around a lot to find a tree with a reasonable branch to do it adequate hang. And so if you have like no other option, it can be sometimes dangerous, especially in grizzly country. I wish I would have made several of my nights a lot easier, although I would still hang in or sack in a lot of scenarios. Like if I saw a bear activity that day, I would definitely still want to hang my horse act because even if you tie in or sack properly to a tree, if a bear smells it and they start like piling on it and getting at it, your food is probably still going to be ruined. Even if they don't get the reward of actually eating it, which is good. It saves the bear. But on the CDT, you could be several days away from a town in another resupply and you might have a bag full of inedible food. So if I was nervous, I would probably still hanging up a sack, but it would have been nice to have it still on nights where one there were no trees or two there are no good branches to still have some way to protect my food. then just to add on to this question, and one thing I was really happy that I brought was the Sun umbrella, especially in New Mexico, in the Great Divide Basin. So me asked what my pack weight was on the seeds and basically it was around £13 that I think was higher because of the camera gear that I brought. Without that camera gear, it would probably been closer to £10. next section is questions about motivation. So when you ask what are the most common reasons that people quit the CDC and how do you overcome them? This is purely speculation because I don't really know the most common reason that people quit the CDC. I feel like a lot of people come out. They're pretty prepared because their experienced and they've probably through hiked before. But if I had to guess, my guess would be that the most common reason is injury. and how you're going to prevent injuries. Honestly on the it is proper training having the right shoes, whitening your pack and listening to your body when things start to get kind of tough. also think that people will probably quit the CDC because it can be pretty miserable at times. The CDC, in my opinion, just takes the brutality of their hiking up another level in basically every single regard. So if you're out there for like a big, happy, fun adventure, I don't know that the CDC is going to be the right trail. It certainly provides that. But there is a lot of challenge along the way. Combine that with the fact that there are a lot less hikers on the CDC, I think morale is just something that is tougher on that trail. the moments where I was especially miserable, I tried to remember why I came out there in the first place, and that was to prove to myself that I could do something really hard like this. And quitting would have obviously been proving to myself that I couldn't do it. So in a nutshell, I'm very competitive and stubborn, and that helped me through the misery of this easy. next question is how did you stay motivated? is kind of related to my answer of the previous one. really, when I was having a bad day, I reminded myself that everything is temporary. I heard this on a podcast that Klebsiella did with backpacker radio, and it really, really helped me, matter what the miserable thing was that day, it would eventually end and I would just remind myself of that. I would also remind myself in like smaller bouts of misery that I can do like basically anything for whatever that distance was usually like shorter than a mile. So like, if it was a climb for another half a mile and I was like, really, really struggling, I was like, Well, I can do anything for half a mile. It's just half a mile. So kind of like breaking it down into smaller chunks, made it a little more digestible. And then finally, I constantly tried to remember how much tougher I was actively getting by doing these miserable things. There were so many days that I honestly did just flat out suck And I kept saying to myself, Just think how much tougher you'll be when this is done. Related to those questions as well. What was your worst day on the CBT and how did you learn from it? To be honest, there are a lot of really hard days on the CBT. As I sort of touched on, it definitely was a really tough trail for me, and there were more than a few days where I did contemplate quitting one day. That really sticks out to me was in the Great Divide building, where I'm pretty sure I was dealing with some sort of heat illness. I was getting rashes on my legs every single day. I was very nauseous. I was having diarrhea every afternoon at like 11, like clockwork. And if you have ever been to the basin or seen it, you know that there's nowhere to do that privately. So that's a little bit of a morale issue when you're like, I need to go do business, and somebody might walk up on me because there is no trees for 80 miles. And so I guess I'm just going to like walk up to the side of the trail as far as I can and hope for the best so I was nauseous, super hot, really low on energy. And simultaneously we were trying to push really big days because we didn't want to be in the basement any longer. We got to a water source on this day. It was like one of the few, like open water sources is like a big reservoir inner. Remember saying to myself, if someone drives by, I'm going to ask for a ride and I'm going to get in and I'm going to get out of this hellhole There aren't a lot of cars that come by in the basin. It's really just like big, vast, open nothingness. But there are ranchers who come through so it was a possibility. And funnily enough, a car did come by and I could not bring myself to put my thumb out in that moment. And it was in that moment that I realized I am way too stubborn to quit this trail. And after that I kind of stopped entertaining the idea as much. I realized I'm I'm not going to do it. Like there's no reason spending all this mental energy contemplating bailing when I know that I'm too stubborn to do so. So I really let my stubbornness take me pretty far. And it reinforced that everything is temporary mindset because we ended up getting through the baseline and actually look back on it pretty fondly. Surprisingly, You are also rewarded with the Win River range right after the season. And I kind of have this theory that for every ounce of beauty you get on the CDT, you pay for it in brutality. So every view you get, you earn. And it's a really accomplished feeling. At the end of the day. A related question someone asked Was your favorite salty nicknames for the trail during midday meltdowns? And I don't think I ever really called it anything specific, although now I'm inspired to develop some things I know we just like would laugh a lot and be like, It's the seeds for you. Like, things would get really bad and then something else would happen to just like, escalate it to be even worse. And we were like, Well, that's the fucking seed for you. Someone asked, How do you get the most out of the city? They want to know how to enjoy their hike to the fullest and I would say to put it simply. My advice would be to take the alternate stop at trail towns, make sure you're in shape beforehand. And other than that, it's largely out of your control. think embracing the fact that you can do nothing about how much certain days will suck and try and laugh about how bad it gets, like how I kind of talked about earlier because it will get bad. Some of my favorite moments on this ADT were literally where we were having the crappiest day possible, just like slogging through some miserable sections of trail, looking at each other like, Man, we're tired. Like, when's that's going to end? And then it would just start hailing. and then at that point you just have to laugh because of course, of course, it started hailing during this miserable section of trail. And honestly, I got a lot of enjoyment out of that. are questions comparing the CDT to the PC. first person asked What is the sun and desert intensity like on the CD versus the PC? And in general, I found the sun and desert both to be a lot more intense on the CD. The CVT follows more desert floor, especially for the first 100 miles than the PCT on the PCC. You're kind of like, go up in. There are some shrubs and trees and it feels a little bit more like high desert country, whereas this easy feels like low sandy desert. Think more sand, less trees and less water and a lot more cows. I did find the desert or the CDT to be a lot hotter, even though I hiked through it in April versus I to the desert in May on the city. is worth noting that I had a very wet year on the PCT, so that could have contributed to cooler temperatures. But overall I felt like the CDT was just like the desert turned up a couple notches. You also do have a lot more sun exposure on the CDs. Just objectively, the average elevation on the trail in Colorado is above 10,000 feet, which means you're way more exposed to the sun. You're above treeline more often, and you definitely want to make sure that you're prioritizing sun production. And then just to cover, like the main differences between the city and the city, I could probably do an entire video just on this, so I'm going to make it quick. High level summary kind of bullet points. I think the city is harder logistically, physically and mentally. I think the city has more remote sections more often than the city. The CDC definitely still has less people. The city permits are easier to get from a competitive standpoint, but logistically you're going to need to do more work. It's not just one permit, it's several that you need to like string together. And for like Yellowstone in Glacier, you really probably can't do it until you get there. So that's another factor logistically that you have to worry about. Whereas the PCC, you just get the one in, you're good for the whole trail. The people in Cedar Trail towns are definitely less likely to know what you're doing. Although awareness is spreading. city has harsher weather. I experience a lot more storms, a lot more hail and a lot more intense sun on the CVT than the city. The ZT is a lot higher in elevation for longer just by the nature of the way that trail is constructed. You're up there for a long time, so altitude is definitely a bigger factor. tread is a lot tougher. experiencing the CDC is why I finally understood why people harped so much about the PCT being graded for horses. You will get why that's a big deal once you hate the city and the CDC has more sections where trail is harder to follow. So just in general, it's kind of taking everything up a level. Next people asked about community on the CDC. What is their community? What is the culture like? And there certainly is community on the CDC. And thanks to the efforts of the trail towns and the CDC, it is growing every single year. It's certainly less than the other trails, but again, it's growing. And people definitely recognize what the CDC is and are starting to create more and more community and trail towns. I also happen to be in the 2022 through hiking bubble, which anecdotally, according to a lot of the locals, was twice the size of any bubble they'd seen before. Just for reference to me, that bubble felt similar to being in the last group of three hikers on the PCT in 2019. So for comparison, a big bubble felt like a group of stragglers on a more popular trail. We were definitely able to find community on the CDC because we were in that bubble and we really enjoyed it without ever feeling like campsites were overcrowded or towns were filled to the brim with through hikers. If you're specifically looking for a social trail, I probably wouldn't recommend this to you just because your experience could vary a lot. We talked to hikers who were a few days, a few weeks ahead of us, who had a totally different, very solitary experience compared to what we did in the bubble. However, if you are hiking the CDC anyway and you're hoping for a social experience, I think it's certainly possible that you will get it. will say trail magic was almost non-existent on the city. We got it once in the desert, but in general, don't expect trail magic out there. Next, addressing navigation. What navigation apps did you use? I sort of mentioned this in the alternate section, but I used a far out. I would say most hikers did use far out and that is definitely still it for the CDT. You However there is and I think should be more use of supplemental maps than there is on other trails. In addition to Jonathan Lane's maps, which I mentioned already and use on a vendor, I liked having another navigation app like Guide to download and use topo maps for whenever I needed it. Next up is questions about bears. How do you deal with bears on the course? I use a lot of different strategies for dealing with bears, especially in grizzly country. One, I always carry a bear spray in grizzly country and kept it completely accessible on the hip out of my fanny pack. So it's no good to you. If it's in your best, you're not going be able to reach it in time. added a dinner break to our day and usually ate dinner about a mile before camp compared to inaugurals country, where we would typically eat at camp if we didn't have time. Jesus or we kind of like ended up camping earlier than we expected. We would walk really far away from where we were sleeping to eat. We hung our food and smell bulls every single night. This is kind of like a non-negotiable for me in grizzly country. try not to night hike alone. I would periodically make noise Yellow bay. My driving pulls together if I was alone during the day, and especially if I saw signs of bear activity. And as I mentioned before, I wish I had written Herzog just so I had that extra layer of protection for my food. I will say that eventually you get used to all the bear precautions, and it's not as overwhelming as it might seem to begin with. And you really are very rarely probably going to see bears. And that leads me to the next question of how many bears did I see on the CDC and how did they act as a forebears that I can remember on the CD of which were just like Bear, But that I saw running away. So I'm really not sure if they were grizzlies or black bears, but I think at least one of them was definitely a black bear. The other one harder to tell, but both of those just like ran away as soon as they heard me. One of them, though, was a huge, huge, huge black bear that I saw in Colorado. I was looking down at my mapping app at a junction, and when I looked up, I noticed there was just this giant bear like 75 yards away from me. I instinctively sort of took a step back and then burgeoned on spot spew that. So then I tried to make myself really big, like put my arms up in the air and yelled, and then the bear immediately ran away so that one behaved how you would expect and how would you would want a bear to behave when you encounter it in the backcountry. There was another bear, however, another black bear that I encountered in Montana, also on a gravel road. It was like probably 100 yards ahead of me. And that one, it looks really young or small ish, but it was without a mom. It was maybe old enough to be so loved. So I wasn't sure if there was a mom around or not, but I would yell at it and it would just kind of turn around and look at me and like, Stop walking. We were walking the same direction, so I didn't really want it to stop or turn around and kind of want to do it, like pulled off in the other direction. But instead of doing that, it was just like turning around and looking at me. So eventually I just stopped yelling at it and kind of slowed my pace. So I kept my distance from it and I just waited for it to eventually meander off into the woods, which it did. And it was fine. Josh also saw a grizzly cub in Mom in Glacier, which was pretty scary. He was walking on the trail and they were like, right on the trail. Luckily, some Rangers got his attention and told him to give them a very wide berth yet as bears carry out. did that and they were literally like right in front of our camp and I think if we'd been alone, we probably would've kept walking that night. But luckily there are a lot of people that campsite, there are rangers there with horses and the end team nervous about it. So we stayed. They had been like digging up ground squirrels, so that was kind of cool, but a little bit nerve wracking for a very last night on trail. But yeah, those were the bear encounters that I had on CDT. Yeah, nothing really scary. In conclusion, I hope this is helpful for any prospective hikers. If you have a question about any given topic, please feel free to leave it in the comments and I'll do my best to answer. Of course, like I said, any given year on any given trail is going to be different and your experience may vary greatly from mine, but I hope that sharing what I experience helps you prepare even just a little bit for what I believe is the adventure of a lifetime. CDT is as magical as it is brutal. and if you get to spend even a fraction of time on a fraction of that trail, you should consider yourself a very lucky human being. Thanks for watching. Bye.
Channel: Elise Ott
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Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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