Everything About The Ten Commandments (With Greg Laurie)

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of my message is simply ten the number-10 ten and we're in Exodus chapter 20 you know a lot of us like top ten lists right like the top movies or the top songs I I was looking online just wondering what the top ten songs of all time were according to different people a lot of difference of opinion on this topic of course but according to Rolling Stone magazine these are the top 10 songs of all time I don't really even agree with the list but it's interesting number 10 Ray Charles what I'd say number 9 Nirvana's smells like teen spirit number 8 the Beatles Hey Jude number 7 Johnny be good by Chuck Berry number 6 good vibrations by the Beach Boys number 5 Aretha Franklin resp ect right respect Martin gate comes in at number 4 with what's going on John Lennon at number 3 with imagine and the Rolling Stones number 2 with satisfaction and the number 1 song of all time according to Rolling Stone magazine is Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray sides know that that's actually on the worst songs of all time lists act now according to Rolling Stone magazine the number 1 song is like a rolling stone by Bob Dylan good song I don't think it's a greatest song of all time but a good one but other lists have Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and Hotel California by the Eagles on the top 10 list as well but then there's a list of the top 10 worst songs according to blender magazine on the list as we built the city by starship ever heard that song it deserves to be in this list achy-breaky heart by Billy Ray Cyrus's on this list now I don't know why this one made it on the worst I mean I don't love it but I don't think it's one of the worst songs the heart of rock n roll by Huey Lewis and the news they say it's one of the worst don't worry be happy' by Eddie Murphy made it part is no excuse me party all the time by Eddie Murphy made it and the the one don't worry be happy by Bobby McFerrin I agree that I don't like that song evany and ivory is thought of as one of the worst songs ever done by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder and also surprisingly guess what song made it on the worst songs of all time list it's a small world from Disneyland I mean I liked it the first time I heard it but after you've heard it so many times it gets on your nerves and mcaren I was on the list as well so there you go okay so God is a top 10 list this does not reach my consensus nobody gets to vote on this it doesn't change written by the finger of God in tablets of stone his top 10 list is known as the Ten Commandments barely 300 words long in English the Ten Commandments form the foundation of our legal system and the foundation of Western civilization you know it's been said that humans have written 32 million six hundred and forty seven three hundred and eighty-nine laws and they still haven't improved on the Ten Commandments Abraham Lincoln said of the Ten Commandments quote but for the Ten Commandments we wouldn't know right from wrong end quote for a true a Theodore Roosevelt put it this way quote no man is a good citizen unless he acts so as to show he actually uses the Ten Commandments and quote now we agree that they're important so let me take a quick poll how many of you know the Ten Commandments by heart raise your hand not so many now why is that we know they're valuable we know they're sent from heaven why have we taken the time to memorize them a recent survey found that 14% of Americans only 14% of Americans could name the Ten Commandments by comparison a quarter of Americans can name the seven ingredients in a Big Mac now what's with that here's another interesting stat nearly one out of four can name all three Stooges and one-in-three can name all six kids from the Brady Bunch is there anyone here who can name all six kids from the Brady but that's amazing to me so basically what we're saying is I know that the Big Mac has two all-beef patties but I don't know that thou shalt not murder thou shalt not steal whoa what's going on here he said well Greg it's hard to memorize those things well how about starting with just the first four Commandments well I don't know if I can memorize that okay Oh tell me the names of the Beatles John Paul George Ringo why do you ask well you can memorize stuff like that you can't memorize these Commandments actually you can and we should why it's from these Commandments given to us and the pages of Scripture that we know right from wrong they're the grid that we live by they're the basis of all morality listen the Ten Commandments are not obsolete they are absolutes let me repeat that they're not obsolete they're absolute but not everybody agrees with that a contest was launched by some atheists to rewrite the Ten Commandments for today they called them the non commandments they contest through 2,800 submissions and it was decided by 13 judges and there was not a single doubt shalt not among them in fact commenting on this there was an article on the CNN website that said quote if they let faith in the divine the Atheist non commandments display a robust faith in mankind as if Silicon Valley had replaced Sinai and quote and so here's some of the choices by atheists for their so called non commandments number one be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence number two God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life 3 there is no one right way to live for every person has the right to control their own body 5 leave the world a better place than one found it interesting there's Kevin two young points on this book in the ten commandments how can you leave the planet a better place than you found it in exercise control over your body if there is really no one right way to live if these are our reaction they're a counterpoint to the truth of the Ten Commandments you have to start somewhere we can't say well we'll reach it by consensus in fact the people that put this together said that they wanted to keep this open-ended because they believe quote in the wisdom of the crowds end quote who can go online to weed this out the wisdom of the crowds online are you kidding me are you on Twitter I'm looking for the wisdom of the crowds out there here's an example and how the crowd can get it wrong the British government wanted to name a brand new 287 million-dollar polar research vessel so they opened it up to the wisdom of the crowd so to speak online and they suggested names for this new craft like Shackleton named after the famous explorer or perhaps endeavor or Falcon but everyone got together and the people's runaway choice from the internet for this 287 million dollar polar research vessel are you ready for it boaty mcboatface I'm not making this up boaty mcboatface one of the dumbest things I've ever heard so the folks overruled him he gave it another name altogether so this hiss reminds us that we don't arrive at truth by voting on it God has given us this truth from his own hand written by his own finger in fact the man solomon the king of israel the son of david i went on a binge sinning against the lord breaking every commandment left and right and he lived a miserable empty life he cheesed after sexual pleasure chased after drunkenness material possessions everything one could want he experienced and here this conclusion at the end of the book of ecclesiastes he said here's the end of the matter after all this been heard fear God and keep his Commandments for that is the whole of man that is to say that if a man or a woman keeps God's commandments they are a whole man or a whole woman Solomon is saying if you violate these things your life will be out of balance okay so let's look now at these Commandments together found here in Exodus chapter 20 let's pick up where we last left off Moses has led the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt there in the wilderness the Lord is feeding them was supernatural bread from heaven called manna he's guiding them by his supernatural GPS system of a fire by night in a cloud by day the people at Thirsty's so Moses is directed by God to strike the rock with his staff and water comes out now the Lord summons Moses to Mount Sinai and he says I want you to go there and I'm going to speak to you so Moses goes alone to this mountain to me with God and there the Lord gives to Moses these Ten Commandments from heaven Exodus 20 starting in verse 2 commandment number 1 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage you shall have no other gods before me that's commandment number 1 no other gods before him commandment number 2 you shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that's in heaven above or earth beneath or in the water under the earth nor show you bow down and serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's on the children of the third and fourth generations of those who hate me showing mercy to thousands to those who love me and keep my Commandments Oh commandment number three no carved that you bow down before commandment number three Exodus 20 verse 7 don't take the name of the Lord in vain commandment number 4 verses 8 to 9 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy come in them into a commandment number 5 verse 12 honor your father and mother a commandment number 6 you shall not murder commandment number 7 verse 14 you shall not commit adultery commandment number eight you shall not steal verse 15 commandment number nine verse sixteen you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor in other words you shall not lie and finally commandment number ten verse 17 you shall not covet your neighbor's house or his wife or as male servant or female servant nor his ox or his donkey nor anything that is your neighbors there it is the Ten Commandments sometimes it's hard to understand them I mentioned that we have our church over on Maui and I spoke there last Sunday we had over a thousand people attend our two services that's a lot of people for that little island it's actually the largest church on the island and we saw some 50 people make professions of faith to follow Jesus Christ now that's worth clapping for isn't it yeah how many of you have been to Hawaii raise your hand up okay so if you've been there you know that there are people who are locals or born there and they have their own interesting dialect that is described as pidgin English you ever heard that pidgin English so someone came up with the pidgin English version of the Ten Commandments so here they are commandment number one I'm the Lord your God if no gods before me their version is God is number one right number two don't have any other gods before him is make no dakine statues number three watch your mouth no sweat with God's name commandment number four on Sunday you do nothing okay I like that number five listen to your mother and your father for honor your father and mother number six no murder nobody for thou shalt not kill I like this one for Dobson I committed adultery no go mo mo with your brother's Wahine no go mama with your brother's Wahine while he needs their word for a girl number eight for thou shalt not steal no cockaroach nuttin okay for thou shalt not bear false witness no lie bra no lie bra and finally number ten no be jealous one not a person stuffs so there you have it the pigeon version of the Ten Commandments cake sometimes people see the commandment says barriers put around our life even prison cell a prison bars if you will keeping us in where we can't have fun and it's actually the very opposite they're there to protect you a years ago I went into my backyard this is when I had my German Shepherd and he was staring intently at something in the grass and I leaned down and saw a brightly colored little bird just shaking away terrified knowing it was gonna be coming hors d'oeuvre for my dog and it looked like somebody's pet bird and so I I stooped down and I put up my index finger and sure enough this little bird hopped right in my finger so I walked into the house and Kathy's making something in the kitchen cooking something up I said Kathy look what I just found so we took the bird we threw it in the pan we cooked it and now we didn't do that so I said I wonder who this belongs to and my son Jonathan who his little guy at that point said hey there's a neighbor down the street that their bird just died this tell of the cage they said go get it hurry so he came back with the cage we sent it on the counter I opened up the door of the cage and the bird flew from my finger into the cage jumped on the perch and was gone back and forth and chirping away that bird was happy to be in that cage why because the bird did not see the cage as a prison keeping him in he saw it as a barrier protection keeping my dog out that's what the ten commandments are there for your protection you know what I was a kid I remember going to Disneyland and going on the Autopia ride remember that it's still there try the little cars and when you're a little kid that's very exciting but you have these berries around you you really can't go very far even if you hang a hard right or left you're gonna pretty much stay in the lane they put you in that's what the Ten Commandments are they're guardrails in life but ultimately as we develop a relationship with God they come naturally as the Bible says they're written on the fleshly tablets of our heart so they're internalized but they do give us absolutes to live by they're like traffic laws now maybe you don't always like traffic laws but they're there for a reason to keep you alive by the way somebody came up with some Commandments for drivers and I thought they were pretty valid here's one thou shalt not go slow in the fast lane Prius drivers are you listening Prius drivers why maybe it's because the tires and a Prius are the size of a little donut they're so little I don't know here's another one thou shalt not text while driving that's a good one and also not text while waiting for the light to change that's another here's another thou shalt not go 30 miles over the speed limit there were not a driver in the Indy 500 thou aren't a dangerous idiot I like that that's because there are people that drive like that here's another thou shalt not tailgate thou shalt not pull in front of me and slow us down why do people do that you're cruising along and they come up get right in front of me and slow down like excuse me you had all these other lanes so then I tailgate them see that now it's be bad though I don't traffic laws are there to protect us now here's an interesting thing the order of the Ten Commandments is very important if we were to rearrange them I think some might say some are more important than others a recent article I read pointed out that in general people believe that certain Commandments are so really valid like thou shalt not murder thou shalt not steal thou shalt not commit adultery everyone agrees those are bad things but people are fudging a bit if you will on other Commandments like well less people thought it was that big of a deal to take the Lord's name in vain and a very small percentage of people felt it was really that big of a thing to have another God before him however when the Lord puts the commandments together at the top of the list is you shall have no other gods before him for the Lord this is a number one offense Jesus summed it up this way he shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart with all of your soul and with all of your mind and you shall love your neighbor as yourself and then he said there are no other commandment greater than these if you love God with all of your hearts all of mine and you love your neighbor as yourself the rest of the commandments will come naturally the commandments are broken into two sections not five and five as we might assume but actually for insects the first four Commandments have to do with our relationship with God the final six Commandments have to do with their relationship with other people so if I love God with all of my heart soul and mind I'm not gonna have another God before him I'm not gonna bow down before a graven image I'm not gonna take his lore his name in vain and I'm gonna honor Sabbath I I really love my neighbor as I love myself I'm not going to kill them I'm not going to steal from them I'm not gonna lie to them or covet what belongs to them I think Augustine summed it up perfectly when he said love God and do as you please see if I love God as they ought to love God I will naturally want to do the things that please God that's what he was really saying so let's focus on the first commandment that's all the time we have is to do only one commandment in this message commandment number one Exodus 20 verse 3 thou shalt have no other gods before me do you think you've ever broken that commandment a survey revealed that 76% of all Americans consider themselves completely true to the first commandments so do you think that's accurate the most Americans or most of us have never broken the first commandment I suggest you we've broken it more than we may realize because everything starts with the place of God in your life because you will end up serving what you worship remember when Jesus was tested by Satan in the wilderness and the Bible says that the devil showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time I'm not even sure how that played out but we know that Satan the devil is described in the Bible as the God of this world the Prince of the power of the air who rules over the demon forces right now so in a sense the devil said this this is my stuff and it belongs to me interestingly Christ did not dispute it I don't know if he gave him a glimpse into the future but whatever it was the devil saying this is all my stuff and Jesus I know why you've come you've come to die on the cross and purchase back what was lost in the Garden of Eden and I'm gonna make you a deal you cannot refuse dad Godfather imitation alert Satan says I'll give it to you you can have it on a silver platter you don't have to die in a cross you don't have to go through anything I'll give you what you come for here's my condition he says I want you to worship Me Jesus says thou shalt worship the Lord God in him only show you serve wait what the devil didn't say anything about service he said just worship me momentarily worship Me but Jesus said only worship God because you'll serve Him in other words he's saying you'll end up serving what you worship you see so what is on the altar of your life is of the greatest importance but here the Lord now gives them the motive for keeping the commandments the motive verse 2 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage God does not start by threatening or scaring them he starts by reminding them of what kind of God he was a loving caring God who delivered them from bondage and misery you might say well that's great for them they were slaves in Egypt well he you were a slave too we all were to sin on our way to hell but God loved us so much he sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sin and we turned from our sin and believed in Jesus thus we have so much appreciation for all that the Lord has done therefore it should be our privilege and pleasure to seek to live a life that is plea seen to him not because we have to but because we get to see you don't obey the Bible because you have to you can't the obey because you want to and the reason you want to is because of all that God has done for you you love him because he first loved you that's what the Bible says Jesus did not say keep my Commandments and I'll love you he said if you love me you'll keep my Commandments so before the Lord tells him what he wants them to do he says hey check it out look at what I did for you so this should be your way to respond my love for him is a response to his love for me now Cathy and I as we mentioned we've been married for 46 years I have certain expectations of her she has certain expectations of me God is the same he wants an exclusive relationship he doesn't want to share you with other gods any more than your husband wants to share you with other men how would it sound if as a wife says to her husband honey I'm going out on a date now with Chad I don't know why I picked Chad seemed like the right name Chad something sketchy about the name another I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm gonna have all the Chad's rise up in anger against me does anyone here named Chad then sorry Chad because I can tell you you're a great guy your wife there keep your eye on Chad anyway I digress but if the wife said hey I'm going on a date with Chad tonight honey oh and I probably won't be home tonight I'll see you in the morning that's crazy can't have that you need faithfulness in a marriage honor the vows that you make in a marriage the Lord says I want the same thing because why I'm a jealous God whoa God's a jealous God hello someone's insecure right God's not insecure he says I've done this for you I want an exclusive relationship with you and I don't want to share you with anybody else look to want your spouse to be faithful to you as a reasonable thing in a way you're a jealous parent you want the best for your child the very word jealousy speaks of ownership you know we're connected you're my child and God's saying I'm your father and I want you to be faithful to me so don't have any other gods before me what does it mean to have another God before him you know we think of an idol worshiper as I mean someone bowing prostrate before some carved image you know that that would be an idol worship or for sure but that's not the only form of idolatry the Epistle of first John we read the words little children keep yourself from idols there's a lot of things that can become idols in your life listen to this an idol is anyone or anything that takes the place of God in your life let me repeat that an idol is anything or anyone that takes the place of God in your life so the question is who or what is your God everybody has a God even an atheist has a God they'll say they don't but they do their God is themself maybe their God is their atheism but they have a deity they have someone or something they bow before that is on the altar of their life how do you determine who your God is okay question what do you get excited about you know what gets you out of bed in the morning what do you think about the most what do you dream about plan for perhaps scheme for what do you spend most of your money on what are you passionate about that is your God now most of us would say oh the Lord is my god well good I hope he is but sometimes we can put other things in his place it's not who we name it's who we ultimately serve sometimes your God with a small gene can be something that's not necessarily bad but it's out of its rightful place idols are not always evil outright listen the most dangerous idols are good things that are twisted you can make an idol out of your family what do you know oh yeah you can make your family more important than God well we should focus on our family yes we should but the Lord has to be number one if the Lord is number one everything else falls into its proper place God's more important than even your marriage God's more important than your kids God's more important than anything God's more important than your career and sometimes people make the career the god of their life and yes you should work hard and do what you can but God needs to be in the number one position some people worship money or possessions their mantra is born to shop they have a bumper sticker on their car he who dies with the most toys wins and they probably tailgate people too you know there can be a certain adrenaline release when you shop like a dopamine hit you've heard the expression retail therapy right there's some truth to that but you got to find it you're buying it you're all excited maybe if it's Black Friday you killed someone to get it right but now you can go online you don't even have to go to the mall anymore and go to Amazon Prime in and order it and maybe it says it'll arrive today the other day I ordered something on Amazon it was a little robot toy for Christmas for my grandson Christopher I don't know what happened by they ordered eight of them and they just kept coming with these boxes what are these right here it is again here it is again here it is again I obviously didn't do a very good job ordering so we returned them Oh thankfully they do come back but then the other day I got a big giant box it was really heavy Kathy says what have you ordered now we opened it up it was a massive bag of birdseed I thought it was little it was big so things go really wrong online the thing with getting stuff it's once you get it you just want more the bible says helen destruction are never full and so as the heart of man never satisfied when john d rockefeller was the richest man in the world someone asked him the question how much money is enough and his answer was just a little bit more that is why the bible warns us that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil while some have covered it after they've pierced themselves through with many sorrows it doesn't seem money is the root of all evil so someone says you know the Bible says money is the root of all evil that's not true the Bible says the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil which while some have coveted after they've erred from the faith it's not wrong to have stuff it's wrong when stuff has you and there's a difference you see the Bible even says in first Timothy 6:17 god richly gives you what you need for your enjoyment so it's great you know if you say lord thank you for my home thank you for my vehicle thank you for the clothes my back you enjoy those things God has given you but with those things in your life comes a responsibility to invest in the kingdom of God as well but we can let these things get in the way of God and sometimes when we start experiencing success we begin to forget God and suddenly we don't have time for a church anymore oh you know I worked all week long and I need a day off I want to just sit home and veg I don't want to go to church oh wait a second who gave you the strength to work all day long who gave you that job that you go to God did he provided for you excuse me so you don't have time to open the Word of God and to worship the Lord his great tragedy happened one week ago basketball legend Kobe Bryant tragically killed in a helicopter accident do you know where Kobe was in the morning before he boarded that helicopter he was at church with his daughter that that's a man who what his priorities Norbit there's so many things that can choke the Word of God out in our life and again I emphasize they're not always bad things oh sure there's sinful things that can be booze or drugs or illicit pleasures those can all become idols in your life but it can be good things out of proportion jesus said it this way and what we call the parable of the sower remember he talked about a sower that through his seed out and some seed fell on ground and it began to grow but it was choked out by weeds and he said in Matthew 13 22 the seed sown among weeds represents a person who receives the message they received the message but listen life's busy distractions his divided heart and as ambition for wealth result in suffocating the kingdom message and prevent him from bearing spiritual fruit did you hear that life's busy distractions there's nothing wrong with your career nothing wrong with your schedule nothing wrong with all the things were engaged in each and every day but don't let them become God in your life and push the true God out of your life as a result keep God in the number one position if you will put God first in your marriage if you will put God first in your finances if you will put God first in your singleness if you will put God first in your career I promise you on the authority of Scripture everything else will fall into its rightful place put him first because jesus said seek first the kingdom of God right which means the rule and reign of Christ in your life the kingdom of God seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you what things what you're gonna eat what you're gonna wear what you're gonna drink where you're gonna go to school who you're gonna marry everything you need in life it'll all find its proper place but sometimes we let things take the place of God classic example is the rich young ruler you know this guy had it made young man climbed his corporate ladder had a tricked-out chariot it was lowered extra big wheels had a latte cruises up to Jesus hey Jesus what must I do to inherit eternal life you would think Jesus would've said man you're like such an awesome dude I want you on my team right now I you're good for my image come on in Johnny's got a bunch of fishermen that I need you by the way can we use your chariot Jesus says the very opposite he says okay I'll tell you what lose paraphrased buddy sell all that you have take the money give it to the poor and follow me and you'll have eternal life this guy couldn't do it he went away sorrowful why did Jesus say that and by the way Jesus never said that to anybody else I'll tell you why he said it cuz Jesus being God could look right in that guy's hard and could see the most important thing to that young man was this stuff it's the stuff that he owned or maybe I should say his stuff that owned him and so Jesus was effectively saying if you want to follow me you got to get this out of the position that it's in right now and I need to be the lord of your life and this man couldn't do it what's holding you back from Christ to somebody else Jesus might say you need to terminate that relationship that thing is killing you spiritually to another you might say man you need to give up that vice or that thing you're doing you can't live that way anymore but listen when we come to the commandments of God here's what we quickly quickly discover I can't live up to these Commandments I broken these Commandments and you broken these Commandments and the Bible says if you offend in one point of the law you're guilty of all of it Wow who hasn't done that but here's the good news 2,000 years ago God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross and take the full penalty of Arts in upon himself and the Bible even says he took the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us which is a King James way of saying all the laws that said you're a sinner and he nailed them to the cross he did that for you because the the law of the commandments don't make me holy they show me I'm not holding they're like a moral mirror you ever look in a magnifying mirror that's alarming isn't it remember when I was a kid I'd look at old men and I'd notice them when they shave they miss patches like what's wrong with these people now we have a magnifying mirror and I look in it and I say uh-oh miss a couple places didn't I let's see I look in God's mirror and I realized I fall short but the good news is it's not there to make me feel miserable it's there to drive me into the open arms of Jesus who will forgive me of every sin I've committed yes Jesus died on the cross paid the price for our sin rose again from the dead and now he stands at the door of our life and he nods and says a full hear his voice and opened the door he will come in and I want to ask you in closing have us Jesus to come into your life on this Super Bowl Sunday this Groundhog Day uncrating Cathy's anniversary have you done that yet I I seriously doubt that Kobe Bryant and his daughter and all the folks who boarded that helicopter had any idea that was their last day and most people don't know when that day is coming what if it were your last day today tonight tomorrow if you're a Christian you don't have to live in fear of death it doesn't mean you look forward to it but it means you're ready it means you're prepared prepared to meet your God and I ask you that right now are you prepared to meet God because heaven is a prepared place for prepared people I've told you the story before of a tombstone and somebody was walking through this graveyard and they saw the writing on the tombstone which had these words pause now stranger as you passed by as you are now so once was I as I am now so you shall be so prepare for death and follow me someone reading that tombstone was overheard to say to follow you is not my intent until I know which way you went right are you prepared for eternity you say well how do you how do you get prepared you admit to God you're a sinner and you invite Christ into your life he'll forgive you of your sins and the commandments you've broken and then he'll start changing you from the inside out and if you haven't done that yet you can do it right here right now he's just a prayer way and then one what we're gonna pray together and I'm going to extend an invitation to you wherever you are everyone in this room everyone at every harvest campus even you guys watching online we have a large online audience watching us now as well wherever you are this is for you this is your moment to get right with God and ask Jesus to come into your life if you need to do this do it now don't put it off this is your day the day of salvation let's pray father I pray now for every person here every person watching and listening wherever they may be if they don't know Jesus yet let this be their moment of decision their moment where they passed from darkness to light the moment were they passed from unbelief to belief help them Lord to see their need for you help them to come to you now we ask in Jesus name now all our heads are bowed and our eyes are closed and we're praying together maybe there's someone here today that would say Greg I need Jesus I don't know if I'd go to heaven if I were to die today but I want to know I want Jesus to come into my life and be my Savior and Lord I I want my sin forgiven I want my guilt taken away I want a second chance and life pray for me if that's your desire if you want Jesus to come into your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die will you raise your hand up wherever you are and I'm gonna pray for you raise your hand up high where I can see it god bless you and you and you god bless you god bless you anybody else raise your hand up let me pray for you god bless you god bless you some of you are watching on a screen right now and of course I can't see you but the Lord sees you would you raise your hand up if you want Jesus Christ to come into your life wherever you are god bless all of you well their heads are still bowed maybe there's somebody here that would say I've fallen away from the Lord I've had another God before him another thing there another person has taken the Lord's place on my - I need to repent of that and recommit my life to Jesus if that you raise your hand up let me pray for you God bless you God bless you god bless all of you father give these folks that strength to stand up and follow you for we ask it in Jesus name Amen listen to this everyone that Jesus calls he calls openly and publicly and in a moment our worship group is gonna lead us in the song of invitation and I'm going to ask if you raise your hand with me during that last moment of prayer saying that you want Jesus to come into your life I'm gonna ask him when this song begins you would get up out of your seat step into the nearest aisle and walk down toward the front and stand in front of this stage and when you all get here I'll lead you in a prayer of commitment maybe you raise your hand saying you need to make that reak commitment at Christ you come as well why do I ask you to come publicly because jesus said if you will acknowledge me before people I'll acknowledge you before my father and the angels in heaven but he added if you deny me before people I'll deny you before the father and the Angels I'm gonna ask you to make that public stand you guys in the other campuses I want you to get up and come forward as well come to the front there wherever the screen is and you make your public stand for Christ so again if you raise your hand even if you did not you want your sin forgiven you want to know that you'll go to heaven when you die you want to fill that big hole in your heart you want your guilt taken away or you want to make this recommitment of Christ get in front of your seat come down here to the front and stand here and when you all get here I'll lead you in prayer get up and start coming now up in the balcony open up these side doors here if you're in the overflow area you come into the sanctuary come right here and make your stand for Christ [Music] ha [Music] you're [Music] the shadows [Music] jeez [Music] there might be a few more of you I'm gonna ask that nobody leave right now because it's rude and distracting we're praying for people making the most important decision of their entire life nothing's more important than what's happening right here right now okay you guys watching harvest Oh see harvest Woodcrest harvest corona I want you to get up and make your stand for Jesus Christ you guys watching overflow here at harvest Riverside you can come around to the side doors are open wherever you are they're gonna sing this chorus did one last time anybody else wants to make this commitment or recommitment to Jesus you get up and come now and then we'll pray anybody else come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right everybody that's come forward here and you guys that have come forward at the other locations I'm gonna lead you in a prayer and I'm gonna ask that you pray this prayer out loud after me so again as I pray just pray this after me what is this prayer this is a prayer where you're asking Jesus Christ to come into your life he's gonna hear this prayer he's gonna answer this prayer because the Bible says whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved so that's what you're doing right now you're calling on the name of the Lord so I'll pray and you pray it out loud after me okay let's all bow our heads pray these words if you would Lord Jesus I know that I am a sinner but I know that you're the Savior who died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead I turn now from my sin I choose to follow you Jesus from this moment forward as my savior and Lord as my god and friend in Jesus name I pray amen god bless all of you god bless you [Applause]
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 24,094
Rating: 4.7758913 out of 5
Keywords: harvest, greg, laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship, Greg Laurie Sermons, greg laurie, ten commandment sermon, ten commandment youtube sermon, youtube sermon, ten commandments explained, the ten commandments explained in detail, 10 commandments explained in detail, exodus 20 explained in detail, exodus 20 sermon explained in detail
Id: kyEjKeVFW_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 48sec (2988 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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