EVERYONE Mario / Standard Kart KNOCKOUT Tournament - Mario Kart Wii

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200cc Mario standard car we don't even have to toggle through the character vehicle menu we're just clicking a we're spamming a and we have a choice of automatic manual definitely knowing manual because of the brake drifting on 200cc got the beautiful textures on and got the custom music there we go here we go oh it looks awesome doesn't it it looks so good wonder how viable snaking is on 200cc it feels so good though the Roush panels are gonna be wild to latest something to note about 200 cc in general is you cannot break drift when you're boosting so if I'm mini turbo or going off a zipper that was a mess-up drifted the wrong way it kind of worked out oddly enough yeah but the break drifting only works when you're going normal speed so gotta keep that in mind and also one year yeah when you're mushrooming it's the same thing you can't operate drift [Music] okay let's get blue shell oh yes dude I had to make sure I got the right angle to not get readied there I almost got side rented and if I got side rated I was getting like nine Wow I had to turn to the left last second and it hit like the right side of my back green whoo third place I lost to imposter Connor that's funny remember though it's not like the normal 200cc ko as we do this is four races before - people get eliminated this ko is gonna actually be a lot shorter than a normal care just because of 200cc the very first massive ko we did in this format was actually a 200cc ko where every vehicle was was allowed to be used that's such a good item I was afraid that was gonna happen this thing's drift is not very good I have to be extra cautious [Music] not get shoot period Oh try to get this still doing fine saloon fine still in the front and to avoid the green it's gonna be really hard to avoid back trail from other players the cart is just so much less mobile Omega thunder clouds are enabled as per usual I keep that in mind of course that was good that was good fourth place nice we're halfway through gp1 fimo Goomba is in trouble same with our games and raashi mushroom Gorge gap jump is free on 200cc will be interesting to see how many people do the gap jump oh I'm off okay rough start rough start got bumped multiple times and we're definitely gonna go around this way some people are actually taking the mushroom route which I feel is a little bit risky out 200cc I'm gonna go around for sure golden mushroom is not bad not bad Tony's knocking people out left and right okay okay good we're gonna use the mushroom here we're gonna do the gap jump and we're gonna be in a top spot oh nice and we have the off-road glitch right now which is oh I messed up it's okay it's okay we're good huh almost hit the wall and got scared I probably wouldn't hit the wall I probably didn't even need to recorrect my my line I probably would have been fine but I was just being extra cautious our games does the mushroom board gap jump nice nice nice oh nice a mushroom in second we are primed to win this thing Beauregard blue shell we'll see how it goes I have yet to get a first place things are looking good first place gotta love that lucky second place mushroom alright guys Goomba disconnected with two points and everyone else has more than two points so he is the first person eliminated one more person will be eliminated at the end of this race right here we'll be down to ten contestants going into the shell Cup oh whoops I forgot to pull out my item before I hit that other box lots to keep track of still getting used to this vehicle character CC combo this is the first track where I'm gonna have to utilize brick drifting I wasn't really using it although the first three races to be honest oh well that's a horrible spot to get stuck nice Oh alright we're playing this one from the back I'll probably be getting a tenth place box I'm not going to trick here I'm gonna let Frank pass me D one bound I'm gonna try to pull the shock I didn't chain in time got the bullet bill nice no oh dude he came out of I didn't even get a warning for that guy he just showed up on my screen and I was dead alright stars decent stars they sent there's probably not gonna be a shock though because the last place definitely didn't have it it's gonna be like coming up though yeah I did not think it would be that quick I thought it would be like in like three seconds that's why I mushroomed I was trying to get like past that ramp before the shock happened I knew it was coming up just based on everything it's fine we already moved on we're chilling we're chilling [Music] here we go Bullet Bill this is gonna literally get me like third place or something crazy watch and third place awesome I could use that a little bit earlier I might have got second the suspenseful part in every single GP Rashi is out and we are down to ten going into the shell Cup where one person gets eliminated that was a really wild race peach Beach perfect hole yep I needed that I needed that green oh the corner of it dude what's so funny about that is like I didn't even hit the duck speak like I literally just hit the very right side of his body and then he immediately like fixed his position just screw me over and shoot me up I'm gonna get revenge that's what I call her avenge right there Beach Ducks are going down and there's nothing they can do about it give me that Connor Connor I want that it's mine thank you no no I spammed that Starr and activated it just a split-second before I got hit by his start alright not a good race for me seven seventh place only Nets me three points the room point distribution is rough for ten players it's even worse for nine players so if three points we're headed to Yoshi Falls this is a scary GP this is always one of the scariest GPS in the chaos because all for these tracks are stupid and this is gonna be a really telling race to see how that the rest of GP shakes out remember it's all about just knocking last this GP the best part about it is only one person gets eliminated it would be a lot scarier if it was a week up GP considering the tracks that are in there but it's not so only one person gets out we should be okay we just need like one good race you know one top three race and we're pretty much safe because normally the people that get eliminated have like 12 or less points in these GPS you just can't bomb off four races pretty much things were looking good for us right now I'm gonna play it safe and go top route there's a shock right before the boxes if I can read him right here I got a read and we got him oh that was huge cuz that was that was deviling you know he's the player I predict will win this whole thing so anytime we can take him down we're taking him down first place we're moving on for sure now we already got 18 points after two races I'm happy to get to play this race not having to like worry too much I'm gonna try to do this yeah oh no not a good idea not doing that again too much speed hey at least we got a good respawn point our fair respawn point I should say nope nice try del all do devil pulls the the TC no-no-no we're good we're good that was scary I had like one of my tires hit the wall complete standstill instantly I went from full speed mega mushroom to bonk OH okay active chic I was in a lot of trouble but it's Mario Raceway coming up and gat only has nine points if act can pull out like a first place right here he'll still be in it one person gets out after this next race here we go a Raceway at Sunset Raceway it makes the track feel slightly more mellow than it usually does I feel like the sunset does help aid to the experience this track is normally pretty terrifying in Ko tournaments for a good reason the nice part is is this vehicle does have enough off-road to be able to you know drift drift wall in the offer some vehicles do not and not really sucks like I think we were using like I think it was what Bowser flame Runner and the mini KO the other day and we could not drift in the off-road and it was brutal this is a really good poll we're doing shortcut for sure wow that was the saddest excuse of a shortcut ever I'm gonna bag I'm waiting I'm spamming oh we got a star this is really good I know exactly where I'm gonna use the star if I get the opportunity to well I guess the answer is no I'm backing up its Raceway guys it doesn't matter too much except for act it matters a lot for act all right we're gonna do this shortcut dude I held right to drift right and it drifted left and I do not know why Hey this race is open for me it was not one of my best performances I'll tell you that good thing it didn't matter at all I'm curious to see what place act ends up getting oh there is yeah act just gonna be out guys he is gonna be out poor guy so after the shell Cup back to Chicago is out we are down to nine heading to the flower Cup where two people get eliminated nine player rooms have such a stupid point distribution it's almost as bad as six player rooms so the flower cup always scares me as well okay here we go I'll take a green shell any day anything to dodge a red shell you don't want to fall too far behind too quickly okay I hit the big Goomba which means a mushroom popped out but not gonna have the chance hmm do I use this do I do a shortcut with this I think I'm gonna do the shortcut right here that yeah not worth it devil also had a mushroom which is fine by me cuz he's in first so we know who's getting blue shell if the blue shell decides to show up oh he got chomped let's go let's go second place gotta love the mega thunderclouds stole it at the last possible moment right before it made me Dyna maxed and balled the devil gets eighth place and the plot thickens Tony with the first the we wheeler okay coconut on the massive shortcut the one that is not an ultrashort cut but you have to go through a key checkpoint backwards that one is not allowed but the basic parking lot cut is allowed the only reason we don't allow the other one is because it messes up the checkpoint counter for the other players in the room unfortunately otherwise we would totally allow it but the fact that like you pull off the shortcut and the person in second it still says they're in first it's a problem so that's why we can't allow the one we used to do in the speedruns but doing that strat using the giant ramp at the end of the level and then popping out I miss the box no I the side of the rail dude if I could change one thing about coconut mall I would make it so if you hit the side of the rail with your what the heck how did I turn that way in midair that made no sense I would change it so if you hit the side of the rail you didn't just immediately lose all your speed I think that's kind of unnecessarily harsh on this track otherwise pretty amazing track I'm gonna try this I'll try to show you guys I was talking about Oh that was hilarious I'll try to get laughter you so yeah the parking lot part of the shortcut is still allowed but everything else is not nice okay well this is gonna be a lot harder how 200cc I wanna be careful I'm gonna go up here swoop down I'm in second Oh Devils gonna take this one home he's got the mega thundercloud in first we don't stand a chance third place eight points oh man this track scary for sure that was really good I'm in that sex we already moved on guys we already have enough points there's no way we're getting eliminated so I was so happy about that Mario surgeries [Applause] okay there's a Mario and last struggling right now this is a very difficult horse there's my mushroom and it's gone and we replaced it with a fib great whoops looked back for a second probably shouldn't have done that should have been keeping my eyes on the road in front of me you know be really funny I mean since I already moved on I should try it I should try the shortcut after the cannon I should try it everypony I should definitely go for it watch this guy's watch this this is probably and get me last place but if I'm making it'll be epic nope wait no it's gone I was going to turn backwards and do the the 200cc shortcut I was getting attempted cuz I'm pretty sure you can make it with a car I don't see why not okay well we're just going the standard route that person ruined the fun this track is really awesome on 200cc I like it quite a bit more than 200 CC it's just insane it actually plays pretty well with carts because you can slide around the bends on the slopes and just overall a really enjoyable experience okay going into the last race we have Connor GATS and bad in trouble two people get eliminated we have Wario's gold line coming up look at this beautiful gold mine texture it's all grainy it's just barely difference very so very subtle textures guys except for some of them I change the sky I'm just gonna try to get it in front of the pack oh whoops gotta be careful I went a little far to the right which is funny cuz normally when you fall off there you fall off to the left but I held right so hard then I went off to the the other side never happens okay so we hit the wall and I shot off to the right there so we're just falling off left and right well more like right to end right okay it's fine everything's fine everything's fine Frank's struggling to bullet is broken let's try to not mess this up there we go oh not going for a box shortcut got me a position nice and someone is going backwards he's already out that guy's out that's that's impostor Connor it looks like he already gave up that's X I never want to see people give up you never know what can happen in Mario Kart guys it's never good to give up third place make a pool Wow okay third place again I'll take it wasn't my best start but at least the finish was strong everything after the bullet bill went smoothly and gracefully guys look at this Tony 56 points almost won every single race dominating and we have two people eliminated gat and imposter Conor are eliminated we are down to seven and we're headed to the banana Cup dude dude oh my god this track is insane break drifting is gonna be essential to get through this one I'll tell you guys that much there's only seven in the room so we have a lot to worry about right now I'm gonna go mmm he stole my box he went really slow there with his Reds probably on purpose to steal my thunder clouds so props to him wow I hit the penguin and I did not die that was lucky six place box nice gold mushroom we know exactly where we're using this no I hit the wall this thing is gonna be really hard to control I'm actually kind of worried you know I need I need the bullet bill the bullet bill would be amazing right now well I'm in sixth so I don't know what the chances are pulling it in a seven play room I do not know seven player room calculations at all no idea that's awesome at least I got to mushrooms used before the shock happened that was almost really disastrous so there's like four of us up here right now second place that's huge that's like 10 or 11 points ten points per second only one person gets out the point distribution is completely whack on seven players like look at the bottom points like zero one three rough shyguy beach we are resuming things after the disconnection that just happened so all the points from shy guy sorry sherbet lands will be added to this GP and we'll add it up after waluigi stadium we'll see who gets eliminated dude I didn't get my extra hop I tried to hop over the deep end that was a little bit too risky it's fine it's like a beach none of this even matters until like the middle of latu then we'll start caring right now we're hanging out let's do star give me a star nope never mind now I'm up said I'm gonna go for an item again wow I did not chain that properly Oh 200cc so fast I'm like oh I'm pretty far away from the item I should be good I'm gonna get ready maybe not nice mushrooms no no okay wait I can still post something good that's not gonna be good enough fourth place I think I think I got fourth yeah fourth place plus five we'll take it we'll take it okay the deal see Mario pretty deluxe tracks or Mario Kart 8 or whatever like they were better than the standard 32 a lot of them are like top 10 courses if I had to make a list of like the top 10 Mario create deluxe courses right now like I'd probably put 5 or 6 of them as the DLC ones even though there was 32 regular tracks and only 16 DLCs so like the DLC tracks were pretty good there wasn't too much to new yikes that sucks it's funny how that that corner actually ended up mattering that's like a corner you never ever ever hit but with 200cc cards it's pretty pretty wild Donna that star can't last forever brick drifting was huge right there I would have hit that fit probably Oh No [Music] we're gonna go off to the side over here and go through the tree hopefully no right right into the tree Oh Frank's shrooming up I kind of use that at the wrong time oh well whatever yeah you know what's funny about this is this is such a front running course with this this game-mode because like the shortcuts really hard to do with carts on 200cc so no one's really getting to capitalize from it okay me and devil collided as we crossed the finish line I think he probably beat me though yep and he needs all those points cuz he has not had a really good race yet there we go only one person gets out oh my god I actually hit that box that's so funny that's a good pull too too bad this track is near impossible it's a good pull I'm just gonna use this here do the turn skip try to get myself back in this thing this is wild this is insane okay okay that's much better I'm not doing the wall strat learned black one is not the way to do this even though I've had 30 million mistakes already I'm only like one turn behind because I'm sure everyone else is struggling with this just as much as me got Tony and got the box what are we pulling what are we pulling Oh beautiful okay not optimal take anything else with that there we go that's a little better oh wow perfect turn that was really good too we're actually back in this now I mean I might be able to get second place right here actually watch another blooper I pulled two bloopers in the same race on an important course like this one come on I got bulleted I was gonna get second all right well every point counts let's see who gets out okay so we're adding up the points from sherbet land before the disconnection with the totals here and Marcin ends with 11 points d1 bound ends with nine points ball devil ends of 26 and our games ends with 32 so Frank is out because Marcin actually saved himself at the last second and only one person gets out so we were down to six that's not a good start on this track I want to be in front you know I'm gonna try to do I'm gonna bag and I'm gonna try to get the bullet bill if I get the bullet I'm gonna be really sad up nicely this race and I got a few chances at it and the thing is oh my god this is so I hate this vehicle I hate this vehicle I'm so bad with it this is the worst start to DC circuit ever okay you know what it all will be fine when I pull the bullet bill right here that is not the bullet bill good thing is we're catching up though we're catching up another star I'm having a lot of trouble in this track and the scary part is you know why this track is extremely narrow narrow tracks and carts just not a good combo for me personally dude how many bloopers are my gonna pull I'm on a blooper frenzy right now okay everybody sucked at that track that's the only explanation because I was horrific for the first two laps I hit 65 Wallace and I still managed to get first Tony got blue so that really helped too okay first place that takes a lot of a lot of pressure off me for the next three tracks and then these next three are all very difficult and it's 200cc standard cars so I expect we're gonna hit more walleston okay dude I wanted to do the shortcut but it just wasn't gonna happen yes that's amazing so we still have to watch out for the shock though so keep that in mind though the chance of getting it is not that high-end six player room I don't think wow this is gonna be tough [Music] almost died I'm very happy right now to have not fallen off so we get a second place box in first place thanks to the shortcut give me mushroom thank you I'm not gonna get that major boat because I would probably fall off right here if I did it's already hard enough not to fall off without the danger of oh this is insane this thing doesn't Patrick well oh that works you just have to just have to lower your standards when you play with this thing unlike what it is capable of doing because when I first started off I was like playing simple courses like Luigi circuit moo moo meadows but now that we're playing the more grueling ones as sword likes to call this the custom tracks of the game things are a bit more spicy blue shells no matter that's not gonna even matter at all because we're able to take this turn nice and smoothly blue shell was lowkey a blessing in disguise this turn is the scariest part of the level cuz we're gonna have to do this yep I'm off where's this gonna respawn me okay that's a good respawn point I'm completely okay with that I'm just gonna be very very safe play it very safe nice second place difficult course actually managed to navigate it pretty well for the most part this is very interesting ball devil Mike carting god only has nine points he's not out of it though because of Mike gets first place this next race and bad or our games get a bottom spot he'll move on so this next race is gonna be really really interesting Rumble volcano here we go I'm extremely I'm really happy to be safe right now I'm extremely interested to see how this race goes for devil if I see devil and I have a red shell you know where that red shell is going I'm going for him almost gone with that banana that would have been cool he's already in first he knows how important this race is he needs to pull off the victory if I get first his chance of moving on is extremely slim a player with 19 as well would have to get last place like if he gets second for example he gets 10 points and you'll get to 19 super clutch greenshell by devil what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go for the shortcut now with a car Oh what Wow these carts man these carts [Music] okay there's two Mario's up there if that player beats devil who's in first right now super interesting a blooper oh man triple mushrooms oh my god sideways momentum is no joke on these things yes third place that was sick I slid right into the pipe it's a miracle I didn't fall off if that piece of scenery was not there to save me I was gone okay oh oh and we have a tiebreaker Marcin is out obviously Marcin good games bald devil and our games tied 19 points each devil gets second place just enough points to make things interesting I was literally talking about that during lab 2 and it actually happened amazing turn of events we are headed to the leaf cup and after Desert Hills whoever beats the other player moves on and whoever it loses between our games and devil and that first race is eliminated and then one more person will give be eliminated at the end of the leaf Club brand-new GP but it's not a brand new GP for our games and devil [Music] doing that for sure there's Tony Tony's right on my tail let's go Tony me and Tony are already safe for this race which means the devil in our games are on either third fourth or fifth place right now oh there's devil there is the green the green trying to snipe them I think he just hit the pokey that's not good for him dude double try to bomb me dirty Oh gotta love 200cc it is just epic I think devil I think devil survives let's see it's a difficult track and devil gets third place our games fifth place devil moves on our games is eliminated in the tiebreaker we're down to four we will play the rest of the leaf Cup now Bowser's Castle three Mario standard Carter I'm sure swords loving this maybe not the 200cc fire here we go I'm gonna hit that yeah okay I'm just gonna use one oh man it drifts it drifts so far outside like it's not like the wild wing whatsoever and the carts I normally use are like the mini beast and the Wild Wing and it's so vastly different from those everybody's be more when I use like this superb loop around item Rain I've done that a few times well I'm definitely struggling on the tighter turns doing okay overall though doing okay I'm doing mediocre some of the races I've impressed myself some of them not so much Oh got to be careful there don't want history to repeat itself give me that give me that no you bought me off as I stole his mega thundercloud yes so that's what I deserved I can't believe how he was able to bail me that far I should use my second mushroom you know we're gonna have to do guys we have to go through this shortcut unless we pull like the bullet bill then we're not gonna go for it Lucia well I mean this is gonna shake things up a little bit for sure I'm gonna go for a shortcut it can't be that difficult 200cc with the mushroom right no never mind we get one point for last so Tony is in last right now with six points one person gets eliminated and just like that devil is in first place overall I don't think this bomb will hit anybody because of 200cc if I activate it right now I think I just got to be smart and hold it I'm gonna throw at a devil you touch that that's stupid he must have slowed down a lot or something well he's dead now I'm getting him twice if he's dodging my bomb he ain't dodging my Reds he's in first place overall on this GP we got to take him down did not want a red shell [Music] the key is whenever you're about to hit a wall if you're in a cart release your major bow well it's the same for bikes but it really matters for carts because you get these orange means these orange meter boats are extremely extremely powerful so it's like release it right before you at a wall and you'll boost off the wall it's really good for that last turn on Parkway I think the best thing to do here is to break oh my god I tried to charge a special meter but it did not work that was weird I'm in last right now I'm just gonna have to go around this corner normally cannot use my mushrooms here safely got to be really careful for bombs everyone is struggling right now we're all like neck-and-neck it's crazy I'm just gonna get them right before the cannon Wow in the first place this isn't ugly race is one of the ugliest mario kart races I've ever seen I mean it make sense though Park Lee 200cc with karts and it's not even a good car with a good drift this is brutal nice finally did something right I cannot do that corner and save my life I'm just gonna slow down and be very very careful first place huge race huge race we are moving on ladies and gents okay so mathematically Tony is eliminated because Tony can only get to 22 points and bad the game will default you get to 23 this race does not matter dude Tony is Tony gonna take it home in the ceremony race come on Tony get first let's go I had to trick there if I did not trick God I had no speed it would been awful I think Tony might have got first it's a good way to go out you know let's see 1 GP and Tony gets first he is eliminated by just 1 point so it ended up happening about we were talking about on Parkway but good games to Tony we have the final three troy devil bat good luck good luck good luck to myself not to my and not to my competitors hopefully they pull bloopers he's already firing Reds does you have a mushroom as any No yes got him huge Brut drifting is helping me so much right now I had to really stop me about and make sure I can straighten out my vehicle oh he must have dropped a fib as he got hit by the FIB that was weird but yeah anyway I always try to straight down my vehicle so don't get side with it getting side reddit is just devastating in this game I hate when that happens so it happened there is I slowed down too much and you slowed down too much when your break drifting and you can actually hit your own banana it's hilarious extremely important first place right there you always want to start off the GP strong so you don't put yourself in a rut early devil last place but it's only race one everyone still in it nobody's safe peach Gardens who's gonna pull ma she's we're just gonna front run it and then one person is gonna do shortcut and one person's gonna get screwed probably no they're both spinning out this is huge we're gonna have to lay some hidden banana spots in plain sight [Music] we're gonna go around the bend lay more bananas it's very hard to dodge traps with carts especially on a speed mod so it's like I'm just laying as many traps as I can I'm sure they'll hit a few of them at some point also recovering from hitting traps with the car is much more annoying than an inside drifting bike so hitting hitting people at traps is even more beneficiary compared to with bikes it's actually crazy dang that never happens it's such a it's such a small chance of that happening on 200cc cuz you're going so fast you know and the moles don't come up that often so it's pretty funny oh okay I'm making mistakes now you're making mistakes who's in second got to be careful [Music] oh hey this is actually not the worst thing ever because there's a blue shell calculated calculated oh my gosh and the crowd goes wild completely deserve that and we're already drifting the wrong way okay I just get to chill now [Music] the reason why I get to chill is because there's a 100 points given out in three player rooms 100 total points because 15 plus 8 plus 2 that's the point distribution so that's 25 points of race 100 points into GP I already have 30 which means if I get last place back-to-back races I'll end up with 34 and then those two can get 33 each respectively and then I'll slow more points in them but if someone like let's say a bad gets first these next two races he would win the GP but then devil would not catch me so I'm already safe mathematically I'm good which is a nice feeling for sure it's all between these two right now but yeah I cannot get last place in this GP anymore pretty much is what I was saying we're gonna trick is why not bonk Rodion left three oh my gosh I kind of zoned out for like a minute and a half there we'll make it interesting while backs man with the line it is a tournament after all might affect the race might not let's see how that race went bald devil get seconds okay okay I have 45 I'm chillin but if ball devil gets second bad gets third they tie they'll have a tiebreaker on dry drive ruins if one of them gets first they move on Oh baby it's nice to play this track and not having to worry but I still am able to impact the race I don't have a bias on who moves on devil has the better story for sure so if I face him in the finals it'll be a little more interesting but he is the player I feared the most going into this ko so do I want to play min on 1v1 I don't know man I don't know I'm just gonna try to hit both of them as much as I can try to make life difficult for both of them they got it they gotta earn it if they want to be in the finals right guys got him got him this is a good spot to lay a banana on any CC on any game mode that's in first now okay they're battling out in the top two right now gotta get a box got to make him sweat Oh oh man they're going at it they're in top shoe right now this is deathless life on the line right now is tournament life wait wait devil fell off oh my gosh this might be over for devil we're going for shortcut rimless never mind we got shroom we're going for short guy and bad moves on to the finals Devil's journey comes to an end final to Troy vs. bad good games devil we are headed to the special cup to crown the winner of the 200cc standard kart mario only ko tournaments oh my gosh this is the Tama Sun by far and after that we have the three most insane tracks in the game back-to-back-to-back 200cc Mario standard cart good luck to Rex my opponent who is using the name bad at this game which is so funny cuz he's in the finals he's clearly not bad at this game he just beat Mike man there's beat devil got him Oh short cut nice [Music] the scary part about these 1b ones man is the bush house you never know when someone can pull a blue so you I got him again dude I got him again he's hitting all my traps we're gonna win this one I mean it's only got two so I could still get screw over definitely not safe but it's really good start a short shot number two and now we just pulled the best item you can pull on first place triple banana peels perfect alignment perfect dodging this one is over we're gonna get one in the books but there's still three more tracks okay else he's going backwards poor guy that was a really fun race for me I almost played it perfectly with this walkie combo I've never used this vehicle before I'm 200cc to my memory so there's like a brand new experience you know okay race number two this is gonna be insane or go carton in traffic that is not a good start for me now I get start oh I thought he hit the car but it was just like he is in first place right now now get the box get up there it's a really good item [Music] nah I tried to turn in time did not work out yeah this is gonna be the worst one he's right there no hit it Rex [Music] oh he got me dude he got me with the banana I was weaving through everything I had him I had him I was about to take over first clutch banana peel right into the bomb car and things just got interesting let's say polish up nope that's the wrong explosion item 1 2 1 nice racing Rex very good racing 1 2 1 we're headed to Bowser's Castle if we get 2 to 2 we get a tiebreaker me and Rex have to agree on one track to play and then we play one track for the tiebreaker that's how it works ok and we might get that too we might get that it's 1 to 1 my red stupid miron oh my god I couldn't bet so that sucks it said I was in second I threw the red he pulls a fib he was dunzo getting no chance surviving [Music] this is very hard to control I'm sweating just trying to control it there's a banana down the middle okay gotta remember that this is a very good Shield item to avoid all traps but fake item boxes oh my god this respawn point is brutal he must have fallen off too though because look at him he's not even that far ahead he just fell off again we're in first yeah that section is insane I had so much sideways momentum that I slid off from the middle of the boost panel he's really struggling with this one he was off to a nice breakaway until he fell off multiple times I'm gonna lay stuff back at him I'm gonna try to take him out it's still closed I definitely do not have this wrapped up by any means he's like right there he's and that just happened I'm not gonna hit it I'm not gonna go for a meter but I learned the hard way a meter bow is not the Strad nice close close I felt like I had no control over my vehicle the whole time that was by far the most difficult track even more difficult in maple treeway that was insane I can't wait to see I remember Otis this vehicle Plus this speed mod is just not equipped to handle those turns Rainbow Road good luck to Rex we either get a tiebreaker or I win the Mario standard car 200cc ko tournament broke in a triple resin first [Music] how am I gonna do this part yes that's how I'm gonna do it that is extremely difficult he's gonna fall okay here he did yeah I was like there's no way he's gonna get past that there's no way I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get past that twice it's all draped over a chip he's dead he's done he's done he just fell off again it is over he's not coming back from this I'm not gonna let him one too many mistakes Rex one too many mistakes one too many mistakes we can't dance ha ha ha ha so what you got to do here guys is you got to go up really really far to the that's how you do it you take the top route so much easier well he probably fell off there like twice and got really bad respawn points I guess we'll do this yeah sure it's fun yes we're doing this I'll lose the pass which I got no liftoff the angle for that is a little more to the left it's like there we go there we go okay um not not pretty ville take it that is it guys that is it Rex put up a fight moon view highway you took home first Bowser's Castle is extremely close couldn't hack at our Rainbow Road big games Rex Congrats on second place and what do we do for the next ko this was as crazy as possible we couldn't get any more crazy into this or can we or Cammy I'll look at your guys's ideas we'll see what we'll do for next week but I'm sure it'll be something extra bodacious because that was a lot of fun and good games to everyone who played today [Music]
Channel: TWD98
Views: 242,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Kart Wii, Mario, Kart, Mario Kart, Wii, Switch, Nintendo, twd98, mario kart tournament, mario kart wii tournament, all 32 tracks, shortcut, glitch, stream highlights, baby mario, TWD98, Daisy, Banana, Rage, Funny, Bowser Castle 3, shortcuts, glitches, ultra shortcut, bc3, mirror mode, standard kart, red shell, blue shell, 200cc
Id: CLbLRrBbY-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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