Every Spell in Electroblob's Wizardry | Minecraft Electroblob's Wizardry

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hello everyone my name is lorthorn and welcome to every single spell in electroblobs wizardry okay what are we doing today we're going to show off every single spell that is in electro's blobs wizardry so we have it organized by the four ranks of spell going from the weakest to the strongest and we have them organized by element type so fire ice storm death sorcery thermaturgy and divinity please excuse my spelling but that's the way it's going to go now the most basic spell you can cast in electroblobs wizardry is magic missile it's just a little projectile it shoots out you get that spell it's simple nice and easy done with see magic missile spell book here okay and it says fires the bolt of magic we're not going to go into the other books though because we just want the spells so we're going to just grab all these wands here and they do go in order as we said these are the novice level spells and it looks like we have a volunteer here for casting so first up on the fire spells we've got smoke bomb which makes a cloud of smoke that you can't see through then we have ignite the other novice level spell then we move on to ice freeze makes ice appear on the ground can freeze water and snowball which does no damage it's just a snowball the lightning spells we have a thunderbolt which shoots a little explosive thundery wandery bolt that does about one damage and we have arc a spell that requires a target and it arcs it to them does actually a little bit more damage than your basic thunderbolt moving on from there we have evil spells we have summoned zombies which summons zombies to do our bidding so they will attack hostile mobs and try to defend us after that we have le mind tricked which would make hostile mobs friendly to us so if we mind trick this guy he's will not try to attack us that means survival mode hello see he's friendly to us if we spawn another friend in he'll go hey and then i mind trick him and he's like oh you're a cool dude next we have snare if a target walks over it they will be slowed and slightly hurt leap allows you to jump and mine breaks blocks it cannot break obsidian but it can go through wood and stone so it's good for just quick little jobs after that we have dart which shoots a little dart light is the apprentice and basic and we have lay telekinesis which allows you to pull drop blocks towards you there is conjure block which allows you to summon invisible fake blocks that are as strong as glass muffle makes it so you make no noises when moving about next is celestial spells there is ward which protects you from magic there is a vade which moves you sideways in the direction you tap there is heal which will heal you from damage and those are the novice spells moving on from there we have the apprentice level spells and there's a lot more spells in each category here so we're going to grab them in order yet again and hopefully have enough room because some of these spells take up two wands worth of space it appears that we'll have just enough for it there we go first spell we have for fire is a fire sign and if you cast it and a target walks over it they will catch fire then there is a fireball which will shoot out a ball that will light stuff on fire flamery shoots out a ray of flame and there's firebomb which sends out a incendiary grade that lights all targets in the area on fire around it after that is firebolt which just shoots at both a fire that light stuff on fire targets that hit single target little firebolt finally in the fire spells we have pocket furnace now pockets first will cook things in your inventory it cooks five of them at a time and up to five of them next we have ice spells ice shart shoots out a bolt of ice and slows the targets that hits frost ray deals constant frost damage and also will mildly slow its targets ice ball deals damage and slows the target frost sign is the counter spell to fire spine or the not counter spell by its alternative ice statue will turn us target into a solid block of ice freezing them solid frost barrier creates a wall which you cannot get through and also rebounds targets and can't be broken by hitting it'll go away in amount of time and summon snow golem summons listen golems for you next is the storm spells of apprentice level lightning sign again is the same as all the other sign spells deals lightning damage blinding flash blinds targets around you and also causes a bright flash to come off the tip of your wall lightning ray sends out a ray of lightning which will walk onto a target and keep damaging them lightning arrow shoots out a lightning-like arrow that will deal damage targets has a limited range charge sends you charging through targets dealing damage as you move and it's also a movement spell homing spark seeks out targets and will deal a little bit of damage to them and looks pretty nifty and finally spark bomb sends out a little bomb that hits everything that rounds at cassie's spark cell so it's excellent in aoe cases where you have a whole bunch of slimes to get rid of next we have the necromancy spells here we have metamorphosis which will turn certain targets into their counterparts so this turns slimes into magma slimes and it will turn pigs into zombie pigmen reversal sends the negative effect back to the targets that you have on you um fortunately i can't do that enraged makes all targets angry around it and they'll cause them to attack the caster not sure where you'd want that wither inflicts the target with wither intimidate causes fear which will make all targets run away from the caster banish teleports the target away from you or in random direction summon skeleton someone's skeletal archers to fight for you and finally life drain steals life from the target at a constant rate and heals you moving on to earth type spells we have the poison bomb sorry moving on to sorceries i get sorceries and earth spells mixed up because they seem very similar so first sorcery spell is poison bomb which lets a bomb that deals a high amount of damage and will poison the targets leaving them constantly taking damage then we have which uh entraps the target inside a bubble causing them to slowly float up then we have poison which just shoots out beam that poisons whatever hits and whirlwind pushes things away and up i think one of my favorite spells is grapple you have to get into range which grapples you onto a target and then pulls you towards it which i think is very nifty um i have seen other mods that do this but still i am always fond of them sixth sense i believe allows you to see invisible targets yes it allows you to see invisible targets of little spirit orbs which is kind of cool so boom we can still see where it is we can still see his little life orb nifty summon spirit wolves summons a spirit wolf that will defend you dark vision gives you dark vision growth horror makes everything around you grow moving on to thormaturgy is clairvoyance spell that you cast it among a target um so you shift the location then you cast the spell and i'll lead you to it so wherever you cast it to it'll send you a little line to where the target was blink teleports you much like enderman teleports to a place you can see with nice little effects too yes a lot of spells actually have little casting effects which are quite nice next we have conjure bow which conjures you a spectral bow pocket workshop some of the crafting table in your inventory divination tells you where ore might be but it's um not great at it agility gives you haste and jump speed which is kind of fun conjure sword conjures a spectral sword and be a weapon enchancia weapon with imbuement which makes it hit harder it's kind of a terrible example against slime but trust me this sword is now improved conjure pickaxe sums you a spectral pickaxe to mind with at iron level i believe and the force arrow launches out a bolt of force that damages the target and it travels quite far distance so it's a good sniper in spell divination spells we can hear effects that won't be on us so if we go and give ourselves oak flesh we can then get rid of that we can mark les sacrifice which makes it so this targets now mark sacrifice at war off anyways that makes it so you get mana and heal after killing the target empowering presence gives you empowerment which makes you stronger replenish hunger makes it so you're less hungry and shield creates a lovely little shield in front of you which targets can't get through so it's quite literally a shield invigorating presence makes you hit harder heel ally will heal your allies near you but not yourself now we move on to the advanced spells which has by far the most spells in it so this one's going to take a little longer to do so we are going to start off with the ice spells the fire spells and the storm spells and we will grab for ourselves as well the evil death magic so starting off we have a disintegration ray which disintegrates the targets also deals fire damage and it looks really badass if the target is killed by it they disintegrate other things around to catch fire it leaves these hot coals on the ground which if you step on you get burnt so it's a very very cool spell after that we have lay detonate which causes explosion of damage to go wherever you shoot it greater fireball sends an explosion that actually destroys things has a little bit of a charging period and bla boom summon blaze summons a friendly blaze that will protect you fire resistance grants you fire resistance ring of fire creates a massive freaking ring of fire around you anything that enters this ring of fire will catch fire and take constant fire damage making a very good defensive spell combustion room causes whatever is hit to catch fire and explode moving on to the next flame spell we have fire axe which gives us a flaming axe that actually looks really cool fire skin lights you on fire makes whoever hits you will catch fire flame weapon will imbue a weapon to light that whatever it hits on fire now the advanced ice spells we have summoned uh ice wraith which basically summons ice blizz ice charge which sends out a little globe that then shoots ice balls everywhere or spikes frost axe is the counterpart to flamax sums you frost axe ice shroud is the counterpart to the flames belt and we'll go aggravate this slime and this will hit it with a slow ice lance shoots a long-range projectile that deals damage and slows frost step makes it so water underneath you freezes solid so you can walk on water for a period and freezes and breaks it's like the boot enchantment now ice spike creates spikes wherever you cast it in a little area out from you they're not the most accurate but against a big target like this sucker here will definitely hit him blizzard summons that icy little tornado at the location they'll deal constant frost damage and slow freeze weapon will make a sword be imbued with ice and cause whatever target hit to be slowed and take the icy effect we have the storm spells static aura is like all the other auras i don't think we need to show it in action then we have lightning bolt which as you can guess calls down art hillary strike from the heavens now lightning poles on the other hand sends a little pulse at your feet knocking everything back and hurting them storm cloud causes a storm cloud to form over an area and start striking whatever is there with lightning which i think is really fun stupid sheep just done cloud paralysis makes it so a target cannot move some enlightening wraith summons a wraith that will act like a blaze buzz lightning type and invoke rather makes it stormy if you cast again it'll stop the rain next is chain lightning which should chain to multiple targets so we are going to kill slime split in two and boom there we go that is fun excellent way to kill slimes is with your chain lightning bolts and finally we have lightning disc which is a projectile i'll go spinning around and seek towards the target in a terrifying fashion of death and destruction lightning spells are fun okay moving on we have the advanced necromancy spells this will make him take damage from sunlight which is a rather awful fate so basically turn to every target you hit with into undead and they start taking damage from the sunlight we have shadow ward which creates a shield of shadows around you so shallow war inflicts the damage that would be dealt to you back to the target making you only take half and they take the other half darkness orb sends out a little orb of darkness that deals down to targets and sounds cool unfortunately they got rid of my favorite spell in the latest update which was xaml i miss my zamel boy but oh well decay creates puddles of death upon the ground the curse is soul bound makes the target share your pain so that slime should get hurt when we are getting hurt i have no idea why it's not very odd moving on shocker bullet sends out a shulker bullet to attack targets and make them slowly levitate up with their skull which sends out the projectile that the weather shoots dragon breath shoots out the fireball the ender dragon shoots sewing with a skeleton summons with the skeletons to work for you with their creates a object which makes everything around it slowly get hurt second to last but not least is lay mind control what should make targets work for you instead so now this is our slime and he's going to go aggressively at that slime and finally we have the entrapment spell causes them to slowly float upwards constantly taking damage phasing through blocks and then inevitably die or survive tornado sends out a tornado sends things up in the air it looks gorgeous as well swarm summons a grip of spiders to attack your targets cobwebs causes a blob of cobwebs to appear at the location fangs one of my favorite spells you raise your hands up and summons le fangs for you which i think is really nifty glide is the poor man's elytra we let you glide i can't see right so your swords like slowly fall some spirit horse sums you a horse which is actually a decent speed slime puts a slime onto the target which will slowly murder them while the breed gives you water breathing now on to the thalmatergy as the sorcery is over oh okay why i thought was sorcery is earth magic which means that this is sorcery so what we were just doing was earth magic this is sorcery what i've been calling thoma turj sorcery okay well whatever you live in you learn moving on to the sorcery arcane lock blocks a chest so only you can open it containment stops the target from leading the location it's in petrified turns onto stone makes the slime loose their outer body you can get yourself statues it's kind of evil actually like listen to that sound invisibility turns you invisible levitate makes you hover upwards force orb sends out a little ball which basically goes oof it makes targets go flying spectral pathway causes a path to appear for you to walk across from one location to another basically making a bridge in between high places mirage causes you to appear in random locations and look really confusing and wacky so no one actually knows where you are it's actually really cool look at this ah you don't know who i am next swarm someone's a swarm of angry vex greater telekinesis apparently screws with the world and it's like wingardium leviosa but it has like a limited amount of time working smack can we drop okay is rather glitchy but if you want to screw things around in your universe cast greater telekinesis conjure armor put spiritual diamond armor on you decoy makes a decoy double view vanishing box creates a chest for you to store stuff in and call up for later guardian beams the guardian beam base step is basically a teleport transportation will transport you back to a circle's transportation stones that look like this so feel down be transformed back to it translation magic makes you nauseous as well moving on to advanced divine spells also i've broken all of our um shadows somehow anyways arcane jammer we'll mix the target can't cast spells all right transients makes you immune to all damage but you can no longer break blocks or deal damage of any sort a radiant totem summons a totem that will heal you and hurt enemies remove curse removes negative status effects from you group heal heals the targeting group great reward protects you from greater spells healing aura creates the area that will heal whoever walk into it stacey8 replenishes a greater amount of hunger iron flesh gives you resistance to ray of purification shoots out a constant beam of damage that's reading it deals bones damage undead but it will also hurt the slime at a constant rate and force field creates a dome of which evil creatures cannot pass through while friendlies can finally on to master level spells there is a lot less of these than well the two in between there's a very few novice spells though so anyhow is it these are cool these are very cool spells these are my favorite of spells right dragon breath shoots out a ridiculous amount of fire that lights things on fire also the ground stuff is just like now flame catcher summons you a bow which looks super cool fire is super fast and these arrows deal the damage and meteor calls down a meteor it's pretty self-explanatory it's great and finally a very cool looking spell firestorm combustion doesn't hurt you as well when you cast it master level ice spells summon ice giant creates this cool dude who's like all right time to dive hugs wall of frost you can just start walling yourself up with ice which is pretty nifty ice age is a very good survival spell you're surrounded by a group of enemies you're like oh no so you cast it and it freezes them all solid ice strike calls down a whole bunch of hail so it's like a magic artillery strike it just shoots down ice constantly in one area some spells you can summon a storm elemental like this guy here who will shoot out bolts of lightning to hurt your enemies lightning web goes for zap and will hit one target and then after it kills them it'll link to the next ones and keep blinking so it's like a chain lightning beam this is also a great spell this is lightning hammer falls down a lightning hammer calls down the hammer literal hammer of thor to bring the smack down your enemies and anyone around it gets shot by lightning right from the handle and finally thunderstorm which falls down the ultra artillery strike from zeus hitting every target and causing lightning balls to blink out a cacophony of death and pain okay now moving on to the undead spells there's actually quite a few of the advanced ones we can summon shadow rapes we can cast cause a zombie apocalypse to take place which will summon us uh legion zombies to come out of these evil portals now we can also summon ourselves a little skeletal legion which will create a horde of skeletons with bows and swords armor to slay our enemies so we can get ourselves a skeletal legion all right plague of darkness i think hurts everything around it dealing constant damage and probably causing blindness curse of enfield mint makes the target very very weak and sickly doesn't work on dead though finally possession which um lets you take over the target i'm hoarse now apparently uh wherever um yeah yeah you you literally enter the target's body and i think it works on players moving on that is all the evil master level spells let's move on to the earth spells all right forest curse bonk they're going to get constantly hurt by poor stuff i have no idea what else it does i think it's just poison aoe flight lets you fly in the direction you're pointing and gives your wings it's like red bull but green silverfish swarm summons the army of angry silverfish to do your bidding earthquake um oh my goodness it causes an earthquake to ripple out from you making an absolute mess of the world um i don't think it damages buildings though which is probably a good thing foster thorns um i think these just hurt where's ever in them cool and finally one of my favorite all-time spells is boulder which creates a massive boulder which will break against stone but if it happens to encounter wood it will smash through it and it goes out just dealing constant damage oh man it looks so good sorcery uh reign of arrows is actually really hard to aim it targets a little bit in front of the area iron golem makes you a iron golem that is friendly to you so he will guard you not villages shockwave sends a shockwave out from you knocking everything away and well you can probably guess what black hole does yes anything near where your black hole is it'll get sucked in and consumed um we're going to move past these okay so slow time uh slows down time so if you notice everything starts moving slower so this pig's like moves slowly through the air the skeletons move about um i just want to put myself to survival mode so we're going slow time and you notice that their arrows will move slowly through the air and trouble hanging through us this is a very very buggy sim spell okay next we move on to speed time which is a way to accelerate time now everything moves faster it just like basically makes the world tick by finally we move on to the rating spells this gives you resistance three um celestial smite calls down the artillery strike from god this time resurrected brings other players back to life so we can't actually cast it so when they're in the death screen and they don't leave it you can then resurrect them is my suspicion all right font of mana basically gives you fonta mana which will regenerate your mana font vitality kizi regeneration absorption so these are all just happy healy go lucky spells so yeah that is the spells of the master level i'm a slime back here i'm going to get your yes this is why master wizards are not to be messed with this is without any of the buffs thank you all for watching this video very much that was electro blobs wizardry all the spells that it has from weakest to strongest and i will leave a link in the description below you can also go check out my discord if you feel like it and uh yeah now youtube has rolled out a new system which basically lets them put ads onto videos even of people who do not have enough subscribers or time watched to be eligible for adsense so youtube is basically taking money from people and they're getting nothing of it so please do subscribe so i can not get ripped off by youtube basically and yeah it helps a lot of people who view are not subscribed and it would be nice if you could uh come back every once while and see the cool videos i make if you want you know if you thought it's fine too it's just i'd rather not have you to make gains off me that i get nothing for so anyways until the next video i guess i'll see you again and if there's anything you wish for me to showcase i'll do that if you want a more full showcase of this mod i can go through all the steps and various interviews of it so just let me know and i will catch you all next time and that is all the spells and electroblobs wizardry [Music] goodbye
Channel: Lorthorn
Views: 48,711
Rating: 4.8792453 out of 5
Keywords: Electroblob's Wizardry, Minecraft Electroblob's Wizardry, Electroblob's Wizardry mod, Every Spell, magic, Wizardry Mod, Minecraft mod, show case, Lorthorn, spells
Id: ZL8kUkhOnK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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