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you were trying to explain this to me yesterday and I need a full explanation okay yeah so this these new Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite processors not the first time Microsoft and Qualcomm have tried to make arm-based computers uh famously they tried to make it in 2019 when they released this new computer called the Surface Pro X which was an arm-based windows on arm it's going to happen this time guys for real for real wanted to be good and they co-branded a processor with Qualcomm that they called the Microsoft sq1 around that time Qualcomm had uh released the Qualcomm 8cx processor which is an awful name and was made for Windows unarm computers however at the time nobody really wanted to sign on to Windows on arm specifically because it sucked um Good Reason yeah totally fair qualcom made like a lot of uh Fanfare about the fact that they their emulator their like Rosetta esque uh translator emulator was like really good really efficient the problem was that it only worked with 32bit x86 uh Intel based applications and at that point in time most professional Applications had moved to um 64-bit so you had this problem where like only super old apps were working on this translator so you could use like the the default Microsoft app apps on the Surface Pro X kind of they kind of worked and that was good but if you tried to use like anything else that you download from the internet just wouldn't run games usually just wouldn't run if you could get them to run the emulation would be so slow that it was basically unplayable extremely expensive computer uh it was a lot better it was like they made the design a lot better they streamlined the bezels they made it look really nice it was good Hardware but considering it was an arm-based PC the battery life was like pretty bad and there was just no reason why you should why you should buy a Surface Pro X over an intel-based Surface Pro at the time you mean it was bad for an RPC right yeah the Surface Pro X was also that like tablety it was a surface yeah so the surface pro has always been the tablet that has the attachment keyboard and so they made the Surface Pro X which was their attempt at windows on arm I remember seeing this at Microsoft that year but nobody was invested in on arm and I'm not sure if it was because it just sucked or what but like none of the oems wanted to get involved in it and so you pretty much only really saw like the Surface Pro X and maybe like one or other two one or two other computers come out um so that was their first run in 2016 and then Apple did M1 2019 sorry yeah 2019 not 2016 and then Apple released M1 and has just been totally smoking them for like so many years years now that they're finally like okay guys we really really really need to actually make this happen guys like for real this time for real this time for real for real this whole mchip thing is like pretty good over there we should probably do something about it I think this just showcases like the difference between vertical integration and being someone like Microsoft Qualcomm SL Asus SL ASRock who is like all trying to work together to make something that works versus Apple who just makes everything themselves like it's cool I love the idea of separation um and having all these different companies like come together because then you have choice you have a lot of choice but it makes it very hard to make these things work there's clearly pros and cons of both situations yes um so anyway on Monday they held an event in Richmond that again was like part surface event because they did announce a new Surface Pro which I think they just called the new Surface Pro which is funny um and then also a new Surface laptop in two different sizes and these are primarily going to be arm-based computers that run on the new Snapdragon X Plus and Snapdragon X Elite which in a lot of synthetic benchmarks are eclipsing M3 and I actually went to a Qualcomm event um like a month ago in which they showed me all of these benchmarks and they were specifically comparing it to M3 and it was before M4 dropped on the iPad and I think that's the whole reason that Apple put out M4 in its most basal form on the iPad is just because they knew that Qualcomm was is going to compare xelite to all the M4 stuff or M3 stuff and the X Elite uh processors are specifically geared towards AI because they have 45 uh flop mpus um which the M4 many tokens is those are words that mean things to me yeah they have a more powerful neural engine yeah the neural engines yeah exactly exactly so like the Qualcomm neural engines are really really beefed up and I I think that's exactly what Microsoft wants specifically too because all of these features that are coming to Windows 11 and SAA is always like we've entered the age of the aipc it's mostly based on that neural engine M um so yeah now the now that M4 is out M4 also has way beefier neural engines it's just we don't really know what it can do yet because Apple hasn't had the developer conference in which they release features know it can take pictures of documents and remove Shadows I that was actually the thing I was the most excited to be honest it can do stem split stem split which is kind of cool yeah but like I don't know I want to see what it actually does on computers yeah okay so yeah Microsoft's event was basically to like really showcase the X Elite and X+ processors that are coming out it was an oem based event so we got new laptops from Acer Asus Lenovo Dell HP um and uh they announced some new features in Windows 11 that that are AI focused the the biggest one that most people are talking about is a feature called a recall yeah this one was interesting which is interesting uh I've heard from some sources that the that the internal name for this was Total Recall which is very funny and kind of a nod to that movie uh but this feature is basically it takes snapshots of your screen every 5 Seconds when there is something different on your screen and it stores that in a cache and that's a lot of smarts but also a lot of data yes I Look to choose perfect for and it uses all of those snapshots as contextual understanding of like what you're doing what that page or window or whatever is so that if you I don't know you were texting your friend or emailing your friend the other day like oh what's that barbecue spot you like and you don't remember the answer you ask the recall feature when bring up the email where I was talking to Jessica about that barbecue spot and then it brings it up because it has this like list of things that you've been doing on your computer for a long period of time time yeah this is sort of the dream of what we want an AI assistant to be in a lot of ways because it's just like it knows everything that you've been doing and therefore yeah you can really use it to help you yeah it's like a superpower yeah I think it's a pretty a very interesting feature I want to get one of these laptops into actually test and see how useful it actually is um they're saying that all of the snapshots are encrypted and stored locally on your computer never go to the cloud hopefully it doesn't come out that they're training their llms on it um I don't think it will but we'll see um also they give you a lot of control over it so you can turn off recalls ability to uh scrape apps on an app bya basis if you want so you can say never read my Gmail app or never read you edge or whatever uh and you can also just turn it off entirely if you want but it is opt out so there's that um and co-pilot is also getting more deeply inte into Windows 11 like providing suggestions in the settings menu um it can edit files and file explorer for you and they're also wait can I butt in sorry I don't want to go too far away from recall cuz the first thing I thought about this was when I used to do it and being like I wish every person in this office had recall so when they could say like I don't know what happened it just the screen just went blank or like this happened I could be like I'm sure you didn't and then type in the thing that told everyone not to do and watch them probably do that and break the computer by themselves my dad always says that my dad is like the computer just decided to do this itself and I was like no dad that's not how computer this wouldn't help that but one time one of my bosses was like the screen just went blank and I came in and I was like oh that's weird like he was like I was just writing an email and I looked down under his desk and the computer was like sideways on the ground and I was like do you usually keep it like laying down like that so you don't knock it over he's like oh no it's usually stin what like how David does it was like a tower like but some people did on their desk put it like that and he was like oh no it's usually standing up and I was like so you kicked it in the face I was like got it so it probably probably got knocked over huh he's like yeah I guess and I like put it back up and plugged it in the back he's like whoa thanks man and I was like holy yeah I don't know what happened yeah yeah yeah yeah so I don't know I I I think this is a super interesting feature assuming people aren't too creeped out by it um yeah people are pretty creepy that's a big assumption that's a big assumption yeah I would I would like to see if it's actually useful though because like I don't know there's a lot of AI features that come out that are like in this very explicitly specific instance it could be useful but this is something that's sort of just like there and if you ever have a question you could look it up and I feel like that's kind of nice this is how I could see it is it comes on there's people who are going to opt out because they think it's creepy and then they're going to hit a scenario where they're like I wish I had that on really could have used that and then I bet they turn it on yeah what is that scenario though because for me it's looking for memes that we talk about do I really want this turned on to find the me we spoke about last week that yeah I mean like find a deleted tweet that you saw and you're like oh that was really funny but now it's deleted or like I didn't even think of that the worst thing about threads is that when you open threads and you you like instinctively go to refresh it but then you see the first thread on the page and you're like oh wait I'm kind of interested in that and then it refreshes the whole thing and you're like that happens on Twitter also you'll never see that ever again what's Twitter that's or I mean I've had YouTube also where something's been on the recommended page on the front and like as I'm clicking refresh I'm like wait oh wait what was that one and I will never find that video ever again yeah recall yeah recall solves all the terrible social media ux designs you could literally be like what was that fire post that I just missed while I refreshed and oh you meant this one yeah so I'm I'm very interested in how Intel responds to all this because Intel is just like an aging aging aging company that like Qualcomm and arm were always going to be the future right like obviously phones got faster and had better battery life and that's obviously what we eventually wanted for computers and apple did it and it worked and so now Microsoft and all of their oems are like all right we're really really putting our best foot forward this time and this is actually going to be the future and it is nice to see that a lot of OEM are actually making a bunch of laptops that are uh that are ex Elite powered because last time it was pretty much just Microsoft and the the one laptop they released for it sucked so these laptops look sick they look good I want like five of them yeah the surface laptops or yeah so we can talk about the new updates um there's a new Surface Pro which again they're just kind of calling the Surface Pro it's the first time they've put an OLED panel in the Surface Pro as an option although the OLED panel does add $500 um which is quite a lot uh but it is available with the wait no no no but you also get the the upgraded chip with that $500 you yeah you get The XLE versus oh so it's not only a $500 up yeah yeah true okay okay yeah there's the X pro chip and the X Elite chip the X Elite chip is a lot more powerful um so it's nice to get the OLED in there and then they also announced a new Surface Flex keyboard so prior the surface the surface Pros were like they would be a tablet and you would attach this keyboard that was also kind of like a folio we've seen that happen in every tablet known to man at this point um but the keyboard had to be attached to the computer in order for you to use that as keyboard now you can wirelessly use it when you take it off of the tablet which is kind of nice that's one of those things that felt like it should have just been happening the whole time yeah it never had a battery in the keyboard it was just powered by the pins I also like that the keyboard it looks like there's an Alcantara version and I kind of missed the the old surface laptops that had that optiona yeah yeah danta was nice I have a question David sure about the Surface Pro so is the Snapdragon X Elite a like sort of unified platform in the same way that Apple's arm platform is where the memory and the and the storage and the motherboard and the graphics processor are all like on one yeah I believe so okay then assuming that is true uh you can only put 16 gigs of ram in this thing which makes it not a very Pro device do you have the super fast me does it seem like we'll get the super fast memory swap on this that renders Ram a little bit less useful or is this another Microsoft product that they're calling a pro product and then just expecting people to uh go make a sandwi Microsoft pro products have literally never been pro products almost ever the Surface Pro Series has never been fast yeah so you know it's more about the flexibility I guess I had forgotten all about the I knew they had some sort of tablet but I forgot it was called the pro so when you said Surface Pro before I just assumed it was like the I just always think it's just like the nicer laptop seven or whatever taet that has the tach I'm super excited about this thing as someone who at home uses their Asus Zenbook fold and really enjoys it this just seems like a better version of that but without like what am I supposed to do with 16 gab of I can floss my teeth with 16 gabt of ram you know what I mean that's nothing this say 32 I'm specking one out right now and the highest option is do you have exite yeah hold on let me double check all this okay um well that new Chrome tabs the new Surface Flex keyboard is very cool however it is $350 um which is the same price as the Apple 13in iPad magic keyboard I was wrong you can't back it up to 32 gigs okay good okay cool my bad you floss your teeth with that but again again the surface Pros have never been [Music] [Laughter] it's just they try they try to make it that way but it's just not it's mouse and keyboard first yeah I have to say they do a good job at showing some examples of where this now new wireless keyboard would be uh like nice one of them is in here he has like the tablet on a coffee table with a kickstand and he's using it on his lap but like that would be awesome on a plane because now I have it on the thing but I'm not the one typing my keyboard making the guy seat in front of you like shaking put in your lap and then he also has this cool situ where he has theet semi- propped up using the stylus but then he still has the keyboard to the left with his left hand to do shortcut keys that's cool I bet Tim would find that pretty interesting yeah except it's Windows yeah I figured it out you as of on the pre-order page you can only pre-order it with 32 gigs of RAM if you choose the platinum color the pro platinum color yeah other way if you choose Sapphire black or Dune why is this we were just talking about this with Apple if you get the pro versions of things get boring colors yep it's because those are the most popular colors by far but I do cuz you don't offer us better colors Mystic bronze Mystic that's an old an old one okay call back call back okay in the laptop we also have a new Surface uh laptop and there are two sizes um which is nice they they made the smaller size slightly bigger it's now 13.8 in and there's also a 15in also both OLED both 600 nits not 10 not tandem uh starts at 16 gigs of RAM with 256 gigs of storage for 99999 I also want to say in order to use recall you have to have 50 gigabytes of storage available okay which if you buy the 256 gab model that means you only really have which is kind of less than probably less than the OS takes up storage you're probably only really going to have like 150 gigs now the benefit of the surface laptop is that there's a slot and I think on the service pro as well there's a slot on the back where you can swap out the memory extremely easily um you can add in memory just on the back of the computer memory or Storage storage Sor sorry storage not Ram sorry that's good cuz I floss my teeth with 150 I don't even know what that how that analogy would work but you know what I mean it's so thin that you could it's nothing it's it's worthless wake up and I blow my nose and 16 gigs of RAM right out one thing really cool that I think is also worth pointing out Dave 2D pointed out in his video is the bottom of the screen now is rounded so all four edges are rounded and I never noticed that and now I can't not see that on my MacBook I was about to say that the MacBook is rounded at the tops but on the bottom it's not I never noticed and now it bothers me so much this is you don't notice it as much on the MacBook because most most of the apps round the corners on the bottom and then the dock makes it so the app isn't full screen unless you're using full screen mode but it's a lie but you just don't notice but yeah what background am I using they're darker on the bottom so it's harder to see the backgrounds are always darker on the bottom Apple designers they know what they're doing they've been hiding first came out yeah when the when the iPhone still do it yeah when the iPhone 10 first came out with the notch they inally made yeah the wallpaper gradiented to Darkness notch or dynamic Island well was a notch then well now they still kind of like creatively hide the dynamic island with darker colors but they are a little bit less uh about it's like a feature now so they want to show it off it's Discerning difference in yeah AI is hallucinating yeah it's a feature not a bug feature uh enjoy it so the laptop for me is a lot more interesting than the Surface Pro um in this scenario cuz they actually upgraded like a lot of things on the laptop that is very nice um they now have a haptic touchpad very similar to the MacBooks so it's kind of the same thing where there's not actually a physical button but it's a motor that presses back on you I'm very interested in seeing if that's comparable to the macbook's touchpad it's probably about the same which is pretty cool um there are now two USBC and one usba whereas prior I believe it was one USBC and one usba uh and then they have the surface connect charger on the right and they're saying that it can get up to 22 hours of video playback which is pretty comparable and this is kind of their big move to unse try to unse the MacBook a as the most popular computer in the world basically um because the MacBook Air just sells like hot cakes cuz everything about it is incredible yeah it's already I mean like I I loved my Surface laptop I don't remember which one it was because all of them look exactly the same which I don't think is a bad thing I think it's a really Sleek nice looking laptop I love traveling with it it was small it's way easier to carry around than this thing the problem it will never beat the MacBook Air but that's not of its own fault it's that Windows has a million competitors it's just like why one Android phone is never going to beat an iPhone it's like there's way too many different ones to pick from and different price points where if you just wantful Andrew careful you just mean in pure sales in pure sales yeah I think it's sem oh yeah yeah sorry that's what I it's semi comparable to the pixel because Google makes Android just like Microsoft makes windows and then they have a flagship device that they want to show off that OS on and I don't think normal people care about that I agree and they do their best as far as vertical integration but it's never quite as complete full stack as like Apple's top to bottom right thing well this was my question to you yesterday David because I also think the surface line is very similar to the pixel line and Google eventually started making tensor their own chip and I was asking if you think Microsoft will eventually make their own they tried to make their own chip with the sq1 which was like a custom design chip with Qualcomm which is basically exactly what Google did with tensor because snap because uh Samsung actually made the chip for them but they designed it so it was similar where like Microsoft had a lot of input in the design of the processor for the co-branded chip the sq1 um I could see them eventually doing that just because they're investing so much in AI that I could see them being like we want our own chip that Qualcomm will manufacture but we will like design specific sure every major tech company is basically like we would like to make our own chip at some point I mean open AI is trying to make their own chip so yeah which is crazy uh him Hy that's a great yeah they also made the surface laptops a little bit thicker in the middle so that they could put the Snapdragon X Elite chip the best one in it um so now when you buy a surface laptop you you get like the fastest new Arm based processor that there is okay theoretically these ex Elite processor ERS are extremely good at emulation have extremely good battery life and can run everything hopefully they took their blunders from last time and actually made a translator that is just as good as Rosetta they say it's just as good as Rosetta too so I really really am interested in like trying to play games on this thing right because if you want to play valerant on on this like it's an arm-based computer can emulate it well you know like on my MacBook Pro I play Dota 2 and I get 144 FPS out of it now that is compiled natively for l Linux and for Mac which is cool um but it's going to be interesting when it sits emulating yeah so yeah it was a pretty big event that had like a lot of stuff in it I think the big things were uh the new Chips recall and the refreshed computers and there's also a bunch of computers from all those other oems so there's a lot of articles online if you want to go check out those other laptops as well I think it's like comparing these I know everyone wants to be like this is the MacBook killer the MacBook Air like this is going to be better than the MacBook Air but I I feel like Microsoft mostly should just want to take over the windows segment of laptops like they are also comp competing against Dell and HP and all of their other partners which I guess they still you know are making money off them if they're probably more money off them more money that's a good point but like if they want to be the laptop of Windows like that feels like the better well they have the same issue that Google has right they make Android and they rely on other manufacturers especially in countries where pixel is not that popular but also want to beat them yeah or even available a lot of people always me tweeted us and stuff saying that pixels aren't even available in a lot of right totally yeah and so that's I think that's why they're like available on Pixel only for 3 months and then everyone gets it because they want other people to they want these other oems to be incentivized to still make phones and not turn out like HTC or LG making devices yeah and may that may also a little bit be uh to avoid the little anti trusty stuff where you can't just I mean you can but you'll get sued if you just build a whole bunch of things only for yourself right kind of like the way Apple has like with the Apple watch yeah yeah yeah but it's also like Google makes most of its money on Google Play services and that just means the more Android devices you have in the wild the more money you're going to make no matter who makes it so that's the reason that they haven't really cared about the pixel that much until fairly recently um and now I think the only reason they're really caring about the pixel is because the iPhone market share is just skyrocketing so much so yeah I think Microsoft's doing a great job with all these laptops and it's not just the laptops they're putting out but in that sense of like being the easier to recommend laptop they're going into Best Buy stores and making really good displays that are simple these laptops look really nice they are like the same company making the operating system and the actual computer and like they're making it just seem way friendlier and I I don't know I've always liked the surface stuff even though I switched to a Macbook I got to say the sapphire and the Dune colors are really good looking they're really nice and honestly it's like it's just exciting to have a viable Windows option now because the only use case in buying a Windows computer in the past has been like one if you need one for work because you run certain applications that only run on Windows two you need backwards compatibility with old windows stuff which is a lot of people and three uh I'm trying to remember the third one you're a rebel you're a rebel you want to use your oh gaming gaming computers because you want like a really good GPU and also because most games are windows and and or Linux only generally Windows only and directex compatible all the way baby yeah direct X if you want to be like me and use your surface laptop at the Apple event yeah it's always a fun one and be the only one who got Wi-Fi that one time so that was also fun true Rebel you want Wi-Fi at an Apple event got a surface I got to say I am extremely lucky that the only video game that I play is natively available on Mac because otherwise I would really need a Windows computer I don't know I got to say like it's really nice that outside of those use cases you can now like think about buying a Windows cuz I like we were saying earlier I really like Windows 11 and it runs a lot of things really well and they also partnered with a bunch of very popular uh application makers like Adobe a bunch of adobe apps are now natively compiled for arm 64 um Da Vinci resolve is now natively compiled for m64 cap Cut's now compiled for m64 and resolve has a lot of a features in it now and they showed me some demos when I was at that Qualcomm event the other day and it it processes those AI like it's like AI tracking and like masking and stuff in real time and it's really really fast um I imagine once M M4 and M4 Pro and M4 Max come to these laptops and they have all of these uh AI features they're probably also going to accelerate those kind of tasks in things like tracking in Final Cut um it's just cool and also having Windows computers have good battery life finally is is really nice I think it's funny that your example was maybe you want you need it for work when mine's the exact opposite as my work computer is my Mac stuff and I was running a Windows laptop and a Windows computer at home gamer too so that's why yeah I mean the laptop not playing games on it but I just like Windows better yeah me too the fact that though this is just my work computer and then I can take it home it's just easier to do everything on the same computer that's going to translate to when it's at work but yeah I like Windows yeah team Windows hashtag yeah and having a bunch of computers that are actually good yeah is going to be like really great who to it so I'm really really hoping that it doesn't turn out like the 8cx scenario um I don't think it will but we'll have to see hey thanks for watching this clip uh if you haven't already like we haven't yeah we have not we should probably watch that movie I ain't got time for that the whole movie I'm just going to live it soon it's out already here how about I watch the first 10 minutes okay you watch the second 10 minutes and then Gemini we'll summarize summarizes the rest of it for us and then when we come back we'll we'll basically understand it do you know how many movies I could watch that's kind in this situation feel like that's a good idea have you seen Total Recall no from the the new feature of recall I'll watch the first 10 minutes though what's really funny is that Total Recall is a movie about implanting false memories in people like you're like oh I want to go to Spain but I don't want to go to Spain they just put memories of you going to Spain in your brain oh I've seen Inception why did I think Total Recall was like a ramp I don't think that's Inception Inception is kind of like that whoops I don't think so it's kind of like that I just I just looked up Total Recall and this is the screenshot that came up from the movie yeah yeah yeah oh yeah incep you plug things in your head too if you agree with me about the plot of inception like this video if you agree with Marquez about the plot of inception leave a comment on this video what's Inception either way if you're not on the bus yes we have really yeah that's kind of cute a a frisbee things yeah subscribe to this channel thanks [Music]
Channel: Waveform Clips
Views: 61,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Waveform, WVFRM, Podcast, MKBHD, Marques, Brownlee, Andrew, Manganelli
Id: 0tjtNji8BcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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