Every Test You Wanted to Know: RODE Wireless Go II

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this review's audio is being recorded with the rode wireless go 2 going straight into my sony a7s 3 including this voiceover which is actually going into my computer because yes that is a feature to use it as a usb microphone as per usual only gain and a limiter is added so you can hear the raw performance of this microphone tilde what is this this is the rode go wireless 2. comes in at approximately 299 dollars it's a two transmitter to one receiver system you can go between stereo split and mono mode there's even a safety track mode each transmitter can actually record internally so that you'll never lose audio again during a shoot if you don't turn on the internal recording the battery can last up to seven hours if you do turn on the internal recording and choose compressed mode you'll get up to 6 hours and 55 minutes and 6 hours and 30 minutes with uncompressed it's no line of sight performance has drastically improved to normal filming distances 30 feet 1 2 three forty feet one two three fifty feet if you are using two rode wireless go twos make sure the receivers are as far away from each other as possible to get the best possible signal should you mix the old road go with the new road go no because the old one is going to crap out first does it work up to 600 feet yep this is 600 feet away with line of sight i measure the latency to be just under 7 milliseconds the wind muff features a new twist lock design so that it'll never pop off how does it sound against the competition what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching two london read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching two london read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker do i recommend it no matter if you're a beginner or looking to upgrade your current budget wireless audio system definitely yes the fact that there's internal recording as well as firmware updates this essentially makes the rode wireless go 2 relevant for years to come and a worthy investment done roll that intro [Music] what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker where the answers comes first the reasons come last but we're constantly and always still learning so today we're going to find out whether or not the rode wireless go version 2 is going to be the right solution for you and your overall filmmaking kit and i want to thank rode for not just sending me one but they actually sent me two review units for this video so yes i'm definitely going to test this out even further for people that are thinking about getting two full units now i do need to remind you that you're currently listening to the built-in microphone i am in a non-sound treated room there is literally a wall four feet away from me completely bare not only that there is a godox sl60 with a fan that i can audibly hear and it's basically the fan is actually pointing towards me through the softbox so if i don't talk for a little bit this is how the rode go 2 does in terms of ambient noises okay so now you're listening to the rode wireless go 2 going into my deity w love mic and this is basically because i don't have a rode lavalier go however they're both about the same price point and they're basically that lower tier professional lavalier mic at about 80 dollars to 100 some dollars so i figured this is close enough and this is what it sounds like in this specific situation okay i'm actually going to keep this on for this talking portion and then i'll go over to the built-in mic later so that you can kind of hear what this does in a more talking head fashion so the major thing is this is the successor to the wildly popular road go and coming in at 100 more at 299 versus 199 i think that extra 100 is way more than justified so let's get to it for the 299 dollars you are gonna get two transmitters to one receiver which is something that a lot of people really hoped that road would do and they did you're also going to get three awesome wind muffs as well as three usbc to usb a cables which is great so you can charge everything in one package and they also give you a carrying pouch followed by the more updated aux cord now the original one was kind of a coil this one you can kind of mold it and fold it and that way when you're trying to manage your wires it's much easier than the rigid coil version now in terms of the build it's pretty much exactly the same with maybe a couple additions so the transmitter and the receiver size is exactly the same as the previous road go and yes if you wear on a loose shirt and you happen to flop around it will do that flippy thing they haven't actually changed the weight distribution so if you're going to want to use it as a clip-on mic just know that that is still a thing in terms of the receiver it's very similar we do have one extra button here and that's simply because if you want to go between stereo and mono mode you're going to need to hold down the two buttons and that way you can switch between the two modes now the left button over here is just your gain your db settings and then on the right if you press it it's gonna basically cycle through between transmitter one and transmitter two because should you want to mute one of them you can now if you hold the button longer it's gonna go into a pairing mode to basically pair to another transmitter so that is basically the receiver in a nutshell in terms of the transmitter there's really no difference here except for one very awesome thing and that is the wind muff attachment method now you have this little twist lock mechanism basically making sure that wind muff never pops off ever again like the original road go so the main headlight feature of the rode wireless go 2 is the fact that it has internal recordings on the transmitters independently this is literally something that i talked about in my first review of the rode wireless go what if you added a micro sd card into the transmitter so that it's recording indefinitely all day long and i'm so happy that rode incorporated this because now if you happen to drop signal or what have you you have an internal recording that you can go to and therefore you're not left without audio now to access this internal recording you have to go through the rode central app on your laptop or computer for mac and windows so i'm going to talk about the app super quick and then we'll talk about the internal recording one of the coolest things about the rode wireless go is the fact that you can actually use it as a usb microphone if you plug in the receiver to your computer in fact you're listening to it right now so basically once you turn everything on and plug it in you go to your sound preferences or sound settings go to input and bingo there we are the rode wireless go to simply select it and now you are using it as a usb microphone so basically for skype zoom calls what have you awesome awesome feature while i have you here let's walk through the app super quick so if you click on the transmitter this is where all your internal recordings are simply click on a file you'll be presented with a waveform you can actually preview it with the play button if you want to and we also have these little flag icons going backwards and forwards and simply if we hit forward we'll see a flag now you can actually do something in the receiver to plant this flag here if you want to basically plant flags in between takes but generally speaking this flag means that the transmitter believes that the signal dropped over here and of course you can preview it to see if that is actually the case when you are editing now in the very first iteration of the app there was an extra button here that allow us to highlight this section and export it they've taken that away i'm not sure why but hopefully they bring it back otherwise to export simply click on the export button and i've already tried to rename this but yes you can actually rename it if you want to and you can choose what format you want to export it in what sample rate and what bit rate all right one quick thing i want to dispel here is this 32-bit float idea yes i really wish that you could record internally at 32-bit float but that is not the case you're already recording in a non-32-bit float format which means everything over here is already clipped going into the internal recording what's happening here is they're up sampling it to 32-bit float if that is your project file i guess it just makes it easier to work with so no you're not actually going to magically recover a clipped audio file next you can click on this little gear icon which basically allows you to tell the transmitter do you want it to record something the moment it turns on and connects to the receiver or do you just want to use it as a normal you know transmitter for now i'm going to turn leave this off because i don't necessarily need an internal recording for what i'm doing right now next there is a little mute lock basically it makes it so that the transmitter doesn't accidentally mute on its own should someone press the button next we have the recording quality here you can choose compressed and uncompressed and then lastly we have this little trashcan button here that will wipe everything clean and reformat i kind of hope that rode in the future with the app in terms of its updates they'll allow you to just select one that you don't want and delete it that way but i could see why they didn't do that because generally speaking you're probably already exporting what you want and then you can delete the rest next let's go over to the receiver because this is where a lot of features are we have the backlight on and off here it's pretty self-explanatory what i love is the gain mode because in the original road go you only had three you had low medium and high and sometimes the low was still very loud for certain cameras so what they've done is you can actually go into a fine gain mode and therefore you can go down in negative 3 db increments all the way down to negative 30. this is what i like the most and this is what i leave it at because i feel like you always want to have a fine tune of your output no matter what recorder you're going into our camera next we have the mode selection here split mode is probably what you're going to be in all the time but if you want to activate the safety channel you have to be in merge mode for that to even be an option and that's simply because the road can't output four channels of safety tracks it can only output two channels one at your set gain value and then one in the safety channel value next you have the little o button you can tell it to activate the backlight if you want it to go dim or stay bright the whole time or you can change it so that it activates a marker so basically in between takes or in between scenes instead of having you know multiple files you can just add little markers here so you know what's actually going on last but not least there are refresh buttons for the receiver and transmitter so that you can sync up the time of whatever you know the device you're in and hopefully that syncs up with your camera as well and that's pretty much it as far as the app goes if rode ever issues out a firmware update basically the moment you plug in your receiver it's going to tell you as such and therefore you can update the transmitter and receiver to the latest firmware so this app is basically the best thing road could have possibly done because they can make sure that the longevity of this product can stay relevant maybe even possibly add new features depending on the hardware um not limitations but whether the hardware can actually handle it now i do hope that in the future they make a mobile version of this app in fact they're probably doing it and the reason is because of the certain things that you have to go through the app to turn on or turn off all right guys and without further ado let's get to what you all probably came here for is the tests we're going to start with the audio test and remember i am going through this makeshift sound box trying to deaden the sound as much as i can so that you're going to hear it in its natural state instead of it being in some sort of a reverberant room like this and of course because this is a wireless audio system i am doing a negative 12 db calibration through my gh5 therefore every tests i ever do are being placed in the exact same stress what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker you don't mess up a ron you don't mess up a ron you don't mess up a ron you don't mess up a ron you don't mess up a ron you don't mess up a ron what's going on everybody you're watching too long individual filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching two longevity filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching two longevity filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long envy filmmaker you don't mess up everyone you don't mess up a ron you don't mess up a ron you don't mess up a ron you don't mess up a ron you don't mess up a ron i'm pretty sure you guys want this how does the rode wireless go 2 match up against the rode wireless go 1 and other popular 2.4 gigahertz systems well here's what they sound like what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching two london read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching two london read filmmaker what's going on everybody you're watching too long didn't read filmmaker all right guys we're going to start off nice and easy with the distance test this is only one transmitter going currently and basically i'm going to change my test a little bit here okay this is a new setting because this thing is rated to go up to 200 meters or 600 feet away so probably moving forward this is probably where i'm going to be testing all the wireless mics just to keep things consistent and i'm assuming more people are going to try to get up to 600 feet anyways now the setting is different it's not as wide open kind of because obviously you can see a building way back there there is a stadium to my right about 300 feet away just like bleachers but it shouldn't really affect the signal and then there's some houses over there 200 feet away and then nothing but brush and grass behind the camera okay so that is the setting i'm currently in i'm also changing things up a little bit here i'm gonna be in no line of sight for approximately a hundred feet just to kind of give you guys an idea of what happens in that range and then after that i'm gonna be in line of sight for the rest of it turning around every 50 feet or so just to see if we do get a little bit more but chances are probably not anyways let's get started and one two three ten feet one two three twenty feet one two three thirty feet one two three forty feet one two three fifty feet this is fifty feet away with no line of sight as i turn around here this is fifty feet with line of sight so let's continue one two three sixty one two three seventy one two three eighty one two three ninety one two three a hundred a hundred feet away with no line of sight as i turn around here this is a hundred feet with line of sight so now we're gonna stay in line of sight for pretty much the rest of it all right one two three one ten one two three one twenty one two three 130 one two three one forty one two three one fifty and this is now low no line of sight at 150 and this is back with line of sight let's continue one two three one sixty one two three one seventy one two three one eighty one two three one ninety one two three two hundred feet away with line of sight as i bring it over here no line of sight all right let's continue one two three two ten one two three two twenty one two three two thirty one two three two forty one two three two fifty this is 250 feet away with line of sight as you bring the microphone in 250 with no line of sight now we are back and one two three two sixty one two three two seventy one two three two eighty one two three two ninety one two three three hundred feet away with no with line of sight and then i bring it here 300 feet line of sight all right let's go for it i'm just going to stay in line of sight at this point because it's pretty you're not going to be doing no line of sight i've passed this way anyways one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three and this is 400 feet away with line of sight let's continue one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three this is 500 feet with line of sight let's continue to the last 600. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three and this is six hundred feet away with line of sight now there is a building over there about another 150 feet away so if you can hear me that's probably why maybe all right guys so this is the dual transmitter test on the road wireless go so here we go and one two three ten feet one two three twenty feet one two three thirty feet one two three forty feet one two three fifty this is fifty feet away with no line of sight and this is fifty feet away with line of sight let's continue on one two three sixty one two three seventy one two three eighty one two three ninety one two three a hundred this is a hundred feet away with no line of sight this is a hundred feet away with line of sight let's continue on this time with line of sight and one two three one ten one two three one twenty one two three one thirty one two three one forty one two three one 150 150 feet away with line of sight 150 feet away with no line of sight and let's continue one two three one sixty one two three one seventy one two three one eighty one two three one ninety one two three two hundred two hundred feet away with no line or with line of sight and then this is two hundred feet away with no line of sight let's continue on one two three two ten one two three two twenty one two three two thirty one two three two forty one two three two fifty two fifty two hundred fifty feet away with line of sight this is 250 feet away with no line of sight let's continue on to 300 one two three 260. one two three two seventy one two three two eighty one two three two ninety one two three three hundred feet width line of sight and then this is three hundred feet with no line of sight all right now you're going to stay in line of sight the entire time all the way to 600 feet here we go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three this is 400 feet with line of sight let's continue one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three this is 500 feet away with line of sight let's continue on to the last 600 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three and this is six hundred feet away with line of sight and that is with two transmitters going at the same time okay because rode actually sent me two of these units i'm going to take this opportunity to do a distance test with both units going at the same time because maybe you want to buy two units because you want four channels for audio or maybe your sound person and you want to be able to run four channels of audio in your audio bag and therefore lob everybody up now the results are going to be very interesting for you because the first time i conducted the test the receivers were in this configuration they were approximately three to four inches apart two channels are going into my sony's ev1 and the other two channels three and four are going into my gh5 what i found out was channels three and four it basically cut out a little bit early and this is what it sounded like one two three ten feet one two three twenty feet one two three thirty feet one two three forty feet one two three fifty feet this is fifty feet away with no line of sight this is fifty feet away with line of sight so after i heard that i was like okay what happens if you have the receivers a little bit further apart so i rigged it up this way so now the receivers are approximately 10 inches apart and this is what you can expect in terms of the full distance test so basically what i'm saying is make sure the receivers are far apart and this is the kind of results you can get one two three ten feet one two three twenty feet one two three thirty feet one two three forty feet one two three fifty feet this is fifty feet away with no line of sight this is fifty feet away with line of sight and let's continue one two three sixty one two three seventy one two three eighty one two three ninety one two three a hundred this is a hundred feet away with no line of sight this is a hundred feet with line of sight now we're going to actually continue within line of sight because i don't think you're gonna be filming with no line of sight past 100 feet anyways all right one two three one ten one two three one twenty one two three one thirty one two three one forty one two three 150 feet away with line of sight 150 feet away with no line of sight let's continue one two three one sixty one two three one seventy one two three one eighty one two three 190. one two three 200 feet away with line of sight 200 feet away with no line of sight let's continue one two three two ten one two three two twenty one two three two thirty one two three two forty one two three two fifty with line of sight 250 with no line of sight let's continue one two three two sixty one two three two seventy one two three two eighty one two three two ninety one two three three hundred feet away with line of sight three hundred feet away with no line of sight now we're gonna go in really big chunks with line of sight and one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three this is 400 feet away with line of sight let's continue one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three this is 500 feet away with line of sight let's go for the last bit one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three this is 600 feet away with line of sight all right we have even more distance tests here so now i'm going to test one rode wireless go 2 with two transmitters going in one original rode wireless go because maybe you still have it and you're going to wonder can you actually merge the two systems together and this is what the test results showed one two three ten feet one two two three four two three fifty feet away with no line of sight this is fifty feet away with line of sight and let's continue one two two based on the remainder of the test you're really only good up to 50 feet within line of sight in this configuration any further and you will get pretty choppy audio all right we're going full throttle here you have one set of rode wireless go twos both transmitters are going and on the other side you have two original rode wireless goes because maybe that's what you have and this is what happens if you're operating all the systems together and yes i actually had all the receivers as far apart as possible trying to see if i can get a better signal because if they are close together forget it one two three ten feet one two three four one two three the first generation rogos basically completely died at 10 feet and at this point you might as well just sell those and get yourself two rode wireless go-to units and this is just for reference if you have only one rode wireless go this is what you can expect in the exact same no line of sight tests now keep in mind i actually have the receiver flipped vertically and that's because when you're operating solo and you have it vertically you can actually get a stronger signal and this is what it you get in terms of no line of sight alright guys i have the original rode wireless go here because we need to make sure this test is fair in the same conditions in the same location because the other place i tested was not here so here we go no line of sight one two three ten one two three twenty feet one two three thirty feet one two three forty feet one two three fifty feet fifty feet away with no line of sight as i turn around here this is fifty feet with line of sight i'm sure we're good here so one two three sixty one two three seventy one two three eighty one two three one this is a hundred feet away with no line of sight as i turn around here this is a hundred feet width line of sight i'm sure we're good and one two three one ten one two three one two all right this is uh indoor distance test and here i go out of the office into the adjacent room again these are all just wooden walls around here as i make my way back the other way past a bunch of walls again all mainly wood make our way past the kitchen and out into the freezing cold again this is usually approximately where the thing dies and i'll make my chest a little bit further wow all right so now you're going to be listening to the radio frequency interference test and i have this basically plugged into a rode videomic ntg and this is what it sounded like now you can kind of sort of hear a little bit of it when the transmitter was up against the tip of the barrel but let's be honest that's probably not how you're going to actually be using it if anything it might be further away if it's on a boom pole and so when i placed it up against the mc1 which is basically like a rode video mic knockoff this is what it sounded like now i do have a theory that because this mc1 doesn't have its own internal battery the transmitter is actually having to send power over there and therefore because of either poor shielding inside or what have you that's probably why you're getting all that sound but to be on the safe side i do have a six foot shielded cable and this is what it sounds like when you have the transmitter much further away going through that cable for the battery test i had the transmitters placed approximately 20 feet away through a couple walls and a fan blowing at it the entire time the internal recording was not on and basically i got approximately 6 hours and 55 minutes and one transmitter lasted for seven hours with internal recording activated one transmitter was recording compressed one was recording uncompressed the compressed one actually lasted for 6 hours and 50 minutes which is pretty good the uncompressed lasted for 6 hours and 30 minutes which is also not that bad for the latency test i use a stereo splitter and my gh5 one channel has the rode videomic ndg and the second channel has the rode wireless go too and basically i have this going together i snap my fingers a couple times and when you look at the waveform this is the latency you get out of the rode wireless go 2. i measured it to be just slightly under 7 milliseconds the next thing you're going to see is the internal audio drift test now when i tested the lens go 328c it had severe audio drift in fact within two minutes you were done it was so far off but when i did about five and a half minutes with the rode wireless go 2 and i took a look at the spike over here they pretty much lined up if you're going to be super nitpicky i would say it's like a millimeter off so it's very unnoticeable basically what i'm trying to say is if you're recording for an hour maybe you might see a little difference but that's assuming that you literally lost contact with your receiver and transmitter for a full hour so basically what i'm also trying to say is it's probably not worth worrying about [Music] so [Music] [Music] before we go to the bottom line let's give this rode wireless go to my youtube audio treatment all right guys with all the tests out of the way what is the bottom line here is the rode wireless go to all the rivets and do i actually recommend it for your overall filmmaking kit as of early 2021 check the upload date if you need clarification it's a yes yes and a yes a hundred percent doesn't matter if you're a beginner or if you're a prosumer yes and i'm going to break this down into three main questions and points that you need to consider and i'm gonna go in kind of a weird order i might be jumping back and forth between the reasons of number three so i'm really sorry if this is going to sound rambly but you really need to hear me out because seriously rode wireless go to completely destroyed the competition with their second generation so the first question here is holy land lark 150 saramonic blink 500 they're about the same price which one do i choose rode wireless go 2 no questions here's why even though the lark and the saramonic blink 500 pro give you a charging case and the lavalier mics and the extra cables that basically you would have to pay extra for on the rode wireless go i still say that doesn't matter at all the holy land lark is coming in at i think 330 dollars this one's if you want to buy two lavalier mics at about 20 a piece you're basically almost there and so that's that argument of having a lavalier mic i don't think is um a thing the charging case charging case is nice but it has some caveats with both of them having they're guilty of this they've they were so close and then they kind of messed up so holy land lark 150 the transmitter can only last for four hours the receiver can last seven hours you can charge it in the case sure but if you want to use a usb battery bank you can't because there is no usb ports for you to do so so that's already out of the running saramonic blink 500 pro doesn't have this problem but their problem lies in the fact that the transmitter and receiver have a usb micro when the world has changed to usb c now you can kind of sort of argue that it doesn't matter because at least you can still do it but the argument completely goes out the window because of one specific feature in the rode wireless go 2 that basically destroys those two out of the gate the internal recording that's literally it those two systems the lark and the blink if those get cut out for whatever reason because there's extra wi-fi here there's something there or what have you they're done there's no way for you to recover that audio and by the rode wireless go to you can and the sound inside the internal recording is actually really good if you looked at the numbers on the internal recording versus the tascam recording what was very interesting was that the tascam recording required a post gain of plus 14. the internal recording compressed and uncompressed only needed either plus six or plus eight what does that actually mean that means the signal-to-noise ratio of your voice and the noise floor is much better in the internal recording than my cheap tascam dr-40 you're getting such a good internal recording already and the audio drift really isn't there so when it comes down to it that one feature alone already wipes lark and the blink out of the running even if it's gonna cost you like another extra hundred dollars to get the lavalier mics you do want that safety track it is the thing okay so let's put point number one out of the way point number two if you're a beginner should you get this wireless audio kit yes for the first time ever i'm saying yes to something that's a little bit more expensive but hear me out so i'm going to assume you've already watched my think critically series up here if you haven't check out um this title card right here because you've identified that the wireless audio kit is what you need a shotgun mic is not what you need for what you're doing 95 of the time you've identified that but you don't have enough money save save save save i don't know what you need to do mow lawns shovel snow you need to do something and get yourself to that 300 some dollars or 350 if you need lavalier mics get yourself up there save it and buy this the reason i'm saying that is because of number three firmware updates from road and why them doing this is going to basically make them completely relevant for years to come the road wireless go generation one was relevant for two years until this thing came around and beat them because out of all the sounds that you get the rode wireless go was still the overall best winner but if you wanted to go into the two transmitters to one receiver side that's where the saramonic blink 500 pro and the holy land lark 150 kind of come into play but firmware updates hardware ability into consideration if the hardware is good enough then the firmware that i'm about to suggest to rode could make them just comp like basically destroy the competition so rode if you're listening to this i don't know if you're thinking about this already but here are my suggestions of potential firmware for you to give us in the long run that's going to make your product basically the end-all be-all for a while in this price point so here's number one 32-bit float let's be honest we know the capabilities of it we've seen it in the zoom f2 and the tentacle sync even though their sound is a little bit off in the noise floor and it's something that some people want now i don't personally need it all the time because i'm already you know gain staging everything up but there are some people that might need it like wedding videographers or maybe documentary filmmakers where they just don't know what's going to actually happen so they need something like 32-bit float assuming the hardware is capable that's an easy one i'm assuming we would probably lose a good amount of battery life so instead of six and a half hours maybe we're down to six now if you can keep it to six hours with 32-bit flow that would be amazing for me personally if you can even get it like at five and a half hours i'd still like it just because it's there i can use it or i can choose not to and just go uncompressed compressed or i can just turn it off all the way and get seven hours so that's the first firmware update i'm gonna kind of guess that you can't do 32-bit float here's the second one eqs because right now the rode wireless go 2 sounds different than the rode wireless go 1. the 1 had a more flat response and this one seems to have a little bit more bass so i'm going to guess that maybe because some like maybe some people were saying hey i don't want the flat response i don't want to eq everything on my own i want something that just sounds good out of the gate in a general aspect now curtis judd i'm really sorry to use you as an example but curtis judd talks about how his voice has more sibilance and depending on the microphone or depending on the wireless audio kit and how it's eq'd internally naturally it could do it could wreak havoc on his own voice so he usually has to do a couple things to kind of turn it down so maybe we have some pre-eqs to be like hey if you have more siblings in your voice use this one or if you want a flat response use this one or maybe you have too much bass in your voice then use this one so you have some presets but rode what if you actually went a step further what if you allowed us to do custom eqs maybe like a 30 band equalizer or one of the para ones i can't remember what it's called but para something guys first of all you need to go watch curtis judd's video right up here where he tells you how to find certain frequencies in your voice how to cancel them out and get the best sound possible but rode if you allow us to do that in the rode central app and then inject that eq over into the receiver the transmitter or however you got to do it and maybe i don't know you do something where we can actually flip between the eqs that we want but for the sake of argument let's just say you allow us to custom inject an eq road and filmmakers at this point in time you've just programmed your microphone to specifically eq to your voice which means you don't actually have to do it in post it's already there and then you add all the magic sauce that road already does to get you the best sounding sound quality possible you're good to go that's going to make this thing so versatile depending on who it is you're putting it onto like narrative filmmakers you could literally do some tests ahead of time to try to figure out where the sweet spots of your actor or actress's voice is get it done ahead of time record it that way maybe do a couple things that you might need to do later but at least you're starting with a good starting point wrote if that's a possibility please because i would love that to happen the last one is for probably professionals i'm going to be speaking out of turn here or out of line because i don't actually know what you guys need but i'm going to assume something like this you're a professional worker you don't want to necessarily spend like another three thousand dollars on a wireless kit you literally want a road wireless go for those off moments where you need an extra channel of something but you're not a fan of rode doing all this audio processing for you you actually just want to work with the raw audio itself so rode what if you had i guess a professional mode basically you're turning off all the like the noise canceling the everything and assuming the capsule sounds good natively what if you did that so that professionals who want to process the audio can and maybe again that whole 32-bit float internal thing or maybe you can up the bit rates even more i don't really know what professionals want to be using in i'm just kind of used to the idea of 24 bit and 48 kilohertz but what if you were able to turn all that off just for them then you're making everyone happy from beginners to intermediates advanced and up to the pro levels where they just want something cheap wireless performs well and they could just get that extra audio channel i don't know that might be something to think about those are the only three firmware updates that i can think about right now so i don't know what do you guys think is there any other firmware update ideas that you would want to see go ahead and leave it down below so rode can see all of it and maybe they can implement it later on but guys those are my three reasons and points of why the rode wireless go 2 basically is the audio kit you should be getting in 2021 and possibly for many years to come and hey that is it for this week everybody if this video has made all the influence in your purchasing decisions i would truly appreciate it if you check out my amazon affiliate links down below again this costs nothing extra to you just gives me a little compensation so i can continue making videos like this for you and as always if you have any questions or comments go ahead and leave it down below i will get to them as fast as i can and until then like subscribe and share and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: TLDR Filmmaker
Views: 42,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tldr filmmaker, RØDE Wireless Go, Rode wireless go, RØDE Wireless Go II, Rode wireless go 2, RODE wireless Go II Review, rode wireless go vs saramonic, Rode wireless go vs hollyland, rode wireless go ii 2-person, rode microphones wireless go ii, rode wireless go ii vs rode wireless go, rode wireless go ii setup, rode wireless go ii test, Rode central App, Latency test, Distance test, Rode wireless go 2 review, Every Test
Id: 3TOldrv9iEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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