Every Pot in My Kitchen | Kenji's Cooking Show

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hey everyone this is Kenji and today I'm sorting pans so I finished replacing all of the all the doors on my hinges on the on the doors of my cabinets today all well supposedly soft-close but they all now closed and look no more Spoony here but what that meant was that now my next task is to take all the pans that were in those drawers and shelves and sort through them so I have like Oh 20 years worth of collected cookware here that I'm gonna sort through and try and get rid of maybe half of its something like I can't remember like seventy seven pieces something like that alright so we're gonna start with it definitely keep so number one definitely keeping this wok this is a I got this wok for 19 bucks at a target 20 years ago I think the brand was typhoon 2 millimeters thick carbon steel well-seasoned it's essentially nonstick at this point on these things oh this is called the Walkman these are prototypes of it actually they're I think they're now available now the guy the guy who makes him as a kind of shady guy I'm not sure he ever felt followed through with this Kickstarter but if you did happen to get one of these they're pretty neat you stick them over a burner you would take the grill if you stick them over a burner and what they do is they guide the flame up so that you can then cook in a wok and it guides it to the center of the wok the way is sort of wok burner doesn't it intensifies the heat their walk with the lid definite keeper this is like my most used pan what else is a keeper I'm gonna keep this tagine just because I like collecting unique cookware and we actually even ate from this last night tagine I got this one this is electric tagine so it's cast iron and clay and ceramic as opposed to the traditional clay one but it works really well you cooked directly over the stovetop it's a Moroccan Moroccan dish you cooked these sort of layer your ingredients here so like onions vegetables a chicken or something like that and then and then your seasonings and flavors you layer it all in there and then slowly cook it over well traditionally be over a coal fire but you can do this directly with a burner and it kind of is juices go up and drip back down and AB raises and its own juices and it creates a liquid that's great for stopping up with couscous I'm gonna keep these guys these are from Colombia my wife and I went to this restaurant that we really enjoy called a Bosco and book with that near my wife's place and book without my fan her family's based on and they they serve a lot of things in these little ceramic coated tin vessels and we liked them so much that I asked a buddy of mine who owns a restaurant in in Colombia Daniel Costello I asked him if he knew where to get these and he did and they're from a company called industry at chef which are which is in Boca thought we went to the factory and we bought a whole bunch of these all different colors I think they're beautiful for our home and I also bought several hundred of them for the restaurant for worst also we actually served some dishes out of those now so these are definitely keepers these are also keepers these are Colombian casserole as you use them to fry eggs in the morning crispy fried eggs there's sort of an essential part of my wife's pan election all right let's move on to this is a definite keeper so this is a 3 quart sought to slope sided saute pan so it's great for making soup it's great for braising it's great for simmering it's just sort of a great all-purpose pan this is the one I would say probably my wife uses the most and I use it very frequently when I'm not using my wok maybe maybe my second use the most used pan after my walk so that's a definite keeper this one is from Pok so it's really nice I don't know FOXO still makes pans but it's a 3 a 3 quart 2 3 and 1/2 quart sought sought to is that's what that's what you would want small Dutch oven this one is trementina which is a I bought this as a set this was one of my first sets of cookware that I ever bought I think I bought the whole set for like a hundred and twenty-nine bucks or something it was this plus these two sauce pans plus a 10-inch skillet and a 8 inch skillet all for like 100 and something bucks they're pretty comparable to all clad in that there so they're triple clad so they have aluminum sandwiched in between two layers of stainless steel you can actually see that sandwich egg layer here so they you know they're essentially stainless with an aluminum core which means that they transfer heat very efficiently aluminum ISM better conductor of heat and stealing some they're starting to show some haze there's a little bit of pitting on them but these are twenty years old and they're they're great I'm definitely keeping the two sauce pans and I'll keep the Deaf driving because I don't think I have anything else this size really right now so supportable is that this is like perfect for like one chicken one chickens worth of stock no you know what I got something better than this already I got I got something else I'll keep this one is gonna go into the giveaway pile so someone will get a twenty-year a pan that I use for 20 years all right now is skill a saute pan so these are excellent for like browning chicken and braising them for doing sort of in the pan brazzers and stove top things I'm like pasta bakes are great in these let's see oh you know what this is also true montina this came we got this as a wedding gift I think so 10 years old now this came yeah this this one was great it's a 12-inch one as trementina also so also comparable comparable to all clad this one is made in China trementina I think has factories in Brazil and China and in the US if you can't afford an all clad which most of us can't chair montine is a great second option I think I'm gonna keep the great big one I'm gonna keep this small one you know what so all right so there's two medium ones this one is lickers de super fancy one selector is a they they're known for their enameled carbon steel enameled cast iron cookware the dutch ovens and stuff like that but they also have a triple clad stainless line this is an excellent pan we bought this one when I was shooting a Food Lab video series like I sort of fully produced video series where we had a whole crew and everything and we got all this liquors a cookware that at the end of the at the end of the sixth episode shoot we donated it all to the crew and I kept a couple select pieces for myself but you know what the other option is this guy which is hammer stall hammer stall which is an American company their cookware is seven layers so seven layers of steel and aluminum that are sandwiched together it's really really nice and what I like about it is actually it's really nice and light I'm gonna keep the hammer stall and it's also actually you know hammer stalls I would say one of the best deals and cookware out there because I think this pan is something like 80 bucks whereas if you get electrodes a that's like 200 bucks or more maybe maybe even 250 bucks and the whole clouds around that same range hammer stall american-made seven clad really high-quality steel I can't remember the name of the steel but it's a 312 TI or something really nice quality steel and made in a Tennessee I believe Tennessee or Pennsylvania is something around somewhere around there somewhere where my family lives my my extended family lives in Tennessee in Pennsylvania so I'm gonna keep the hammer store someone is going to get this nearly brand new Lecter is a well it's a few years old but I barely used it yeah this will be a giveaway box or the auction box or the charity box or whatever it's gonna end up being mm-hmm all right so these two are keep and then the small ones also a hammer stall hammer stalls little a saute pan keep all those that'll make a nice set of our sauce pans I'm gonna keep all these actually because I really so this guy has that rocket stove bottom it's got like so it's these aluminum ribs that really capture heat from the burner very efficiently they work great on gas burners don't work great on electric or anything else but great on gas burners I would say things boil in this about 30% faster than they do in a in a more traditional saucepan with a flat bottom so this is a definite keeper I don't I think they're called turbo pots maybe something like that so sauce pans I use these all the time so I will keep close keepers back here all right pressure cookers this old pressure cooker I got this one from a giveaway when I was working at Cook's Illustrated at Serious Eats we used to test a lot of equipment and once a year there were a couple times a year there would be a big giveaway where people you sort of waited in line I need your number and then you got to pick from what was remaining in the pile I got this pressure cooker it's it's great it's it's served me well for probably 15 years or so you can see that I I've dropped the the jiggler into the trash disposal I've dropped it onto the burner and melted it but it still works perfectly well nice thick bottom these are relatively inexpensive I think this one's like 60 bucks or so this one I will give away someone will someone will get my pressed oh my well used presto pressure cooker and I'm gonna keep my Kuhn Rikon this one I did when I got when I did a pressure cooker testing at Serious Eats this was the winner of our pressure cooker testing a serious heat so it's a great great stovetop pressure cooker heat sufficiently heats evenly it's got double markings for two different pressure levels if the pressure release is really nice and easy you just lift it up and twist it like that it's got all kinds of safety precautions put in place it's an excellent pressure cooker stay this to stock pots it's always nice to have a great big stockpot for making large batches of stock just just to have like in the back closet somewhere you know I don't frequently make large patches of stock but sometimes I get like a turkey carcass I want to make a big batch of stock so I'm gonna keep this one I will get rid of this one which is also pretty nice actually it's you know stock pots don't need to be there's no point in to owning like a stainless steel all-clad stockpot those things are a waste of money because the sides don't really do anything other than hold the liquid and you don't need those to be stainless steel so even this one that's like thin sided as long as got a nice thick bottom that's really all you need to prevent things from burning on the bottom and even that is kind of optional all right so this is the keeper stockpot definitely keeping these are my two nicest pans these are Falk copper pans so copper is like the best material for cooking with it as extraordinarily high conductivity good heat retention good you know volumetric heat capacity which means that over low heat it'll heat very evenly so you can saute really nicely or you get perfectly evenly cooked eggs perfectly perfectly cooked perfectly browned vegetables in there you can saute onions the whole pan full of onions without them in spots really really nice even heating and they're thick and heavy so that you can heat them up and they store a lot of energy so the great per se steering a steak or searing chicken breast similarly this is a copper this satin so this inside is actually I think Inman video I said it was tin it's not it's like a satin stainless steel it's great though it's like virtually nonstick it's wonderful these are great pans my two nicest fans also I think probably two most expensive pans those are like 250 bucks apiece something like that really great though alright let's move on to nonstick so nonstick this is Calphalon slide so this this particular non-stick pan let me get out of this break glaring light for you so you can see better this pan i know is part of a 2 pan set that i've had not that one where's the other where's the second half don't know where the second half of this set is maybe it's in the dishwasher yep alright it's in the dishwasher my keys means that I either I or my wife has recently used it ok so this is a 2 pan Calphalon slide set they I got these I've had these pans for 14 years now and they have maintained their nonstick coating really nicely for a full 14 years mainly cuz I've been careful with them my wife recently started cooking more and I think that's why there's this a little nick in here now but anyhow these are great pans I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna I know I have other ones now too yeah so in I have this this liquors a which came from that same video shoot so I think we're gonna replace the Calphalon with this liquid a is the small one so I'll give away this Calphalon and then there's this nice medium liquid a also and what is this one this isn't a queen Cuisinart this is also a great pan alright well this one I'm gonna wash it and we'll give it away this one we will also give away my 14 year old Calphalon the one that has been in all my videos and as for the 10 inch so the choices now you know I think I'm gonna stick with the which is the cheapest one this is a $40 maybe $30 cooks standard this is what you would find like in a restaurant so it's aluminum solid aluminum with a non-stick coating ovenproof silicon handle this is like a workhorse this is you'd find this in a restaurant this is a liquid xenon stick which is extraordinarily expensive also never really any reason to spend a ton of money on nonstick we got this for that video shoot it came as part of a set that's why we have it but there's no reason to spend a couple hundred bucks on nonstick because if you accidentally scratch it once it loses a lot of its nonstick properties and then you know it's not going to function the way you want it to anymore plus there's not really that much like this guy functions just as well as this guy when it comes to heat retention and evenness of cooking so $30 nonstick pan is what you want you don't need a very expensive one this one is going to go into the get this very expensive nonstick fan it's going to go into the giveaway pile so someone will get a $250 nonstick pan oh this guy is the big nonstick it's also got this this turbo pan bottom it looks like it has never been used probably because it never has been not sure what I would use it for maybe cooking eggs for like 30 people I would say it's probably worth having around just in case I need to test something the fact that I've never used it means I want to probably keep it because it means I haven't really tested it which means uh yeah let's keep that keep that keep that keep this those three these are all gonna these are all gonna go away bye bye enjoy your new homes alright let's move on to regular stainless steel clad pans are sort of regular old skillets these are used in restaurants a lot I don't use them as much at home as I do in restaurants because I frequently cook and you know things like walks and and I cook larger family-style meals these are great for well you'll see these in restaurants a lot let's just say that let's start with Eden 8-inch guys it's worth having two eight inch skillets I think I'm going to keep both of those this one is a all-clad oh this is actually the very first pan I've ever buy ever bought the the second piece of kitchen equipment I ever bought for myself the first one was a a knife a 8-inch Wisthoff knife that I think I ended up giving away to someone probably an ex-girlfriend or something I think next girlfriend's parents this is a all-clad 8 inch skillet I think they're around $130 but this one has this where is it there's like a teeny tiny teeny tiny little dent along the edge somewhere I can't even feel oh there it is there's a teeny tiny little dent here along the edge which meant it was on sale for like 69 bucks so I couldn't pass that up so I bought this $69 pan I've had it now for over 20 years this is the trementina pan that came in the set works just as well pretty much this as well there's a there's a side-by-side comparison direct comparison of these two exact pans that I posted on serious eats probably 10 years ago 12 years ago you so you can find that there both are great pans one of them is normally a hundred thirty bucks and the other ones normally like 60 bucks 50 bucks I would go with this one if I was starting fresh but I'm gonna keep both those oh man I got a ton of 10-inch skillets we got here alright so this is the tray montina same you know all about that now what is this one this one is made and this is a relatively new company I think they're they're like the Warby Parker of pans or something relatively inexpensive nice pans they're you know triple clad I like that they have these nice child with sloping sides they've got cool satin finished steel handles very pretty pan but I don't need it I'll give it to someone what's this one oh this is the me sent pen so Mesa is a company that started off making knives they make this knife which when it came out I referred to it I refer to it as the holy grail of knives which a lot of people took to mean as the best knife ever which is not what I meant at all and if anyone has seen you all need to brush up on your Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade because that's not what the Holy Grail means you made you chose poorly if that's what you think I meant what I meant is that it's rare and that in that it is a it's a rare find it's a it's a knife that is really high-quality has nicely designed I think it was really nice balance a nice shape and inexpensive so $65 so at that price range there are not that many knives you can get that are better you can get some knives that are sort of equivalent um the told you know DP this knife I think is sixty to sixty-five dollars as well you can get that on Amazon as a Japanese knife similar quality steel slightly different designs so you know there's really a matter of personal taste I like having this angled bevel here on the bolster as opposed to this straight which is why I like this knife better that said me son I know they had some production quality issues in their first couple runs of knives and so people were getting knives that weren't as hard as they were supposed to be the steel wasn't up to spec and some of them weren't sharpened properly though I think since then they have gotten their house in order I would recommend that knife still anyhow they've started they came out with a line of cookware it's nice it's got a yeah it's all got all the qualities that you wanted a pan nice and nice and heavy maybe a little slightly too heavy but you know triple clad comfortable comfortable handle I would recommend this pan I don't think I'm gonna keep it though I'm gonna and I'm gonna keep I know these guys these are again there's hammer stall this seven seven layer clad pans really nice I think these pans are like 60 bucks apiece in fact all three of these pans I think the me send made and in the hammer stall are all like sixty bucks or so much better deal than than an all clad which would which would run you more like 150 160 bucks and these yeah hammer stall I'm gonna stick with those so both of those two hammer stall pans these two the same I've seen on the all-clad I will give away my 10 inch stream on Tina um do I want to keep one trim on Tina in one hammer stall just for the variety yeah let's do that yeah and then I'll give away this almost brand new hammer stall pan I don't know if it's nicer to give away new stuff or stuff that I view like this me having used it give value to a pan maybe for some maybe some weirdos and then 12 inch skillets another hammer stall and this one is a Cuisinart this one I picked up at Target once I think for like a 70 80 bucks 12-inch skillet triple clad very nice I've used it for at least a decade if not longer I think I'm gonna keep the hammer stall and give this one away alright moving on let's move on to carbon steel steel pans all right so these are keeping both of these I know that already a seven inch and a nine inch I think this is Adebayor and this is a mat for bourgeois carbon steel pans carbon steel is great they they're lighter than cast-iron a little more maneuverable great for sauteing but they have the same sort of nonstick properties you know similar to cast-iron they don't heat very evenly heat travels very slowly through them so you kind of need to preheat them over a long period of time otherwise you end up with lots of hot spots in them but once they're preheated they cook they cook up swell I'm gonna keep those these two pins are this is a crap pan this is also one of the first pans I got I think I bought a crap pan because I wanted to make crepes too I like to impress an ex-girlfriend I think I don't know not really sure why but since then I've started using it for making things like smash burgers in it you can use it for make they're great for like grilled cheese they're great for making pancakes carbon steel also nonstick but I now I now have this baking steel griddle that I've used now instead for making grilled cheese well I also have a square cast-iron pan that you for grilled cheese so I don't really have too much use for these anymore so I think I'm gonna give them both away nicely seasoned carbon steel all right and now oh these ones are these ones are iron pans from Australia they're called a scion I think also on yeah they are steel pans they're really nice you know single single piece design cast they're nice and light compared to cast iron I don't really see any reason to keep them because I love my cast iron but you know what these are these are great pans if you're in the market for a great pan and you don't care so much about the fact that it's cast iron or that is vintage and you want a new pan that has a nice smooth surface these are great pasta and they are made in Australia they're probably easier to find in Australia than they are to find here which means maybe when I give them away here it will be worth worth more I don't know because you can't get in here as easily and all right so cast iron here's my cast iron chicken fire this one I'm keeping it's nice it's what I fried chicken in so it's got this nice deep pan for crunch chicken and the lid and the lid doubles as a skillet so you can take a camping with you and make your beans in there and your bacon in here on this on the fireplace it's also great if you're making no need bread so I'll link to my no need bread video up there somewhere but typically for making no need bread you would carefully plop the bread or lower it with parchment paper into a Intuit steep-sided Dutch oven what's great about this pan is you can preheat it in the oven and then transfer your ball of dough onto there and then put this on top so you don't have to worry about lowering it into that deep pan and then you put them then you put this whole thing back in the oven and bake your bread so great for bread great for frying chicken great for camping that's a definite definite keeper I already know I'm probably gonna keep almost all of my cast iron maybe not all of it all right so this is enameled cast iron that electors a enameled cast iron this was a wedding gift from my best friend clay clay and Katie thank you we're keeping those let's see these are a little number three Wagner's both of them number three Wagner's I bought these antique shops I've no idea where but anytime I go out like you know I Drive out of the city into the countryside the more rural areas you stop at an antique shop and I always seek out cast iron when I'm sure when I'm shopping at antique shops that's kind of what I what I do it when I'm antiquing and whenever I find a good deal I snatch it up because they're not making antique cast-iron anymore so the diversity in antique cast-iron of modern cast iron so a pan like this like which is which is Lodge you know they're Lodge is a great brand inexpensive pans well-made but so they they they cast their they cast their iron in sand molds and so you can see that rough texture of them and then they just package it as whereas antique cast-iron they would machine it down to a smooth surface so it's actually easier to build a build up seasoning on antique cast-iron and it's going to be at its peak it's going to be more nonstick then then a large modern cast iron could ever be which is why antique cast iron is so nice to have definitely keeping those alright these four Lodge pans I know I bought these because I wanted four identical from the factory pans all at once at the same time so I could test different methods of seasoning I never got around to that but I will so I'm gonna keep these until then and then I will give them away once they are well-seasoned incidentally one of the methods I'm going to test mainly just to prove why you shouldn't do it is uh with flaxseed oil I know a lot of people have read this article online about why flaxseed oil is scientifically the best oil for seasoning cast iron well it builds up but it builds up a coating very quickly it builds up a nice thick coating very quickly but the problem with it is that it flakes off very easily also and people people frequently will come to me and say hey Kenji like my cast iron is flaking can you help and the first question I asked him as always did you season it with flax oil and so far 100% of the time the answer has been yes i season it with flax oil so if you find that your can't past cast iron is flaking and you've seasoned it originally with flax oil just stop adding flax oil to it the best thing to season the cast-iron pan is just whatever fat you're cooking in so I use grapeseed oil canola oil vegetable oil and so forth at early on with your pan when you're cooking with it just fry things in it so you can saute vegetables you can fry eggs you can fry bacon you can deep-fried chicken whatever you want just fry things in it for like the first several months and then after that once you started building up a good layer of seasoning then you can start doing other things like simmering and making pan sauces and things like that baking but for the early on just frying it and it'll build up seasoning and all you have to do is once you're done cooking with it wipe it out wash it out you can use soap it's totally fine put it back over a burner after you're done cooking with it put it back over a burner heat it up until it's lightly smoking then rub some oil into it with a paper towel and just set it aside each time you do that it'll build up a little bit of coke seasoning each time and very soon it'll be nonstick all right this is from marquette castings which is a modern cast iron company that machines down their pans similar to the vintage cast iron so it's a great pan but it is expensive I think I think they're like I don't know between one and two hundred dollars or so maybe it's a great pan but I prefer my vintage pans so I'm gonna give that one away this is a number 5 Griswold this is a number 5 number 5 or number 6 number 6 Wagner within those this is a national I think a number 8 national this brand I don't really know much about this brand so Wagner and Griswold those are the big vintage cast-iron pan cast-iron companies they're not around anymore national is another one that I've seen a few times here and there I don't really know much about their history though but they're a good pan this one has this kind of raised a little slightly raised lip around the bottom but you can see which means that doesn't work on induction it's difficult to use on like a flat you know glass top electric also so if those are your cook surfaces avoid national but you know Griswold and Wagner work well I want to keep that one here's another oh this is a field filled skillet field company another modern cast iron company I'm gonna they're a great pan I'm I'm gonna get rid of it for the same reason because I like my vintage better this is a number eight Wagner pick another 10 Wagner yeah number 10 I'm not sure could be away it looks like a Wagner could be a Griswold not sure it's where I go or Griswold oh and then this giant guy this is a modern painting company as well butter Pat is the name of the the company I've brought this keep this pan camping before it's great if you need to make a ton of toast to cook up a ton of bacon or eggs or toaster what-have-you for big groups yeah keep it just because it's so unique that'll be the one piece of modern cast-iron I'll keep the rest is all this vintage stuff this is a this is a Chowpatty pen for making stovetop bread chapati so you know Indian Pakistani Indian subcontinent they make bread over a fire and you just put the dough in there flip it over this cost $9.99 I got it at the Indian market a few blocks away I will keep that I have actually I haven't I haven't even used this to cook it I've been working on stripping off the machine oil that's on here and getting a nice and clean before cooking it so I'll probably work on that a little bit later on this is a square Griswold I love this pan this one I'll do it's great for doing under the broiler or I'll this one slides right into the pizza oven so I can like lay out asparagus or broccoli or whatever vegetable in there slide it into the pizza oven Royall the top it's it's it's a wonderful pan oh just a moment Elise yeah I'm sorry my daughter just needed some help with some blueberries this is a lodge grill pan I got this pan I am and I kept it around mainly just to show people why you don't need a grill pan they are they're essentially worthless grill pans what they do is they raise them the food off the bottom and so they sear it only in tiny parts which gives you sort of the appearance of food that has been grilled but none of the flavor it cooks really inefficiently their pain and about to clean because gunk gets all down in there really the only thing they add to food is cosmetic there yeah they're worthless I would much rather if I'm cooking indoors I would much rather have a solid pan so that can get even browning all over which means better flavor more even cooking easier cooking more predictable cooking rather than give them the sort of cosmetic appearance of these grill marks yeah I don't know why anyone would ever own a grill pan but I'll give this one only way that is so maybe maybe if you if you want it for free uses a piece of art on your wall or something that's what girl pens are good for where are we down to alright my worldly pop this is one of my favorite unit askers it is the best way to make popcorn that I know of thin aluminum pan you put a strain in the stovetop put your seeds and butter seeds and oil in there and then it has a little crank that spins him around they cook really fast so like microwave popcorn takes what like three four minutes this thing your kernels are thought will start popping at around 45 seconds and they'll be done popping at like one minute or so it's over 15 seconds ago the whole thing fills up you can then pour in your melted butter and spin it around like this and it and it drips the puttered butter seasons them evenly Whirley Pop Clarke wonderful they make two types of pans they make this super thin aluminum one and then they make a thicker stainless steel one I actually recommend the aluminum one because they're so responsive they're so thin that they don't really retain any heat so as soon as your popcorns done popping you pull it off the heat and you don't run that risk of burning the popcorn at the bottom whereas with a heavier pan it's like you have to preheat longer and they could potentially burn because the heat retains in their mind longer so get the cheapo twirly pop if you if you are popcorn fanatic like I am and what are we down to all right enameled luck cruise a this one my mom bought me for my birthday my I think my 19th birthday right after right after my first summer of cooking when I was thinking about what it would be like to have a career as a cook and my mom despite verbally verbally discouraging me from becoming a cook because according to her no matter how high no matter how well I did is a cook I might as well working at McDonald's because a cook is a cook according to her but no no and sorry no and no insult meant to anyone who works at McDonald's I know some lovely people who work at McDonald's actually but to her credit she did encourage me by buying me this beautiful Dutch oven which I have since like ruined by scrubbing with a stainless steel with stainless steel scrubby's too much by leaving it over the stovetop several times by baking tons of loaves of bread in it but you know what it's Alekos a it's 20-something years old 21 years old it is ugly as hell but it still cooks just as well as it ever did and I think it has some I think it has a nice look to it some nice battle scars I'm keeping this one I know I have another liquid say somewhere it's must be in the closet my bigger Dutch oven that I use is my like single chicken stock pot I'm not sure exactly where it is but that's a keeper too so all right I guess I've whittled down the collection by oh I don't know 15 pans or so that's a good start maybe I'll maybe I'll do a little bit more whittling but it's gonna be hard to say goodbye to any of these anyhow I hope you enjoyed this video I'm going to be making several more videos as I continue to clean my kitchen so I'll probably do one on my knives I will probably do one on all my sort-of plug in kitchen gadgets I will do one on big random things that I have in here and baking vessels things like that hand tools we'll do a bunch of videos on on all the equipment that I have and what I'm trying to get rid of in the reasons why I'm keeping the things I am keeping so that hopefully that'll help you make some decisions on what to keep in your kitchen what to buy for your kitchen alright see you next time bye guys gals non-binary pals later
Channel: J. Kenji López-Alt
Views: 194,554
Rating: 4.9539995 out of 5
Id: _1UL_vgbDu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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