Every Pokémon Introduced Before Their Generation Ever

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[Music] what's going on imperials it's emperor cubone here one of the most exciting parts about the pokemon franchise is a new generation when they dump out a whole bunch of brand new creatures for us to enjoy however every so often there's something interesting that happens and we get a glimpse of a pokemon that we have never seen before without any explanation with the only hint of what it is being the name that it says this is seemingly unique to pokemon since it has specific sets that release at one time for a few years unlike other series where say mario can introduce a new villain with each game and that is cool but not quite as earth-shattering like when you see a new pokemon that you know for sure has not been in the group before not even with digimon since they would add new ones all the time and never really advertised their entire roster the way that pokemon made sure we knew there were only 151 in the original generation hence when you see something that wasn't a part of that we look at it in awe and say that shouldn't be here the closest allegory i can think of is the after credits easter eggs in the marvel movies that give you just a little taste of what's to come in the future so let's dive into all of the pokemon that have appeared before their official generation immediate thoughts jump to togepi since the first generation is pretty well established after all however we'll pump the brakes on that because the actual first pokemon introduced outside their generation was in the first ever episode of the television show with ho-oh ash saw one right at the end of the premiere of the anime and while it doesn't necessarily bear the same color scheme that we see later i think the golden sheen is perfectly understandable given the version it eventually became the mascot for now we can discuss the most famous pokemon that was previously introduced in togepi originally found as an egg this baby pokemon hatched and joined misty for 269 episodes this was well before people had even considered that pokemon might have sequels so seeing the new pokemon togepi being so well fleshed out was quite intriguing and frankly impressive that it came out so far before both toga tick and toga kiss but togepi is undoubtedly the defining pokemon for the specific niche of the franchise but that's not all from johto since in the very first pokemon movie some random dude just rolled up with a dawn fan are you serious what a way to start off your first movie just randomly throwing out a brand new tire elephant pokemon that immediately enthralled everyone watching and captured their imaginations if i had my choice i think this would be the one that i would wish to go back to my childhood and relive the excitement for the first time however each pokemon movie also provides a pikachu short at the beginning which is usually pretty fun and the first movie had pikachu's vacation which also introduced merrell and snubble these two pokemon were brand new and unique to this feature and even though they were in an antagonistic role many fans latched on to these cute new promises of things to come meryl even became so prominent that it became a full-time member of tracy's team in the orange islands at which point we got another film called pokemon the movie 2000 and of course if you can see the cover then you can notice that lugia played a primary part in the story it was the guardian of the seas as well as a master over the legendary birds meaning both gold and silver mascots got revealed before their games came out this movie also heavily featured a slow king that was a sort of sage in charge of the shrines for the birds and interestingly despite being a psychic type it actually spoke normally which makes it one of the few pokemon to ever do so and like last time this movie had a short that showcased more new johto pokemon starting with ladybug which formed a massive cloud that pikachu and company rode on after falling taking them all the way over to the makeshift leader of this group of pokemon being ella kid not everyone might have caught on that it wasn't actual pre-evolution but it made for a good counterpart to pikachu also snuck into this short was a hoot in a cameo appearance and the new branched bellasome also provides a little dance number if people were still wondering about a new group of pokemon coming at this point the display in this movie quickly answered that question once johto was out and canon we got a hundred new pokemon to enjoy however it wasn't long until we saw more creatures that we did not recognize with the first gen 3 pokemon revealed being teclion not just one mind you but two one of which being an erroneous purple color that is not the shiny for kecleon but it seems to have been so popular that this purple one stuck around in other media as well honestly i underestimated the overall zeal for hohen since moore appeared in the short before the fourth pokemon movie this time introducing the baby pokemon azurill as well as a random whale mer for some reason how they choose some of these pokemon to preview is beyond me but the movies are some of the best ways to do that sometimes others just show up without warning in the tv show like why not why not actually does make sense to me given the persistence of wubba fed with team rocket in the anime and they probably just went ahead with showing it so as to avoid a problem similar to the tiny baby pikachu that we can only now assume is severely lacking in proper growth hormones as for the next movie pokemon heroes we can once again see the cover as graced with two hoe and pokemon latios and latias this whole movie was squarely in the johto section of the anime but centers around these two eon twins and their relationship with each other which is an interesting choice since they were not going to be the box art riffs but maybe that was unintentional so groudon and kyogre would pack more of a punch however as you might have guessed this movie also had a short at the beginning called camp pikachu which did indeed show us more hoenn options with duskol and volbeat a strange combination to be sure i would have thought that they would use one or the other and then pair them with either shupit or illumise but i suppose the variety counts for something kekleon appeared once again near the end of the johto league for ash to fight however this trainer was also hiding a blaziken to my knowledge this is the only time a starter has debuted in the anime before their generation and this blaziken not only defeated ash but was his catalyst for choosing owen as his next challenge and i can't say i blame him can you imagine if elaine and the kalos league just casually dropped in a decidueye i gotta say they had some guts back then and when discussing the hoenn region with harrison as he's describing it we see an image of professor birch surrounded by new ho and pokemon most of which are found early on including zigzagoon lotad cdot shroomish sharpedo of all things and whalemer once again i was totally oblivious to the fact that so many hoe and pokemon showed up before their generation ever came out it was actually the most of any region to date including wingle and pelipper which appeared in the very last episode of the johto arc which also happens to be the last episode of the original run of the anime where ash approaches the hoen region as sharpedo and wilmer swim alongside now this was just one week before ruby and sapphire came out but it was still a surprise to be sure the ones i remember best were the sinnoh sneak peeks starting with munchlax in the destiny deoxys movie and just in case there was any confusion it actually evolved into a snorlax in the movie itself but this was a couple of years before the games came out so much lack showed up a lot more in the mystery dungeon and mei even got one permanently to join her team until she left before ash even thought of going to the sinnoh region the next chunk we got to see was in the movie lucario and the mystery of mew and given the cover we can know that lucario was a major focus of this film that spanned centuries which is yet another step away from the cover since lucario wasn't even a legendary pokemon even though it was tailor-made to be internationally popular and that worked so bravo this movie also showed us the new pokemon of weville with a pair being used by an antagonist in the story displaying their power it also introduced us to the baby pokemon of bonsai and mime jr and while they were first shown in this film they too got favorable treatment by later brock getting a bonsai in the anime and james getting a mime junior also all of these sinnoh pokemon introduced in this movie appeared as statues in mystery dungeon before the gen 4 games premiered that'd be like the new pokemon snap having a giant monument to a gen 9 pokemon another dump happened in the next movie manafee and the temple of the sea and this time the cover just gave it all away and shows you everything that's in it obviously manafee is the legendary that is the main focus of this film and sort of the macguffin they have to chase but it also had a chat who was a henchman to the pirate villain who i'm convinced was made specifically because they wanted to use chat this film also showcased a weasel that was a part of a brilliant circus act and we also saw a man tige for the first time and it was unmistakable that this was a baby form of mantine but there is one more with electifier this amazing electrotype once again just barely made the cut by appearing under the command of gary oak in the very last episode of the hohen arc of the anime and yet again seeing this impressive specimen was the impetus for ash to journey to sinnoh in the first place i find it interesting that both elokid and electivire were chosen to be introduced before their generations but i can't blame them because those are two of my favorite pokemon from those regions now for generation 5 we can obviously find the first preview with the zoroarc movie we did actually see it before this but this was our first actual look and we saw its previous form zorua appearing in here as well and that's about it as far as actual physical pokemon appearances however this movie did do something sneaky and showed us a woo bat but only as a logo on a hat honestly i would love more subtle introductions like this but that's about it for the univer region unless you really stretch it like saying that muno was hinted at in gen 1 because they talked about a pink floral pokemon or tortuga since many people draw parallels to that one beta turtle from johto that also shows us tyranitar early but the comparisons are pretty compelling so maybe there is something to it however the unova region did not have a movie focusing on a preview for the next generation the closest they got was mega mewtwo in the genesect movie and some people might count that but a temporary form change doesn't constitute a new pokemon to me but the movie wasn't a total waste the short before the genesect movie was focused on eevee and its evolutions which first introduced us to sylveon and the fairy type in general needless to say it became a favorite almost immediately however the black and white anime did do some of this as well by introducing the character alexa who as we know as a reporter from the kalos region and her main partner is a helioptile who was given lots of personality however she was also ready for battle with having a noivern of all things as well as gogoat which makes sense to emphasize because of the ride feature in x and y but this eclectic grouping of kalos pokemon seemed like a pretty good display of what the 3ds had to offer but once the callow section of the anime started up they really didn't return the favor the only real out-of-place pokemon we were given was magirna as part of the movie for volcanian and while it was pretty cool to see the fact that it was the only new pokemon was a little disappointing well i take that back technically we did see ash greninja in the anime before it was in the games but i'm not sure that one was quite as planned out and i suppose an argument could be made for 100 zygarde because we did see vague images of it and zygarde cores and such before the alola games came out and we had no clue that they were the same legend that we had already seen but apparently that was the end because in the entirety of our time in alola we saw nothing of what was to come in galler so it seems as if this magical tradition might be at an end not even so much as a movie about what was to come because it's gotta be more than just showing the starters in your game announcement trailer there is a huge difference from a pokemon being shown with the declaration of a new game versus years before we could even guess what the versions will be called if we really stretch it we might could say that maybe beautiful i was hinted at early on in the book from the third movie or there's a page with the sun that different people have said could be solgaleo volcarona or even soul rock but it's impossible to say for sure so that seems to be every pokemon to officially be revealed before their generation there are still certain pokemon that have been revealed that have yet to be in a generation such as whatever the legendary beasts used to be before hoho intervened but that's probably just because they're not going to be in a generation it is quite a shame that they have gone away from this unique thrill since finding new pokemon where they shouldn't be is always shocking and injects excitement into the fanbase the way that very little else can and i do expect it to return at some point so be on the lookout for anything you might not recognize in the future what do you think of these sneak peek pokemon let me know your thoughts down in the comments also be sure to leave a like share this video and subscribe so that you too can become an imperial today we'll see you around next time [Music] you
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 88,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword, Switch, Sinnoh Remakes, Hoenn Region, ORAS, Let's Go, Meltan, Pokemon Go, Nintendo, Gold and Silver, Johto, Alola, Regional Forms, Pokemon Anime, Ash Ketchum, Togepi, Ho-oh, Sylveon, Fairy Type
Id: B0Wf17b0Cr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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