Every Roller Coaster at Six Flags Over Texas! Front Seat POVs!

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see you later all right guys so we are doing the Texas Giant it's not really the new Texas Giant anymore I me it's newer it's yeah but and and again this was wasn't this this was the very first RMC Rocky Mountain coaster right right here we go and it still runs pretty insane oh yeah oh wow this is a it's a very long long trip up to the top of this lift cuz everything's bigger in Texas it has to be bigger in Texas how big this park is even yeah oh here we go RMC serial number 001 look at Coyote he's just trying to he's just chilling let's discuss this this is the bird's Fall Road Runner Road Runner all right here we go guys let's get ready oh man hands up oh man that is some good air sideways Air Time ready yay e Checker yay all right here we go strength B St great bit curvy bit oh wo oh wow yay oh oh oh God ready and this ride is running awesome into the tunnel out of the tunnel in the tunnel out of the tunnel again oh my God we oh wow man what an amazing ride have fun all right here we are the Texas Titan or just the Titan the Titan the Titan I like calling it the Texas Titan just like a literation everything in Texas has to have the word Texas in it Six Flags Over Texas Texas Giant Texas Shockwave Texas Titan work yeah see oh man this is a really tall lift Hill wow it's a very loud lift pill you a loud LIF pill I said it's a very loud lift pill my brain cannot hear any anything anymore if you can hear us on the video we're at the top of the loud lip Hill oh wow wait let's discuss this oh wait no that's the other ride oh crap here we go wow oh wow that is an intense first drop oh that has to be wow Helix Helix Helix that is so intense oh nice oh my God my face was graying out on that Helix here we go come on we can do it ready guys here comes Texas Titan Helix oh wow that is intense oh woo oh woo yay woo man you pulled some serious G's on that ride yeah oh yay oh man all right here we are we're riding Mr Freeze forwards here at Six Flags Over Texas they do one train forwards one train backwards so let's see forward side first here we go guys get ready oh oh I love it oh oh my god oh wow oh all the way all here we go here we go we got really close to the end of that oh here we go guys Top Hat woo oh oh man that is such an awesome ride oh my God woo wow all right now we have to do backwards and see which one we actually like better I like them both I love that they do one forwards one backwards here oh they need to do this at St Louis all right here we go sideways yay I like sideways coaster riding oh boy all right get ready for it not ready for it we are now riding backwards right let's see which version We like better here we go guys oh I love this guy oh wow oh I love looking straight down oh man best top hat of the world oh man W oh so what do you think forwards or backwards I kind of like the backwards I I think I like looking down at the track especially when you're in the very back seat looking down oh my God that's amazing all right here we go we are on Aquaman like look we we have ponos we're we're ready to go right like shout out to Albert and April here raw doging it yeah at least two of the four of us have ponos I was prepared oh man I'm still really concerned I I am very concerned about this yeah it's called Aquaman Power Wave not like our not Aquaman like moist wave like a tow oh here we go you can watch the track like like all put together you see it over there when that track comes together we're going too I don't want a sclo all right I want to mist oh here we go yeah a light misting is not what we're going to get yeah we just run it like this yes this is nice there no water it's fine great oh I like this no problem at [Music] all this is so much fun oh [Music] crap now the hood goes out here we go oh wow oh my oh we oh my God there is no dry part of the camera lens left at all the camera is now totally wet oh my God how you doing over there I'm very wet oh my God 200% wet wow that uh to me oh my God oh my God remember Power Wave not light misting wave Aquaman Power Wave definitely delivered on the power part that was not false advertising wow all right which can you use more this one bye guys oh here we go see you later oh man look at the view of the car these rides always freak me out just a little bit yes here we go up to the top I do love the purple and green I know it's it's Joker theme but I think party gr oh dear oh crap oh wow oh this is already [Music] happening upside down we're spinning oh man oh I have no idea what just happened here oh how did you guys do over there I think we spun quite a bit yeah you did yeah that was that was good oh crap oh here we go wow what is happening are we [Music] spinning oh man oh wow oh oh my God woo holy crap all right guys here we go we're on Judge Roy Scream that means we need to scream all right this is definitely a classic old school wooden roller coaster you see some new wood here though yeah no it definitely looks like it's been uh refurbished over the years oh here we go it's definitely interesting cuz the ride itself is is kind of technically outside of the park but it it kind of is like right along the road for for 65 you can see there's the rest of the park over that way and here we go oh man our appeal has been denied just like those YouTube copyright strikes right okay oh judge judge don't hurt us oh here we go and we're going to scream oh oh that was a little bit of air time nice wow here we go we're turning we're turning yay oh oh woo oh wow ready woo and here we go final couple Hill one more into the braks wo oh how was that [Music] [Applause] guys all right everybody get ready for a ride on Batman one of the original feat dangling track above your head B&M inverts here at Six Flags Over Texas all right here we go guys get ready oh ly Loop Number One Follow by awesome ser wackiness and stuck it loopy loop oh man oh man I love these old school classic aesome viam mer flippy dippy upside down stuff and more upside down wacky thingss and into the brakes and that is Batman here at Six Flags Over Texas still awesome after all these years all right guys here we are at Shockwave over here at Six Flags Over Texas this is one of the most classic steel Co poers in the world built sometime in the 1970s I think maybe the'80s probably the 70s but we are going to do not one but two loop-de-loops right in a row followed by some crazy awesome airtime and we we love this coaster all right everybody get ready for it all right here we go oh man I see those two Loops they're coming at me here we go ready loopy loop number one woo loopy loop number two right in a row and then here we go little PP air time oh man they do not make roller coasters like this anymore but they should oh oh I love it such a fun classic ride oh oh man I got air time there and crap I got more air time woo there was more literally all kinds of air time all over this ride and if you're in the back scene holy crap ready oh man tooth chipper moment at the end and that is still a kickass ride here at Six Flags Over Texas with a light on all right so we're doing something special here we're doing a lights on ride at runaway Mountain at Six Flags Over Texas look at that this is cool normally you do not get to see this ride with the lights on and it's usually pretty Pitch Black in here all right so here we go guys get ready for it lights on ride on runaway Mountain at Six Flags Over Texas here we oh little airtime Hill there oh man look at that mess of track oh all right here we go here comes the fun drop yay oh man all right here we go helixing with the lights on y ready and one more time yay oh the breakes that was breaks there was like a Simpson's tooth chipper moment at the end right there all right here we go we are we are on pandemonium oh boy see Alysa the two things she loves the most of roller coasters one she loves spinning right and two she loves going backwards so this is going to be her favorite ride ever the H maneuver portion of the ride it's only randomly backwards yeah all right guys get ready here we go let's watch Alyssa's reaction to the spinning here we [Music] go oh we're start we we are starting to spin a little bit we are spinning oh oh oh man here we go oh we're spinning around this Part F oh y [Music] yeah oh that was spinning oh wow that was spinning Air Time need a break how was your backwards spinning ride there was a lot of backwards I'm not going to lie all right guys so we're here riding L Vora over at Six Flags Over Texas this is an older School in bob sled ride some of you might remember this ride actually used to operate a Six Flags F Mountain as the sevo bob sled back in like 1984 I want to think how many of you remember riding this at M Mountain before it actually came here all right get ready for it guys this ride can be a little bumpy ready here we go w w there there is no track just this trough oh man oh that was bumpy man yay F bup just like a real Olympic Bob SL we're Bob sing py puy BP sweing oh oh and that is laiv Bora here at Six Flags Over Texas all right guys here we are on the Mine Train at Six Flags Over Texas this is said to be the very first Mine Train roller coaster of its kind even before Big Thunder Mountain at Disney all right here we go first lift Hill all right get ready for it here we go oh oh man oh it's a little bumpy oh man oh I think we just ran over a squirrel here we go next for the waterfall oh it's a bumpiness into the cave hello cave lift Hill number two all right here it goes it's a nice leisurely stroll around the mine chave and there's chock wave it's nice uh-oh no we're going to start going faster no here we go everyone duck oh there's that cave oh all right heading into the saloon o hello what's up bartender uh-oh uh-oh what is this a crap oh gosh it's dark it's light again and there we have it folks the world's first Mine Train roller coaster ever built I don't like all right guys so if you thought that the Mine Train was too much for you you're in luck cuz Six Flags Over Texas also has the Mini Mine Train it's cute it's tiny and it's just for you guys we're a little bit too afraid for the real Mine Train all right get ready for it Mini Mine Train yay mini M Train mini M Train hello Mr Freeze ready woo there's air time on Mini M [Music] Train we are getting a bonus ride on the Mini Mine Train all right here we go guys here we [Music] go it's technically the kitty coaster but it's awesome here we go straight bit straight bit straight bit straight bit droppy bit y y ready air time on the mini M train and back into the station we go brakes brakes where are the [Music] brakes so it it rained last night and the brakes are a bit wet so we keep skidding past the brakes but this is still pretty fun we're now going to get a triple ride on the Mini Mine [Applause] Train you normally only go around once but here we're going to call this a weather related uh incident where we get bonus rides on the Mini Mine Train thanks to last night weather all right bonus rides on the Mini Mine Train Post in the comments below how many times you would love to ride the Mini Mine TR here we go all ready one more time straight bit straight bit straight bit straight bit droppy bit Air Time bit okay let's see what happens breaks breaks breaks breaks breaks breaks and hooray we made it okay we are on the kitty coaster it is coyote and Road Runner themed here in Six Flags Over Texas where it's a beautiful day it's a beautiful day to show your shame as an adult riding the kitty coaster oh no there's dynamite and and cannonballs and that evil bird coyote just wants to live his life and that road runner is making it so difficult can't we all just live our lives on the kitty coaster here at the flag over Texas okay guys I don't want to get you too excited but you get to go more than once too so here we are lap number two kitty coaster woo Wy coyote I don't know Canyon Blaster I'm just going to make up a name for it what's the name for it you guys know that sounds right okayo did you survive your two Loops a Wy coyote great that was amazing and that bird causing all kinds of issues over there
Channel: Theme Park Review
Views: 151,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: six flags, six flags over texas, roller coaster, roller coaster pov, onride, pov, theme park, theme park review, amusement park, aquaman, aqua man roller coaster, batman, titan, texas giant, travel
Id: vot9dM0Dx_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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