Every Woman Robert Kennedy Had an Affair With (His Wife Knew All Along)

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The Kennedy Family is no stranger  to controversy. Most people's minds   typically jump to JFK's notorious womanizing  and infidelity whenever discussing the love   life of members of this political powerhouse of  a brood, but the late President's little brother,   Robert Francis Kennedy, was equally  infamous for his cheating ways. It would seem that monogamy wasn't something that  was highly valued amongst the Kennedys. In fact,   RFK's poor wife, Ethel Skakel, who, mind  you, is still alive as of April 2022,   knew full well that her hubby was sneaking around  with other women at every opportunity that he got. Bobby's widow knew the Kennedys better  than practically anyone else who wasn't   born into the family. Even before she  tied the knot with Robert on June 17,   1950, she was already well aware of  what she was getting herself into. Ethel understood that putting up with infidelity  was just the price she had to pay for getting   hitched to a Kennedy boy. She also knew that if  she didn't want to get herself into a boiling vat   of hot water, she had to keep her mouth shut  about her husband's extramarital escapades. Even so, according to a 2016   biography about her and other wives of American  political royalty titled Upstairs at the White   House: My Life with the First Ladies, Ethel loved  her husband dearly. In fact, she even is quoted   as saying that she loved him 'more completely  than she ever dreamed possible'. This intense   love for the former United States Attorney  General and senator meant that she had to   look the other way whenever he got caught up in  scandalous and ethically questionable activity. It wasn't always that easy for Ethel  to turn a blind eye to her husband's   philandering. Conversely, Bobby didn't always  find himself thriving in his adulterous life   in the spotlight either. In fact, the book  Bobby Kennedy: The Making of A Liberal Icon,   authored by Larry Tye stakes the claim that in  1963, shortly after his brother was gunned down by   Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, he suffered from what  would today be referred to as a nervous breakdown. In the months that followed his brother John's  untimely death, Bobby built a shrine to him in   his office consisting of photos, books, and other  reminders of his legacy. Additionally, he wore   his bomber's jacket which was emblazoned with the  Presidential seal and would drive by his gravesite   at Arlington cemetery twice daily to "visit"  the fallen President as if he were still alive. Drowning in grief, Bobby evidently obsessively  chewed his nails down to the quick, lost a   tremendous amount of weight, had trouble sleeping,   and was constantly haunted by an old  amputation that never fully healed. Following in his brother's footsteps, Bobby  sought out the affection of women other than   his wife to cope with his feelings of loss. He  cheated on Ethel with numerous women – likely   far more than are documented. All the while, Ethel  was quite aware of her husband's unfaithfulness. While our intent isn't to run the Kennedy  family's name through the proverbial mud,   in this video, we'll be taking a look at  several of the women RFK cheated on his   wife with. And like we said before, the worse  part is, Bobby's wife Ethel knew all about it! The Before-Times: Bobby's First Sexual Experience According to author Larry Tye, Bobby's  very first sexual encounter was at a   brothel in Harlem when he was 21 years  old. Reportedly, his father paid for   him to have sex with an African American  woman. After doing the deed, Bobby was   quoted as saying that it 'wasn't bad –  but wasn't all that fabulous either'. A year later, in 1950, he married Ethel at  the age of 22. In 1951, the couple welcomed   their first child into the world. They  would go on to have a total of 11 kids. Kim Novak Born on February 13, 1933, Novak got her start  in the film industry back in 1954 when she signed   with Columbia Pictures. She went on to become  one of the top box office stars in Hollywood,   appearing in hit films like 1955s Picnic,  1957s Pal Joey, and 1958s Vertigo. Although she was still young and widely  considered to still be in her prime,   Novak withdrew from acting in 1966 and only has  made sporadic appearances in films ever since.   Some of her later roles include appearances  in films like the 1980s The Mirror Crack'd,   and 1991s Liebestraum. After filming the  latter, an experience that she considered   wildly disjointedly, Nvak vowed  to permanently retire from acting. The 89-year-old actress has been married twice.   Her first marriage was to English actor,  writer, and producer Richard Keith Johnson.   The couple exchanged wedding vows in  1965 and divorced just one year later. She later married an equine veterinarian named  Robert Malloy in 1976, and they remained married,   living in a log cabin together in  Oregon until Malloy's death in 2020. While little is known about their relationship,   it's alleged that Robert Kennedy and  Novak had a brief affair in 1961. Not to get too off-topic,  but if you're enjoying this   video so far, make sure you give it  a like and subscribe to the Facts   Verse channel. That way, we can keep making  these videos and entertaining for years to   come – hopefully at least. Just give  us a like. It takes like 1 second. Lee Remick This actress and singer is best known for her  Academy Award-nominated role in 1962s Days of   Wine and Roses. On Broadway, she won a Tony for  her performance in the 1966 play Wait Until Dark. Remick made her cinema debut in the 1957  film A Face in The Crowd. She later starred   in films like Anatomy of Murder, Now Way to  Treat a Lady, The Omen, and The Europeans. In 1973, she won a Golden Globe for her  appearance in the television film The Blue Knight.   She also played the title role  in the 1974 miniseries Jennie:   Lady Randolph Churchill. That role ended up  winning her a BAFTA TV Award for Best Actress. While she was connected to many men  throughout her 4-decade spanning career,   she was married twice. Her first  husband was producer Bill Colleran   whom she married on August 3, 1957. The couple had  two children together before divorcing in 1968. She then married British producer  William Rory Gowans on December 18,   1970. They remained married while living in their  home in Osterville, Massachusetts, until Remick's   death in July of 1991. She was 55 years old  when she lost her battle with kidney cancer. While it's unclear precisely when Remick and  Kennedy hooked up, it's presumed that they   had an affair sometime while she was still  married to her first husband in the early 60s. Claudine Longet Longet is a Franco-American actress,   singer, and dancer who was quite popular in  the 60s and 70s. She was born in France and   was married to the American television star  and singer Andy Williams from 1961 to 1975. Longet and Williams and Robert Kennedy  and his wife Ethel were close friends.   They would often take cruises together on the  Salmon River in Central Idaho in the summertime.   Throughout the 60s, Longet and her  husband would often host the Kennedys   at their homes in Bel Air and Palm  Springs. Likewise, they would often   spend time over at Kennedy's residences in  New York City and Hickory Hill, Virginia. Longet and Kennedy's affair likely happened  in 1967, but nothing more ever came from it. After Robert was shot at the Ambassador  Hotel on June 5, 1968, Longet and Williams   joined the Kennedys and their friends at Good  Samaritan Hospital, where doctors did their   best to save Bobby's life. Unfortunately, he  died in the early hours of the following day. Longet and Williams later named their son  Robert after the assassinated senator. Marilyn Monroe For years it had been rumored that Robert and  the quintessential Hollywood blond-bombshell   Marilyn Monroe had an affair. A recently  uncovered letter appears to confirm this   rumor. The letter in question is two pages in  length and was penned sometime in the early 60s   by JFK and RFK's sister Jean Kennedy Smith. In it, Smith expressed her delight  in the fact that her brother Bobby   and Monroe were a hot 'new item'.  She further insisted that Monroe   should come with Kennedy when  he came back to the East coast. Rumors began to swirl that Monroe and  Kennedy were involved in a romantic fling   after photographs of the two attending a number of  events surfaced. That being said, there has never   been any concrete evidence confirming  the nature of their relationship. Those in attendance at JFK's  notorious 45th birthday bash   in 1962 when Monroe sang a rather sultry  rendition of the 'Happy Birthday to the President   have said that she put the moves on Bobby  that night right in front of his wife, Ethel. One attendee named Lou Harris claimed  that Ms. Monroe pinned Bobby against   the wall. Ethel was apparently so  enraged that she went home in a huff,   saying that what just happened was the  most disgusting thing she had ever seen. Jackie Kennedy Not long after JFK's assassination, the  first lady struck up an affair with Bobby   that apparently went on for four years. And  according to one source, it was her, not Ethel,   that instructed doctors to 'pull the plug'  after RFK was shot at the Ambassador Hotel. According to the book 'Bobby and Jackie:  A Love Story', Ethel, Bobby's 11 kids,   and the rest of the Kennedy family all knew  about Jackie and the late senator's romance. According to Franklin Roosevelt Jr, who  served as JFK's undersecretary of commerce,   RFK and Jackie 'carried on', as he put it,  'like a pair of lovesick teenagers. He went on   to speculate that Bobby likely would have dumped  Ethel to marry Jackie if it had been possible. Well, that about wraps up this video,  but we'd love to hear from you. Do you think that Robert F. Kennedy's wife Ethel  should have left her husband for cheating on her   as many times as he did? Or do you think  that she did the right thing by staying by   his side and keeping her mouth shut? We'd  love to hear your take in the comments. Before you go, take a moment to show us  a little support by giving this video a   like and by subscribing to the Facts  Verse channel if you haven't already. While you're at it, tap the bell to let  the algorithms know what's up. That way,   you'll also be notified  whenever we drop another video. As always, thanks for watching! We'll see  you soon with more content covering some   of the most sensational, shocking,  and fascinating moments in history.
Channel: Facts Verse
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Keywords: Every Woman Robert Kennedy Had an Affair With (His Wife Knew All Along), Robert Kennedy affairs, the women Robert Kennedy had an affair with, Robert Kennedy affairs with women, Robert F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Facts verse, Facts verse presents, facts about Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy information, details on Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy career, behind the scenes Robert Kennedy, what happened to Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy today, life of Robert Kennedy, robert kennedy
Id: _a0m5y2c8y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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