EVERY Player Should Do These EARLY Events | Monster Hunter World Guide

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now that monster hunter world is considered completed meaning that there's no longer any new content being added or developed what Capcom have now done is they've added all of the limited time event quests that were previously only here for a short duration be it collabs or Partnerships or just really really cool activities to be permanently added to the events quests with that in mind it might be pretty overwhelming going through all of the event quests trying to sift through and find what's useful what you should cover alas have no fear that's what we're here for in this video I want to cover what I consider to be really useful going over the content that will get you some fantastic collab gear but perhaps even more importantly really useful materials I'm talking decorations I'm talking armor spheres which quests you need to do and when you'll have access to them my name's lighted up Dan and on this channel we cover action RPGs Rogue likes and MMOs to name a few with that said let's jump in have you ever watch wanted to look like Dante from Devil May Cry of course you have he looks badass what a stupid question you my friend are looking for the event Quest code red it's an eight star Mission and you need to be Hunter Rank 14 or higher taking place in the arena you'll face off against ananth odaran Rathalos and then teostra back to back I know that sounds absolutely crazy but each monster will have significantly less HP because you have to fight so many this is true of any Quest where you have to fight multiple monsters so that's something that's worth keeping in mind in addition to the stuff that you're actually after with the event you'll get tons of monster parts and you get 36k zeni making this an all around pretty fantastic Quest a little side note here if you're in the point of the story where you have to do the special investigation to uncover the tracks this leads up to the teostra fight by doing this Quest and spotting teostra at the end it fast tracks it and completes the tracks for you pretty useful little trick so after you've been a badass killed all the monsters got a ton of parts and zeni you'll also get these red orbs this is the key event drop that you'll need to make the Dante gear you've got a gorgeous full red leather outfit looks super cool and badass and guess what you can actually make a sword as well it's a very unique super cool charge blade which is actually pretty good as well yeah sure you've got the guardian armor and the defender weapons but I mean come on you get to be Dante from May Cry and this Quest is super accessible because it's only eight Stars you only need to be hun to rank 14 up next we have another very accessible Quest from early on in your Monster Hunter World Journey once more in the arena A Rush of Blood is a Seven Star Quest where you need to be Hunter Rank 13 or above you're going to notice some pretty cool stuff when you do this Quest first off let's have a [Music] listen damn son those are some crunchy jams pretty cool uh wait what that thing's tiny this Mission sees you facing two odor garens back to back one of them is Tiny and will grant you a small crown a really nice added bonus for this Quest OD garens are a very tricky monster so make sure you've got something to deal with the bleeding such as a cleanser booster or a stero jerky but given that this isn't in the rotten Veil and you're facing them in the arena you should have a pretty good time with it half the challenge of facing odaran is dealing with that godamn aluia and the cramped spaces you have to fight in not to mention the looming threat of getting bloody paralyzed as well when you're done you get to snag yourself a Mega Man ticket I wonder what this could be used for so grab your tickets snag your small crown as well which is just fantastic and let's see what we can go make for our Pico get a load of this a full Mega Man armor set oh that's cool but I mean it would be a it would be so much better if I could get the yeah I know you can get the Blaster too super cool and really unique I think it's definitely worth your time to participate in this collab Quest so this is something that you can do as well if you fancy it that's a couple of really cool collab quests but what about all the ones for the super useful materials one of the earliest and most accessible ways to grab yourself some decorations is the Triple Threat Throwdown Quest you'll be facing off against a greater jagas a greater jeros and DOTA gamma all at the same time inside the special Arena it's pretty straightforward these monsters are pretty simple and you've got all the fun things that you can do in the special Arena as well you'll probably find that the greater jeros will be paralyzing the jagas and stuff like that you can take them on one by one or grab all of their attentions and get them to sort of mess each other up it's whatever again being a multimonster quest they'll have less HP to deal with and I think really the only one that poses a threat is the DOTA Gam because it does hit pretty hard it's got those blast attacks it can nuke you from long range or in short range too but you shouldn't really have any issues there's always the dragonator once you've cleaned house and beaten all three you'll get a ton of materials for the monster parts and hopefully a ton of decorations as well as you can see I didn't really get many here which was kind of a bummer maybe that's because I carved the monsters and you shouldn't do so I don't know either way this is a super accessible infinitely repeatable pretty fast way to get decorations especially early on in the game as soon as you're able to I would do the greatest jagas Quest instead where you don't even need to finish the mission you can just jump in have it spew decorations all over the place grab them and then return from Quest that is definitely the one to do if you have access to it however the entry requirements are quite High relatively speaking you need to be Hunter Rank 50 or above so I thought I'd focus on the triple threat Throwdown instead as that's a lot more accessible to newer players I bet you've noticed what a pain in the ass armos speres are seemingly takes forever to get from bounties and the second you have any in you're upgrading all of your gear and getting rid of all of them don't you worry there's an event for that it's time we go rolling with the uragon another very accessible sevenstar or Hunter Rank 13 and above Quest should mean that most people who have put even a few hours in the base game should have access to it pretty quickly organs are a pain in the ass at the best of times and you have to face off against too thankfully they'll have reduced HP cuz there's two of them so it shouldn't be too much of an issue depending on where you're fighting them there's a bunch of traps that you can trigger with the environment such as the falling Crystal pillars or the volcano eruption that can just help you deal some extra damage against the organs use your clutch claw wisely to tenderize the different parts so you can make sure you hit them properly and get off some really nice extra damage Oran makes for some pretty nice gear as well so definitely check out the armor sets that you can make and enjoy getting double the monster drops for it once you've toppled the Double J Leno tribute act you'll be handsomely rewarded with plenty of Oregon parts and some beautiful armor spheres and they're not the super low tier one either so you'll actually get some pretty decent upgrades out of these try to combine this event quest with bounties that work alongside it such as completing quests in the elders recess to really make use of your time and maximize on the amount of armor spheres you're gaining I'm super conscious of not overburdening you with too many event quests to do at once so I'm going to round us off with one more event Quest you can do to get a fantastically useful component that will help you upgrade your Defender weapons you probably already know which one I'm talking about if you've tried upgrading your Defender weapons up a few tiers after you've crafted it you'll need anath scales to make the first upgrade then you'll need a commendation to do the next one this item is a massive pain in the ass to get typically you'll you'll only have one and you'll have it because you did the Zora magdaros Quest and you're thinking oh God do I have to do that every single time I want to get another Commendation once was enough well thankfully with these fantastic event quests you can actually get commendations by doing other things and one of them is this low rank poison posy Quest that you can do super accessible hunting down a PUK PUK rathen and Rathalos in Ancient Forest once again at low rank is pretty straightforward Ward and quite fun as well since there's three monsters to hunt their HP totals will be lowered as well and they shouldn't be too much of a threat at low rank anyway bring stuff that helps you deal with poison antidotes or the herbal medicine a cleanser booster would be a super useful tool to bring along as well and just do what you do best hunter smash after failing the toxic Trio you will be rewarded with a commendation which was so much quicker than doing the zor magaros quest again you can also do the Kieran the myth quest which is also low rank this will net you a commodation at the end too amongst other things as previously mentioned these are used to upgrade your Defender weapons up through the tiers specifically from tier 2 to tier three if you're anything like me you like using multiple weapons and you want to have various options available to you having a relatively quick and easy way to get commendations makes that so much less painful and allows you to explore using different Defender weapons at higher tiers whil that's everything I wanted to cover here friends that's definitely not all there is to it there's also for example the Final Fantasy 14 Quest against the Behemoth where you can get the draon gear or the other event quest to get the wyver ignition Greatsword super dope but I didn't want to overload you with too many event quests to go and do and make you feel like you don't want to do any of them because it's just too much and no so take this condensed wisdom go forth and get some cool stuff thank you for watching friends if you enjoyed the video you can subscribe to the channel for more action RPGs Rogue likes and MMOs to name a few but until next time I'll see you in the New World
Channel: LightItUpDan
Views: 69,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter World, MHW, MH, Monster Hunter Rise, Monster Hunter Sunbreak, Rise, Sunbreak, Monster Hunter Iceborne, Iceborne, Monster Hunter Wilds, Wilds, Tier List, All Weapons, All Weapons Guide, MHW Tier List, Easiest Weapon, Hardest Weapon, Best Weapon, Strongest Build, OP Build, Weapon Tier List, Decorations Farm, Rarest Decoration, Deco Farm, Rarest Deco, Strongest Deco, Best Deco, Strongest Decoration, Best Decoration, MHW Events, MHW Best Events
Id: y6V84nqNihY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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