Every Martial Art Type Explained in 12 Minutes

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karate karate originated in the ryuku Kingdom now part of Japan with influences from Chinese kung fu although karate has various different styles many of them include striking techniques such as punching kicking knee strikes and elbow strikes along with open hand techniques like knife hands the philosophy behind karate involves not only physical training but also a focus on mental discipline and moral character practitioners learn forms sparring and self-defense aiming to develop a character of self-control and respect it uses the classic belt system that goes from white to black Taekwondo Taekwondo is a Korean martial art famous for its focus on high kicks and fast kicks just like karate Taekwondo also aims to unite body mind and life and in doing so to promote peace Taekwondo is mainly recognized for its head height kicks jumping spinning kicks and fast kicking techniques that are often used by movie actors because of its flashy style although it usually only consists of kicks it became an Olympic sport in 2000 showcasing its Global popularity and the athleticism required to perform its dynamic techniques iido developed in the early 20th century in Japan its name means the way of harmony with the spirit and it focuses on using an opponent momentum and movements against them practitioners redirect attacks rather than confronting them with Force iido techniques include throws joint locks and control over aggression it is now practiced in over 140 countries iido also separates itself from other striking Arts by allowing its practitioners to wear baggy clothes to practice throws that require a grip on the opponent's clothes Muay Thai mu My Thai known as The Art of eight limbs utilizes fists elbows knees and shins for striking making it a feared and brutal stand-up fighting technique originating from Thailand it has deep historical and cultural significance muai Thai training includes heavy physical conditioning such as hitting the bones with hard sticks mental discipline and most importantly respect for other Fighters the fights end with two fighters bowing and kneeling to each other showing their respect no matter who is the winner it is usually possible to see bracelets on Fighter's arms which is a tradition that comes from Thailand Judo Judo focuses on throws and ground techniques including pins joint locks and chokes developed by jigoo in Japan it emphasizes the principle of Maximum efficiency minimum effort it is often seen as the standing jiujitsu since it uses Brazilian jiu-jitsu's principles in stand-up fighting Judo is both a competitive Sport and a means of self-defense teaching practitioners to use leverage and balance to defeat stronger opponents it also involves training with baggy clothes just like iido jiujitsu Jiu-Jitsu focuses on close combat unarmed or with a minor weapon and its core philosophy is to manipulate the opponent's Force against themselves rather than confronting it with one's own Force for this reason its name means yielding art it was developed to combat the samurai of feudal Japan since there was a need to fight against armed and armored opponents without having weapons or just using short ones since striking against an armored opponent is ineffective they noticed that the most effective way of neutralizing an armored enemy is through pins joint locks and throws just like in Judo but using the attacker's energy against himself instead of directly opposing it jiujitsu students are sometimes taught potentially fatal or crippling moves such as joint locking throws and break falling skills to allow them to practice dangerous throws more safely in non-competitive settings Judo actually comes from jiujitsu Brazilian jiujitsu Brazilian jiu-jitsu specializes in ground fighting and grappling the fights usually start from the ground unlike many martial arts with a focus on gaining a dominant position to force an opponent to submit via joint locks or choke holds Brazilian jiujitsu was first developed by a Brazilian family after the family was taught a hybrid of traditional Japanese jiujitsu and kodakan Judo by a traveling Japanese judoka the family developed their own self-defense system called Brazilian jiu-jitsu which kept evolving through generations becoming what we know today what makes this form unique is the fact that it uses opponent's own strength and weight against them allowing smaller fighters to take down bigger opponents which is very rare in martial arts Brazilian jiu-jitsu became famous for its Effectiveness in mixed martial arts kung fu kung fu is a collective term for the various schools of Chinese martial arts showcasing a rich variety of techniques and philosophies its Origins stretch back to ancient China making it one of the oldest martial arts it was developed not just as a form of combat but also as a means of spiritual growth some Styles mimic the movements of animals While others are inspired by Chinese philosophical Concepts or historical figures it includes dance-like movements and training with traditional weapons while the fighters wear traditional baggy Kung Fu clothes that are similar to iido Krav Maga Krav Maga is a practical self-defense system developed for the Israeli military focusing on efficiency and instinctive movements designed for real world situations it combines techniques from boxing Wrestling iido Judo and karate and uses moves that would be considered illegal like eye pokes or biting practitioners learn to defend against various attacks including grabs strikes and weapons focusing on neutralizing threats quickly and effectively such as knife and gun arms because of the obvious dangers there are no Krav Maga competitions it is said that for a competition you need rules and when you have rules it is no longer Krav Maga training focuses on awareness aggression and preparing individuals for the unpredictability of war capoa capera is an afrob Brazilian martial art that combines Elements of Dance acrobatics and music developed by African slaves in Brazil it was disguised as a dance to allow practice without detection by slave owners capoa is known for its quick and complex Maneuvers predominantly using power speed and leverage for a wide variety of kicks spins and other techniques training promotes physical fitness Rhythm and creativity embodying a rich cultural heritage it is one of the most interesting martial arts out there Wing Chun Wing Chun is a style of kung fu known for close range combat and very quick punches developed in southern China its techniques focus on efficiency and simplicity practitioners utilize stance and structure to generate power aiming to control the center line the most direct route to an opponent Wing chun's rapid punches and close-range attacks make it effective for self-defense in tight spaces boxing boxing often called The Sweet science or the art of hitting and not getting hit is a combat sport focusing on punch combinations footwork and head movement originating from ancient civilizations it evolved into the modern sport known today governed by The Marquis of Queensberry rules training includes sparring heavy bag work and various drills because it is so famous it is known to be the bestp paying martial art often allowing good boxers to earn big percentages of money where other martial artists would have only made a little amount allowing a decent boxer to live off only from their boxing income kickboxing kickboxing originated in the mid 20th century combining elements of traditional karate with Western boxing to create a dynamic striking martial art it was developed as practitioners from different Marshall backgrounds sought to compete under common rules allowing punches kicks knees and occasionally elbows and it is usually considered boxing with kicks just like its name suggests is a Soviet developed combat Sport and martial art that includes Judo wrestling and traditional Russian fighting techniques aiming at both self-defense and sports competition practitioners Master throws like iido joint locks like jiujitsu and Ground Control tactics like wrestling emphasizes quick transitions from standing to ground positions preparing competitors for versatile and dynamic encounters combat another style of allows regular punches kicks elbows and knees as well as Soccer Kicks headbutts and groin strikes except for standing or flying wrist bars silent silet refers to a class of martial arts from Southeast Asia particularly Indonesia Malaysia and the Philippines known for its fluid movements an incorporation of weapons and animal inspired techniques training includes strikes grappling and weaponry reflecting the rich cultural traditions of the region silet practitioners or pesilat learn to blend offensive and defensive Maneuvers seamlessly often within dance-like forms that disguise the Marshal aspect of their movements taii taii often spelled taii is a Chinese martial art practiced for health benefits it uses slow flowing movements and deep breathing promoting calmness balance and flexibility originally conceived as a fighting form its techniques include Push Hands and combat applications however many practice it today as a means of stress reduction and exercise focusing on the harmonious circulation of internal energy savat savat also known as French boxing is a martial art that combines elements of Western boxing with graceful kicking techniques very similar to kickboxing and mu Thai however savat kicks must strike with the shoe and in this regard it differs from tie boxing and kickboxing which use the shin and swing the leg in a different manner originating in France practitioners called savatours wear specially designed shoes and engage in a sport that prizes precision and Agility techniques include a variety of kicks punches and combinations usually developed from street fighting skills saat training emphasizes Mobility accuracy and tactical finesse esrea esrea also known as arnus or Ki is a Filipino martial art famed for its weapon-based fighting particularly sticks knives and other bladed instruments it also includes hand-to-hand combat joint locks grappling and weapon disarming techniques training often begins with weapons to build coordination and flow which are then applied to unarmed combat kyokushin karate kyokushin karate is known for its rigorous training and full contact sparring masutatsu oyama was the founder of the kyokushin system of martial arts after studying several martial arts Styles he found that none offered what he felt was the true way he began practicing alone and developed his own training fighting methods and philosophy because oyama's technique was so powerful and realistic he gained widespread recognition in Japan and soon a huge following of wouldbe students around the world wanted to follow what they coined the strongest karate Maz oyama named his system kyokushin which translates to the true way or the ultimate truth Wu Wu or modern Chinese martial arts showcases fluid acrobatic movements with traditional Chinese weapons and barehanded techniques it is both a full contact sport and a performance art since practitioners know as woou athletes train in various styles that mimic animal movements or are inspired by Chinese folklore and history Wu competitions feature choreographed routines judged on technique execution and artistic expression similar to gymnastics wrestling wrestling with Origins tracing back to ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greece is among the oldest recorded forms of combat it focuses on grappling techniques such as clinch fighting throws takedowns and pinning an opponent it has evolved into various Styles globally including Olympic sports like Greco Roman and Freestyle Wrestling and numerous folk Styles unique to different cultures like Turkish oil wrestling the fighters aim to outmaneuver opponents through Superior positioning and leverage wrestling's long history showcases its fundamental role in human competitive spirit and physical conditioning taon taon is a traditional Korean martial art recognized for its fluid and dynamic movements that emphasize natural flow and Rhythm it is thought to have been developed during the joseon dynasty it stands out for its softness and the use of circular movements making extensive use of the legs for kicks and trips along with unique hand techniques the art is also noted for its P baly stepping technique which ensures continuous motion and balance tyon a cultural treasure stresses Harmony between mind body and spirit embodying a deep philosophical Foundation Systema Systema meaning the system in Russian has its roots in the Russian military and has been changed over centuries this martial art is known for its emphasis on biomechanical efficiency flexibility and the body's natural movements Systema covers striking Gra app Ling weapon defense and employs breathing techniques and most importantly dirty moves like eye poking or biting although it is very similar to Krav Maga both of which were developed by militaries Systema separates itself by focusing on relaxation and breathing correctly to control energy consumption as much as possible where controlling energy consumption is especially important in intense and long situations like War it is known to be deeply influenced by Russian Orthodox Christian principles mixed martial arts MMA has a history that dates back to ancient civilizations with the modern sport emerging in the early 1990s through the Ultimate Fighting Championship in the United States the UFC was found to answer the long debated question which martial art is the best later on fighters in the UFC were forced to adapt to be able to fight with martial artists all over the world and developed their own Styles all while respecting UFC Rules like no 12 to6 vertical karate elbow strikes or kneeing kicking an opponent that is on the ground MMA combines the best techniques from various martial arts including boxing wrestling Brazilian jiu-jitsu Y taii and Judo challenging fighters to be proficient across multiple combat ranges it is usually considered the ultimate martial art for self-defense and street fighting if you want to discuss this video or suggest an idea for the next one join my Discord Link in the description
Channel: The Paint Explainer
Views: 200,729
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Id: DIPL-IHldog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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