Every Xbox One Controller Ever Made

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So for anyone interested, they talk about the new elite at 22:59 onwards. They mention specifically reengineering for durability so that has me excited. They also basically confirmed new Elite special editions by saying: "It opens the doors for more special editions so we will see what the future holds."

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Dislodged_Puma 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Does each Recon controller color have a different set of symbols?

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/irridisregardless 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

They are at least missing the Forza special edition controller.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/NotFromMilkyWay 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I have 7 controllers between 2 consoles.

Halo 5 Master Chief - My Favorite Standard Controller

Halo 5 Locke Controller

Gears of War 4 JD

Gears of War 4 Omen

Gears of War Elite - My favorite Controller of all time!

Covert Forces

Pre-ordered: Gears 5 Kait Diaz

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Section_80 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

I LOVED seeing the prototype

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/P1n3tr335 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

This really cool video and contains some controller history in there. Thanks for the share!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/YouAreSalty 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

what a great video, the effort and think that goes to controller is just awesome

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/divangreedy8 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

The Lunar White is the best controller I've ever had. Picked it up on a boxing day sale (canada) loved it so much that I went and snagged two more just in case. The feel of it is incredible, the build quality was perfect.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LossforNos 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

nope. just checked and mine is still on my desk so there's at least 1 missing

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/roesham3oe 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
[XBOX SOUND] >> Hi, I'm Monique Chatterjee. I'm an Industrial Designer at Xbox. >> I'm Carl Ledbetter. I'm an Industrial Designer at Xbox too. >> We are going to tell you about every Xbox One Controller. >> Ever made. >> Yeah, ever made. >> That's wrong. Let's try it again. >> Every single one. >> Let's try it again. >> Okay. [MUSIC] >> We all know from the very beginning like, "Don't mess with the Controller. Everybody loves the 360 Controller. It's the most comfortable controller ever made. Just don't touch it." But we said "No" We said there's plenty of room to improve. [MUSIC]. >> When we launched Xbox One, we started with the Day One Controller. >> Day One. >> It shipped with the original bundle. It says right on the front "Day One 2013" But I brought something today. >> What did you bring? >> Something that we're not supposed to talk about, and it's actually this. This was the first controller we shipped to all the game developers, and they needed to use our new controller so that the games would work with Xbox One. So it had this special pattern that we put on the controller, on the console, and on the connect sensor, and it was inspired by what's called arousal pattern from World War 1 battleships. You even see it on some car companies, they do it to really disrupt your eye and what you see in the form. So we did that on his controller and that's- >> Super secret. >> -super secret. >> I got this one when I first started working for Xbox, and it's soft. It's got the soft touch. >> Yeah. >> I love that. It says, "I made this. Launch Team 2013" Pretty awesome. Yeah, it just feels good. >> Yeah. It had this detail on the front that we affectionately called the V-neck. >> Yeah, I remember the V-neck. >> Yeah. But we redesigned it. >> We cleaned it up, added Bluetooth, got rid of the V-neck. It just really simplified everything; simplified the icon. Because of the Bluetooth, we didn't have to have the IR piece in the front. It just really cleaned the controller up a lot. [MUSIC]. >> So we have a lot of special edition colors that we ship as bundles. We come up with colors that work for a lot of different games, for a lot of different people. We're looking at grays are super nice. We have this mid tone gray. >> And a console to match that. >> And a console to match it. We have the military green. I love military green. >> Whoa, I like that one. It matches. >> Totally looks good on you. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> That's a cool one. >> We did this monochromatic ABXY. This is a super cool oceany blue. Then this purple one is new. >> That one is hot. So this is the Fortnight? >> Fortnight bundle. >> Yeah. Does it have a color name? What's the name of this color? >> It's a gangster purple. >> That thing is hot. >> Yeah, it's bad ass. >> Can people see that? I mean, look at that. The ABXY, the purple reflection in there is insane. This gives people choice. >> Yeah. >> Like you go to the store and you can get something that fits your own style at home. >> Yeah, I think that's what it's all about. >> Yeah. >> Black-white color choice. [MUSIC] >> Actually, this one is amazing because this is the first Xbox One special edition controller we did. >> With grips. >> With grips. So it's called Lunar White. It had metallic gold triggers, D-pad, and the grips. This kind of opened the door to not only do we do unique things with materials and colors but how can we add subtle things that give a performance effect? Then the blue and red. >> Yeah. So we have key colors; blue, reds, grays. >> Yeah. >> A little bit of variety, some personality, and expression. >> Yeah, we tried to do something unique. So like on these in particular, there's a little color accent. So we did the green with orange, the gray with green. People want something new and fresh. [MUSIC]. >> Design Labs came up over and over throughout the years. You have the history on that. >> The idea was, how do we empower gamers to be designers too? Because, of course, they loved the designs that we create but everybody wants to do their own thing. >> When we first launched it, it was color only plus engraving. I don't even remember how many millions of different combinations you could make. >> Millions, and I have a couple to talk about. This one's kind of cool, 0-60 and it's inspired by the original Ford GT, which is cool. >> But this one has the next round of things you could do. >> That's right. So you could add metallic triggers, the D-pad, and rubber grips. Everybody loves rubber-grips. >> Super cool. >> Hey, you know what I found? This one. You made this, right? >> Launch Edition. Yeah. >> You designed that one. >> I made this. So this does have every single color that we offered at launch all put together and everyone who was on the core team got one of these. So this is super cool. We were just talking about it being at the grand buffet. >> It is the ultimate mashup of design labs. That's it. >> To actually execute this whole new, it was a whole new manufacturing system and supply chain for us. I think that was the bigger challenge. Right? >> Yeah. I remember there was some meeting where somebody who was in this thing and like, "Wait a second. Are you asking us to stock all these colors of all these parts and have them in some room, someplace, and then somebody presses a button and then they have to assemble it like a one-off thing?" >> Then direct ship it to someone. >> Yeah. At their door in seven days or whatever and we said, "Yeah. That's what we want." And they did it. It was so amazing. [MUSIC] >> I remember you suggesting that we should look at camouflage and then just dumping this giant pile of books on my desk like this high, all camouflage patterns. So yeah, the team just geeked out on camouflage and we ended up picking the M90 camouflage. It's super clean. Clean modern geometry. >> Yeah. >> That's what we're going for with the controller design. So those two things worked really well together. Of course, we'd launched the first one in the classic army green. >> Yeah. So this is called Armed Forces. >> Armed forces. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. It has the hit of orange. >> Yeah. >> Which makes it super technical. >> It is cool. Kind of inspired by the old Army jackets where the outside is the olive drab but on the inside it's bright orange. So it's a common detail. So emergency, people can see. >> Yeah. Another cool thing about the Forces camo is that it's not meant to hide. It's not like the woodland camo where it's all about hiding in your environment. It's meant to break up the shape, the surface of whatever you're looking at. So it just becomes confusing. >> Yeah. These are pretty cool. Everybody loves camo. [MUSIC] >> The shadow series, we were inspired by nature. We had these awesome like panoramic views of sunsets and oceans and just beautiful washes of color, and we were just inspired to do something that was a little more about that kind of beauty. >> Yeah. >> So we came up with Shadow series and we blended the black of the bottom case up into a bright color. We started with copper- >> Yeah. >> -then we went to blue. >> Yeah. >> I brought something. >> Oh yeah, there we go. >> Yeah, this is the blinged out version. >> Whoa. >> We were originally going to go for the full color pop on the top. >> I remember that. >> We had this kicking around the studio for a while, and then we realized it was too much. >> It was too much. >> It was over the top. >> Then we updated the controller to the Xbox One S. >> Yeah. >> Then we had to revisit it, like rethink it. So it changed. We went from dark on the bottom to dark on the top. >> Yeah, we reversed the flow of gravity >> When you switched it, this design became really cool because all of a sudden, the hotness of the color was the part that you touch now. So it draws you in, and then the Xbox button blended into this whole dark ombré effect at the top with the bumpers and triggers. [MUSIC] >> Hey Monique >> ...at first it was foil. >> The foil? You got to talk about this. >> Oh yeah. >> Talk about these. >> I'm going to have to get out my notes for that though. I just cannot remember. >> Come on you can remember. >> I can't remember. >> Okay. Came from the military handbook. >> Military handbook. >> Right. >> Well. >> The first one we shipped was actually this one. So we're trying to come up with something on these controllers that- >> Are we rolling? >> We are, we're rolling. We're telling the story. >> Sorry I just got out my computer. >> You got your Surface computer out and you're remembering but that's okay. But we wanted to come up with something that helped really take somebody on a journey through what the MilTech series could be and make it special. So we call them Easter eggs. But for the astute fan if you go into the military handbook they have a whole series of icons that they use to signal. So you can basically command troops in the field to go search or do some reconnaissance. >> Yeah, so this one means seek and destroy when you put all these symbols together, but I was trying to look up exactly. So the first symbol Is reconnaissance, the second one right here is isolate. The one that looks like teeth. And then the last one is destroy. So when you put those three symbols together you basically get: Seek and Destroy. It was super cool to put these symbols in and then wait for fans to figure it out. This tech series we have the grips which are really pretty tactical and techy. But then also, we created some grips on the top surface of the controller. We did that by laser etching this triangle pattern into the surface. So it's like a big block of print. Then we go back and laser etch these triangles. >> Yeah. >> So they're actually like raised 3-D grips and just give you like a little more of a technical edge to your controller. >> Yeah, I remember you brought in materials. We were looking at things like kevlar, and cordura, and ballistic nylon and all these different types of materials that are super high-performance, super rugged, and we were like, how can we juxtapose something opposite the rubber grips onto the top without being rubber grips? The result of this laser etching it was cool. It felt like there was a material coming through the top case that felt like... >> The right character. >> Yeah, it just matched. [MUSIC]. >> MilTech and Sport Tech. They're sort of like cousins. They use a lot of the same elements, but it's coming from a lifestyle perspective. So we were able to really have a lot more fun with it and leverage different color palettes. It has some of the same features. We have grips and the technical pattern on the top case which we blew up and made it more into a graphic. It's less of a laser etched detail and more of a graphic effect on the Sport Tech. >> It's similar to when you go to the store and pick out your favorite set of sneakers. They just feel like this is right and It just reflects a little bit about who you are and what you're about. The red is hot, the blue is really good and then we did the white one. This one the original concept I thought you had white thumb sticks. >> Yeah. >> But but then we learned, wait a second, if we have white rubber thumb stick tops they actually pick up dirt. >> They get real nasty. >> Yeah, something that we don't want to see. So we came up with just the right amount of light gray that it just helps with preventing dirt buildup. Then we brought that Grey to the bottom side as well as a continuous grip story. [MUSIC]. >> Translucent can be done really well or not so well. I mean, we're industrial designers. We love embracing what's on the inside and then melding it with what's on the outside. So this is the Phantom series black controller. You can see inside of it but it's real deep you have to really squint at it. You can see that inside piece on the Phantom white controller a little better. It really highlights and pops what's on the inside. >> Whoah. You see the way the light hit that? That's cool and you also made the Xbox button match or play off that a little bit. The metallic finish. Even the way the circuit board If you can see in there. You start to get a peek of what's going on deep in the inside of the controller. >> We've done some special things like the cabling on the white one. We've actually made the cable white and the spring that runs around the D-pad is actually a specific color in each of these. So those little details you notice when you're staring at the product for awhile. >> That's the other thing, you kind of work yourself into this space when you're doing translucents. You have to design the inside too. >> Yeah, you have to take it one step further. >> Yeah. [MUSIC] >> This was our first limited edition controller we did with Titanfall. For all of these controllers we're going to talk about the goal is to make the hardware feel like it came out of that universe. >> Yeah, it's like a piece of the game that fell into your living room and it's like storytelling, right? >> Yeah. Then, what did they do with this? >> They put a weapon in the game called the C101 that was based off the controller. So we went from game to controller and then back into game. >> Then this one. This is from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. >> A lot actually went into this specific gold that we used. We used candy bar wrappers for inspiration. >> That's right. >> Yeah, and we found the perfect one and matched it >> Yeah, this is really cool. It looks like every increment of degree is printed in the side. So if you were honing in on your sniper sight or your scope, this mimics that experience. Then what's going on here? >> There is a kill count. >> There's a kill count. >> There's a kill count, and there's a smiley face on the other side. Things that people might carve into. >> Their weapon. >> Their weapon. >> Here we go, classic, Halo. So let's talk about Master Chief first. >> Okay. >> Everybody loves Master Chief. He is the iconic character from the Halo universe that goes back to OG 2001. But in this case, we tried to mimic the design to match Master Chief's armor. >> This is one of my favorite explorations in paint quality. There's a super complex pearl formula that makes this green. It's a green-gold which works with the gold on the D-pad which is reminiscent of Master Chief's visor. >> His visor. >> Yeah. Then we have the laser etched hex pattern that you see in Master Chief's suit. >> This is Spartan Locke. >> Inspired by Locke and the look and feel of the whole Halo universe. It all comes together. >> There's four numbers on the side here and they are representative of basically, Fireteam Osiris who was hunting down the Blue Team. So we see the number of John-117 here, who is actually Master Chief. >> That's Chief. >> That's Chief. Then, of course, Kelly, Linda and Frank. >> Fred. >> Fred. Let's talk about Gears. >> This is the first time we used a laser to get messy. We wanted to get brutal with this controller. So we had to figure out how to use a laser to make these insane swarm scratches. >> Yeah. >> We also use the laser on the A, B, X, Y to make them look scratched in. >> What else did we do on this one? >> We've got- it's crimson red, we've got the Crimson omen, and then we've got the newer Phoenix omen. >> This might be a good time to bring this up. Yeah. I don't know if you can see this but every controller we make, we have a little message on the inside. You can see down inside here printed on the label it says, "Hello from Seattle." So it's just a little personal message. Then, okay, let's talk about Minecraft. They're just fun. >> The pig is actually soft, the feel of the pig controller. We actually changed the texture on the controller so you touch it and it just feels piggy. >> Also, there some other things too, like on the back. >> Yeah, we have- super cute with the pig tail, and on the inside is a carrot. We originally had a pork chop on the inside, and then we decided maybe that's not the message we want to send. >> I want a zombie one though. >> Yeah. We should make more. >> Let's make more. >> We should make more. >> Okay. Sea of Thieves? This one's so cool. Do you have that rock? >> Yeah. >> Get the rock. >> Do you guys have it on B-roll? >> It's right next to you. >> Oh. It's right here. >> Yeah, the rock. >> Yeah. So we did this translucent top case. So I was in this gem shop in Portland and saw this rock and it totally just reminded me of the spirit of the game and we tried to capture the feel of it with the effervescence. It's like glittery, effervescent green stuff that you might see floating in the water and then we actually laser etched barnacles in to go with that. So super surreal nautical theme. >> Yeah. Then we had this, also, idea about bioluminescence. >> We actually have the skull glow in the dark. There's a character in the game who is a gold hoarder. He'll steal your gold and then he'll replace his body parts with gold, and we thought that was an awesome story and we just carried it through and put a gold tooth on our controller. >> So just all over this there's stories and depth and details, and this was a lot of fun. >> It was super fun. >> Yeah. >> This is one of the most fun ones. >> Absolutely. Okay. PUBG. This kind of started it all. >> Yeah. We met with the creators and they were talking about how the game is inspired by Battle Royale. So that actually translated into one of the Easter eggs. When you see Battle Royale movie posters or the book, there's like X's over the characters who have been knocked out and this is your trigger finger. So we have that little homage. Also used the grip. >> Oh yeah. This is the first time we shipped this texture on the trigger. It just breaks up the surface tension. Where does that leave us? >> Right here with the latest Gears. >> The latest hotness. >> Yeah. Gears 5, Kait Diaz. Looks super good. Really inspired by her winter armor. >> Yeah. >> Super light silver, whitish, we have the snowy look on the controller. >> It feels like the environment, it has the- >> Phoenix omen. >> -Phoenix omen, which is what she's about and you'll see some of the little yellow accents. But then on the back. >> The Locust symbol. >> The Locust symbol. So what is it? What's it going to be? All these little details, they just start to tie together the whole Gears universe. [MUSIC] >> Best one. >> The best one. It is the best one for sure. Let's just start with the standard elite. This was the pinnacle of all controllers and it has everything we can think of; the molded in rubber grips, we had the paddles. These all became details that we could embellish; the magnetic attach and detach, the little button sensor or the plunger, the switches for the hair-trigger at two positions, the metallic accents on the triggers and bumpers, and of course the removable magnetic D-pad. So we had this pop of color that was back there as well as removable thumbsticks, so people can really set it up how they wanted. We wanted to do something more, so we did a special edition version of it. There's really a white accent. >> Yeah. This is the first time we did white on white, totally monochromatic. >> Yeah. This one is ridiculous. You got to talk about this one. >> The Gears elite. This one is so full of cool hidden Easter eggs. It says "Grub Killer" down there under the D-pad, and this D-Pad it ties into the UI, the weapon select UI, so you get the base level icons there. We actually perforated this D-pad so it has some tactility. >> Yeah. >> So we did a bunch of studies to figure out exactly what that Gears D-pad should be, and we had all these other ideas that were super cool. Like this one, it's hard to see but it has a little chip out of it like as if the chip was going to connect into one of those scratches like the nails went straight through. We had this other one that was actually like a cog, looks super cool. It was a little rough on people's fingers, so we didn't go that way. >> Yeah. It sort of hurts but it looks cool. >> Yeah. We had this other one with the full cutouts in the corners. So we did all this work to come to this final D-pad which is pretty awesome. Another really cool detail... you know all about this. We have four different engravings that we put on the inside of the thumbstick. We design these Easter eggs in for fans to find, and it took a long time for someone to find that. >> That leads us to, let's see, we've learned so much, like trigger grips, rubber grips, performance, profiles, programming, removable and changeable thumbsticks, D-pads, hair triggers, and the most recent elite controller, the Series 2, takes all those learnings and pulls them together. I can honestly say that this controllers is something that all of the design team and the hardware team is really proud of because it took all the things we've learned. We actually re-engineered the original elite controller, we redid everything hearing the feedback from everybody about durability and performance. So we wrapped rubber all the way around. We put the trigger grips on there. We added one more setting for the hair-trigger. It has a built-in battery so you can charge it. It has three profiles, plus a default mode. Most important, it has adjustable tension thumbsticks. So, I mean, there's just so many things that we've done on this and it opens -at least for us- a new doorway for doing more limited and special editions and we'll see what the future holds. [MUSIC]. >> Hey We got these controllers out because they're cool. These specifically have never been made for sale publicly. But they're worth talking about because as designers and as Xbox people we also do things for fans. This one is particularly meaningful. It was a custom controller designed for Xbox Addict who was just a good person and also a fan. And Xbox Addict passed away, and so last year at E3 or E3 2018, we did a custom controller and console in his honor. Then this one. >> This is the sugar skull that was created for XO in Mexico City 2018, super fresh and cool. >> Yeah. This one is pretty awesome because it really aligned to everything that we did in Mexico City, all the branding and advertising elements. If you actually went to XO you know everything about this, but it really wasn't made for sale but it was something that really embodied what XO is about. So all of these things are really for fans. This last one here is this X design with digital and the circuit boards feeling like the technology coming through, was designed for X-Fest '18. So while they're not available for sale, sometimes we're able to work with the teams to create meaningful designs that really celebrate the culture of gaming and gamers and our fans. So we're always proud to be able to contribute to that. I don't know what else to add to that. [LAUGHTER] It's a dream job. To think that we- >> It's really amazing. >> It is amazing. We get paid to go to work to make this cool stuff for people. It brings smiles to their faces. What could be better? [MUSIC] [XBOX SOUND]
Channel: Xbox
Views: 2,405,641
Rating: 4.8714442 out of 5
Keywords: Xbox, Xbox360, xbox 360, Xbox One, every controller, every xbox controller ever made, documentary, docuseries, designers, creators, how xbox controllers are made, how an xbox controller works, all xbox controllers, elite, elite series 2, new controller, kait diaz, gears 5, halo, phantom white, phantom black, lead designers, exclusive interview, Minecraft, Minecraft pig, sport red, sport blue, xbox design lab, gears of war, I made this 2013, secret controller xbox
Id: G91DILuE-P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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