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heyo greetings to everyone dear friends I am muffin and today we are going to be boosting Sonic or to be more precise I'm going to boost up his jumping power that means that every single time that Sonic jumps his jumping power will increase and eventually he'll get so powerful that he'll be able to jump all the way to the Moon in just one single bound you guys heard that right one jump is all it will take I mean just imagine that that just sounds totally insane Ane so guys dear friends be sure that you all go down and smash the like button for Sonic and also subscribe to the channel and hit the icon Bell so you don't have to miss any new videos all right guys and here we have this Sonic in his most basic form he's a little baby and his jumping power is super weak let's see uh how high he can jump right now and Bam that's really really weak man but don't worry guys it will not be that low for long because I have an obstacle course that will help me level up once I complete it so guys let's get started okay here we go nice okay just look at how the upgrade bar is filling up all right just a little bit more here we go come on okay and here we go bam wa guys I just leveled up holy moly guys I look a little bit weird but I can feel that my jumping power has just increased 10 fold you guys hey wait a minute is that shadow what what are you doing here man hey Sonic I heard that you've been leveling up let's see who can jump higher let's have a little jumping race shall we what a jumping race how does that work there's a small obstacle course to your right the first one to complete it will win and I'm going to beat you H sounds interesting I guess so why not all right let's go give it a try Okay Shadow let's go to the starting line all right let's go in 3 seconds and let's go guys oh nice and bang and bang woohoo I'm neck and neck with him so far so not too bad actually but I'm slowly pulling ahead come on Sonic I got to beat shadow and I'll be the first one to level up and be the highest jumper in the world okay here we go and whoa whoa whoa whoa holy crap what a high wall oh my gosh how am I going to beat that thing I need a good running start okay and here we go and bam oh nice man I made it you guys wow all right here we go and Bam all right whoa I've leveled up quite a bit a little more and I'll overt Shadow come on come on come on come on nice Sonic okay just a little bit more and whoo whoa whoo holy moly that's high okay careful nice oh I can see the Finish Line already I think it's a bonus for completing the map okay guys let's go and wa I leveled up again you guys mind blown I still really look weird though so hope hopefully I stop soon oh my gosh I look like an Android like Sonic an Android Sonic andronic what I look really funny but I've definitely leveled up a lot now and I can jump incredibly High uh whoa hey what the oh what wait where am I Tails what's going on here man hey Sonic I heard that you were leveling up your jump power I decided to help you by setting up some special challenges they'll help you to upgrade wo wo wo oh my gosh guys that sounds really cool okay Tails uh hold on wait uh what do I have to do it's simple to complete this challenge you just have to jump onto that Sonic energy drink the number of wind turbine blades will increase every time and if you complete all the difficulty levels then you'll level up H okay I think that sounds pretty wa what easy uh is that Knuckles hey what are you doing here man I heard that this challenge can level up your jump power and I came to participate what hold on I'm the one who's leveling up my jump power why do you need it I want to jump really high too plus what kind of challenge is it if you're the only one doing it you got to have someone to compete with h okay that makes sense I guess and I guess Knuckles is actually right it is more interesting to compete with someone rather than doing the challenge alone okay guys let's do Knuckles hey I call dibs on jumping first okay all right okay let's run and wo wo wo wo oh my gosh I almost got hit by the turbine blade there okay oh I landed I guess all right let's see how Knuckles does it hey Knuckles hey buddy come on jump I'm already over here okay guys he's running and waa he landed perfectly oh no okay he no he fell into the water nice man I guess that first challenge is mine let's go on to the next difficulty level okay here I am this looks five times more difficult man oh that's nuts okay let's see how many blades there are now there's spinning several times faster now too this is going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be okay uh let's get a good running start guys and let's go okay oh I made it oh no way I managed to jump over here come on Knuckles come on come on I I believe in you and Bam and he did it too nice we were both able to complete the second difficulty level so let's go on to the next one we go wa holy cow guys just look at all this dang there's so many blades here man this challenge has just become a hundred times more difficult I think so how am I supposed to do this dang what the hey Dr Eggman what are you doing here huh I finally found you I came to stop you from leveling up no no no wait a minute Eggman you are not going to bother us today we are actually leveling up here so you know what just go cool off for a bit over there all right yeah yeah go for swim bye-bye buddy hope the sharks get you um was that even okay yeah Knuckles if people are bothering you you could do even more than that well guys the next level of difficulty I mean just look at this is it even possible to do all this man but I hope that I can do it I can see a small Gap that appears every few circles so I think that I can jump through it and I can definitely pass this test but guys before the test starts dear friends please smash that like button and subscribe to the channel okay and make sure you hit that Bell icon so you don't miss any new videos all right well I hope that you guys are all able to like And subscribe so now let's start guys jumping on to the count of three I know that we can do this you guys all right let's go and here we go it's a lot of pins but we got this I won't give up no matter what one 2 3 and let's go jump jump and flying in wa great guys I just got the the exact Gap that I was talking about well knuckles I hope you're ready because this is going to be very difficult for you if you know what I mean oh here he goes okay of course I'm ready now I'll show you what I'm capable of all right 1 2 3 let's go all right all right all right and [Music] oh what I guess that Knuckles was not even okay oh man he just ran up and dived into the water that is freaking awesome oh yeah that is so funny looks like I won the challenge great job Sonic you passed my test and completed all the difficult levels now you can level up wa oh my gosh it worked you guys I just leveled up and finally I look like a real Sonic oh man I thought that it would never happen and that I would have to keep on running around in weird forms like andronic or baby Sonic or dang that was really strange very very strange but finally I look like the real Sonic guys so I suggest that I don't stop there and I just keep on leveling up after all all I have to do is jump non-stop because with each and every jump my strength and height of my jump gradually will increase so let's just keep on jumping by the way and here we go wait a second uh hold on yeah guys I know that I cannot stop now we are so close to upgrading all the way so guys let's just keep on jumping and here we go wa oh I wanted to say let's check out how high I can jump and wo my gosh okay I guess I can jump so cool and high now with each and every jump I just keep on jumping higher and higher you guys so wow that's amazing hey wait a minute uh what if I jump onto the tallest building in all of Los Santos the Maze Bank Tower you guys oh what do you think will I level up a whole lot if I do that I think I'm 100% sure that I totally will you guys it's a yes so that's why I suggest I want to keep on jumping until I get to the maze Bank Tower and when I get there I'll be so boosted that I'll be able to jump onto it with ease and thanks to that I will level up even more all right here we go and whoa okay we're doing pretty good oh oh come on whoa whoa whoa holy crap I wonder what will happen if I just land directly in the pool oh my gosh awesome man where I landed everything just exploded and Scattered into all directions that's what happens when you upgrade the jumping power and now every everything explodes where I land so what if I land on asphalt smash oh oh my gosh the ground explodes that is so freaking cool hey what if I just kept jumping onto rooftops oh boy all right let's see how well the upgrade bar feels from this I think that it's a good way to level up quickly you know so let's keep on jumping on these rooftops all right and on to the next one here we go come on and bam oh boy I think I just landed on a pretty tall building it's probably like half the height of the Maze Bank Tower so I think this way I'll definitely level up pretty quickly so here let's go and smash all right let's try and jump onto that building with the monkey on it over there and Yahoo wooo oh great not bad and here's the Eclipse Tower maybe I can jump onto that too all right oh great man holy cow well now I'm 100% sure that I can easily just jump onto that Maze Bank Tower over there all right all right guys let's get down and here we go okay and wao holy moly I can jump so high and cool now okay just look at this now that's what I call this uh dear friends please make sure that you guys all go down and hit the like And subscribe buttons for the channel for Sonic if you still haven't done so for some reason before because guys as it turns out according to statistics 99% of people watching my videos are watching it without subscrib ing so guys this should not be like this I know that it's not your first time on my channel so if you guys keep on watching my videos and for some reason don't subscribe you guys have to fix that okay and you'll continue to watch my videos as before and I will be very pleased with my new subscribers so guys hit the like And subscribe buttons to my Channel all right well let's go let's try and jump onto the Maze Bank Tower after all I have very little left to it and I am now jumping pretty high already so let's take a good running start and try and jump onto the Maze Bank Tower oh by the way let's count how many jumps I need to get from this location all the way to the Maze Bank Tower let's start right here and let's go all right we got this you guys I know that we have this 3 2 1 wa holy moly that was really high all right second jump okay okay whoa okay I was just able to jump over that saw building already two jumps huh all right guys let's go B bam and third jump we got this the final one and fourth jump oh I was able to get from Los Santos customs all the way to the maze bang Tower in just four jumps I mean even the fastest car in GTA 5 cannot get you here that fast we're going crazy well guys let's try and jump onto the tallest building in all of Los Santos we got this 5 4 3 2 1 here we go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this is crazy oh my gosh guys I think I did it holy crap that was incredibly difficult but uh wait a second who is that who else is there wait I think I know him wait hey it's meilus hey meilus hey what are you doing here man oh come on hi I'm glad that we finally managed to meet I invite you to participate in a challenge that will help you level up sufficiently you know what do you say h it sounds very suspicious I don't know uh what do you think guys is it a trap or not after all if I agree then I can level up you know but at the same time I could turn out to be some very Insidious and dangerous trap and I won't be able to get out of it you know H I need to think really carefully now guys please help me make up a decision I don't know if I should work with him should I agree to challenge with mephis or uh I don't know guys please write your thoughts in the comment section down below I'll wait for your guys' answers before making a decision finally all right guys I will give you 5 Seconds to think about it so give your answer in the comment section down below and I will give you guys a countdown 5 4 3 2 1 and all right let's go to the comments hey uh most people are voting for me to participate in the challenge mephis is challenge uh okay then hey I guess I agree where are we going though whoa where am I what the heck hold on no way how all right mempis what are we doing here what are we going to do the task here is to jump through these speed rings on the platforms and get to the bonus ring which will help you to level up you know think you can do it h doesn't sound too complicated but I guess there is just one butt uh we are at a really great height and if we down I'll simply get smashed onto the ground I really don't like this Outlet dang I really hope that I can do it okay let's do it then I guess uh all right dear friends please support Sonic go down below right now and like this video guys subscribe to the channel and man I am 300% sure that if you like And subscribe then Sonic will be able to complete this challenge guys all right okay mephis let's do this here we go on on the count of three I mean now five 4 3 2 1 and we oh whoo whoa whoa whoo oh I nailed the landing let's go and good good good okay and oh carefully okay here we go and here we go woohoo that's freaking crazy oh oh my gosh I almost landed on mephis I got to be careful guys and here we go and pH okay nice I wish that I could a extra point from Landing right in the middle like a Target that would be amazing all right let's go oh come on come on come on come on come on and boom all right Perfect Landing moveing meilus I'm going to get ahead of you all right dang it he's keeping up with me all right guys two more platforms to go I can already see the bonus ring that will level me up all right come on and here we go let's go and Bam wa no way guys I actually just leveled up no way I thought the mephis was totally going to pull some evil trick but no he actually helped me level up that is totally unexpected to be honest oh my goodness wait what is that do you guys uh hold on a second does everyone else see that also that's pretty crazy yeah guys this is looking pretty crazy over there that's like an unbelievably tall tower it's like 10 times taller than the Maze Bank Tower wo that is literally a rooftop in space that's a insane I wonder if I climb that thing will I level up I guess I got to find out so let's try it then I'll get a good running Head Start and I'll go all right here we go and okay woohoo whoa holy moly this is it my jumping power has increased dramatically so now let's jump on to the roof of this building oh my gosh oh here we go and wa wow everything explodes when I land all right let's go and try and jump onto that high-rise building now here we go let's go and here we go whoa holy crap I just did it oh dang jumping on rooftops really levels me up way faster okay guys let's go and try and land over there and nice oh okay let's try and get a running start and head on to the next roof here we go oh wa okay we got that man ever everything just explodes with every jump that is just awesome well I guess that I'm supposed to be over there I just need to jump a little bit more and then I'll reach that incredibly tall tower over there all right guys let's go and while I'm jumping I'm also gradually leveling up it's very good honestly I suggest that I just keep on jumping on rooftops cuz for some reason they level me up a lot faster all right here we go come on here we go and W who what the heck I was able to jump over such a tall building awesome man oh no oh everything's on fire oh no oh I'm on fire someone help me even I'm on fire where's a pool a there we go let's jump into the pool and wait I'm burning in the pool what the heck is going on please help me oh no oh no oh no no come on ah even the pool doesn't help I'm still on fire this is so messed up but I mean at least I'm not getting hurt so oh whatever I guess let's keep on going cuz I'm almost there I'm almost at the tall tower whoa okay uh sorry sorry Franklin I landed right on his rooftop and I think that I just set everything on fire oh okay whoa whoa uh time to run out I'm about to burn Franklin's house down let's get out of here before I burn it to a crisp let's go guys holy crap oh oh I can't believe it I am made it here wait a minute where's the top uh let's move to the side a bit and uh okay let's see where are we going uh oh my gosh yep nope I literally can't even see the top at all that Tower is just incredibly tall man how are we supposed to even see the top of that I don't know if I can jump that high uh okay but also I guess I've leveled up Sonic's jumping power pretty well so uh something tells me that I literally can just do it no I can definitely do it but before I try to jump onto this incredibly tall tower here guys dear friends I need every single one of you to go go down below right now and dear friends I need you to please support Sonic okay so go down below right now like this video And subscribe to the channel okay come on guys I'll give you 5 Seconds to like the video and subscribe oh and by the way guys the countdown is already started okay five no wait hold on 5 4 3 2 one thank you very much all right guys thank you so much for supporting Sonic here because with with every single like and subscription guys his jumping power will increase well that's okay let's try and jump onto this incredibly tall tower let's get a good running start and a jump and uh oh what happened wait why didn't Sonic Jump wait a second something is wrong hey did someone ignore the like button hey guys come on support Sonic hurry whoa awesome guys now I can tell that everyone has definitely liked the video oh oh my gosh I'm flying so high up right now oh my gosh I see it and here we go wait what hold on a sec I was able to jump onto this Tower and uh wait uh is that Tails Tails hi what are you doing here anyway man this is crazy hey again Sonic I built this incredibly tall tower so Eggman would never find me he's been annoying me and chasing me all day so I don't know what to do you got that that right waa what the where did Eggman come from huh ah sonic save me I'll get revenge on you Sonic for throwing me into the water down there get him robots whoa what where did Eggman go and it looks like he took Tails no way a do you guys really want to fight Super Sonic all right you metal boxes I'll show you who's boss oh where are you going yeah you cannot get away from me and boom wooho yeah he's going to be flying for a long long time all right and I guess I've dealt with these robots okay man that's awesome let's see H uh I wait I wonder where Eggman did take Tails I got to find him as soon as possible hey dang it where could they be hey uh wait a second I think I know Eggman is a very secret flying Island that's hidden behind the clouds you guys and that is not good news the the only way one can get there is by jumping really high which means that I can easily get there because I can okay in any case I suggest that I got to hurry and jump down and then we got to find eggman's Islands whoa okay here we go and wa wa oh my gosh holy crap I landed so quickly that's good and I think we're going in the right direction I remember exactly what a secret flying island is somewhere over there all right let's go so now I got to get there very quickly I I got to save my friend Tails the fox if I don't save Tails I don't know so guys please support Sonic he really needs you to help me find eggman's secret Island as soon as possible to save Tails he really needs your support so please support Sonic by liking this video okay guys I'm almost there this island has been uh no it must be somewhere high up in the sky and I can't even see it only if I jump really really really up high okay guys oh okay I guess that I'm almost there it should be around here somewhere but ah man I don't see anything how come man I guess is this island that high up okay let's try and jump there all right let's go and here we go whoo whoo whoo wao oh great I'm flying really really high okay oh no wait I think I saw something did you see that the island became visible for a second but it disappeared again it must be around here somewhere okay oh guys I think I see it okay guys let's fly straight into the center of this secret Island okay oh I got to be careful I got to make sure I land oh come on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa and ouch I can't believe it did I really just find eggman's secret Island and uh hey there they are hey Eggman let Tails go right now okay or else you'll regret it do you want to know what I did to all your robots down there really whoa whoa whoa uh okay Sonic I'll let taals go but only on one condition okay what condition I'll let taals go as soon as this video gets 300 likes okay guys did you hear Dr Eggman please go and help Sonic to save his friend I need this video to get 300 likes guys and then Dr Eggman will free Tails okay and we can't leave this place peacefully come on guys I really hope that you'll all support Sonic and help him save his friend please guys I need you to help me or else tell will be trapped forever wao you got 300 likes that quickly okay fine I'll keep my promise I'll let Tails go okay wa oh holy moly guys Eggman didn't even cheat he really did free tals that's all thanks to you guys and your support you guys helped Sonic save his best friend really great thank you guys so much okay Eggman please get out of here hurry up all right no just go we don't need you what but this is my Island Willow was yours but now it's ours okay so get out of here before I beat you up like I did with your robots okay bye-bye Eggman well guys I guess I was able to save tails and I'm almost at the max level I just need a little more to jump higher than anyone else in the entire world okay guys well let's try and make the last coolest and most maximum jump ever all right let's jump dear friends on the count of three we got this 1 2 3 woohoo W waa whoa whoa holy crap guys oh come on here we go I flew straight into space whoa what everything went dark hey wait I'm really in space wa what wait oh that's the moon I'll try and land on it here okay carefully let's fly straight onto the center come on guys I know that we can do this and here we go and boom Oh what oh my gosh guys I was able to land on the Moon what the heck oh I just upgraded to maximum level you guys amazing and oh my gosh wa guys I now have wings and a Halo above my head oh my gosh you guys now I'm the super god Sonic oh my gosh dear friends I really hope that you all enjoyed this video so please like this video subscribe to the channel and make sure that you guys watch all the videos you see on the screen right now muffin has been with you and I'll see you later
Channel: iMuffin
Views: 192,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, gta 5 mods, sonic, sonic gta 5, upgrade sonic gta 5, upgrade sonic, gta 5 muffin, muffin, imuffin, grand theft auto, upgrade sonic jump gta 5, upgrade sonic jump, sonic jump multiplies, super sonic, gta mods, gta v, sonic mod, gta 5 sonic mod, super sonic gta 5, simply chris, gta 5 mod, simple chris, gta, sonic the hedgehog, gta 5 super sonic, gta v jump, sonic the hedgehog mod, super sonic jump, jump to space in gta 5, super sonic mod, every jump in gta 5
Id: LKnsdpkEjUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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