Everything About Flutter Themes In Less Than 10 Minutes

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Hey there, what is up? This is Flutter  Mentor and today we're gonna figure out   how to use themes in Flutter, in order to  make your life easier. The UI is super simple.   Just three different containers, one text widget,   one elevated button and a floating action  button. That's it, let's get this started with. Theming is, essentially, the art of making things  easier for you by changing up the default Flutter   colors. Unlike other videos, I even let the  appBar color be the default one, so that you   can see it change as we change the themes and its  properties. And the first thing we need to do is   go to main.dart. Over here on the material app,  we already have the title defined. And the theme   is right here. Now this that is currently here, is  pretty much the exact same as nothing being here.   This and this are the same. And this would also be  the same right here. This is how it looks like in   default, without doing anything else. So, typing  this in, is literally pointless. But when you check   out your main.dart, it'll look like this. Just  type in theme, themeData. And then within themeData,   as you can see, there are a lot of properties. In  fact, you can come over to the documentation and   check out the ThemeData class. And here you can  see the properties more organized. Like this is   how it's in the IDE, but if you scroll a little  bit further you'll see them all listed out and   with short descriptions as well. For example, the  accentColor is the foreground color for widgets.    Like, knobs, text, overscroll edge effect, etc. And  you can pretty much just read everything that   it says. There are a lot of properties. If you  really want to be a theme master, then I advise   you to read them all. And experiment with them,  because that's the only way you'll know what   they really do. But let's get back to the IDE. Now, I  just showed you that, this right here would be the   default version of the theme data... But if we want  we can make it ".dark", and that will massively change   the display. And let me just check something real  quick. Yeah, let me take out the background color   of the scaffold. So we can get the default colors.  So this is what it would look like without the   ".dark". And now with the .dark, it looks like this.  Quite a heavy difference. You can notice the app   bar color changed, the floating action button  changed, the background color also changed. And   this body of text also changed. Because it used  to be black, but now that the background is black,   Flutter automatically changes it to white because  that's the defined text color in the dark theme.   And by the way you can also use darkTheme right  here and, as you can see here, "This is the ThemeData   to use when a dark mode is requested by the  system". So, if you've ever wondered how to set up a   regular theme and then a dark theme for those  who prefer the dark theme, this would be how.   You just have this theme defined for regular - obviously  it wouldn't be dark - and then here you just have a   different one. But that's just a detail I wanted  you to know, let's focus on the regular theme   property. Let me show you how to customize the  theme data. You just need a ThemeData object   and then you just change the property, for example  let's make the primary color Flutter's original   color. And all the colors will change because this  right here is the dark theme version of Flutter's   default themes, and we're going to revert it back  to the light version. So, everything's going to   change. Something interesting is that they actually  changed the text color of the app bar - that would be   because flutter decided that black would look  better, on this color, than white. If I made it   pink accent it would go white. So, it's actually  really cool how flutter is intelligent and tries   to help you when you change colors. So, you can  already tell that there's a lot of work behind the   scenes. And by the way, just by changing the primary  color, if we had a bottom navigation bar or a tab   bar it would also have the same color as the app  bar. However, I usually advise people to just use   the primarySwatch. Because the primary color only  defines one color, and that's it. But the primarySwatch takes a material color and automatically  generates different shades of that color. The thing is, here you would have to give it an actual  material color from Flutter. If I save it, it will go   back to the regular blue. So, if I have a custom  color, I usually just combine both. There's the   custom color as a primary color, and then for the  primary swatch colors I just used a material color   that's close to it. And here it shouldn't be this  blue but, like I said, it's material colors. If I   change it to a blue accent color, you will see that  you can't. Because that's the material accent color.   And that's because Flutter already has the shades  implemented. And just in case you're wondering what   would change, I'm just going to make it red and  you will see these two change right here. But let's   revert back to blue. But let's say we define  this color right here, and we want to manually   apply it to our button, right here. Now, colors are  different. To change their color, you gotta do it like this.  And then here, in the case of the elevated button  you gotta change the primary property. And instead   of doing this, for example. We can use "theme.  of(context).primary Color. And I'm going to   save it and it's going to change. Now, you might be  thinking that's the same thing. I could have just   put in the color code. But once you have a whole  app, with a bunch of buttons it will be much better   to change the color just in one place, rather than  in all of the buttons. And that's one of the main   advantages of using themes. When I talked about the  different shades... for example here you can access   primaryColorDark and if I save it it will be  a darker blue. You can tell this blue is darker   than this one right here. And you can also do light  for example and it will be, well, lighter. But let's   say you want to change the color of the floating  action button through your themes. You would do   that through the accent color. For example, let's  make it some weird blue like this one: blueGray.   If I save it, it has changed. And if you have a lot  of different pages with a floating action button,   obviously it'll be easier to change it  through the theme data. And throughout   all of my tutorial videos I've always had  the background color defined like this.   But let me show you how to define it using  themes. And again, if you don't know how you change   the scaffold background color, for example.  You can just look around here and you could   literally just do Ctrl + F and just "background"  and then you just look like this. Eventually you   would find it. For example, it's right here. "scaffoldBackgroundColor". As you can see, there's literally   so many different properties that I can't go  over all of them. The video would just take forever   and you would probably not withstand to watch  it. And that's why I try to make videos as   short as possible. But yeah, all you have to do  is type in scaffoldBackgroundColor, define a   color and then save it. And that's it. The color  changed, I don't know if you noticed it, let me just use   a different color just to make sure you got it.  There you go. But now, we can't see the text. So,   let's change the text, shall we? Now, the text  you gotta do textTheme and then, if you use   Ctrl + Q, you will see that it expects an object  of the type TextTheme. So let's give it that.   TextTheme again. And as you can tell there's a  lot of different things to be defined as well.   And we can come here and we can just click the  TextTheme. And here everything will be explained   to you. They even give you a nice table to simplify  it, but if you just keep scrolling it'll get to   this part. For example, BodyText1, used for emphasizing  text that would otherwise be BodyText2. And   this is the default text style for material. So,  which one would we change, in order to change   the text that was once visible right here? Pause  the video and think for yourself a little bit I hope you got it right. If you didn't that's  okay, because you're here to learn. Before the   application of these two, it used to be body1  but now it's bodyText2. And in here   it expects a TextStyle, so let's give it exactly  that. And then here, you just gotta give it a color.   Let's make it white, and if we save it it goes to  white. As you can see. And this would also work if   you try to use something like .dark, but not  in the same way. In this case, you have to use a   different method, Which is the copyWith() method.  And within here, you could paste this. Although it   does not have a primarySwatch. And let's get rid  of the text theme as well. Because it will fix it   by default. And this isn't necessary either. So  if I save it... now it's in dark theme. Although,   the floating action button actually didn't change,  if you wanted to change it you would have to use   this property right here. Which takes exactly what  you would expect: the FloatingActionButtonThemeData   And here, you could change for example the  background color and give it this color right here.   And save, and then it would change the color. This  is why you should play around with the themes to   really understand the differences between using  dark and light, and defining all the properties   by yourself, etc. You will only master it if you  use it a lot. And you can actually go to a button   and give it its own theme. You just wrap it with a  Theme widget, and then use the data property - which   takes the theme data object. And then you just  do theme data, and let's make it ".light". And   see the button's color change... There you go. Because  we just gave it its own theme, ignoring the whole   theme of the app. And earlier I forgot that you  can also use this expression right here "Theme.of   (context)", to apply it to any kind of widgets. We can  just make all these widgets have the theme color.   Just with this piece of code, like so. And lastly, we  can also define a buttonTheme. In a new update, you   can also define specific types of button themes.  So you can define a theme for elevated buttons, for   text buttons, and for outlined buttons. Giving you  more control over buttons. But in this case let's   just go over the button theme in general. Here  what you would do would be ButtonTheme.of(context),   so that you don't have to define everything. This  way you can use the default and then just change   what you want to change about it. copyWith() and in  here we can change for example the button color.   Let's make it something completely different red  and then the text theme for example we can access   the primary color, like so. And we can even define  a shape for all buttons. For example, let's use this   rounded rectangle border. And then let's give it  a borderRadius. BorderRadius.circular(20).  And if I save it, nothing will happen because  this kind of theme actually only applies to   former buttons. If I just do this really  quick and I save it, now you see that the   button theme was applied. And really quick, let me  just show you an elevated button theme in action. And here you just style it like you  would style any other elevated button.   I'm just going to paste this for the shape part,  and then I would change this part to Colors.red.   And very importantly, I cannot forget to  remove this right here, so that it actually   uses the theme data. And I'm gonna save it.  And there it is. I hope you now have a better   grasp on how to use themes in Flutter. If this  video helped you, in any way please drop a like   and subscribe if you want to keep on  learning Flutter, that's it for now. If   you have any questions just drop them in the  comments below. This is Flutter Mentor, aand out.
Channel: Flutter Mentor
Views: 41,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter, flutter tutorial, flutter theme, flutter tutorial for beginners, flutter widgets, Flutter App, Flutter For Beginners, flutter theming, how to use flutter themes, how to control flutter themes, flutter themedata, flutter theme tutorial, flutter themedata tutorial, flutter themedata.light(), flutter themedata.dark(), flutter buttonTheme, flutter elevatedbuttontheme, flutter outlinedbuttontheme, flutter textbuttontheme, flutter customize theme, flutter texttheme, color
Id: 9iQiVUmLXyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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