Everyone Should Pay Income Taxes - Dave Ramsey Rant

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Wall Street Journal has a Blog out today in the economics section that says uh that a survey has been done that this just blows my mind 57% of Americans say their income taxes are too high the problem with that statistic is only 55% of Americans pay income tax so at least 2% of you are so stupid that you think your income taxes are too high and you don't even pay income tax how bizarre is that see I think if you make more money it's okay for you to pay more money I make a lot of money I don't mind paying my fair share a percent the same percentage of of my income at you pay but I do have a problem with half of Americans not paying any income tax half have no skin in the game none whatsoever now they pay other taxes I'm talking about federal income tax you pay sales tax if you have a sales tax in your estate you pay a tax on your gas you pay a tax to get your tags you pay a tax you pay a tax you pay a tax you pay a tax I get it you pay taxes but I'm talking about federal income taxes which we just filed last week right if you filed your taxes on time half of Americans approximately do not pay anything into that zero many actually receive money they didn't pay anything in but they receive money when they file their income taxes did you know that see I I listen I've been broke I I I've made $20,000 a year I've made $188,000 a year I I've made a lot more than that and I get it but everybody ought to pay something even if it's $2 you ought to pay something y yall to pay something if I make 10 times what you make I don't mind paying 10 times more but I do kind of mind being the only one paying matter of fact I really mind that a lot a lot and then I'm really resentful and angry when you know people come out on the extreme left talking about how we need to increase taxes on the rich well that's only people you're taxing already income earners are the only ones getting taxed at all and there's a lot of people earning money that are paying no income tax and there's a lot of people earning money that are paying not only paying no income tax but they're actually getting money I say back it's not back they get a a check from the government it's not back because you'd had to pay it in to get it back you didn't pay anything in at all and you get money you get a check from the government the Earned Income Tax Credit look it up you make $330,000 a year household income you got four kids you get a check from the government you don't pay anything in at all now I'm not mad at you I'll help you I help you all the time but as a philosophy as a method of passing laws as a as a way of looking at how a people should be governed everyone should be involved everyone should be involved everybody should have skin in the game now I'm not sure we should do this in America but I'll tell you it changes people's mindset I just came back from 11 days in Israel and all Israelis males serve 3 years in the military before they do anything females two years if you're an Israeli citizen you serve in the military you put skin in the game now it's a little different than money I get it it's a different issue but here's the thing they do that because they're trying to survive because they've got enemies on every side and they're trying to create a cultural icon called protection a warrior class and they've done that they are warriors without a doubt um to be respected and if you take them on to be feared and they just because they've been beat on for centuries Millennials but aside from the issue of is but the point of that is is is that every Israeli has skin in the game in the military and in America every American ought to have skin in the game taxes you ought to pay something you should pay something and it's not because I'm griping about my taxes I'm going to do that anyway as long as you buy $2,000 toilet seats and $10,000 Hammers and you do stupid but stuff like you know wildf flower experiments and crap with my money at the federal government level I'm going to gripe as long as you're inefficient and stupid whether it's the federal or the St level I'm going to gripe at you about that and I guess pretty much as long as there's been an over bloated federal government there's been people like me griping about it but aside from the fact that I don't like that it's not that I'm you know I just think it's it's healthy for the culture philosophically for everyone involved to pay some taxes 57% of Americans in this Wall Street article say Wall Street Journal article say their income taxes are too high high but only 55% of Americans pay income tax that tells us that somewhere around 2% didn't even get out of the sixth grade I mean oh my gosh are you really that stupid 57% say their taxes are too high that's everybody that pays taxes and then some I mean that there's you know it's unbelievable recent calipo pegged the percentage of Americans who think their own federal income tax bill is too high at 57% that's up from 51% last year and it's the highest level since 2001 just before the Bush tax cuts became law here's the problem just 55% of American households will pay federal income taxes in 2016 according to tax policy Center the US has a set of deliberate bipartisan policies that reduce the tax burden of lower income families and middle- income families and deliver social benefits through the tax code the earned income tax tax credit I always call it the unearned income tax credit the child tax credit the standard deduction and personal exemptions all combined to zero out income taxes for tens of millions of households and even cause you to get a check listen it's not even a conservative thing with me I'll be conservative if you want me to be conservative I like most of my policies most the way I think about things are conservative I just think it's good for the culture for everybody to have a have skin in the game everybody ought to pay something something they really wouldn't change the math that much it would just change the spirit in the land we should all be participating this is the Dave Ramsey Show hey guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video click the Subscribe button to get the latest content and check out these other great clips from the show and so you have to break the cycle you have to flip this thing on its head and make it behave you've got to get so fired up and wired up that your broke friends think you've lost your [Music] mind
Channel: The Ramsey Show Highlights
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Keywords: everyone should pay income taxes, everyone should pay taxes, taxes, news, tax, economy, irs, income tax, income taxes explained, income taxes for dummies, income taxes 2016, dave, ramsey, rant, dave ramsey, money, debt, show, the dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey 2016, channel, video, life, dave ramsey rant, live, ramsey solutions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2016
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