Every time Barry Allen has seen himself while time traveling(The video has credit)

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uh [Music] oh no i'm too early you know my name i know some names too caitlyn snow cisco ramone harrison wells something's interfering with his comps barry what's happening i don't know whatever hartley's using must be shorting out as comms i can hear the radio waves yeah yeah yeah i remember this emanating from your suit this could still work about 1900 megahertz are they on the other end listening will they hear you die no they're gonna hear you get your ass kicked okay is that all it takes to scare you off who are you i don't have time to explain this to you right now [Music] i don't understand you're me i'm sorry i have to do this so that makes sense eventually where is he where's the other flash right here okay not how i expected today to turn out yeah okay so i'm just who who are you who is he who are you what are you i'm i'm barry i'm barry you're barry he's you're a doppelganger no not yet i am you barry just different wait a second how do we know which one's the real berry dude okay i've watched wrath of calm with you like five times imposter yeah and every time at the end you turn to me and you say i have been and always shall be your friend haha you imposter [Music] what is going on here okay guys i'm sorry this was not supposed to happen the tranq art that caitlin made was supposed to last a lot longer i did not give him a tractor okay no yes not you the the you from the time that i am from the time that you were from i think what he's trying to say is he's from the future the future yeah the future yes with the few yes are we saying i can time travel one day that explains the white on the symbol but wait a second suppose we now change your emblem will it be because we got the idea from this or i mean that would mean stop talking you stop talking too all right the more you say the more the timeline is disrupted now i'm going to assume that your presence here is the reason that thing is attacking us what what thing have you ever seen the frighteners it's sort of like that but scarier and faster and it's after you after him it's been chasing me ever since i got here okay so how do we stop it okay our satellite has finally found our floating friend and it's coming back you need to go i need to know how to stop it very not now when i get back you guys have a year to figure it out okay we'll figure something out cisco come here hartley knows where ronnie is okay [Music] it's coming you need to leave now [Music] thank you not for long no barry [Music] why are you here i need your help you're from before she dies aren't you you can't save her yes i can and i'm going to no you can't go home just tell me who's in the suit all right that's all i need you tell me that we'll be able to track him down we'll learn his weakness we'll stop him before he even tries just tell me who savitar is i can't why because i don't know the answer sorry you ran all this way for nothing you want some advice go home spend as much time with iris as you can because pretty soon you'll never see her again [Music] you promised you promised her that you would be there for joe you don't understand i don't understand what that you abandoned him that you abandoned him and everybody else you made a promise that i couldn't keep not after everything i'd lost i was just as broken as joe was i don't care you will yeah you will you want answers barry how's this you will go back you will do everything that you can think of to save her you're even gonna create time remnants of yourself but he's gonna kill them all mostly and then on the night of may 23rd iris west will die in your arms no and in that moment if she takes her last breath it'll feel like an eternity and it will break you just love your life barry she was loving my life there'll be nothing left at all but stopping savitar so now you won't be there for joe you won't be there when caitlyn becomes killer frost when sabotage destroys wally you won't be there for any of them but then one day you'll stop him you'll lock him in the speed force forever but at that point he already won because everything that you've ever loved is gone including you go home barry there's nothing for you here i thought it was about time i did something we can go anywhere he does well the odds seem pretty even now huh you mind i'll be my guest i've still been letting him win i was wrong to do that if you're all willing to try to be a family again i think i can do thank you i know how hard this must be i do i had help help from who a physicist her name is tracy brown she made the speed force trap for me he didn't figure out the technology until four years ago hang on [Music] i don't know where she is and i don't understand anything that's on here but that's got all her information on it maybe when you go back you can find her i don't know she can decipher it for you i hope so just make some good memories with ours luck [Music] [Music] come on i only have a few minutes left if i am going to die then everything you love is how does it feel to get so close to your ascension and end up on the ground now i see it's written nothing's written barry are you okay okay okay if you have any humanity left then please let him go [Music] i know when we are leaving the last week that's what the timeline i know i know what this is clearly you're from a lot later become a hero beyond your wildest dreams [Music] the power to strike down death life it
Channel: cortex fm
Views: 4,726,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6f7v5AB20BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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