Everything I Love About Andor Season One

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I loved Star Wars xandor season one I think that would be obvious if you followed my content for every episode but today I want to celebrate the moments both big and small that brought me joy so here's everything I loved about Andor season one I love that every episode begins with a different version of the theme song that's just fun Nicholas Patel's entire score is really great the very first shot of the series with the lights going by is unique and different and disorienting and it put me in the mindset that I was about to see something very different from my usual Star Wars I laughed and shook my head seeing bby5 text on the screen for the first time as if to silently say you crazy moof milkers it's about time I loved seeing the BBY dating system used outside of a reference book the red light district of morlana 1 is perfect like if you know what you're looking at you know what it is but it's not so overt that someone younger couldn't watch it and still know this is kind of a CD area the brothel set is awesome I think I'm gonna talk about sets a lot in this video even the hallway looks cool the interior feels like an upscale Cantina it's great this actress Margaret Clooney kills it in this role she's tough but sultry at the same time she seems like she would easily fit into a film Noir which is exactly what the opening 10 minutes of the series feels like also her hair is dope the two corpo actors Lee Boardman and Steven Wright are also great that stare kravis gives Cassian is perfect you can kind of tell how the rest of the scene is gonna play out you don't know how this guy is gonna cause trouble but you know he's going to and of course he does I love the sound design of him raising his Blaster guns and movies are always noisy and I like the Star Wars version of that just hearing a blaster powering up as it's raised this whole scene is again a perfect introduction to the series it feels very real and grounded you're obviously rooting for Cassian to come out on top against the bullies but the murders aren't treated as heroic it is brutal and messy see seeing the realization on both characters faces as they realize what's gonna have to happen after the first corpo dies is excellent just on another level altogether and I love that both the start of cassian's Arc and the beginning of the end in Rogue one both involve a murder in a dark alley and the look of horror on his face B2 emo is a treasure and I will do my best not to talk about him for half an hour over the course of this video I love his design and the joke that a corellian Hound pees on him because he resembles a fire hydrant but for Center podcast pointed out that his introduction is similar to cassian's first scene and that he defends himself from attack and humiliation which is such a cool parallel I love that B2 speaks I just assumed he would have a binary beep and booping language but I love his voice I love his stutter I want to hug him and hold him tight forever the choice to have the qunari children speak without subtitles is really cool just to let us figure out what's going on using context clues back to B2 I'm always impressed impressed by how the Droid designers and puppeteers or animators are able to give droids emotions just through Visual or audio cues you can tell how B2 is feeling just based on the angle of his head and that's amazing also his pausing for data lag line is wonderful and his delivery of Marva said you were out ruining your health and reputation with friends of low character B2 gets all the best lines in this series oh and we're not done the fact that it costs him energy to create a lie and then he has to decide if he has enough energy to tell two lies adorable the ferric set is a thing of freaking Beauty just seeing a ton of people wandering around letting your characters walk through a scene without cutting look I think the volume is amazing technology but I also love seeing that Star Wars doesn't need it to make a streaming series ferric's rocks Brasso is such a bro I love that he yes Anne's cassian's lie creating the story along with him and then loudly yells about their conversation as he rides away to continue selling it Kyle solar is fantastic as Cyril Karn and the fact that Karn has modified his corporate uniform is such a good and telling detail Rupert vansitart is also great as the Chief Inspector I feel like I've dug myself into a hole already by calling out great actors I should just say that everyone in this show is top tier and elevates sandor as a series that the chief inspector's monologue about how he assumes the two corpos died and saying the LIE shouldn't be too heroic because they don't need a parade I'm just saying the casting on this show is fantastic and every character feels so genuine again in the flashbacks I like using context clues to figure out that Casa is likely putting on war paint for the first time you get the sense he's finally old enough to go with the older kids on some Mission and he's excited about it vetch is such a fun minor character he seems like he's got a kind heart even though he's been hired to be intimidating all of his line deliveries are delightful I like bix's interactions with Salman pack and his son the way this whole town seems like they they have a secret language to get things done covertly is fun to watch I also just like these two characters like so many others in this series they leave a lasting impression despite having limited screen time I can't tell you why I love the blue noodles so much but I do if you want to take a normal food and just make it star warsy make it blue also that takeout box is a great small detail in the final flashback of the episode I assume Casa tells his sister he will see her later which is just heartbreaking knowing he's about to be taken off world in episode 2 that would be me the time Grappler is fantastic he clearly loves his job he's got a killer title I like that despite all the technology in the Star Wars Galaxy farrix still has a man climb a tower and bang on metal to Signal the start and end to every day it lines up with all the percussion in episode 3. I can't wait to see people cosplay this dude I like seeing the citizens of ferricks closing up shop for the night it's peaceful I'm enjoying watching the day-to-day life of normal people people in this universe I did a whole video about how much I loved the inclusion of Fest and cassian's backstory that was established in the Rogue one visual guide and then changed for the show to be qunari but basically making cassian's original backstory intentionally falsified information is maybe the best way I've seen a retcon handled in Star Wars more blue food blue liquor and blue cereal did someone just pick out all the blue Fruit Loops Alex ferns as Linus mosque is fantastic putting forth such a tough guy attitude someone that desperately wants to see some action he sees himself as the first line of defense for the Empire which I'm sure they would laugh at and the writing is great like his line about the best way to keep a blade sharp is to use it it sounds cool and tough but that's literally what makes a blade dull chopping onions doesn't sharpen a blade but I think all that writing is completely on purpose mosque has himself up on a pedestal and yet there is nothing of real substance within him I always love seeing a good yellow and black checkered design just like Big's dark lighters helmet we don't get much time or even a real name for Alpha 1 as she is listed in the credits but she has a powerful presence I like her intensity and there's a reason they used her in the trailers for the series B's sadness at Cassie and having to leave breaks my heart he's like a dog that can talk that just wants to follow his friend mosque's self-important speech to his men is so annoying which is the point telling his men to expect trouble and also telling them they can basically do whatever they want so obviously setting the whole mission up for Bloodshed and then Karns attempt at a speech is perfectly terrible the words he says feel like something mosque would say but they're all delivered by someone who doesn't fully believe what he's saying the closing song with the drums at the end of the episode is awesome and again ties into the intense percussion we're about to experience in episode 3 Reckoning I love and feel sorry for the little stair Droid it just exists to roll around and get stepped on I still can't get over these long wide shots on ferricks full of extras lots of room for the actors to just walk and talk with a big depth of field I love this look for Star Wars the corpos riding down to pharynx like the Stormtroopers to jakku at the start of the force awakens is a good parallel mosque looks so pumped and I love the side eye Karn gives him for enjoying this all too much b2's flashback glow up is wonderful I love seeing my perfect little gentleman in his prime but the corpos threatening him in the present day probably got the biggest reaction for me the first time I watched the series his little scream when they go to pull his power supply made me scream cassian's entire scene with luthin is great I had watched it many times before the series even premiered since they released it on YouTube but stellen Skarsgard is awesome in this role mysterious but also compelling I love that they brought the Briar pistol into live action for Cassian to use especially considering and or similarities with Kyle katarn the original wielder of the weapon the citizens of pharynx banging on all their hanging metal implements is intense and such a cool way to build up to the shootout and all the action that is soon to explode I love Lutheran telling Cassian the rules for being a spy but I really like how little time he gives him between saying brace yourself and then blowing up the doors cassian's Briar pistols reload mechanism is so sick Tim's death is effective I really like that all of this chaos happened because of one jealous boyfriend making a drunk mistake but Tim isn't treated as evil they even show him feeling some guilt over what he did the night before but when the people in power are just looking for any excuse to bring their boot down even small town problems can spiral out of control I like that the corpos specified that they were fighting two humans over the comms my initial response to that was duh but then I remembered oh yeah this is Star Wars I was so engaged with the story at several points I forgot we were in the galaxy far far away some people will see that as a negative and I understand that but I always take note of the times where my brain isn't working overtime to find Easter eggs or whatever when I'm that engaged with a story that I have to see it a second time to take in all the star warsy stuff I see that as a positive Brasso walking away from the corpo tackpot is one of my favorite shots of the first three episodes that look of determination the audience knowing he did something to the ship but not knowing what yet I don't know it just continued that escalation of intensity combined with all the banging and the actual firefight and knowing it was all coming to a head I love it the detail of seeing marva's breath in her home after hearing about how she doesn't keep the heat on as good and I love her little hmm when the core pose ask her what happens when the banging stops manipulating Their Fear into leaving her alone Fiona Shaw like literally everyone else in this series is great I love the shot of andor's blaster coming in behind Cyril and then doing that awesome reload thing the reveal of what Brasso did to the tackpot is good but the idea that if the corpo would stop fighting the object that's resisting him he would have lived as very on theme throwing more power into the engines is the opposite of what he should have done and of course the Empire only escalates the situation on ferricks as well even though it's completely predictable the reveal of Cassian and Lutheran escaping on the Speeder bike is such a hell yeah pump your fist moment Karen's face as he realizes just how much he messed up is perfect the entire ending montage is beautifully done along with bratel's music once again seeing Marva and Brasso and Bix and everyone grappling not only with what just happened but with what will certainly come and the parts they played in it all and having that intercut with Cassian being taken from his childhood home and now his adopted home because of events that weren't completely in his control yeah that's the good stuff in episode 4 aldani I love Lutheran's line that the Empire will use the same rope to hang Cassie and whether he steals a plasma coil or 20 million credits just driving home the point that sure and or is hurting the empire in his own way but his path will inevitably lead to his death so why not make his death matter it's so great seeing Coruscant again in live action we got just a taste of it in Rogue one but here it is again in all its glory and I love that overhead shot of the skyscrapers likewise it's wild to see the Imperial Security Bureau headquarters in live action and the design of the building itself is sick the interior too Everything feels so sterile and clean which matches well with major partagas's speech about how they are all Health Care Providers this scene serves as an excellent introduction to the ISB for anyone unfamiliar with the group while also being completely thrilling to those of us who have waited decades for a scene like this even though there have been some mentions of the rakatan species and their Homeworld before I still lit up when I heard their names spoken aloud in live action this is by far their most prominent Canon mention no it doesn't make Knights of the Old Republic Canon but it's still a fun call out the interior of Lutheran's ship is just cool it feels somewhat similar to the Millennium Falcon but different at the same time I love those hallways and the Droid brain of the ship gets maybe the biggest laugh of the episode eyeing Cassie and as he considers stealing the ship for himself and I appreciated hearing David W Collins provide its voice I love seeing the Empire taking control of the primor corporation the line it took the combined ingredients of idiocy ineptitude and total disengagement for this farce to have reached the full Apex of incredulous disaster is maybe one of the most Posh condescending Imperial sounding lines anyone has ever delivered and mosque sheepishly raising his hand to ask a question is the cherry on top of it all we've seen and heard Tie fighters a million times before but hearing the Roar of their engines as they fly over Cassian and Vel was still intimidating seeing them from that perspective was great everyone loves the scene of Lutheran's transformation into the art dealing High Society caricature version of himself health and I'm no different it's fantastic and tells us everything we need to know with zero dialogue the distrust of vel's Rebel crew at the arrival of Cassian is such a good contrast to what he said earlier about stealing from the Empire just walk in like you belong they're so fat and satisfied that they don't even care the rebels aren't fat and satisfied and they care so much they need to know anyone coming in to work with them cares as well granted it's also hard to infiltrate a group of only six people but still I love that we see Cyril Khan and everyone else at the Spaceport actually carrying their luggage just like Anakin carrying padme's an attack of the Clones how is it that nobody is thought to stick Repulsor lifts or even wheels on luggage yet it's so great seeing Khan make the journey from the beautiful upper levels of Coruscant down to the more standardized middle level it doesn't look nearly as impressive I'm sure it's still far better than the low levels of the planet like 1313 but the scene is still effective Edie's introduction is perfect showing several sides of the character in just a few seconds I love the scene in Lutheran's Galactic Antiquities and objects of Interest I love the name of the shop I love the super cool revolving doors leading into the shop I love all the Easter eggs inside the shop which I have talked about extensively but I mostly love the fake smiles and Flowery dialogue in front of mon mothma's new driver only to head into the back of the shop and have the tone changed dramatically this is exactly the kind of scene I was hoping to get in this series and Genevieve O'Reilly and stellen Skarsgard absolutely nailed it monmouth's speeder looks awesome great design and I won it I will take it in Lego form please and thank you and her apartment it's freaking beautiful with the trees and the white everywhere I love that it's totally unique from padme's apartment in the prequels like every Rich Senator gets their apartment custom made but the scene itself is phenomenal I love that the entire fandom agreed that parents sucks as this unsupportive husband that wants to keep politics out of his Star Wars I mean out of his dinner party so he can just have a good time and the mentions of slymore and Gorman all these nerdy connections that mean so much to the people who know about them but don't get in the way of the enjoyment of someone who doesn't perfect I love nimik and how careful he is with the little model I assume he built single-handedly and I love his explanation of the eye of aldani and the look his crewmates give to one another as he does so like here he goes again nimik is a treasure I love dead Ramiro telling particast that she has a gut instinct of the symptoms he claims to care so much about and he brushes her off Star Wars and the Clone Wars especially talk about trusting your instincts all the time so it's telling that the top ranking Imperials refuse to listen to theirs I am obsessed with the opening sequence of episode 5 the ax forgets Cyril sitting in a mid to low level apartment on Coruscant and he gets to see the sun shine through the skyscrapers for just a few seconds the one little bright light of his day sitting in the dark and looking up at where he wants to be just fantastic visual storytelling all done in like 20 seconds Edie Karn played by Catherine Hunter is great I mean if I had to spend breakfast with her I'd be running for the door but she is awesome to watch just beating down and demoralizing Cyril treating him like a child more Blue Star Wars food and I love that someone found out the cereal is from a 2020 Limited Edition version of Tricks so some poor person on set had to sit there and pull out all the brown and blue pieces of cereal for this scene or as the script calls them Crunchies the ax forgets but the tree remembers is such a good line and a perfect title for the episode we get to learn about all the people in cassian's new crew and what brought them to fight against the empire atrocities and crimes their enemy can't even remember because they've hurt so many people I love and also hate the breakfast scene with the mothma family why can nobody have a nice happy breakfast in Star Wars Perrin continues to be a turd Leta acts like a petulant teenager clearly influenced by her third father I like that this series is giving mon mothma a leadership Arc letting her be vulnerable at home so we can see her grow into the hero that starts a rebellion more Blue Star Wars food with this milk hey wait a minute this milk is white how am I supposed to know it belongs in space ridiculous this is ruined the lore and Star Wars is dead to me okay but seriously we get yet another great scene I love nimik's discussion of simple technology that anyone can use and fix on their own without having to rely on the devices the Empire hands out it's basically a condemnation of companies like apple who make their own charging cables every other year the pace of repression outstrips our ability to understand it it's easier to hide behind 40 atrocities than one single incident nimik gets some killer lines this episode about how oppression can take root and make people numb to it all I like the small look we get back at ferric specifically Tigo the new captain that will be in charge and his desire for a promotion to prefect even though it's just ceremonial and doesn't come with extra pay this series explores status what it really means how people wield their status against others and how people gain their status it's interesting seeing that even in a short Moment Like This I love the continued progression of Tie fighters in this show how they're treated as terrifying as they Patrol the countryside we see the pilot fly by seemingly notice what they would assume to be farmers and then decide to buzz by them just to scare them it's such a great scene this whole episode is also very well edited Cassian has asked if he can walk like a soldier and then we cut to Imperial boots marching on pharynx the Tie Fighter buzzes the camp and then we follow it back to the Imperial base great stuff back at the base I love Lieutenant gorenstein with kimsey who seems to have been smoking a Death Stick the way Gorn delivers his line about being able to imagine thousands of Donny's Gathering to watch the eye is perfection Soul Remy is great in this role his scene near the Vault with his underlings where he makes them think it's their idea to have a skeleton crew during the eye and then his Little Smile as he walks away wonderful Cyril's second scene with his mother is a whole mood I like just about all of his lines and the energy behind them but this shot we've all been there at some point or another when skein takes cassian's kyber Crystal anemic from afar yells what's going on I don't know why but that line has made me laugh every time I've watched this episode Coruscant looks so freaking good every time we see it the nighttime scene with mothma and Perrin in their speeder is beautiful mothma's dig that she didn't think her husband would care about her New Foundation because it's a charity is so good I love the little detail of Cyril having action figures in his bedroom but the scene itself is great and fits with the title and theme perfectly seeing the Sankara stones from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom makes my Indie loving heart sing in the episode The Eye I love slash hate the Imperial comment on speech about the Donnies it's Sinister but so well written and relevant the way he talks about weaponizing Comfort to get what the m Empire once yeah people will give up little bits of freedom in exchange for ease and comfort I know I have for only being in one episode commandant j-hold makes a lasting impression the casting on this series continues to be fantastic moving on to when the colonel sees the first bit of the eye start gorn's line about how the Donnie believed the eye is always happening is so cool yeah it's a Celestial event that the planet of aldani passes through what makes up the eye is always there it's always happening but it can only be seen every three years the Donny people are living under Imperial oppression all the time and then once every three years they get to let their distaste be known the face of the Donnie Chieftain during the stupid fur swapping ceremony is priceless you don't need to speak his language to know exactly what he thinks of the commandant I love vel's moments of hesitation before diving into the Imperial base literally jumping into the point of no return seeing moments of vulnerability from so many characters in this show is refreshing do don't get me wrong I love seeing Han Solo chasing Stormtroopers down a hallway without a thought in his brain but acknowledging that the fight for what's right is still scary is great too I love that the heist begins so violently I was assuming they'd all be very sneaky and something would go wrong and they'd be found out but the fact that our heroes are the ones to draw weapons and take children hostages I was not expecting that and then it's the Imperial that tries to talk our protagonists into letting the boy go I like that this series can take a Firm Stance against Fascism and the people who support it but still explore who those people are in a complex way we were told centa was the toughest one of the group but that one shot of her killing the colonel and then pointing her Blaster at everyone else yeah I don't want to be on her bad side speaking of Sinta I waited until this episode to talk about her relationship with Vel I liked that they hinted at the two of them being an item in episode 5 but figured that would be as far as it would go I like that it continued to grow over the course of the season I think it could have been more more overt in the series but it's still a step in the right direction I love skiing getting a DLT Blaster rifle but I also love that the rest of the crew are using a new version of the standard Imperial rifle that's a step between the E10 from solo and the E11 from the original Star Wars The Vault itself looks cool I like the look of all those credits like lots of rolls of quarters or something except it's worth several million I admit I don't fully understand cutting between the heist and the Dani ritual over and over again my guess is that the chanting is the aldani version of what a reckoning sounds like even if I'm wrong seeing the ritual somehow made the heist feel even more intense the eye itself looks so freaking cool just beautiful gorn's line telling j-hold that he deserves worse than a hanging for serving him is great and the shots of Thai Pilots getting into their ships with the eye in the background also beautiful I love how chaotic the rest of the heist is after the commandant's death who just dies of a heart attack but once he goes down all hell breaks loose and there was no predicting what would happen next I know some people have missed having Stormtroopers in a larger role in this show but I think it's great that all of the violence is happening to people whose faces we can see it's harder to shrug it all off we know kimzy's name for example and we're not rooting for him but the whole sequence hits differently when you know who he is good onimic for saving cassian's life I thought he was going to be a liability on the mission someone who would hesitate to pull the trigger but he proved me so wrong and then he had to go and get crushed which I screamed at I was not expecting him to survive the mission but I didn't want to see him go out like that the flight through the eye is visually stunning and exciting and the fact that we spent so much time building up the threat of the Tie fighters made them all the scarier I love that we see the Thai instruments failing while nimik's old device is working just fine even dying nimix saves them all I really like the shot of sento walking out of the Imperial base with tears in her eyes and the ambiguity of it all did she kill the hostages we may never know for sure Dr quadpa what else do you want me to say excellent character design excellent Name I hope he and Dr Manda will hang out together ugh Skeen the second he started to talk about taking the money I knew he was a goner but even though the character made me angry the scene rocks and even when I knew it was coming cassian's draw and shoot still found a way to surprise me it's so great seeing the Imperial Senate I mean it's kind of depressing too seeing it just empty but still I loved seeing those pods again in episode 7 announcement Edie Karn continues to make me want to shake her as she negatively comments on Cyril's brown suit but it's a good reminder that the Empire wants everyone to conform and be the same and not even show the slightest hint of individuality I love seeing wolf elaren on screen and his most prominent live-action appearance which wasn't hard to beat the bar was set pretty low in A New Hope but still such a perfect inclusion nobody has to know who that is but it sure is fun for the people who do as Lutheran listens in on Imperial chatter I like and hate the detail that 134 aldani residents were taken into custody after the heist it tracks with you Lauren basically saying that local customs and festivals are now outlawed the people of aldani are paying the price for the robbery I continue loving Luth in scenes with mothma the speaking and code putting on big smiles from othma's driver's sake while delivering veiled threats trying to hide their true emotions it's great stuff and the entire scene works on so many levels mothma visiting under the guise of trading in a piece of art for a weapon then deciding she doesn't want it quite yet I want to give a giant high five to whoever had the idea to put luthin in an Antiquity shop everything about the Bureau of Standards is a nightmare just a sea of cubicles albeit cool looking cubicles I like seeing how many pencil pushers it takes to keep the Imperial machine running smoothly and you can see that Cyril actually does stand out in his brown suit when compared to everyone else in their matching gray uniforms I love the little mouse droid on a mission that keeps on rolling until Cyril gets out of the way I think it's cool Coruscant public transportation is more vertical than horizontal it makes sense on a city Planet like this with thousands of levels I just never thought about mass transit that way B2 emo I missed him so much I loved the way he rolls out of his little charger and demands to know where Cassian has been and then raises his head up for pets adorable Simply the Best we finally get a mothma dinner party and it is everything I have ever wanted out of this series I love her conversation with takeoma slowly telling him more and more letting the mask fall and revealing that the way she presents herself is a lie while constantly telling him to smile it is a phenomenal scene and it's how I've been hoping to see mothma since she first came into the show I love this side of her I also really like Tay Colma as he tries to keep up with everything she's saying but reveals himself to be trustworthy at least I hope so that little smile he gives mon at the end of their conversation is great the flashback to ferric says at first fell under Imperial rule was awesome to see but also heartbreaking it's short but you immediately feel the Heartbreak of Cassie and losing climb because he simply tried to de-escalate a situation it's also awesome and heartbreaking to see clone troopers like this as many people have pointed out Cassian scene with Marva is fantastic I love her saying that the Empire can build as many Barracks as they want they'll never get to her mind I love that she was inspired by cassian's actions on El Donnie without knowing it was him I love that there's no judgment in her voice as she accepts that Cassian is on a different path for now at least and both of their Declarations of love for one another the scene where Dedra puts blevin in his place is also great I love that she is rewarded for abusing the power she was given at the start of the episode and particaz's celebration of a lively session full of the provocative exchange of ideas is so delightfully smug oh my God I am obsessed with the song that simply titled nyamos with an exclamation point I was immediately into it my only problem is that it's too short I've thrown it on repeat and just bopped along during several gaming sessions with my friends at this point more than I love nyamos itself I love fans calling it Planet Florida or Tampa before or stuff like that it's just funny and who is this gentleman just enjoying his day laughing having a good time live your best life sir I love that Sam whitwer voices the short trooper that confronts Cassian I mean I still haven't forgiven him for beating me in Star Wars trivia that one time but whatever the reveal of the KX Droid is so good marching up the stairs to slowly show that it's carrying two bodies it's good to recontextualize these Droids who many people will only know through k2so but I love that we see how terrifying they can be by showing off some of their attacks from Star Wars Jedi fall in order I like seeing the Imperial Court or sentencing hearings or whatever that was just an all-around hopeless situation full of BS charges and jail times and then we cut straight to Cyril who is also serving time in his cubicle now conformed to the uniform and stripped of what little individuality he had just another Cog in the machine episode 8 in arkena 5 just as a whole blew me away I was not prepared for what the prison Arc would bring the way the binders magnetized into the transport got a visceral reaction out of me it is so intense I was so happy to see Cyril Khan and dead Ramiro finally in the same room together this series took its sweet time bringing storylines together but when it finally started happening it was thrilling the design of the interrogation room is really cool the production design on the entire series continues to be amazing I love the reveal of narkina 5 by first showing us the gas giant and then the Moon that orbits it yularen's disinterested line of I'm listening is perfect and the entire scene again felt so satisfying to watch as the ISB finally Begins the specific hunt for Cassian the introduction to the prison is absolutely horrifying the focus on the prisoner's feet and then the Imperials Boots the electrocution and then that one officer's disgusting smile that dude had a small part in this series but like so many other bit characters he made a lasting impact I love slash hate watching Cyril try to turn his interrogation into a job interview Kyle Soler is great in this role speaking of people who Crush their roles and the freaking circus is amazing the fact that I didn't like him in his introduction but by the end of episode 9 I was all about him says everything it's so great to have him back in Star Wars all of the thx-1138 Vibes in the prison work room are great the white jumpsuits and all the references to the number seven the metaphor of the workroom as a game is so Grim but also perfect it's critical of the prison system and corporations and capitalism all at the same time the entire workroom set is insane to me the tools and the mechanical pieces and the fact that everything seems to work the attention to detail is astounding I love the shandrillans drinking squigs and the fact that Mon and Perrin can at least agree that they want to spend as little time together at this event as possible take home as burn on Perrin that charity starts at home and parents reaction to that is priceless mothma's dress and wardrobe continue to be awesome and her scene with the other Senators is so insanely relevant the line if you're doing nothing wrong what is there to fear and her retort I'm fearing your definition of wrong Perfection especially when some real world politicians want to classify people simply being themselves as wrong again more set and production design but the cells are so cool to the point where I actually thought they were neat for a while but then remembered it was in a freaking prison the scene where Bix learns that pack was taken by the Empire because of her call to luthin is very effective it builds off of the line in episode 7 where Clea said sending a message is just as dangerous as receiving one and dedra's request for additional surveillance equipment I love Brasso continuing to be a bro by accidentally blocking the Stormtroopers who are chasing Bix and I just want to shout out this dude yelling get her with all of his might that is commitment right there obviously I love seeing the partisans again two tubes the cavern Angels X-Wing and saw Guerrera Forest Whitaker's portrayal of like halfway unhinged but not fully Rogue one levels of paranoid is great and his rant about how the other rebel cells lack his sense of purpose was chilling I like saw and luthan dancing around who was responsible for aldani I love slash hate Dedra manipulating Bix being able to see the tortured pack immediately turning her into a monster which just keeps going in episode 9 nobody's listening Denise goff's portrayal of Miro in the opening scene is horrifying we've seen her punching up within the ISB until this moment now she's out and about and she's punching down goth has confirmed that Tony Gilroy wrote Miro to be someone that the audience could root for among the Imperial characters until we get her to pharynx and we are immediately reminded that she is just as monstrous as the rest of them also Dr gorst's friendly Little Wave shivers down my spine the in entire build up to the torture scene is awful but well executed it's not graphically violent or anything it's just horrific and the fact that we can't hear the sound makes our imaginations run wild the pan down to boots walking away as the door closes is a great callback to A New Hope but after seeing what's going on with Bix I don't think I'll see that moment in Leia's cell the same way ever again bix's screams cutting to the drill is a fantastic edit I remember when trailers revealed that we would see the Imperial Senate and how much fun I thought that would be and it's not fun at all but I do like seeing how far this government has fallen and how many of the Senators have basically just resigned themselves to their ineffectiveness I like the surprise that Vel is actually related to man mothma I was fully on board the Lutheran's daughter train so I was glad to have been surprised and I like her parroting Santa's words as if she's trying to convince herself I don't really know why I love melshi's little shrug after Cassian tries to get information out of Keno but I do I like Dedra underestimating Marva thinking she is old and frail completely ignoring the influence she has on the community people love her she has power just not in the way the Empire knows how to recognize Cyril loudly sipping his cereal while his mother berates him is such a mood and it makes me laugh every time Vel burning Perrin while he sits there oblivious is perfection and I love mon Smiles at her cousin it's so nice to see her with an actual Ally and then she's gone and it's sad but this shot of mothma alone and isolated in her own home is very effective Cyril stalking Dedra is not something I love but he lets out this tiny hint of a smile when Dedra says she remembers him so just shout out to Kyle Soler and that little acting moment he makes Cyril completely believable in a scary way Andy Circus is acting as he learns the truth of what happened on floor 2 is amazing and of course the line delivery of never more than 12 is now legendary I can't believe how hyped I got from that moment and I love just about all of episode 10 one way out the intensity of the opening scene keeps up the momentum from the end of nobody's listening I love the line power doesn't panic and then Cassian being the one to get keynote to go on program and get himself together I like Cassie and telling the inmates the truth but nobody really buys it until Kino jumps in I kinda thought this episode would be about Cassian stepping into a leadership role and he does a bit but really it's about Kino taking charge with inspiration from Cassian but it's important because he has been the floor manager the prisoners needed to hear this from him and circus is acting as he fully accepts the truth continues to be fantastic I love the moment showing Cassian to be wide awake before their escape it connects back to nimik questioning how he could sleep like a stone before the aldani mission because he supposedly believes in nothing now Cassian definitely has some belief building and he's becoming more and more like nimik there is only one way out Kino gets all the new quotable lines but I love that war cry throughout the episode the banker slash Thug Davos scalden is delightfully slimy I like that all the talk of shandrill and Customs came back in such a big way with the threat of an arranged meeting that would surely lead to marriage between his son and Lita the build up to the prison break is so freaking good I've seen the episode so many times at this point and I feel a pit in my stomach every single time it reminds me of how I feel getting ready to watch the battle for Helms Deep or something Cassian racing to break the pipe all the prisoners holding tools and weapons behind their heads Die Hard style Kino delivering the same lines he always does but with a different look on his face so great shout out to the new prisoner that had no idea what was happening and jumped into the fight anyway the way it's all shot you feel every loss like burnock knowing he was part of the plan since the start but he gets taken out so fast or resolve from cassian's table going down It's upsetting but that's the point the shot of Kino when he realizes the floor is dead the Empire's primary weapon in the prison no longer works yes just yes I love the water starting to drip down to the floors below as they slowly realize something is going on getting to see all the other rooms discover their being freed watching the prisoners ranks grow exponentially while the Imperial guards are whittled down Kino's speech to the rest of the inmates is so good I love that Cassian inspires him to inspire others it's not enough to just give them the information he also needs to give them hope and he crushes it I love that he uses cassian's own words and I love that he makes sure to tell everyone to help anyone who looks lost or confused it's not only about personal freedom it's about freedom for everyone there is one way out I love a good montage of people running to Freedom it's been done dozens of times before but still they managed to get chills out of me bratel's score is fantastic as usual the shot of the medic from episode 9 is great because I just get the sense that all hope and empathy had been beaten out of him I don't think he was evil or anything he just didn't think he could help anyone anymore I'm glad we got to see his hope restored while I kind of wish we got to see that one Imperial Guard get some comeuppance it may be even better to see what a coward he really is hiding once all his illusions of power have been taken away let him live with that let him see how the Empire handles anyone who fails this spectacularly the Revelation that Kino can't swim is the ultimate gut punch it's so real it's so relatable it's nothing star warsy like there aren't enough seats on the getaway ship it's just simple and tragic it makes me tear up every time I I see it and it's such a good parallel of Cassian sacrifice at the end of his own life honestly this might be one of my favorite Star Wars moments of all time seeing the lower levels of Coruscant and live action is pretty great the Revelation that young was a double agent caught me by surprise completely I even had people suggest that in the live stream and I doubted it but it's awesome to see more and more layers of luthin's influence and all the Cloak and Dagger stuff is super fun to watch I'm so intrigued by Luther and keeping his involvement with aldani a secret to all of his agents he presents himself as the master manipulator in control of everything when we all know that behind the scenes he has his doubts and his fears just like anyone would Luth in speech about sacrifice is so good he is damned for what he does because the cost of the way he fights the Empire is his very soul but is he necessary for the Rebellion to succeed I love that the series raises these questions and holy cow is still in Skarsgard great in this role or what in episode 11 daughter of pharynx I don't love seeing B2 emo distraught but I do love how much this Series has made me feel for the little Droid he is so dog-like I can't stand it I think the ferric's burial custom of turning the dead into bricks is cool the Imperials call her a prominent citizen of the planet it's fitting that she would quite literally remain a pillar of the community even in death I've got to give a shout out to the aliens that help Cassian and melshi escape the planet moments of pure Star Wars pulp were few and far between an Andor but I liked the way they talked and I liked that one of them literally had knives for hands that was fairy pulpy I've said it before I'll say it again Brasso is the ultimate bro we've seen him be nothing but helpful in every scene and I love that he extends that courtesy to a grieving B2 emo spending the night with him in marva's house the series does a good job maybe too good of a job at showing the effects of Dr gorst's torture on Bix she looks rough space pajamas we got to see Count Dooku's PJs in the Clone Wars but he was royalty now we get to know what a normal person sleeps in this is important I also like Cyril waving his mother off while he takes mosque's call I was so glad to see Cassie in return for nimix Manifesto and I liked hearing his voice even for just one and a half words I love the scene between saw and Duluth in this episode of seeing why saw is so unhinged and so Paranoid by the time of Rogue one of course he would be after seeing the way luthan treats his allies like pawns luthan and claya's coded message about Cassian and pharynx was a lot of fun I really enjoyed finally getting to see an arrestor Cruiser in action on screen and calling it The Cantwell class by name is a nice touch since it was named for Colin Cantwell who originally designed the ship in 1977. seeing the countermeasures take out the tractor beam was sick as well as the hidden automated Blaster cannons wiping out the Tie fighters the last scene is so sad and beautiful and I love the repetition of Asian looking out at the waves and the sunlight breaking through it's a great parallel to his final moments on scarif the season finale is nearly perfect in my eyes so I'll try not to talk about literally everything but the opening scenes start building tension perfectly I love the slow drawn out pacing catching us up with all the characters who are about to explode into conflict while showing us a montage of someone literally building a bomb the fact that Willman is building a bomb while a hollow of his father looks on broke my heart I love that you can see nurty eavesdropping on Brasso and Zan as they speak about Cassian I thought mon mothma's lies about Perrin having a gambling problem to throw the ISB off the trail of her financial difficulties was pretty brilliant and it's just fun to see parents squirm the whole scene is great and exactly the kind of stuff I wanted to see from mon mothma's side of the story subterfuge and telling lies for the sake of the people she knows are listening in so good I wish we got more time with Clem throughout the series but his scenes were always impactful and the flashback in the finale was no different talking about seeing past the rust to find Value in something old that's Cassian he's still a rebel he just needed the rust cleaned off we finally get to hear from new mix Manifesto and it's all great I loved that Montage of Bix and luthan and Cassian in the midst of this storm the night before all hell will break loose but Cassian is getting comfort from wise words the sound of Reckoning this time around was insane I wanted the time Grappler to be part of it in episode 3 but waiting until now was perfect the constant banging of the Anvil coupled with the marching band tied my stomach and Knots with anxiety and I love the simple Act of rebellion from the people of pharynx their rejection of the Empire's mandates for the funeral the size of their crowd where they should gather when it should be they said no to all of it seeing Bix gets some hope and connection from the song was heartbreaking I don't think I've ever ever been more proud of or terrified for a little Droid as I was when B2 emo started to lead the procession to assemble right in front of the Empire Willman pack hasn't had a ton of appearances in the series so far but Mohamed Bayer crushes his scenes in this episode expressing grief rage and everything in between marva's speech is absolutely incredible every word moved me I of course hated seeing B2 get tipped over but the fact that Brasso doesn't even hesitate before kicking teego in the chest means everything to me wilman's bomb setting off all those grenades made my mouth drop the time Grappler kicking that Stormtrooper out of the tower was amazing I love the parallel of Cassian spending the first three episodes trying to get help from B2 Bix and Brasso and then in the final episode he makes sure they get to safety while he stays behind mothima's outfit in her final scene of the season is killer like everything else she wears the costume Department rocked this entire production cassian's final outfit the pharynx uniforms I dig it all the final scene is awesome Cassian metaphorically announcing that he is ready to give it all for Something Real by putting his life in Lutheran's hands and that's almost everything I loved about the season I can't wait for more even though I'm sure it's a long way off let me know what your favorite moments were in the comments if you haven't already please like this video subscribe to the channel for all our Andor coverage follow us on Tick Tock Twitter and Instagram and consider checking out our patreon page for our video reactions and audio commentaries for every new episode and you can check out this playlist for all of our existing and or content as always thanks for watching and May the force be with you
Channel: Star Wars Explained
Views: 110,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everything i love about andor, everything great about andor, tv wins, tvwins, everything i love about star wars, andor explained, star wars explained, star wars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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