Everything about Biodiversity in Colombia - Colombian Travel Guide

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today we are going to tell you everything about biodiversity what it is what it is for what we're doing with it where we can find it what its cost and of course everything in relation to Colombia hello everybody thanks for watching our video again Sarah with me today from the university national Sarah where are we today hello today we are at the Institute of Natural Sciences here in Bogota the National University of Colombia this is one of the most important places for researching biodiversity in Colombia and specifically this place is the museum that is inside of the Institute so the whole world talks about biodiversity but what is biodiversity actually what do you think biodiversity is to me it's like when I have many different animals in the same spot that's the common perception about biodiversity but it's just a part of biodiversity that's the part that corresponds to a species diversity but we also have other parts of biodiversity that are ecosystems species genetic and functional so ecosystems is all a big scale is all that concerns to landscapes and what is generated but a species interactions with environment the other component is species that is the one you referred that is just to take into account all the different living animals and plants in living organisms that are on earth the other component is the genetic diversity the genetic diversity is all the variability inside an individual the best example of that is a human being for example here you live here nor begin with my Colombian genes but we are a common common coming from the same species the Homo sapiens souls we are all we are we're coming from the same species what do you think please write in the comments if you think we are the same speed yes and the most recent component is the functional diversity that is how these living organisms and ecosystems functions so the taxonomic identity is not that important but the function that that species or organism or ecosystem has into the earth okay and so Columbia is known as the country with the second most biodiversity in the world after Brazil so what are the drivers for biodiversity and where can we find it we have several drivers for biodiversity historical and in the present time so historical drivers are all direct related with evolution evolutionary process like immigration speciation extinction and the current drivers that are spatial and temporal drivers so temporal related with the past word in the present moment the time of speciation the time of a changes in climate at the time of things happened that determines what is going to happen with the diversity or the variation you have among living things and this partial driver is the one related with how species are distributed in the space and we have around the world two environmental gradients those are altitude in ingredients the changes that we have along elevation and latitudinal gradients that are the changes in climate and characteristics from the equator to the polar regions that's why for example we have the greatest biodiversity in the tropics why is that because in that region of the earth you have the biggest mountains which gives altitude in and variation so a lot kinematic and environmental conditions changing but at the same time very emoji news and stable environment because in the tropics you don't have seasonal variations so strong and as the in the northern and southern parts of the earth so that maintains an equilibrium that makes with biodiversity explodes Columbia we have the endeth here so we have that elevation gradient very strong and we are placed in the middle of the tropics so there are those things together and make us a point a hotspot of biodiversity what is the value of such a biodiversity it has a value per se because the interactions of life maintains the life on Earth just when a human beings started to realize that their impact was strong on living systems on earth biodiversity was conceived in scientifical terms so in that time we started to see the economic importance of maintenance of biodiversity why because everything thing alive is money money in terms of services that we can use and goods for human beings and in colombia with these huge biodiversity what is unique as an offer what is unique in colombia as is that we have around 9000 and 100 endemic species that only occurs in colombia and besides that we have a 60% of one of the most special ecosystems on that is the para moon in the ranking of biodiversity because yes there is a ranking Colombia is the first in orchids and birds is the second implant and Vivian's and the third in a palm trees and the fourth in moments so yes we are winning by every side you look at it so that means wherever you go in Colombia you you can find a huge amount of different animals so it's perfect for nature tourism Colombia is a great destination for world watching for safari in the channels for lots of stuff how is tourism related to the biodiversity and conservation in Colombia here we are losing our diversity very fast principally because oil extraction a mineral extraction and deforestation recently the government is recognizing the biodiversity of Colombia and tourism as a key aspect of strategy to conserve 8 our natural richness so that's why tourism is important so in reality in an example how can tourism really help to maintain this great biodiversity we have here in Colombia translates directly into money so people need something to live and the opportunity to take care of an environment of or any species that people from other parts of the world are wanting to see by coming here became us become as an opportunity to take an economical advantage of that and they are helping to two things to preserve the area of that species or environment or ecosystems and at the same time they are having something to live by their own having a job or more or income in Colombia what are the most biodiverse regions the Andean region and the Amazon region also the Pacific region with the Chaco forests that is one of the most biodiverse hotspots in the world the Andean region because of the elevational gradient so we have a lot of ecosystem changes with elevation and the Amazon because of this pace big and inside the Amazon there are different ecosystems also imagine that you go to the Amazon you shake a tree and over 130 species of bugs fall down on you this is called biodiversity thanks for watching our video if you're interested in learning more about biodiversity visit our homepage www.ceoproductions.com ents and yeah I hope to see you soon here in Colombia and enjoy these fantastic biodiverse country bye bye bye [Music]
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Keywords: Colombian Travel Guide, Biodiversity in Colombia, Nature tourism in Colombia, country most biodiverse in the world, Traveling Colombia, Colombia travel, Colombia travel vlog, things to do in Colombia, where to go in Colombia, Colombia tourism, colombiafrank, Colombia bird watching, Colombia bird identification, Colombia birding, Colombia ornithology, Kolumbien Vogelbeobachtung, Kolumbien Vogelfotografie, bird watching colombia, Birds in Colombia, Colombia's biodiversity
Id: ePqMzjJr4_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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