every single thing I learned at oxford university about getting good grades [WITH CHAPTERS]

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what is up guys and welcome back to my channel I feel like that sentence is ingrained in my brain so first and foremost apologies for the title to this video it's an appropriate title as someone British and also generally not too much of a pains me to write first things first this video is going to be relatively long I've made sure to put chapters on it so you can click through to the appropriate times for you but essentially I wanted to do a video that was a compilation of every single organization and study and planning and revision and Essay and everything tip that I learned throughout my time at Oxford I used to have loads and loads and loads and loads of study Vlogs on my channel which would have all of these types of tips all of the you know like how I'll write an essay how I do this so I wanted to put it all into one video that you can hopefully refer back to if this is helpful to you so to give you a bit of background on my uni experience I started Oxford in September October 2015 I graduate waited in 2019 after a three-year course which pretty much all of them are so I guess one of the most defining factors for me was that I started YouTube when I went to University or just before I went to University but wasn't really using it properly and so over my three years there regardless of what was kind of happening in the rest of my career I always wanted to finish my time there I was very vocal about that I didn't have a great first year I remember doing a video on my first year being like how terrible my first year was at Oxford and I feel like lots of people experienced that at University because there's like this huge expectation of what your first year is going to be like especially if you're like going to your dream University and you think you're going to meet all of these people and it's going to be whatever you kind of expect of it it's never probably going to live up to your expectations for some people it does congratulations for me it definitely didn't I had a terrible terrible time I do think it's a very particular experience it's very work heavy for context I had about 10 000 words a week every single week but essentially I spent three years there working really really hard and started my first business in my first year there which is now like seven years old and as a result spent about three years chronicling my entire Journey at Oxford For Better or For Worse on the internet I spent hours and hours writing up this video plan because I felt bad about not having all of that stuff up anymore little disclaimer that this video will be mostly a pickle applicable for people doing Humanity subjects because I did a Humanity subject as I mentioned for context I was writing about 10 000 words a week and we were examined every trimester term in the UK If I use the word term it's essentially what you refer to as a semester or trimester they would examine us at the beginning of pretty much every single term on the stuff from the previous term and obviously in your essays you had to be doing well so although it wasn't counting as a percentage towards your degree you would have been asked to leave if you weren't doing well in those kind of essays that weren't even examined if that makes sense so it did create the is pressure to constantly be performing well which I felt a lot because I essentially there's this stupid rule at Oxford which is that you and at Cambridge as well actually that you cannot have a part-time job and the idea of that is because it works in eight-week terms so they're super short terms three eight week terms a year where did you come from but yeah the logic was that there were these eight week times so they were super short so that you could between each term there was about a month and a half so the logic was that you could earn the money that you needed to earn outside of those eight weeks Which is closest at best I'd say but essentially I knew that I wasn't allowed a job and I had started a business and I was also having quite a public job in the way that I was doing kind of YouTube and social media so I kind of made sure that I never ever ever ever missed a deadline you know kind of just flopped on something intentionally because obviously none of it was examined so there was a temptation to do that sometimes just when it was like too much work and so I took it very seriously because I was constantly terrified that I was about to be kicked out with the university because I knew that they knew I had a job less terrified to say that now considering I don't go there anymore and no one can kick me out if you're not a Humanity student I hope this video will still be super helpful it's all around organization planning semester planning deadline planning etc etc etc but I also have sections on essay tips as well obviously my experience at University was defined by the fact that I was doing an essay-based subject so there's going to be a huge element of that so I just want to warn you on that you might be wasting your time you might be wasting your time anyway so just and then another very important disclaimer is that I want to be very clear that I'm not the type of person who believes that you should just be studying at University I do not think University is just about studying when I hopefully have children I would like them to see University as purely what the mo the most they're going to learn for their life I feel like completely transparently unless you're doing a vocational course I think that's one of the most important things you can go to university for being self-sufficient meeting people from all different backgrounds getting kind of friends for life that aren't entirely dependent on like the area you grew up in all of these different things there's this like Mel Robbins quote that I think I heard on call her daddy let me find it for you does anyone else have a note in their phone that's essentially just all the good things they ever heard right Mel Robbins is advice for students don't let studying get in the way of your education which I believe and stand by go off Mal but I also very very strongly believe that in order to have fun and get the most out of your University experience you have to be doing well if you're spending your time slipping on your grades and you're constantly getting that feedback you're not even going to be able to have fun so I see time management as a form of Stress Management that makes me sound super fun but I stand by it so what I generally mean by all of this is don't let your whole university experience become about studying because you do not plan your time effectively if you do not plan your time effectively you are not going to be able to do all of the things you want to do in terms of societies in terms of going out doing well at University getting an internship whatever it is you want to do you have to be good at planning your time I don't care if you want to spend five percent of your time doing your stuff for University you need to be doing that then effectively and probably planning even more effectively to be able to allow you to do more of other things so just bear that in mind so in this video in my eight page and thousands of words planned for this video because I wanted to make sure I got everything in and I wanted to make sure it was really good advice we are going to talk about General tips things I think you absolutely should be doing super low lift super easy will make your experience so much easier how to plan your time effectively non-negotiables how to stick to deadlines how to write a good essay in terms of the process how to reference how to write a good dissertation how to take good notes how to create a revision timetable revision tips themselves and that is all I could fit into this video and I'm worried this video is already going to be about three hours long with all of that that is why I'm going to create chapters you can come and self-serve I'm not going to do 10 different videos on this but first things first completely Shameless plug about two years ago I wrote a book on time management it is something I believe very very strongly about the book went to number one on the Sunday Times bestseller list sickening literally watch a British person try to plug themselves I then created a planner around the concepts within the book so that you could essentially have a planner that laid it all out for you in terms of how you're planning your day with the methods in the book sounds really complicated not complicated at all it is not the type of thing that you'll do for one day and then forget to ever do it again it's super easy it takes five minutes at the beginning of every day if that and the same amount of time you would just be doing your to-do list that planner then got up to a wait list about 1.75 000 people and so we've basically just been producing those planners since then they look like this they're called the productivity method planners they're currently sold out but they go back into pre-order so you can pre-order one we generally only do them on pre-order at midday so 12 p.m on the 6th of June so if you want to get your hands on one of those do but that is not the point of what I wanted to say when I was at University I found myself making the same revision timetable semester planning things planning my months out planning my weeks out lecture timetables module planning all of these different things I was doing them again and again and again and I could not understand why there had not been a planner made somewhere where you just fill in that stuff like we all know that we're going to have a semester or a term or whatever it is and you're going to need to fill in like your deadlines and the weighting of each shed lines and your tutors and your lecture timetable and all of these different things why has something not been made to take the work out of that for you so I was literally like drawing it up on notebook paper term after term after term I cannot express to you enough how much this is not my audience at all it was once upon a time but now my audience is like 50 25 to 34 year olds generally people who are not at University obviously some of them will be but based on the fact that I was already creating planners I just wanted to create one that was going to be I guess like the student Bible like you could get at the beginning of your time at University and it would set you up in terms of like how you need to plan your terms how you need to plan your modules how you need to plan your deadlines how you need to plan your like writing your dissertation or project planning and all of these different things and from week to week a kind of dated planner of exactly what you should should be doing I just could not understand why something that takes all of that work out of it for you didn't exist where people are going to University year after year after year needing these same things and nothing was out there that was genuinely made by students or someone who genuinely understood what you need in that case there were just like regular planners where you could kind of like just slot the fact that you also have societies and deadlines and also maybe a part-time job and all of these things when I went to University I found it incredibly overwhelming at the beginning and that is from someone who went to an extremely privileged private school I believe very very very very very very strongly that there should be better information accessible to students in general and better information that doesn't just assume that everyone's coming to University with the same knowledge of how to plan their time or how to write an essay or any of these different things and that is what I spend spent a lot of my time at University talking about because I found it I found it absolutely crazy the difference between how confident people felt when they arrived at Oxford whether when they were from private school versus when they were from state school and I'm absolutely not saying that I am the person to fix this at all but I do believe that sharing information publicly and being very clear about the things that helped you helps to even that out especially as I am someone who was privately educated in a ridiculously privileged situation um and therefore was given a lot of tools to be able to understand how I should be planning understand how I should be writing essays I still don't think that education generally is good enough you arrive at University and they're like well you should know how to write a good essay so here's a topic to write it on rather than genuinely helping you in that respect but I believe that there should be more access to that type of information it should be more even so I guess I wanted to make sure that I was able to collate everything that I did learn within that time to hopefully make that easier for people who might feel a little bit overwhelmed when they go to university or generally you're just someone who wants to stay organized and you want to be given a framework just to fill in like put your modules in here put the dates in here and this is how it will help you get there so before we go on to all of the topics of this actual video I promise you I will be giving you in-depth explanations on all of them I just want to show you this planner because I think this is the best thing I have ever created and it's not even for my audience um because very very few of them are students but I'm very proud of it and I think it's something that I would have loved to have when I went to University they come in three different colors but they're the exact same thing inside got the burning the midnight oil one we've got this one which has been printed on pink but it's actually going to be this nude one and then we've got this super cute pink and red one I'm gonna whiz through the contents just so you can see what's in there and you can see if it works for you rest assured whether you get a planner or not the rest of the video will be applicable if you're at University so don't worry about that I'm going to put the designs on the screen so that you could read it much easier than me just holding it up so at the beginning it's got about eight pages of setting up the planner telling you what it's about and telling you how to use it and then it has a getting to know you section I think this is incredibly important and we're going to talk about this in a second how much you need to know yourself what type of study you are what type of motivation you need what type of discipline you need all of these various different things you cannot work with yourself if you don't know yourself well so there's a bit of a questionnaire at the beginning that helps you I guess dictate what your goals are and also where you're kind of lacking now in order to be able to improve on that and plan better then it goes into Academic Year planning this has an overview of the year then enough space for four semesters or term dates so you could technically use it this over even a year course leader supervisor societies club's assessment exams then it goes into semester planning which allows you space for goals for the semester modules and classes semester deadlines and a huge section on semester reading then there's a double page spread for General notes on your planning there's more space for notes throughout the entire planner but just thought it would be useful at the stage that you're actually planning your semester or term it has semester planning Pages for four semesters terms so again that could literally be used over a year but the rest of the planet is dated I played with doing it undated but it actually made it really hard to genuinely be useful in terms of pointing you in the right direction to what you should be doing at any point in time when coming up to a deadline etc etc Then There are a load of module and class planning Pages which you essentially do a breakdown of your topics your assignments your assessments The Waiting of them the date they're due the title your supervisor etc etc so that you can start really effectively planning your modules then we go into weekly and daily planning so this is where it gets dated and you can literally use this planner every single day in order to be able to plan your days your weeks your deadlines etc etc so you have your weekly schedule to be able to write down all of your lectures your societies your night outs your situationships then you have a to-do table for the week so essentially this is breaking down your tasks for the entire week which you're then going to be able to slot into your daily planning this is space for you to carry over your tasks from your to-do list at the beginning of the week or to do table as we call them over here and break it down for what you need to do today so that might be a specific reading it might might be a part of an essay or an essay plan or whatever it might be but just enables you to plan every day very effectively and make sure you're genuinely getting things done the way you need to get things done there are literally hundreds of pages of this so I've just flipped through all of that and I'm at page 416. it is thick but it is carriable then there's the resources section at the back which is what I really wanted to have in there so this has every single tip I'm talking about today and more it's got organization and planning tips note-taking tips assignment tips referencing tips exam revision tips with full breakdowns then it's got some space for notes and then this might be my favorite part of the entire planner this is my dream revision table four years too late printed into a planner so that every time you're coming up to studying for an exam you can work out your revision timetable in a way that works for you no matter what time of the day you like to study whether you're a night owl whether you're a morning person I'll put it on the screen you can see how it breaks down I used to use this method every single time I was studying for an exam and it helped me block out my time so effectively to the point that I would write this down on noted paper every single exam I was coming up to and this was one of the biggest reasons I wanted to make this planner because how the is it so difficult to make a planner with genuinely good resources that are going to help you sell if you're excited so there's obviously a how to use section and then it's got pages and pages of revision timetables next it's got an exam timetable you can also fill in your assessments in your semester planning but this is if you have like a long long exam timetable it is based for 40 exams God help you then there are a few pages of deadline lists and then there is a Gantt chart now whether you use Gant shots or not you should know what a Gantt chart is we're going to talk about this but also in the planet it shows you exactly how to use it with the how to use Gantt chart section I can't talk you through all of this now go and watch a video on how to use a gap chart but I wanted to put this down here because I think it's one of the most effective ways that you can plan a dissertation or a project and everything else so as I mentioned they go live on the 6th of June at 12pm we don't want to create waste so they'll be made to order in batches and the window will only be open for 48 hours so that we can then get to work on making them I say Shameless plugs I genuinely do mean Shameless plug so much work and studying and research has gone into this this is a compilation of pretty much everything I learned in terms of organization and effective work at University and has been a huge fashion project I joke about the fact that these planners are a hobby this has been I've been doing this outside of my work as something that I really really felt passionate about and really wanted to do so if you know anyone going to University grab them one I promise you it will help them loads if you're at University I really hope that it helps you as much as it would have helped me at the time I am incredibly proud of them I say Shameless plug as I've said because I am completely Shameless about the fact that a huge amount of work has gone into those and I think they're a great product that I wish I would have had around but let's get into the actual tips so first things first getting to know yourself I believe this is completely essential when going to University and I don't mean getting to know yourself in terms of like finding yourself although that is important too I mean getting to know yourself in terms of the type of person you are when it comes to work and stress are you the type of person who needs a little bit of tough love needs a little bit more discipline and needs a bit of a kick up the ass to be able to get everything you need done or are you the type of person who needs a little bit more perspective needs to be able to step back control their stress because you're already on top of things if you're the type of person who gets overly stressed and needs to chill out more you have to be able to give your yourself perspective you have to be able to control your mind when it comes to your stress and in order to do that you need to be able to work out the root cause of your stress obviously when I'm talking about this I'm not talking about genuine anxiety or Genuine mental health concerns I'm talking about if you're someone who works yourself up very easily and needs to be able to give yourself some perspective and needs to be able to get better at the concept of controlling that mind and that stress we also need to be able to work out with the other type of person who's stressed because you're like a type A and you're always stressed but you're also productive just because you're running around at like 100 miles per hour or whether you're the type of person who's stressed and constantly stressed because you know you need to do things and you have this like urgency to do things but you don't quite know how to tackle them and therefore you're stressed because you don't have visibility and you don't know how to plan your time well and you know there's loads of stuff to do but you don't know when you're going to do it etc etc etc and basically create yourself a load of overwhelm based on the fact that you don't have visibility of everything you need to do or when you're going to do it if you're the latter you need visibility you need to be able to get better at productivity techniques in order to be able to know how you plan your time when you do things etc etc something like a planner I don't care when you buy this one you need to get better at visibility and productivity techniques in general in order to be able to plan your time effectively and if you are the former you probably need mindfulness more than you need productivity techniques your head is literally the only place you'll ever actually going to be so you might as well make it a nice place to be I know that is not always easy but if you're that type of person University is going to give you a lot of stress and you need to learn to be able to be like up within the down because otherwise you are going to like stress yourself into an early grave and then again if you're the type of person who needs an extra push you are the exact person who needs the correct tool again I don't care if it's this planner if it's your planner from Cost Cutter down the road if it's a notebook actually I do care if it's a notebook because if you don't have the right tools then not going to be able to anyway but you cannot rely on yourself if you make the same mistakes over and over and over and just remember that a mistake repeated more than once is a decision so learn yourself and learn what you need and act accordingly stop making the same mistake again you are causing yourself a huge amount of stress and you will probably meaning that you can do less of the things you actually love because you're spending your time doing poor planning and then working double the amount thinking that you're allowing yourself to be more chilled you're not being much out you're being all stressed General top tips Whistle Stop tour number one install grammarly on your computer I'd recommend getting the paid version this is not an ad at all but I literally recommend this to everyone at work I learned a huge amount through having the paid grammarly version just in terms of like better ways to construct sentences and that is from someone who thinks that they have always been pretty good at constructing sentences it will just make sure that you're not making silly sloppy mistakes remember that in almost every single essay there's a percentage of it that's given purely for grammar and presentation and structure etc etc I also don't care if it's a different if there's a better tool than grammarly now I literally don't get a flying but install something that's going to mean that you're both learning when you see its Corrections and also just not making sloppy mistakes number two get a news feed blocker when you're working work there is no point going to the library when you want to be with your friends if you're not going to actually work because then it is going to drag on for even longer put yourself together get it done or just the library but don't sit there doing nothing and scrolling on your laptop actually work or actually go out and play with your friends you are literally giving yourself the worst of Both Worlds third work out whether you're a music person or a no music person when it comes to work and be genuinely honest with yourself about it I know some people love Lo-Fi I personally love working to classical music I have a playlist on Spotify called get the back to work and it's got like thousands of followers based on the fact that it's just a great classical music playlist and very good for work four find out how you study best whether you're the type of person who studies best with a little bit of noise around you in a cafe or complete silence in the library but genuinely learn that and genuinely operate according to it don't kid yourself again if you're working you might as well be working effectively turn off your phone to avoid distractions and create a set amount of time that you're going to do that work and that you're going to focus again otherwise everything's gonna drag on for so long you're going to feel burned out but you're also going to get half the work done five use Forest again don't care if there's a better version now Forest the app there was also one called Flora I believe and essentially you tap the thing and it grows a tree and if you open in your phone and use any other app then you kill the tree there are ones where you can actually also grow trees so yay environment and yay your grades you can also do them with friends I feel like getting people on a similar study time to you is very important for feeling that kind of joint motivation and Joint accountability then six make it easier for yourself this sounds very simple but try out what organizational methods work for you that might be color coding that might be rewriting your notes in your own handwriting labeling keep your notes in order you will create three days extra work when it comes to revision if all of your stuff is not in order so just go like it takes you like five percent more effort to do that at the time and about 100 more effort if you don't do it when you come to exam season you will thank your future self for it respect your future self that is one of the best forms of self-care then seven take care of yourself self-explanatory but rest is productive working all the time is not productive if you do not have time for rest then you are not going to be working effectively you're just going to be busy do exercise take regular breaks know how long you focus best for socialize with friends block it into your day start understanding how long you focus best for and when you fall off a cliff and stop trying to make the impossible happen when you're planning your day plan according to your limits rather than planning against your limits and then being surprised when the same thing happens again and after six hours in the library your head falls off eight take advantage of open hours ask questions you are paying for tuition I think this is one of the biggest differences between school and University obviously some people's families pay for school but I think there's this like we go into University with the same type of mindset as school in terms of being like I want as little kind of tuition time as possible I mean I know people don't really don't think that but you're paying over nine Grand a year in the UK if you're in the US you're paying about a billion pounds a year make the most of it it is not a chore get the most help you possibly can if you don't understand something email someone until they literally cannot ignore you anymore or take advantage of open hours but you are paying for tuition get your money's worth you are going to spend double that time trying to work it out yourself anyway so you might as well take advantage and then number nine I highly highly recommend this especially if you're not someone who can kind of read for hours use multimedia resources and get interested in what you're actually doing it will be 10 times more interesting your work will be 10 times better if you're starting work on an essay around something watch a documentary on it watch a YouTube video on it watch like listen to a podcast on it I know you probably don't want to be doing work outside of work times but the more interested you can get in an overarching kind of approach of a topic the better essay or project or understanding you're going to be able to have in general and therefore the better work you're going to be able to do again I know you don't want to spend all your time listening to like a podcast about Stalin but I promise you a multimedia approach will contribute to your understanding of a topic and therefore your ability to write on it or understand complexities within the topic so much more so just like get a little bit interested in it even if you're like this how to plan your time effectively okay let's first talk about like semester and term planning I think it's really easy to come back into a term and be set your first piece of work and just go on your way no boo always always always always do a semester or term plan when you are returning to University you need to get really really really clear on what your whole semester term trimester whatever the you want to call it looks like what your deadlines are what your biggest modules are what's wasted what's weighted heaviest what societies you want to do what clubs you want to do what teams you want to get into I would really really really really really really recommend you write down a list of all of your deadlines within that semester all of your assignments assessments lectures tutors nothing should come as a surprise of course you're gonna like things are going to slip in your mind as it goes along but at the beginning of it you should know every single thing that is going to be coming your way within that term and then you will be able to plan so much more effectively also if you're the type of person who generally just feels like stressed because everything's like floating around in their head having that down on a piece of paper means that you can drop some of the stuff in your head that you know you're gonna have to do at the end of the term because you can just concentrate on the stuff you need to do now it also means that if there's like an essayed you at the end of the time and you don't realize it's actually going to take you the entire term to write it you have visibility of that at the beginning set aside just like two hours just to do this at the beginning of every term set clear semester goals learn all your deadlines or at least put them in your calendar put them in your Google calendar as well it's 2023 pull yourself together use a Google Calendar then you can slot in societies clubs etc etc I think lots of us a lot of the time have like all of these goals in our heads like I want to do this I want to do this but we don't actually know when or how we're going to be able to do them and I want you to be able to get a really clear view of when and how you're doing all of these things at the beginning of the term so that you can do the most effectively and so that you can do more things you actually want to do it is a rule of Life the more you want to do the more you need to plan so get used to it and start practicing it at University module planning module planning as part of this is important too obviously working out which modules you have in your semester will be part of your semester planning and then just breaking down your modules again doesn't need to be at the same time that would probably take you a whole day to be able to do all of that but when you start on a module just break it down what are the Assessments in there what are the assignments in there what is the main reading in there what's your lecture timetable just get to grips with the module and then obviously weekly planning I know at this stage it's starting to sound like loads and loads and loads of planning but remember that you spend a load of time on Tick Tock in the evening so you do have the time and I promise you it will allow more time for you to be able to do whatever the you want to do if you just get into the habit of doing these at the beginning of everything you're doing so whether that's a project whether that's a semester whether that's a week whether that's a module just getting clear on visibility visibility counts for so much because that is exactly what takes it out of your brain and puts it on paper so you stop being surprised when it like jumps up on you then just a little note on non-negotiables on each day of the student planner and if you're not a student for some reason and you're watching this video each day of the normal planner every single day write down three things that you're going to get done that day that would make that day a success at University they're probably not just going to be work related things it might be one specific reading but it might also be going and talking to your tutor about out something whatever it might be don't make the things you're going to tick off within the first five minutes of your day but make them things that are generally linked to your overall semester goals the reason I think this is such a good way of doing things is you start to realize that sure it feels like you have a hundred things to do at any given time but really probably three of them are the most important things that if you did them today would be a quote-unquote success so just start getting in the habit of doing that every single day I put that up on my Instagram story almost every single day not a plug you don't need to follow me there I do not care but just get into the habit of doing it and I promise you'll start to see yourself get a little bit less overwhelmed and also just start making progress in the things that genuinely matter but yeah just start to get in the habit of this it's something that I find is useful far beyond University how to stick to deadlines as I said I made up my life's Mission at University not to miss a single deadline even if they were like arbitrary like I'll hand it into me by this day and it's not examined which obviously none of my stuff was until that last term but you have to get good at deadlines the amount of time people spend at University doing all nighters on the last night because they haven't truly worked out how long it takes them to do something or just set themselves enough time to do it I promise you it would have taken you half the amount of time and it would have been doubly as good if you get clear on what deadlines you have when you have them and when you're going to essentially approach the task the Golden Rule when it comes to deadlines is that the deadline is not your deadline wait I think I did that backwards the deadline is not your deadline you have to work to buffers I promise you if you tell yourself something's due on the 12th of May you'll start working back from the 12th of May as if you can actually be making finishing touches on the 12th of May you cannot work to a buffer and just change the deadline in your head I don't care if it says 12th of May there decide in your head it's actually the 7th of May and just start thinking it's the 7th of May write it in as the 7th of May things are always going to come up whether it is your friend's 21st birthday party whether it is your situationship falling apart whether it is a sports social whether it is a hangover something is always going to come up especially at University and doing this doesn't allow you to be less fun it allows you to be more fun because you actually give yourself the time to be able to buffer and account for these things that are going to inevitably pop up as we've already spoken about get very clear on what deadlines you have in each term each module etc etc put them in your electronic calendar put them in your planner electronic calendar just means that like if you lost your planner or whatever it might be it will just pop up on your phone learn how to use a Gantt chart it's in the planner if you don't have to use it just I'm sure there's a simple YouTube video on how to use a Gantt chart it's really not that complicated it looks really complicated but it is a really really really good way of planning everything that goes into a project a dissertation an essay etc etc and then set aside a planning afternoon or two hours whatever on each module or project you have never ever ever ever start a project without having done the planning for it you are going to get so overwhelmed and you're going to end up doing double the work for half the result set aside planning time for every single project every single essay it sounds like a lot but I promise you that time is going to be eaten up by you trying to work out what the is the next step when you're three steps into your 10-step project when you didn't plan it from the beginning as I've already talked about my course wasn't examined at all until the last 10 days and then I had 40 000 words due on one day and then I had 10 days of exam so obviously if I'd worked to that deadline I would have been absolutely about like six seven months before that deadline I started working out like what the actual deadline would be like if each of those essays those like dissertations essentially is going to take me eight weeks for example I really need to do the first one of those about six months before and I know that is a stupid system and not every University is going to have that because some people have brains I really think that's why they do it they do it to essentially look like oh yeah this is doing on the X of May well whereas actually you're gonna have to do it in December to also get all of the other things you need to do done up to that point so remember the deadline is not your deadline and if you plan you'll understand that and you'll know what your deadline actually is I would also recommend if you have a load of things done due at the same time to set aside those kind of buffers for how long it's going to take you for each and work in your own deadlines but then also come back to all of them at the end and allow yourself probably two days to review each of those things because you're going to get better and better across each of those essays and then you're going to go back and read the first one and be like was I on crack how to write a good essay I could obviously do a whole 20 videos on how to write a good essay but seeing as this video is generally about productivity at University and how to approach all of this and I don't know what topic you're doing I don't know what type of subject it is etc etc I'm going to talk to you about a process that I use in order to write an essay you'll have other things that you like to do you'll have things you disagree on great that means you know your style if you don't try this tweak it to how you actually prefer it talk to other people take other people people's advice tell me mine is terrible but this was like my 10 000 words a week hot method first of all gather resources obviously the most of the time if this is within your module it's going to come with a reading list but if it's a dissertation it's probably not going to come with a reading list you're going to need to compile that yourself as I talked about before I recommend also working things in there like documentaries podcasts there's something on everything at the moment I promise you you can find some sort of Deep dive into your topic on a podcast or on a YouTube video even if it has three views but you might as well use the work someone else has done and spent a lot of time on to at least inspire you to start yours make sure within this together primary sources secondary sources and contemporary modern public discussion so you basically want to make sure you have like if you were talking about a manuscript for example you'd want to make sure you had primary sources aka the manuscript itself secondary sources so critique that people were doing on the primary source or around the primary source then general public discussion so whether that's contemporary whether that's at the time that the manuscript was there or whether that is also now or you know recent scholarship whatever it might be make sure you always have a mix of your resources write a list of these down but also obviously make it manageable based on the time you have you are only going to overwhelm yourself with pretty much every single topic out there because remember there are academics focusing on whatever you're doing for their entire lifetime so you're obviously only going to be able to do what you're going to be able to do but I would just try and make it as well-rounded as possible in terms of the breadth of that resource again totally depends on your subject matter um but that is very much how I would approach it if this is something like a dissertation or a bigger project fill in a Gantt chart so that you know exactly which days you are reading noting planning writing etc etc but also at the beginning making sure you're knowing like oh this this day I'm doing these three readings you'd always rather be over than under planned and it always takes less time than you actually think especially when counting for the amount of time you're going to be overwhelmed if you don't do it two plan at a time what I've just talked about game chart you need to know when each stage of this essay planning process Trademark Sign is going to be done three start reading my personal way of note taking when I was reading was creating one big document I actually never really used those referencing tools I did it all manually just because I found it easier that way again you can use referencing tools that work for you test them watch a YouTube video on them take the hard work out of it for you but for me what I would do is I would create one big Dock and I would have the reading title and you know each page I went through I'd have a new title of the page so that I could reference things properly and then I would get the reading up on my laptop if it was possible if it was on like jstor or something but obviously not always possible so sometimes I would go to the library and I'd actually type it out obviously that takes longer but I do feel like transferring notes rather I've never ever ever just went through something as highlighted because then you're gonna have to do the work again to go and get the notes you want you really want them in one Dock and what I would do is so I'd transfer the notes to this Doc and then when I started to learn the argument so it might be like for against arguments around the topic or like a specific specific chapter I'd start color coding the notes as I was taking them down so say I read something on the four argument I would transfer it and I just color code it in the fourth thing and that would basically just mean that when I went back to writing the essay if I wasn't really sure what to say next or where there was a sporting quote for I would be able to go through that specific color this sounds complicated but I promise you it didn't actually take any longer I would just add one side of my screen the reading one side of my screen the note taking it would be on a big document I'd start color coding it if I knew exactly what argument it would fit into when I was taking the notes but also when I got into the planning stage I would start essentially lifting quotes and putting them in the skeleton plan which we're going to talk about next and I promise you it makes it so much easier rather than coming to writing an essay and having 42 pages of notes I really really really advise color coding it literally highlight click the color takes two seconds then number four skeleton essay plan this would be a very very basic brief of how you think the essay is going to be strong structured so basically a contents page for your essay not actually but just a intro outlining this primary source this this like as in I'm talking skeleton do not even think of skipping this part you cannot write a good essay without having a good plan you will sound like a child right in their Journey to the Center of the Moon that they had to write in year three then number five starts on the detailed essay plan so I'd actually start to slot my quotes my resources my you know any notes I've taken on like an argument I wanted to make into each section of the skeleton and then I'd start to build that out if I found a particularly interesting sentence I'd actually start writing sentences around that to the point that some of my detailed essay plan notes would basically turn into like the essay itself then number six obviously flesh out individual sections into the full essay this is hugely oversimplified if you're doing a dissertation you're going to want to know the order that you're doing your chapters in you're going to want to know all of these different things but again this is just the general overall process that I've when do you stop with then seven leave for a Day always leave a buffer in your deadline schedule to leave it for a day because I promise you you're going to get so in your own head when you're writing it and you're going to think you know what you mean and then you're going to read it back and be like what the was I saying here leave it for a day give yourself some time spend that day doing something else whatever it might be whether it's play or another bit of work whatever just leave yourself a day to then go back over it eight would be the review so you need proofread you need to leave time for a bibliography you need to make sure you've referenced correctly and in general I would always recommend that sorry I should have said this earlier but I would always always recommend that you write your introduction and conclusion last because you really want to set up what you're going to be arguing in your introduction it's not like the type of essay we were taught to do in like year four where it was like set the scene then do four against then come to a conclusion you're arguing something from the beginning so you should be talking about it how to reference I'm going to keep this super brief I've got a whole section on this in the student planner itself but basically just make sure you know which referencing style your University uses they should tell you when you join if not it will be on like their website or whatever Student Portal you have or you can ask around or ask your tutor but you must use the same style throughout your assignment so don't like mix and match and don't just choose one because you particularly like it if it's not allowed by your own University stick to it and make it easier if you find there's something you forget a lot and use a referencing tool there are so many good ones there's endnote there's mendeley there's zotero I don't know what the good one is now but find one use one love it use it don't make mistakes right how to write a good dissertation again this is going to be hugely simplified but I just wanted to kind of brain dump all of the things that I think are pretty Universal regardless of the topic you're doing and my experience of this was having to write it in like two weeks or something ridiculous okay first and foremost try to identify I don't know what the cases with other universities but we're not given a supervisor for our dissertations I'm not sure anyone is but I don't know but it meant that really early on you want to identify people who you think could be a good supervisor for it so someone who's kind of in and around that topic one of the best things about Oxford to be honest was the fact that you could work with the person who wrote like the main book on the topic and that was hugely exciting for me but I was literally like begging professors like please be my supervisor and they were like no but anyway there we go rejection is important try and talk to your supervisor about an initial title it sounds like the title's not very important because generally title wouldn't be important but it is relatively important to have an interesting title that definitely also isn't too big as a topic I think that we we spend our life and our like gcses and a levels or whatever your school exams are if you're from another country doing small essays on huge topics that we can't even like hit the surface of just because obviously that's the only way we can be examined but realistically you want to choose a topic that's actually quite small for your dissertation and just go really deep on it if you go surface level and a dissertation you're not going to do well so I remember I originally wanted to do my dissertation on stalinist politics essentially like censorship around that time and the result of that on music so like the link between the political side and the musical side and all of that and that is like one of the most written about topics ever and obviously I was like I find it really interesting it's like yeah everyone finds it really interesting that's why people have dedicated their entire lives to doing it and then I ended up loving writing my dissertation I did my dissertation on on Amy Winehouse's Back to Black talking a lot about cultural appropriation and race politics in music and what I really really liked about that was that I made it case study based on something that I could do genuine analysis of my own on it because if you can do genuine analysis of your own you're always going to do relatively well I know it's different dependent on each topic or on each subject but for me that meant that you know I wasn't tackling a huge topic that people had dedicated their whole lives to and although they'll obviously were academics that had it was something that I was genuinely able to bring my own like primary scholarship into it which made my argument a lot stronger because I wasn't just doing less good versions of work that other people dedicate their whole life to doing if that makes sense so I would recommend making it as small as possible and case study based and then you can do as much around that as you want with the kind of primary sources themselves in terms of analysis the secondary sources contemporary scholarship etc etc and as always and I know this sounds kind of ridiculous but if there's a question in your title make sure you can answer question in your title I think again we often make this so big as these topics and if you can't fully answer it without writing a whole book on the topic don't do your dissertation on it reading list obviously you're going to have to create your own reading list for your dissertation write a reading list based on primary literature so scholarship broader readings find Contemporary discussion around it anything that you can find that's actually like in popular culture now I think often forms well and is less likely to have also been analyzed so can bring something truly original which is always going to get you extra points write a reading list before you start obviously that will act as the first draft of your bibliography and as you start reading your bibliography will kind of grow from text mentioned in the textual reading or something you decide to dive deeper into et cetera Etc keep it kind of malleable in the way that you could you know you're not entirely I know you have to be set on a title I think at the beginning or depends usually you have to submit a title and get it approved you could probably tweak slightly but I think that you know keep it relatively malleable in that you might discover something when you're doing it that's recent been written about and you want to kind of Deep dive into that and leave yourself that space and then create a reading template so on a dissertation I know for essay planning I talked about a big document that was like all of your reading you're probably not going to be able to do that because it's going to be huge but generally create a reading title because you need to have things like the date you've accessed it the title of the reading itself or the paper itself the URL and then what I also did for this is I created myself a summary at the top so like after I'd read it I would just put a few bullet points like talks about these three things has a deep dive on this particularly useful for this topic and I know that sounds like Overkill but actually it means that when you're coming back to look at things you don't want to have to skin through all of your notes on a reading or Worse still the entire reading itself to be able to work out if it was the one you were thinking about that you want to cite you'll kind of want to be able to come back to this and be like oh that paper was particularly good on talking about the politics of Voice or whatever it might be when note taking again I believe in the same things as I kind of believed in when and talking about how to plan an essay or how to write an essay color code so while you're doing your own reading template color code as you go along so for example I had a color coding across all of my notes that was quote on Race voice biography and then I also put anything in bold that I thought was going to be Central to my argument so that I could come back to it and easily see those drawn out in the correct color once I'd finished all of the different readings I went back to the documents and I created a separate document for race voice biography etc etc and then I could obviously start to write those specific arguments based on that or if I needed a quote on voice for example I could go back to that and read through and try and find something really good planning is obviously incredibly important I knew my title and I knew what I was going to say in my introduction I'd kind of bullet pointed that but I came back to my introduction way later but when I was planning I kind of outlined my chapters and added in the questions I wanted to ask throughout the chapters and just kind of generally started shock of like questions to ask questions to answer and my plan generally got like more and more detailed after I started like lifting those quotes into the appropriate document on their topic and this generally became more and more detailed until like a whole chapter became basically like a bullet pointed essay and I think you want to know at the beginning exactly what your key parts are going to be obviously this is going to develop with your reading but I got to the point that by the end of my reading I knew really what my four chapters were going to be and this will be this is quite normal this is not something like I particularly achieved um so you kind of want to make sure you know that at that point and then it started being really easy to be like oh this quote would be great for this chapter this question needs to be answered in this chapter etc etc it just started being really easy like knowing how it was all gonna fit and the last thing I obviously did was write my introduction and conclusion I think one of the important things of making your title not vague but not something that's like did they go to the Moon that you're not genuinely going to be able to like fully answer because you are going to have points deducted for not having answered the question so mine was what was it my dissertation was actually used recently for an exhibition that they were doing on Amy Winehouse how exciting is that back-to-back appropriation and the ethics of cultural gray out so what that allowed me to do was to be able to Once I'd done all of it because I had to get that you had to get your title approved away in advance and so that left it relatively open where I could essentially say in the introduction the specific questions I was going to be asking and answering without like my whole essay being contingent on like one big question in the title if that makes sense how to take good notes again I have an entire section on this in the student planner in the resources section but I'm just going to go over very very very very very very very quickly Whistle Stop tour how to take good notes taking good notes is so so important because you were going to use them as the basis of your revision when coming up to exams the basis of your starting points when you're writing an essay or a dissertation you just need good notes first of all structure them you need a structured format to write your notes don't just like open the notes app and just start bullet pointing not helpful for when you're trying to find it later not helpful for for when you're trying to turn it into an essay do the hard work for yourself at the beginning because it literally takes two seconds whereas it will take you an hour to find something if you need to and you haven't labeled it or structured it correctly use headings bullet points tables anything that will make it easier for you to review your notes later on if you're the type of person who goes like Oh when looking at a load of bullet points like I am start to use things like tables screenshot diagrams and add them in whatever it might be don't do notes in a way that you know you're not going to understand them especially if you found it hard to understand when the concept was first introduced to you and then the thing that I never did but I really should have done review your notes on a regular basis so at the end of every time I just set aside some time just to go through your notes I'm not sure if anyone's actually ever going to do this or if anyone has actually ever done this but I wish I had especially when I came to that last term but just make sure they're all in order make sure they're all structured correctly I would also just read through them because you forget how much you learn in a term and the more you keep going over them the more you're going to develop a like Fuller understanding of the topic at hand second point I really really advise is write in your own words if you're listening to a lecture and something's like there's a bullet point written on the screen and you just copy it word for word you don't genuinely understand it you just know how to use Ctrl C Ctrl V so try rephrasing lectures and seminars in your own words in a way that you would actually say it even if it's like shorthand and the way you text it to a friend just remember your notes are a note to you they're not notes for anyone else so bear that in mind then obviously just stay organized keep everything in the right place save things onto a Google drive or an iCloud drive or a whatever tech company you want to use drive just don't lose them and save things onto a hard drive and label things accordingly so at the beginning of every term when you're doing your term planning create a folder on your computer for that module for that term and break it down into modules and then you're going to be able to find everything when you need to find it yeah cool then we're very very quickly going to talk about how to create a revision timetable this is my specialty and I had a very very clear way of doing my revision timetable and I did not do badly in exams I'm not the type I have a very very bad memory so I don't I mean literally ask anyone I know it's embarrassing how bad my memory is I also suffered short-term memory loss when I was at University so that didn't help but I really really really really really really really really see I forgotten what I'm saying really really really really really really recommend getting a good revision technique I guess in the way you learn so you're gonna need to know what stages you need to make your revision effective you might be the type of person who can read some notes and remember it in which case you're going to have fewer stages than someone who can really only know something when they've written a full essay on it without their notes or with their notes or telling their friend and teaching their whole friend about a topic you need to understand how you actually absorb information best not just listen to information but how you genuinely absorb information enough to be able to replicate it down on paper or answer a question with that in mind also what's gonna actual revision timetable is your semester term trimester whatever the and the planning at the beginning so you need to know when your version is going to start by the planning stage at the beginning and that is going to be easy because you're going to do your afternoon of term planning and then you're going to be very very clear on when your revision is going to start aren't you at the beginning of your revision planning process so I used to do this for gcses for a levels set aside half a day to get on top of your and create your revision timetable what you're gonna do in this time is you are going to write down a full list of your exams then you are going to break down each of the exams into a full list of the topics within those exams so you know a module might have eight separate Topics in it you can do this literally by a kind of like spider diagram so you can have your list of exams and then you're going to have spiders off those exams in terms of the topics in each of those exams and then in each of the topics you're going to have another spider which might be key sources you need to know or key reading material you need to like know quotes out of or whatever it is totally dependent on the subject so this is going to start to give you a very clear idea of how much time you need per exam because there might be two exams that are both three hours but actually one of them has three different questions in there and so actually has you know huge amount of topics to do in there where one of them is one essay in that three hours and so has far less then you can plan out how many sessions I always worked by having three sessions a day so that can work how it works for you mine would be a morning session and two afternoon sessions so a morning session up to lunch and then an afternoon session up to like two three p.m and then a late afternoon session again completely depends what works for you you might have ships to fit in there you might work better in the evening you won't work better even earlier and be able to do two sessions before lunch but I would generally work with three sessions a day my sessions would generally be around one and a half to two hours so basically what you then have by this spider diagram if you have an ability to work out how many sessions you're going to need for each of these things and you also need to work out what those are going to look like so if you have three sources to go through it might be you might need just one session to go through all of them because you're just reading through notes for them or you might need one session for each of them because you need to do like a deep dive into those sources and to really get those notes again it's totally dependent on the subject but I would get really clear on like exactly what in a dream world you were going to have like one session on this one session with these three things in it etc etc revision will differ from subject to certain object I feel like a good structure is to give yourself work slots for the following listen closely one re-familiarizing yourself with the topic and any note taking you didn't do at the time so very surface level at this stage you're not really like learning anything but you're reading over old essays you're getting very clear on what the entire exam could cover into all what the entire module could cover this includes note taking it includes reading it includes like pointers for things you need to look at I generally recommend that you fit as much as possible into a few sessions as possible so you probably want like to start yourself off in the module you probably want like two to three one and a half hour sessions going through all of the this you know you generally know what all of the topics are in the module and know them in like semi-death but you've just read them you haven't actually done like essay plans or practice papers for them then number two it's the actual planning but it's with notes I think one of the best ways to learn is to plan your dream essays with the notes themselves so you're making them like the best essays you possibly can um obviously like within an allocated time and like handwritten if you can if you're doing the exams handwritten this is going to help like the information actually go in and it's going to like when you're like writing an argument you're like oh what could support this and you go through your notes the next time you're much more likely to remember that because you did it with the notes that time so second block of revision would be planning with notes so doing practice papers with notes to basically make sure you're getting them almost completely right because that will you're basically setting up the Pathways in your brain for exactly what the exam would be if you had your notes again this differs so much from subject to subject because some people even can have their notes in exams or some people you know there's like things can there's all of these different nuances to different subjects but I'm just going based off a Humanities exam without notes basically which is generally what I did and then number three is actual practice papers and I think this is incredibly important usually this gets like crunched at the end I think the note taking one is more important but I do think you absolutely never go into an exam without having done a practice paper or a practice time to essay or a practice like whatever just do not do it that is so so important so those are the three blocks of kind of like what the journey or the stages of what your revision is made up of I would keep the surface level re-familiarizing stuff very very short so as I said two or three blocks and the blocks would be an hour and a half to two hours depending on how you work best on each module at the beginning and then I would say the biggest stage is that doing papers with notes and then at the end you want to tailor off with some practice papers never do a practice paper and not go on over it afterwards you absolutely have to make sure otherwise you're just doing it and you're never like perfecting it you're just doing it so once you've done this kind of like module plan and you have kind of like module stage one module stage two module stage three which are the things I've just talked through you can then start slotting them into a revision timetable so you could have a week for example where like day one was doing the stage one stuff and just remember if you're doing that stage two the practice with notes it's going to take you double your time to what it takes in the exam because you're trying to do a really good version of it and then to say you had like three days of stage two revision on each of the topics so that was kind of like nine different blocks and each time you were doing a whole new topic and an essay in that topic and then you would have the last day being stage three which is actual practice papers and that stuff this is how I broke down my revision and it never failed me in terms of genuinely knowing the topics totally depends how you or your subject does it and how what kind of works for you best but that personally for me was a really really really good method for making sure I actually knew things inside it out and I would always plan according to that stage one stage two stage three revision and I would put those blocks into my revision block which is obviously in the student planner but you can draw that thing up yourself you don't want to buy it General revision tips again there's a full section on this in the student planner but general ones start early do not wait until the last minute it is not going to save you time and give you more chill it is going to give you more stress begin your revision planning process as soon as possible because I promise you when you're doing stay with one stage two stage three it's gonna take longer than you think but you just need to be very clear on how much time you're going to need to feel confident so even if halfway through the term you started planning when you need to start revision for the end of term I personally would advise that and I would put in your diary the day you're going to do revision timetable planning halfway through the semester you're also going to retain information so much better if you started earlier I was not the type of person who started months before at all because I just wouldn't retain it but I was the type of person who would start a month before and be able to have a kind of like more intensive period but really retain it well because I was doing different types of revision I also think the night before an exam unless you really don't know things the best thing you can be do is the best thing you can be do the best thing you can be doing is working with someone who's also within your topic and teaching each other things so asking each other a question and being like how would you structure an essay on X and then then go well I would do the intro about this then I would do the four argument I would use these two sources then I would do this I would do these two sources and then I would do the conclusion or like whatever it would be because teaching someone you could only teach someone something if you genuinely know it and I feel like that's what's going to really get it in your brain and you can only spend so much time writing and you also don't want to tie yourself out or stress yourself out you want to be able to get like live feedback and I think that teaching someone that is the quickest way you could do it prioritize important topics obviously kind of goes without saying look at past papers your University should probably have a past exam paper portal if not also I used to ask people I knew at like whole different universities who were doing my subject you know whether they'd done something or something so that I could see their past exam papers all of that it's not about trying to predict the exam paper it's trying to see like the breadth of questions that could be asked obviously focus on the most important ones first if there's something that always comes up well there's an A and B section and the a section is always on something your best bet is to focus and prioritize on that one but obviously don't skip the other ones as I've already talked about be an active learner spending time pouring over textbooks is not a good way to revise I personally think that at the revision stage you shouldn't even be using textbooks you should only be using your own notes but if obviously you get to that stage and you're like oh my God I missed this lecture because I was hungover as and then you have to go back and address that but basically you shouldn't just be reading over textbooks as a way to revise that is not a way to revise you should be doing Active Learning so teaching past papers with notes without notes like you don't also need to be writing a full essay any of the time really I used to do bullet point essay plans um all the time like I don't want to write like in the and like and and like all of those I just want be going like bullet points like these are my arguments and then you're like that's the type of thing you'll be writing out when you're doing it take breaks do not study for hours without taking breaks you are not going to be able to retain information you are going to get yourself into a mess you are going to burn yourself out planning the breaks this is why I think that time planning is so so so so so so so so so so so so so important you need to be able to avoid burnout it is a marathon not a Sprint especially if you start at the right time you'll know if you're the type of person who needs to recharge around people or not around people I personally am the type of person who needs my own time but actually the only thing that will get my mind off it when I've been like in deep deep work is like seeing friends to distract me completely so just learn again what type of person you are I also will say when you're working do not have your phone on do not have your phone near you use Forest because you will retain information so differently that is pretty much as much as I can fit into this video I have no idea how long this video is going to be I've taken up two camera batteries I have been recording for at least two hours and that those notes were thousands and thousands and thousands of pages long no incorrect that's a complete lie I did not write the Bible there are thousands of words long but I hope this was really helpful I hope this is something that you can refer back to again and again I'm really glad that I took the time to finally consolidate this I wrote the notes for this on like a long flight and literally just went through like broke it down and terms of like I did this how I would plan an essay to make sure that I had everything that was kind of like surface level information and kind of recommendations that I wanted to give to be able to I guess like consolidate all of my years of doing uni Vlogs and all of like the tips I learned along the way and I was also like when I was at Uni and I was filming a lot of the time I was terrified of being like oh I've just learned this now and then I thought people would think I was stupid um and I was definitely young and more like insecure and blasted onto the internet I wanted to make sure that there was like a place now where I could put everything that I'd learned whether it's something that you find useful or not I do think one of my like real talents is planning and kind of time management and being able to do quite a lot like I am a very sociable person but I also want to do really well I have really big goals for my life I am very clear on like the type of life I want to live and I will do whatever it takes to get there in terms of you know planning my life to their nines to make sure that I can you know I don't plan my life because I love work I plan my my life because I want to be able to do more I want to be able to see my friends I want to be a good girlfriend and friend and sister and like all of these different things and also have fun and also reach my goals and all of that so literally just rambling about myself but because I feel like it is important to learn quite early on that planning is not about being boring it's about setting yourself up for success and I feel like at University there's like this perception especially at like universities my friends went to I heard a lot about this there were these kind of perceptions that you just like needed to be having fun all the time and then just like squeeze other things in and I think both a very unrealistic expectation but also the majority of people don't come to University knowing absolutely everything they're going to learn and if you do you're probably from private school and you probably have like a real Advantage like unfair advantage and I think the majority of people need to be given better tools to be able to actually plan their work and learn and have time to do societies and teams and whatever they want to do effectively but yeah I hope you really enjoyed this video I hope it was helpful I'll put chapters on all of it I'll try I've tried to put as much on the screen as possible to make it really easy to take notes and learn from it obviously I know this isn't exhaustive as I've already said I'm really passionate about this stupidly um you know someone who picked at Uni it's stuff as I mentioned student planners live 6th of June midday they're chunky but they're designed to be your Bible when you're at University so you can literally just turn over the page to the next thing that tells you what to do to be planning well and takes the hard work out that for you wanted it to be the perfect gift for someone going to University and I appreciate that it's not the cheapest thing in the world but I'm sure you can see how much work's gone into it they're also not cheap to produce they are 100 recycled and they are nearly 500 pages so so here we are I hope you have a wonderful day I hope you enjoyed this video um please let me know if you have any requests or suggestions and I'll probably never do them but like it's lovely to know and I will try um and I hope you have a wonderful day
Channel: Grace Beverley
Views: 80,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gracefituk, flexible dieting, bbg, new makeup, must haves, intermittent fasting, vegan, weight loss, how to, grace fit uk, what i eat in a day, full day of eating, oxford university, entrepreneur, sophia cinzia, flossie, olivia neill
Id: qFtRdovbp4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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