Every PewDiePie's Pet Death Compilation (UPDATE)

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I can actually go to the nether round with Jurgen I just have to like I want to see if that's possible it seems like a terrible idea ah you're against drowning what no you're again went through you can come back come back come back damn it god damn it you're getting you crazy on second thought no the hell I got a teleport you're kidding hey what a sheep time to pain Oh actually works [Music] [Music] who it was just supposed oh oh I can't believe it what the ship was like a father to me alright we need a new water sheep I need a new water sheep new volunteer are you coming with me oh my god hey what are you trying to escape to your war sheep now you should be proud say goodbye to your family that's right you'll never see them again this is your this is your new home now that's right what their sheep number two what the Sheep used to love this belt welcome to hell this is your new life [Music] this is how you live life now I've jumped I'm sorry I'll put you down I'll put you down Walter she was like a father to me if it isn't chicken sheep huh come with me come with me chicken sheep you will pay for what your ancestors for the crimes of your ancestor just keep moving and don't ask any questions you got that you got that there will be bone okay let's see all right chicken okay maybe I need to put the famous the famous block of justice no but in the subject he's escaped oh no no chicken chicken sheep was like a father to me you were the cause of all of this weren't you more Joe no more games no more play I'm gonna give you one chance to surrender tell me who you're working for wrong answer oh no about cow sir damn it I was trying to get rid of the boat my god please don't make a big deal out of boat cap please okay gamers I don't really know I need guidance I need guidance what to continue I need water sheep to tell me what to do what to sheep we have brought you a sacrifice hey DJ play the sacrifice official song alright DJ play the sacred song and sacrificial all what does she please accept our humble offering whoa what is that Sven it's a book it's called epic unit so there is a way to communicate thank you for your sacrifice please find a map to the nether fortress thingy water sheep are you off with begging you might wanna watch out faggy [Music] how much how much does fade you mean to you Jay big is everything to me you know that the sad thing is I don't think I'm gonna be able to take Figgy with me okay wait so I can get away from there come here faint thank you okay Peggy I got a let's build a house for faggy Chaplinsky honey I need some medicine turn around why Peggy I'll kill you as many times as I want Jack are we doing up here sheeps having a great time farming Spanish back yeah where did he spawn in the wall I forgot because there's a new skin [Music] FEMEN see oh my god yeah get yo get run run yet again run move move move move move ah make a buck then they said oh my gosh are you okay oh he's fine you're again have fun is he coming back he's coming back oh my gosh the amount of time I try to get him in a boat how does an Pig such a dumb idea you I imagine it oh my god please not today Sven I'm sad too but something has to be done sorry how I just hit that one hey buddy me and Sven they're looking for a new companion are you available we're just chillin huh he loves me your name Swedish names are running through my brain Bernie it's not a good name Bernie the Beast you're officially part of the bro gang the raid has started it's killing time Bernie for your again aah kill oh my god why did I do this at night kill them back off pissants how is there so many the youngling stop running child that's right Bernie no one messes with a there's no time for emotion they're there in the name of Jurgen i smite thee cowards hey don't shoot Bernie Bernie sensitive Oh run Bernie you a peepee poo-poo can the real peepee poopoo please stand up baby there you are people boo all right people you're free oh my gosh look at his help peepee are you okay how do you heal his help I'm only doing this because I know the nine year olds are gonna be like oh how do I splice you wow that's so cool how do I activate it I was trying to heal him you put this on what's your name it's baby Bobo everyone knows people purple has two lives everyone knows that it's the second rule of Minecraft who created it not how many lives does people hope I have to everyone knows that people Papa was your dad boohoo I lost my dad Wow grow up peepee poo-poo to pee pee to poop yeah I just realized I'm not gonna have space to bring back everyone oh hey look people poop I made it back as well that's awesome oh look I have new friends in both hello new friends in boat ha how does that make any sense stop printing stopped printing boat always shooting his friend in his friend boat oh no you're on fire now alright we're going together now I don't care what you think about me we're gonna be friends just go in there [Music] they can't like you know come back here thank you like say your last sorry you slimes good hello it's time oh hello konnichiwa don't touch me you're fired out so you guys told me that these can't actually hurt me no they can which makes it more pleasurable to destroy you oh damn I got some money fifteen all right I will kill you then you can live oh my God he's still here you're you're doing your best mr. slime slime slime what should I call you you're my new best friend [Music] stay back your roles stay back your own fun okay you're with me roll don't be scared Rolf I have you look he's wearing a little hat that's so cute you're so cute oh my gosh he loves boats that's your favorite thing roll are you scared roll this will be the first time you see sunlight Wow get them Rose you're doing it awesome [Music] why everyone I love I just keep hearing them flipping and popping but no freaking and friction you know what I mean I know I'm not supposed to be in here but come on guys Oh oh my god is happening oh my god they love each other finally don't let me disturb you I'm not even here bad bad bad bad thank you how do you even get in here how where's baby [Music] you we got to travel far in the south maybe I should kidnap these people in the south actually I Tia Byrd did I CIT a bird or am I crazy I can't bard you can't ah alright fine you're coming with me IKEA bird how did you sneak with me so this is one of the first and biggest villagers I ever traded with you haven't refilled already it's been days my god no he went into a cactus
Channel: Gameplay Café
Views: 1,847,814
Rating: 4.7327394 out of 5
Id: z46FelQJwGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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