Everything Michael B. Jordan Does in a Day | Vanity Fair

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i'm michael b jordan and this is what i do every day a lot of my days for the most part starts in new york city i hit the snooze button all the time my body is a natural alarm clock whether i like it or not i get up around five o'clock in the morning but then i go back to sleep depending on what i have to do it's like a second sleep it's like a really really good sleep always get out on the right foot right foot is the first thing that touches the ground jump in the shower shower is like the you know the kickstarter for the day i meditate a little bit standing sometimes when i'm meditating in the shower or i have a you know stool you know i kind of sit down and i just let the water kind of run over me it's a it's a really calm and peaceful feeling you know watch i don't wash my hair every day you know i think you gotta you know let the natural juices kind of set in you know i mean uh my favorite breakfast would be i like to taste things so i'll get a little bit of everything so i think i'll do the hash browns breakfast tomatoes home fries depending on who's making it turkey sausage cheese grits english muffin and then i'll do like a croissant like a bacon egg and cheese with a little bit of jelly it's the sweet and salty thing that would probably be the perfect breakfast maybe pancakes maybe pancakes if i'm doing intense training probably do around six meals a day if not if i'm lucky three meals a day i only drink coffee when i'm prepping and when i'm shooting when i'm training i'll drink about a gallon and a half of water a day normal days probably not drinking enough i got a gym in my house so i usually just head downstairs and work out it's convenient warm up jumping rope you know get the heart rate up a little bit push-ups sit-ups i like circuits you know it gets in and out you know you work out for like 45 minutes and you know you get showering and get on about your day my thing is i probably work out maybe two to three times a day if you know if i have a goal if i'm prepping for crete then we'll do a lot of like you know weight training and boxing and working out around around what a boxer would actually do if i'm doing something like you know killmonger for black panther it'd be more massive it'd be more weight training trying to get bigger so it just also all depends on what i'm trying to do casual normal day for me clothes sweats shoes sneakers t-shirt i'm pretty i'm pretty low maintenance maybe a hoodie depending on where i'm at what time of the year it is sportscenter is always on you know i think it's like just in the background you know on on mute the way i get around in new york city is either walking or taking cabs a friend of mine sue she has a gallery that's going on out here and it's really really incredible so something i like to stop and pop into or i just opened up a rum bar on the lower east side as well so that's another watering hole i really like to kind of go with my friends and just hang out grab a couple of drinks or just to you know just chop it up about what we got going on time of lunch whenever i get hungry i creature a habit so i pretty much order the same things i either get like a turkey egg and cheese on a roll a little bit of jelly or uh blue ribbon you know they have great sushi chicken burgers amazing phone is constantly ringing sometimes i just throw it on silent and just throw it in my pocket so i have an excuse not to answer it but yeah a lot of calls a lot of emails text messages i pile in i think right now where am i at yeah 255 under messages 256 257 258 yeah 259 261 i'm not even lying it's really absurd yeah that's my day second workout it's pretty it would have to be a break in the day for me just go go to the gym workout or go home work out real quick get in the shower and then knock out the second half of my day hobbies for me i used to play basketball a lot i don't have the time to play it as much as i as much as i love the game i play a lot of video games call of duty nba 2k i'm still playing basketball but just sitting down i'm a big fan of anime so for me uh usually when i'm in the car i'm on a computer sometimes if i feel like it i'll just pull up you know a manga and read that or i'll have a graphic novel in my my book bag and i'll just i'll just always have it with me so if i feel the need if i feel like you know i'm reading i'll just like pop it open and get to it usually i head home for dinner that's not true i go out a lot too all right it's it's split honestly it really just depends i'm pretty spontaneous so depending on what day it is and what i had going on if i'm lucky enough to get up just to be at at the house i'll get a home-cooked meal if not i'll probably just go out for dinner my parents are living with me and i'm loving it but we have our moments you know me my family are very close it was a dream come true you know to buy your mom a house and you know it was it was a special moment for me the flip side of that i got roommates so roommates you're always going to have something to talk about a normal night for me after dinner i'm pretty much a homebody you know the times that i don't have an event to go to or you know someplace to be i kind of like chilling in the house and just you know watching a movie or playing video games or just being in my own thoughts you know you don't really get a chance to be by yourself too much when you're on the road and constantly traveling so when you can find a moment where you can just kind of you know be to yourself that's pretty much what i'm doing bedtime unknown who knows after midnight for sure i mean if i'm lucky enough to get into bed before that and actually go to sleep yeah miracle four hours of sleep is you know pretty solid didn't i do a study on that four hour intervals or something like that i'm working on that one bed prep for me i sleep naked it's something about clothes my mom as a kid she used to say you know when she had company i was just like coming and like rip all my clothes off when i was like three years old and just running around the house so yeah never really been a fan of clothes like that especially when i'm sleeping and that's basically what i do in a day
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 6,989,066
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Keywords: michael b jordan, michael b jordan creed 2, michael b. jordan, everything i do in a day, michael b jordan 2018, michael b jordan interview, michael b jordan vanity fair, michael b jordan funny, michael b jordan does, michael b jordan daily routine, michael b jordan workout, michael b jordan in a day, in a day, day in the life of michael b jordan, everything michael b jordan does, michael b jordan routine, creed 2, vanity fair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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